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Everything posted by naget4music

  1. Yaaaaahy I'm excited! This'll be the first concert I'm going to by myself but will hopefully meet up with some friends after. DO people have muse after party connects? If they even do that...
  2. Thanks so much for the reply!! I just don't think a dslr is right for me anyway, because I don't know a lot of the applications. But at the same time I still like to play around and have higher quality photos. But my friend actually bought one so I might be able to play around with hers before I make any decisions. But I'm also a poor uni student so I'll need to save for 6months before I go buying anything....gives me a lot of time to decide.
  3. So unfortunately my canon lens is stuffed, beyond an affordable repair for me. I roughly got a year and half out of it :/. Here's the last good photo I took with it! This time round I'm probably thinking of making the switch to a compact system camera and also moving from canon to nikon. While keeping my compact camera for nights out anyway. Siiiighhh going to have to save for awhile... But does anyone have any experience with both nikon and canon? And with the compact system cameras?
  4. Dude I have not seen you round these parts for agesss <3

  5. I was all ready to do this July photo a day challenge then I fucking dropped my camera. On the lens, in its' hugely padded bag and it wasn't enough. The lens won't come out to zoom and makes various clicking noises, the camera is not under warranty anymore so when I go to get it fixed I'm expecting it to be a whopper
  6. Did you make it? My friend tried it and only made it to march I really like to get outside for my photography, I just don't know whether I'd have enough time to do it throughout the year. It would probably be most valuble, but I also don't have a DSLR and I'm not sure how much I can extend my camera's capabilities? Yeah, fucking winter aye! Maybe you'll have to set it for when day lights goes back. How's the course going? I kinda want to do something like that now!
  7. I think I'm going to partake in a daily photography challenge for the month of July, because I find I never try to extend my photography skills. Something like this Will have to see how I go.
  8. I thought you were in Sydney Matthijs Had to go to Deano, but they're all fantastic photos tbh.
  9. Certainly not! You have a well tuned eye for things and yeah the tunes are rocking! If you ever tour in oz I'd be there (Y)
  10. IntelligentAl I meant to stalk your flickr because I've always loved your photos, but I clicked on the band link and loving the music too! Keep up the creative? work!
  11. Yeah I just came in here to comment on that one, you're toats like aw this is awkward awkward and he's fully into it
  12. Haha! I always hate the thought of someone going through my photos! And oooo Do post here when they're done! I've got that party shooting tonight, I've turned up the flash times two so there will be no make up to see but everyone will be seen
  13. Car shots are like 'bro check out my wheels, theys sick cunt'
  14. So I've landed myself the job as the photographer for my friend's 21st this Saturday. Don't expect he'll have high standards, but is there any advice for night photography? E.g. any settings, or adjustments I should be making? Matt your input would be greatly appreciated because you know my photo details a bit. or any party photography advice at all...
  15. I was just stalking your fb and thought I'm better to say it here, but you have quite the eye for things. Those shots make me feel like sorting out my camera issues and getting back into it & make me feel all warm and fuzzy
  16. Yes, I remember all of these! I don't think I spend enough time to be a mod. But srsly I only remember people who came to stir shit getting warnings. I seem to be getting them as a bonus card!


    Omg Sven, I got a mac and I'm absolutely hopeless at using it!

  17. Wendigo tho? Yeah it's gotten quite a bit lame tbh. And the fact that so many people don't admit to a clique makes it even worse.

  18. Yeah but I can see it and it pisses me off, all my infractions have been from the nazi mods. I've done plenty worse before this lot. Anyway, how'd you get by with so many different accounts D:

  19. I think I'm going to delete my account and get a new one because I have all these fucking warnings all over my account.

  20. Sorry for the super late reply, I've just had work, lazyness and other things.


    Thank you! I really appreciate it, I find that people don't appreciate when I get serious about things so tend to ignore. But yeah, the word is still a bit iffy, I asked dad if he believed in equal rights for female and male and he said yes, then I said he was a feminist, and he wasn't happy. lol. And yeah people can do what they freaking want. and that's alright! Thanks for putting up with mine!

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