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Everything posted by SuperGinge

  1. But how likely are they to do that?

    Yeahhh, tbh, thinking about it, I haven't listened to them properly in ages either. Still my fave band though. <3

    Can't say I have tbh, elaborate please! :)

  2. Jet packs are awesome though :)

    :ohmy: but MUSE :( <3

    What happened in New Jersey?

  3. Love you too <3

    INORITE. :awesome:

  4. Not if you use a jet pack! :)

    Trudat, more Fury please. :D

    It's too late, I've told everyone. No more getting away with it! :p

  5. You could just climb the fence, then you don't need to worry about anything...other than climbing. :LOL:

    Pffttt, nothing wrong with a bit of Uprising, good song to dance to innit!

    Yes! I know your Americanisations! Spring Break is just an excuse to get pissed. ;)

  6. Are you going to like, break into the zoo or something?

    How about more of everything?

    Oh hush your mouth. Do I have to bring up "spring break" ? :p

  7. Did you do it? YOU GET TO FEED GIRAFFES?! :( We don't! :(


    Freshers week is the first week of university. Loads of social stuff gets organised and you pretty much spend all week drunk. Spent at least £100 :stunned:

  8. :LOL: Yeah! Go to the zoo! :awesome:

    Nooo, they should play more from OoS though!

    Yeah, but i'm a student now! And it's freshers week! I'm allowed to be drunk all the time! I swear i've spent all week either drunk or hungover. :LOL:

  9. :LOL: and as soon as you realise how dangerous they are, you'll come running back to me!

    Yeahhh, Europe is pretty good for festivals :)

    INORITE. If they'd played dead star I would have died....literally.


    Omg nick, my liver has taken such a severe battering this week. :awesome:

  10. I do! They're bloody dangerous!

    Yeahhh, I really want to try it this year, there's so many stages you're bound to find something you like!

    Setlist was

    1) Uprising

    2) Supermassive Black Hole

    3) MK Ultra

    4) Map of the Problematique

    5) Bliss

    6) Guiding Light

    7) Hysteria

    8) Citizen Erased

    9) Nishe

    10) United States of Eurasia

    11) Ruled by Secrecy

    12) Feeling Good

    13) MK Jam

    14) Undisclosed Desires

    15) Resistance

    16) Starlight

    17) Time is Running Out

    18) Unnatural Selection




    19) Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1 (Overture)

    20) Stockholm Syndrome


    Encore 2


    21) Take a Bow

    22) Plug in Baby

    23) Knights of Cydonia



    :chuckle: I just about survived......JUST!

  11. D: Have they been stealing your things? :p

  12. Wheyyyy, where was it?

  13. Aww no :( where did you last have it? <3

  14. :chuckle: a bit. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't agreed to do some overtime today, just wanna sleeeeeeep! Love you toooo <3
  15. It's just a fancy word for bad. What I mean though is I feel really ill. I drank too much last night, got in at quarter to 3 and had to be up at 9 to get ready for work. Such a bad combination :( <3

  16. Only because you don't understand my perfectly rational fear of geese and swans. :p

    Hellz yeah :awesome: it's at the end of June I think.

    OMG IT WAS AMAZING. Almost cried like twice <3

    Also, never go on a bus with a hangover, it does not help at all, think I might vom. :(

  17. <3 kris I feel vile :(

  18. :awesome: Shush, people aren't supposed to know! :p
  19. It's only geese and swans. Any other birds i'm fine with!

    You actually should! Refer to my other post about drinking and dancing. :awesome:


  20. Not even a little bit out of the ordinary. A fear of pickles is out of the ordinary. Awe, you should go, or come to Glastonbury and we can party and drink and stuff :awesome:

  21. <3

    It's not strange! It's perfectly normal!

    No wayyy, I want to go!

  22. :LOL: fail. :p

    I like the word ruckus, even though what you described sounds like my worst nightmare. Pretty sure I would just hide under my quilt and sob.

    Well we both fail at knowing where it is. It sounds German though, so I'm going to say Germany. Google it. :awesome:

  23. :LOL: double post for emphasis? :p

    Okay, you tell me I'm overreacting when they break your arm! You'll get no sympathy from me! Are there even geese/swans in America?

    I know, I really want to go to Glasto! Wanted to for years! :(

    I dunno, pretty sure the festival season is coming to an end now so probably, where is pinkpop?

  24. I don't think you'll be able to tbh!

    I dunno, sometime next year probably. I'll hopefully be going to Leeds again next year, really want to do Glastonbury as well. :D

  25. They pretty much are! I can see the evil glare in their eyes!

    Yeahhh, got pretty bad post-festival blues now. Really want to go back. :(

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