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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. Awww.


    :chuckle: Welcome to my life.


    Oh dear. :LOL:

  2. Yes it is. But I want gigs. :'(


    :stunned: She doesn't want you to go?

  3. Aww.


    Hey, I flew halfway across the country for my Muse gig just to see them open. ;)


    Yeah I want more tour dates. AMERICAN DATES NAO PLEASES.



  4. :awesome:


    Before or after September? :chuckle:


    I've been to one of the opening for U2 gigs. I was seated, so it didn't feel like I was really there, but THEY WERE FUCKING FANTASTIC. :yesey:


    Oh lucky. :(

  5. Aww try. :yesey:


    Yeah I think he was...when did you join?


    Yeah I know, but we has Facebook. :happy:


    :awesome:! I like H.A.A.R.P. but it's kind of average compared to some other Muse gigs.

  6. :awesome:! Have fun with that.


    Kris Nottingham. :awesome:


    His parents blocked the boards from him after they looked through banter. :LOL:

  7. Yeeeees. I'M EXCITED. And scared. 'Cause I'm shy. BUT EXCITED. :awesome:


    Moose boards indeed. :yesey:



  8. :awesome:


    I AM. :awesome:


    Yeeeees. We met over the boards and then we started to like each other and now we're sort of e-dating, but we're kind of not because he hasn't been on for like a month and a half.



  9. Aww. :(


    I've got a gig tomorrow and band practice tonight so I'm pretty good. AND I GOT TO TALK TO MY KIND OF SORT OF E-BOYFRIEND TODAY. Yeah. Loooooooooooong story. :LOL:


    You're regretting answering my visitor message.

  10. :chuckle:


    How've you been. SERIOUSLY. ANSWER. :fear:

  11. :LOL: That's what I've been thinking.
  12. Oh...:erm:...:(


    Yes I do. So was Maddie. :awesome:


    I liked Maddie=Muse. It was like Musemom. NO CHANGE. :fear:

  13. I was talking to Maddie. I asked her about the name change. DON'T QUESTION MY MOTIVES. :fear:


    :awesome:! Why so good?

  14. I feel like randomly commenting because I discovered yesterday that's how you get more friends. :awesome:


    HOW ARE YOU? :awesome:

  15. It's on...what's it...it's a thread on banter, it's like sporcle or something.

  16. :awesome:


    I was taking a Muse quiz, naming like 114 songs.


    I got 103 (I think) without checking the wiki.

  17. I had a much better attention span when I was younger. :LOL:

  18. :awesome:


    Greek mythology is :awesome:. I taught myself the Greek alphabet in 6th grade.



  19. Oh because of the 9 muses?


    The 9 muses are Greek I think so it would actually be Heracles instead of Hercules.



  20. :awesome:


    And it all sprouted out of a name change.


    Maybe I should change my name. :LOL:

  21. I'M TAYLOR.





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