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Super Sammy!

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Everything posted by Super Sammy!

  1. Everyone usually complains they can't go anywhere without their phone - in my case, I neeeed my iPod :supersad: it felt so wrong leaving it here when I went out last night :p


    Ah, NZ has great audiences, so I'm glad when bands do come, they might want to be drawn back because our crowds are good :LOL:

    When do you find out the test score? If you did well, you are so getting evil eyed. :phu:! :p

  2. In an attempt to reply to this, I managed to end up on my Online Banking website. LE FAIL.


    Anyway, hi Doodles! :awesome:

    Don't worry about not talking to me - we'll just use the old "I've been so tied up at work lately!" excuse! :chuckle: besides, there's nothing like time apart sometimes - gives you more stuff to talk about! However, in my case, as usual, I have nothing to talk about...


    I've been up to very little, to be fair, seeing that no-one really does much around here these days, I've just been chilling at home, really... School has been pretty busy and all lately too, I dislike it! :( but only three more weeks, and then I'm done with secondary school FOREVER. Then it's time to start planning my Europe trip! :D


    Surely you have some news?! I'm an old fart too these days, I've even resorted to nana naps sometimes :LOL:


    MUCH LOVE :awesome::kiss::kiss: /toolazyforsize+colours

  3. Well, I listened to the song enough on my iPod, all I did was look at the lyrics on that :chuckle: YAY FOR BIG SCREEN ON iPOD :awesome:


    I know I do, but as previously explained, do not get concerts here :( AND PSH, BITCHPLZ. I bet you did better than you thought :phu:

  4. Well, shit happens, you have school, I have school, etc etc :( don't worry, only three more weeks, yo. Then I've got a few exams here and there, then I'm done with secondary school forever :awesome:

  5. I spent a few days learning wtf Regine was saying :awesome:


    I've never gone to a concert, that's the thing :( well, I went to the Big Day Out (festival over here), but that was a Christmas gift, so mum and dad paid for that anyway :p

    And I bet you didn't fail :phu:

  6. Responsibility, actually having to do shit :awesome:

  7. Go back to our old visitor messages.


    Man, we were so gay.

  8. I can't, I have homework :(

  9. I can say the Haiti words :awesome: however, I sound funny speaking French because I have a lisp :(

    And I can never buy online things :indiff: seeing my parents never let me use their credit card to buy stuff and me pay them back, I am just forced to hope and pray I can get stuff some other way :LOL:


    See, you didn't do that bad! :awesome: I dislike statistics, SILLY SUBJECT IS SILLY :p

  10. Just think, this time next year, we'll both be 18 :awesome: AND SO OLD :awesome:!

  11. I'll PM you after I reply to this. Sorry for being late, I had work...


    Anyway, yeah, I agree it's a bit more industrial in a way, I'm getting NIN vibes from it, as Iddy pointed out to me (which I noticed after she said that...).

    Nah, not Bellamy nasal :p you can notice a fair bit of difference though. I have not seen Intention Craft thing though :( I've only ever really listened to the albums and a few live versions of album songs... And yes, you do have a beautiful voice, it sounds like an angel to me :awesome:

  12. Happy birthday, Joey! Welcome to being one step closer to being an old man :awesome:

  13. Oh, and how did your calc test end up going? :p

  14. I learnt how to say Miroir Noir with a French accent :awesome: I've made a mission out of it to learn how to sing Poupee de cire, poupee de son now :LOL: seeing I've got a grasp on some pronunciation, hopefully it won't take days :awesome:


    Miroir Noir looks interesting, though. Sadly, cannot get. :(

  15. WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. :phu: I downloaded it on its overseas release date then, IF WE MUST BE OFFICIAL! :p


    Lies! I've got other people agreeing with me :phu: I feel like you're going to love Blitzkrieg. It's like a mix of awesome dance synths and prog music. I love it! :awesome:

    I really, really dislike how Jon has gone all nasal though :erm:

  16. Of course. I didn't torrent the leak though! :phu:


    It really is a mix of TDT and AVO...

  17. I did not torrent it. :phu:

  18. Fine then.


    Oh, by the way, I have Hammer and Anvil :cool: I'm cool like that.

  19. No problem! :awesome:


    Now it's officially your birthday :chuckle: happy birthday for real now! :awesome:

  20. Haha, happy birthday (for tomorrow for you, seeing I'm 12 hours ahead in NZ!). I went in the Pokemon thread and a moment ago you were 16, now you're 17 :p have a great day, yo!

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