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Status Updates posted by Graceful

  1. Hey!


    Thanks for the pic, it's awesome :happy: where do you get the pictures you use for them from??


    Just out of curiosity, what bands do you like apart from muse? (clearly muse is your favourite band, just like me :))


    Hope your start to the new year has been as good as mine :D



  2. Hi :D

    Wow that's so cool that you love horses, I've been riding them since I was 8 and still love it!

    YES of course Matt is a genius on piano, as well as on the guitar, plus the way he sings sometimes sends shivers up my spine because of the sheer power and beauty of his voice *sigh*

    And of course, Dom is a genius with the drums and Chris with the bass!


    I can't wait to hear their new songs! I wonder if they'll give us a sneak preview of them... I hope so!


    And now that it's officially the first of january 2009, HAPPY NEW YEAR!



  3. Hey! :D


    I was just listening to your remix! It's rather cool :) but what's the bit at the very start, before the music starts? and what does the person say?

    I like the random inserts of a horse whinnying (but perhaps that's because I love horses... I got a job riding them all next year!! xD) and of the planes


    I'd say the thing I love most about muse is that their songs aren't all about the same thing, like you said! xD I love them all too :) Those songs are among my favourites as well, they're the kinda softer, more musical ones. I also love knights of cydonia, bliss, supermassive black hole, sunburn, new born and then too many others lol.


    I can't believe it's almost 2009... muse's 10 year anniversary since releasing their first album!


    If I don't talk to you before then, happy new year!!



  4. Aww thank you so much!! :hug:


    I think it's so cool that you're from Argentina, I'd love to go there one day!! And yeah Australia is cool (well it's not atm actually it's pretty hot :p). It's only drawback is that there's no snow (or very little snow in the high country down south) in winter... and I love snow!! But oh well... do you get snow over there?


    My story... well... is pretty much like yours!! Although I'm afraid I haven't been completely obsessed with Muse (as I now am :p) for as long as you... I first heard Knights of Cydonia only about a year and a half ago, and then fell in love with it and Starlight. I then checked out their site and was like 'OMFG this band is SO UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME!!!' or something to that effect. I now own all their CDs and all their music XD


    I'm having a little trouble getting your remix (did you make it??) but that's probably just because my computer is extremely slow!


    What are your favourite/least favourite muse songs now? :musesign:


    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and have a happy new year!! :xmas:



  5. I'm in Australia... I'm guessing you are too?? Oh wait your page says Argentina... is that where you're from?? Cos that's awesome :p


    Your page is really cool!!! How do you make them? It must take such a long time to make that many, you've gone to such an effort! But it's turned out really well :-)


    So what is your muse story? :p


    You have a nice day too now! :D

  6. I’m good!! It’s pretty bloody hot here though :p Can’t wait til new years!!! :D How are you?


    Oh and of course, a very merry christmas and a happy new year to you too! :)

  7. Hey thanks for the christmas message!! It is truly wicked :)

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