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Everything posted by cutemuse

  1. Yeah :LOL:

    Well dunno, eat candy cos it's friday :D And on Sunday I'm going to Sweden, with 7 other pupils.. Some school stuff u know.. And we live there for about a week and live in some swedish-finnish pupils homes.. Sry my bad english :D Oh yea those pupils were here 2 months ago, now it's our turn to go there... Oooh I can't wait to go to that ship whatever boat :D :D Viking Line :LOL: With my friend... :rolleyes: What are you going to do?

  2. Hi :) I'm fine thnx :D And you?

  3. Juu kiva, kiitti :happy:

  4. Heyy :)


    Added you on msn, ok? :)



  5. Moi :)


    Lisäsin sut meseen, kai se käy? :)

  6. Moooi :)


    Lisäsin sut meseen, kai se käy? :)



  7. Maria :kiss:


    Could I get your e-mail address? I'll gotta send you something :)

  8. Haha jeee :D Mäki oon kyl vähä piupau ollu viime aikoina.. Varsinki koulussa :D Mut pitäähä hauskaa olla :happy:

  9. Moi, hyvin menee kyl :) Paitsi et sisko ( 23 ) alotti ton lukion nyt ku oli jättäny sen kesken joskus 5 vuot sitte ja ei siit nyt tuu mitää.. Sil on kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö, jos tiiät mikä se on, ja tää meiän elämä on vähän tällasta piupauta.. :D Mut joo, mul mene kyl ihan hyvin :happy: Sulla?

  10. :LOL: Haha ai jaa :chuckle


    No.. Onhan se lähempänä ku mun synttärit; 14.1. :LOL:

  11. :happy:


    Uh varmaan kauheeta :eek: Hii onnee millos ne on? :D

  12. Maria<3


    Haha love your ava<33 :kiss:


    How's you?

  13. Haha moi :D Hyvää tietää :) Just tulin koulusta, eka päivä kasilla.. Huh, ei niin kauheeta ollu, paitsi tää jakso on kauheen rankka :(


    Entäs siellä?

  14. Oh sorry dear:$


    Love ya :kiss:

  15. Yep :happy:


    Mad? For what?:stunned:


  16. Hey!!!!:kiss: Me too :)


    In London! :eek: But I'm back now :happy:


    Awwh have a nice time! :happy:



  17. Nice to meet you too :) Oh no I don't think it is :LOL:

    Good :happy:

    Yeah I will! Tho I have a sorethroat but it doesn't matter!:happy:

  18. Hey Sinclair ( nice name, I've never heard of it ):)I'm fine :happy: I went to doctor and they said that I'm better now:D I'm Kamilla:yesey:

    Ouch that's bad:noey: :yesey: Do that :yesey: Hope you feel better soon:happy:

  19. :DOuch a hangover... I can only imagine how does it feel:p

    I kinda hate talking about the weather.. So I won't mention it again.. So let's stop talking about it:LOL:

  20. Well fever has gone... So I'm feeling better, but my sister's feeling bad, so we'll have to move that trip for a week...:( But I hope the weather's good still...:D

    Awwh :( Hopefully it doesn't come again :) You need to drink something :)

  21. Good :) 28-31 this month :p Hope the weather is not rainy then... ;)

    You too :kiss:

  22. Thanks:)Yeah I don't think that this lasts for ten days anymore..:LOL:

    Boyfriend aww:)I love kinda that:happy: I hope your things get better soon:)

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