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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. Cross multiply 3/4 and 1/2?

  2. Hmm.


    I don't like fractions. :noey:

  3. 1/2 of 3/5 and 3/4...does that mean adding 3/5 and 3/4 and then multplying it by 1/2? :erm:

  4. Same. :indiff:


    What are you doing in maths?

  5. :stunned: But that doesn't work. :stunned:


    I'm surprised I don't have homework.

  6. :LOL:


    Apparently they do it with other things in different states, like in Georgia they drop a peach. :wtf:

  7. Aww. :(


    I've only been to New York once.

  8. How depressing. :stunned:


    I was talking in Banter last night about how the whole ball drop nonsense is stupid. :noey:

  9. I sing and play keyboards (they'd all add "supposedly" or "sometimes" to that, they love me really. :rolleyes:). :happy:

  10. Yeah it's any other day, but...:happy:


    I played a gig with my band yesterday and then I was bored. I didn't even see the countdown. :LOL:

  11. Yay. :happy:


    So how was your New Year's?

  12. I like loads, I'm a bit all over the place. The tracks that I've got on my main playlist by the Beatles are Come Together and Helter Skelter though. :happy:

  13. Aww thank you. :happy:


    I do a bit actually, I've got a bunch of albums on my iPod, but I've got no idea where to start, suggestions?

  14. Transition you in? :LOL:


    You're Sammeh, and you're ossum, there's your transition. :LOL:

  15. Really? Come join us, we're hanging out in someguy2012's love boat.

  16. I kind of want a shiny undertitle. :LOL:


    OMG you don't know the story of CCC webcam chats. They're the lulziest thing in the world. We just stare at each other, say stupid things in a chat box, and watch each other's reactions. But we have one talker who makes us giggle loads. :LOL:

  17. Sorry, Mozzie and I...we've spoken on webcam and stuff, so my vote goes to her. :LOL:


    True, but I luff her. :happy:






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