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Everything posted by cutemuse

  1. Arvasin :p Sulla on vaan niin söpöt hiukset! :kiss: Mä haluisin just tollaset jos mulla vaan ois suorat hiukset.. :rolleyes:


    Hyvin täällä :LOL:

  2. fuck... Again i wrote on my profile... you check it there :LOL:

  3. Hello! :)


    Fine thanks. Hows you?

  4. Moi taas!


    Ootko sä itse tuossa profiilikuvassa?

  5. Hyvää vaan, pikkasen kipee oon mut muuten ihan hyvin :)

  6. Yeah well thanks :kiss:

  7. Thanks :LOL:


    Cool :D well okay, windy, clouds, sun is shining once in a while... :LOL: But i'm sick, so it doesn't bother me, cos i'm not going out today :LOL:

  8. Ups i wrote again on my profile.... :LOL: You watch my message there :p

  9. Is it? :LOL: Yeh well i don't suck as much as I seem to, but still i'm not the best in english either :D Where are you from?

  10. Hi Erica :)


    Ammeeria? Yeh well she didn't :LOL:


    My names Kamilla, but you can call me Kamo or Kami :D


    Talk to ya:kiss:

  11. Hello!


    What's up?

  12. Heya!


    How are you? :)

  13. Moi Kaisa!


    Mitäs sulle kuuluu? :)

  14. Well usually them who i have seen here, or you know, who were in the chat at the same time, or something, but not all of them... I don't know everything about this place, what I can do..

  15. No.. Sry I added you..

  16. Well, now you have talked. :D And Bliss_88 and i-am-MOSES added me too, still they never talked to me before.

  17. Yeh :D


    Howa are you?

  18. Well I don't know anyone from here, still I got over 40 friends :D Does it matter you?

  19. I don't know you either :D


    Hows you?

  20. I gotta go too :(


    Yeah, talk to ya :D

  21. Nice, well here people stare at you if you look any strange you know... And finnish people drink too much :D But we're nice. I guess :D


    LOL But I'm off now, talk to ya later :)

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