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Status Updates posted by Graceful

  1. Good, thanks! And yourself??

    My exams start next week so I'm spending waaaaaaaay too much time on here, it's just so hard to get the motivation to study! Haha :facepalm:

    Although on Friday I bought tickets to Muse's show in December in Brisbane! I'm so excited!! :dance:

    What's been happening down your neck of the woods? :awesome:

  2. :D


    So you got tickets to the first sydney show right? :awesome:

  3. Hi there! Long time no talk! :D

  4. And rightly so! :p

    Haha good idea! I would forget to move it though... :LOL:

    Because I can't be bothered listing everything, here is a record of the gigs I've been too :D

  5. Hi Min!


    How are you going??

  6. 181 days, apparently!

    I should mark that down on my calendar... I did that for Splendour, I started at 80 days and I'm down to almost 50 but it doesn't feel like that long since I got tix!! So it seems to be working :D

    Have you seen many other bands live? :awesome:

  7. Haha, unfortunately my home is about 6 hours (drive) north! So I kinda needed somewhere a bit closer... lol.

    Yah they are expensive, but I went and saw Coldplay last year for 145... totally worth it though!

    Haha I haven't told anyone else my plans for the day, I'll just wait til like the month before and be like "by the way, I've planned to meet up with all these people I don't actually know... hope you don't mind tagging along" :chuckle:

    Yeah we should just have, like, a massive singalong, that would be epic!!!

    At least with the pillars we're guaranteed of being able to see at least a bit of the time :LOL:

  8. Yeah, it's like a complex of apartments. It's expensive as hell and doesn't include food or anything but hey, it's a place to stay! :LOL:

    I did a happy dance too... YAY! :p


    Yeah... it'll be hard though cos everyone will have other people they're going with (I'm assuming so anyway). I'm going with my brother, sister and a friend. They'll all think I'm crazy, wanting to line up so early... but they don't understand :noey: haha.


    Yay for this being your first Muse concert! I can't exactly say I'm a veteran, but they will BLOW YOUR MIND :D

    I saw them at BDO in Melbourne this year, I was just to the left of Matt, about 4th row back... I had to literally fight to stay on the little platform thingy at the front of the mosh because otherwise I couldn't see, haha (I'm rather short, lol). But it was TOTALLY worth it :D

  9. Haha, yep :D

    But how do you say it..? Do you say it as cally-OPE or cal-EYE-op-E ?

    If that's even decipherable.... :LOL:

  10. Haha, I just realised I poster my reply message on my own profile... and that was, like, a few days ago :p


    Here's what I said: :LOL:

    Oh really? I know someone who goes there!

    Re-thinking your question, I technically call QUT home, as I'm on campus, lol.

    Yay for GA12 tix! *high five*

    I was surprised at how quickly I got through too!

    And yeah I agree about the barrier thing... I feel so mean though, haha.

  11. Hi :D

    Just noticed that your username happens to also be the name of the town in which I grew up... :LOL:

  12. Oh really? I know someone who goes there!

    Re-thinking your question, I technically call QUT home, as I'm on campus, lol.

    Yay for GA12 tix! *high five*

    I was surprised at how quickly I got through too!

    And yeah I agree about the barrier thing... I feel so mean though, haha.

  13. Endeavour College of Natural Health, it's a little uni on Water Street in the valley, as none of the bigger ones offer acupuncture. Where are you studying?

    Haha really, you can only change it on the first of every month??? :chuckle: that seems a tad silly :p

  14. Yeah, I'm studying Acupuncture :D

    Ahhh I see, now I understand why the thingy under your username says 'political muser', lol. I still can't figure out how to change mine... :confused: haha.

  15. Hi!

    Thought I'd bring the conversation here, rather than bring the Brissy thread off topic :D

    Haha, I'm first semester now so after this year I still have 4 years to go!

    What are you studying? :)

  16. You. Are. AWESOME. Thanks! :D:awesome:

  17. Hi! How's it going? :D

  18. Yay, less than two weeks now til the release date!! So excited! :D

    Exogenesis definately sounds epic, I especially love the first part. I don't really have a favourite (from what I've heard so far) but I think Undisclosed Desires sounds really interesting, and You Belong To Me seems really different, funky, even :p

  19. I suppose it's pretty good here too... :p

    What do you think of the song previews?? Got any favourites so far? :happy:

  20. Hi! Click here. Do it. I dare you :D

  21. Hi! How've you been? How's Argentina going? :p

    Oh and if you could support me that would be great please :D

  22. Hi! Just want to say that I love your sig! :LOL:

  23. :O No way... are you high or something?? :D

  24. Hi! :D How's it going?

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