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Everything posted by Elenor.

  1. yayayay!

    high telephone-bills. :awesome:

    but the parents pay anyway.

  2. Nope, I haven't.

    I'm on holiday and can't go on the internet everyday 'nd all. :)

  3. I read you'll be back on August 11th? :D

    just in time for cake! 't is my birfffdaayy. :pimp:

    enjoy your holiday, though. :kiss:

  4. c'est magnifique. :pimp:

  5. maar .. stoerder dan Bassie en Adriaan? :awesome:

  6. Super stoer. :awesome:

  7. D'aaaawhh! I've heard Xu's, Daphne's, Tiia's, Karen's and Mozzie's. aaaalll so super cute accents. < 33
  8. what happened yesterday? I think I've missed some serious shit. aand yes, you never hear your own accent. but yours is really cute. plus, I'll make a video soon! <4
  9. True, true. Sorryyy for my whining to the people without tickets. <4
  10. hihihi, I shall read from a school book or something. and noo! your accent is so cute. René, accent video. yes?
  11. Aaaahh, fanks guys! and yeees, it's a ticket. but I like Ginnie's more. !
  12. BIOLOGY NERD. hihihihi I love your accent! & I shall make a video later.
  13. Do you want mine in Dutch/French/German/English?
  14. awesome-O 3000? :awesome:

  15. hihi. aaawh, fanks. :happy:

  16. for president 2012!

  17. haha, aaah. Boys mostly don't answer their phones, no.

    Whereas me and my phone are best buddies. <3 and thanks!

    I'll take a look at it. :happy:

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