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Everything posted by SuperGinge

  1. Apart from myself. :awesome:

  2. I'm a good girl. :p

  3. I haven't been stoned since November! I sort of miss it....:erm:

  4. Chinese is delicious! :happy:

    Maybe you should stop getting stoned so much and be a good little girl like me and sleep! :p

  5. :chuckle: I went out for a Chinese tonight with my mates. Totally full of food now. I'm watching The Hangover now.

    'It's frowned up....like masturbating on a plane.'

    'I'm pretty sure that's illegal too...'

    'Yeah, only since 9/11 when everyone got so sensitive....thanks a lot Bin Laden.'


  6. :LOL::LOL: Alan is so awesome.

    Y'know what, I think i'm gonna go nab my mum's copy of The Hangover and watch it before the Chinese :happy:

  7. Yes :happy: I actually went and saw it with Tom and his mate when they came to Birmingham :awesome: It's brilliant. Love Alan so much <3

    'Excuse me, you probably get this a lot, This isn't the real Caeser's Place is it?'

  8. What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay.

  9. Baxter you are my little gentleman! I'll take you to foggy London town.

  10. 60% of the time, it works everytime.

  11. It does to me, and that's all that matters! :p

  12. :chuckle: I blame everybody but myself.
  13. :p it was pretty funny

    Tbh, I haven't been on skype in ageeessss.

  14. :LOL: That was one time!

    There hasn't been a hugeeee skype conversation in ages! I miss them! :(

  15. :chuckle: You've heard me drunk before. :p
  16. Urmmmm, I really don't know. :LOL: I had far too much to drink last night. :chuckle:

  17. Tbh, I don't even remember writing that...:LOL:

  18. Niks you'r s sillkj @: :)n xxxxxxxx

  19. Aaah fair enough, sounds like sports day :p

    Yeahh, I literally have nothing to do though. I'll probably want to go back to school after like a week. :( How long do you get off?

  20. I'm assuming track is cross country?

    Yeah i'm goood thanks, it's Easter holiday so i'm happy! Two weeks off! :happy:

  21. Nick! I haven't spoke to you in forever! How're you? <3

  22. Hey Gary :) Yeah, i'm still here, just not as often as before what with exams and stuff. I know! It's been a while! :( I miss you too! Aww, why'd you delete facebook/what happened to your msn? I have a new msn for when yours starts to work again, it's hannahplaydon@hotmail.co.uk :) It's fine, no need to apologise :) Yeah, i've been good thanks :D Going to Leeds festival this year again! :happy: How've you been? xxxxxxxx

  23. :chuckle:

    Aww, you should drink, but not too much! DRINKING IS BAD. :noey: I have a party next week apparently...:chuckle:


    Ooooh, how long do you get off for your beak then?


    Awww, but just think, eventually you will have a MAC! :awesome:


    Nahhh, i've never heard of him. :chuckle: Would be cool if I had though.

  24. Bloody hell Kandice! That must have took you forever!

    *licks Kandice's face*

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