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Super Sammy!

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Status Updates posted by Super Sammy!

  1. You got exams or something? :(

  2. That's now two years in a row I've freaked out wondering who the shit has my address



  3. Hey mate, cheers for that recommendation about those earbud things. They arrived today and it's so weird having in-ear headphones that don't feel like I'm shoving pens in my ears :awesome:

  4. The visitor message below mine :p

  5. Why haven't you taken up those peru tours, bbz? xx

  6. I thought I did, but I just wasn't sure and knew it must've been aaaaaaaaaages ago :p



    I think I gave it to you, I can't remember. THANKS ANYWAY YO :awesome:

  8. Congrats and good news about everything mostly coming up clean! :awesome:

  9. Happy birthday to you, missy ;) HAVE AN ENORMOUSLY GOOD DAY. Or I'll slap you or something. YEAH. <3

  10. Don't worry, I'd rather slap you with the cold hard fish that is reality than let someone else do it first :awesome:

  11. It only gets worse :(


    That said, you kind of give up as you get to 6th form :LOL:

  12. I'm doing uni revision - you'll very quickly miss the days of GCSE study :LOL:

  13. I really thought you were older than that. :LOL: I remember when I started regularing here, everyone was freaking out about their GCSEs. Good times :awesome:

  14. I'm sorry, I can't help but admire how ridiculously awesome your avatar is.

  15. Good stuff. :cool:


    I'm okay! I just spent the weekend down in Wellington with a couple of friends (hence the rather late reply), now I'm back home and ready to do uni work YAY :awesome::(

  16. Hi! :awesome:



  17. I swear you got the 'g' in your username capitalised. :shifty:



  18. I never realised you changed your username :chuckle:

  19. No-one likes Tom Cruise though :noey:

    HI SARAH. I'm Sammy. Of course it'd take Sherlock to figure that out. Freakin' intense CSI shit right there. :p

  20. Just stealing your visitor message virginity just in case you get famous or something. Then I can be all, "I knew them before they were famous..." :awesome:


    Also, I wanted to ask your name. :p

  21. I'm sorry, do we know each other?



    :chuckle: I got sick of being called Douchey :p


  22. I'm not an Aussie, but I'm a New Zealander :awesome:!



  23. Zomg, Liz is Australian? :awesome:?

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