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Everything posted by nevermind572

  1. Stockholm Syndrome. When I first got into Muse, SS was my favorite song (or one of them). I only had Absolution and listened to it constantly, until I discovered all their other amazing albums, and I got sick of SS. Just recently though I watched the music video for it (american version) and remembered how awesome it is. Same for TiRO. That was the first song by them I've ever heard. So naturally the one I listened to most when I first started to like them. Also Falling Away With You. Pretty much the entire Absolution CD, really. I also recently discovered(for the first time) the awesomeness of Hoodoo. I always skipped it at first but now I love it. I actually made a playlist of all my 'reject' muse songs and forced myself to listen to them- Screenager, Hoodoo, Ruled by Secrecy, Soldier's Poem, and a few others were on there. I like all of them now (though admittedly I'm still not totally crazy about RBS)
  2. I had my first Muse dream about a week ago I don't remember how it started... I just know that at some point, me, Matt, Dom, and Chris and 2 of my friends were walking into my house. But in every room we went into, Matt would go through all the drawers, look through my stuff, and examine random objects, all suspicious like. Then, we were all sitting on my parents' bathroom counter, just talking I guess. I remember Dom looked weird, like he was made of plastic. But Matt and Chris looked normal. Then Matt picked up my guitar and started playing it really badly and singing about how he thought my friend was a poseur and how he hated her earrings. (?) Then everyone left the room except Matt and I, and Matt was digging through my parents drawers. I went over and tried to make conversation, but he just turned to me and asked, "Will you buy me some soaps? Don't worry, it'll only costs £40. I'll pay you back later, in U.S. dollars if you want." I had no idea what he was talking about, but he explained that he meant he wanted me to buy episodes of soap operas to watch (on DVD I guess?), and he showed me some blank looking DVD discs he had found while rummaging my parent's room. (Apparently I still had to buy them though.) They were all unmarked, except with pen marker labeling them each a random letter. And we had to figure out which one to watch... I said, let's just pick a random one, so we did. But to watch it, first we had to put it into my computer and sort through a bunch of still images from it... I don't know why. They all looked like they were from Little House on the Prairie. There were loads of them and it was taking a really long time, and it was boring, but I didn't really care. I remember thinking, "Wow, I can't believe I actually met Muse, and that I'm talking to Matt :D"... then I woke up. Random, I know. None of my dreams ever make any sense whatsoever. Also, throughout the dream I was noticing that there was something off about their voices, and when I woke up I realized it was because the entire time they had been speaking in American accents... weird.
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