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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads





    My wall. Don't feel like uploading it to facebook.

  2. I got the ninjas ready and everything.


    HURRY. :fear:

  3. You do realize you're going to be killed for being so late, right?

  4. :LOL:


    I want to go sleep nao, so night to me, evening to you. :LOL:

  5. Yeah, their singer...I hear he likes trees.

  6. Nah, they're a little bigger than us.

  7. :chuckle:


    Uh...so this band Muse...ever heard of them? :LOL:

  8. :LOL: Yes I do dot my eyes. Off to the right usually. :awesome:
  9. That's win. :awesome:


    I just comment on something random when I have nothing to say.

  10. Irish one is awesome as well. :happy:

  11. I want an English accent. D:

  12. Wisconsin in America - home of the worst accent EVAR.

  13. Yeah.


    :LOL: I've heard a lot of people say so on here.

  14. :LOL:


    I hear you have cool accents.

  15. 9:59 PM.


    Still Wednesday.


    You're like 20 hours ahead of me.



    Or wait, what time is it there? :LOL:

  17. I has to go to band practice soon so byeee. :happy:

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