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Everything posted by Catherine18

  1. loves ya most est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est in the supermassive universe ever :)


    :( aww no that aint good :( im sorry to hear that something got you down today. You can talk to me about it if you want? you dont have to if its personal but im always here for you if ya need a chat and a huggle *suppermassive supertight squeezy hug* :kiss::kiss:


    im glad your wrist is feeling better though! :)

  2. :LOL: loves ya the most-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-est-estest :LOL::LOL:

    yeah im good thanks :)

    aww i hope your wrist gets better soon *sends healing thoughts*

    *hugsies* :D

  3. :LOL::LOL::kiss: loves you most-est-est-est :LOL:

    woooooooooo you're back! :party::yesey::happy:

    ive missed ya!

    im good thanks :) how are you?

  4. sorry:( been spending a lot of time in the PMT :happy:

    yep, speak to you soon :)

    i shall shimmy into the PDT :LOL::LOL: :D

  5. Maria!!:D:D:D

    yep il be online this evening so il speak to you sooon! :D

    LBellie! :LOL::LOL: I love that word!

    yes indeedy i has a loveboat, its all shiny and new :happy:


    thats a link to it (i hope it works)

    miss youuu :kiss:

  6. heya, how are you? :D:D

  7. luves you most-est!:D:D:LOL::LOL::LOL:

    lots and lots like jelly tots!


  8. luves you toooooo lots!:D

  9. cooooool :) yeah im good thanks :) hope you have a good time in Raahe! I'll look forward to talking to you tomorrow :D Miss you too! :kiss:

    *supermassive hugs*


  10. just dropping bye to say heyloo, how are you? hope yee has had a gooood day! :):D


  11. :LOL: i thinks i will, il speak to you sooooooooon :D:D:D:D

    nighty night :kiss::kiss:

    *waves, does shuffle dance back and then collapses asleep on bed* :LOL:

  12. :D:LOL::LOL::LOL:

    im glad you are all good :happy:

    im so sleepy-fied :LOL:

    yay! :LOL: *waves back and does a little crazy dance*


  13. hehe no you cant win!:D how are you today? cant stay online for very long but thought id say helllooooooooo :D


  14. you is! you is!:D:D

    i has to go now and have dinner :( but il speak to you soooooooon!

    mwah :kiss:

    *supermassive hugs*


  15. you are a legend!:D:D:D

    no questions about it! you are! :D


  16. thank you!:kiss::kiss::party::party::D:D:LOL::LOL:

    you are a legend!!!

  17. THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *super super super massive hugs*!

    you've made my day! thank youuu!!!!


  18. :D:D:D

    nopes i dont have a luuffff boat

    aah wow thats awesome!!! :) have you kept the bottle? thats so cool! :) you should treasure it forever!

    thanks :happy: yeah im working 6 hours tomorrow but i think i get a 30 min break to rest my feet-sies so hopefully it wont be too bad :)

    im good thanks :D little bit hot at the mo but im sat infront of a fan to cool me down so its all good :D

  19. good good :) yeah im gonna go on the PMT and do some maffo spamming:LOL:

  20. hell yeah we rock:LOL: autumn rocks :LOL:

    yay! :) glad you had a good time at the concert! :\mm/:

    my feets are better today thanks :D although i has to work again tomorrow which sucks :(

    awwww hope your body recovers from the concert ache-ness soon :kiss:

    how are you today? :D:D

  21. Heya Bonnie :) no worries, im good thanks how are you?

  22. yeah im the same, i like autumn as its not too hot or too cold. just right:LOL:

    ooh within temptation? I think ive heard of them, il look them up on youtube! Hope you have a good time!

    Im good thanks, apart from my feets. my feets ache bad :LOL: had to work for 6 hours today and didnt get to sit down once which was evil :(

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