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Everything posted by Catherine18

  1. ah right i see:LOL: does your mum ever get discounts on those cool hair products like the tigi bedhead ones? My ex boyfriend is a hairdresser and just managed to get him to get me some at a discount price to last me through a couple of terms at uni. yays :LOL:

  2. thank you :) i feel loads better now, just got a bit of a cough and an occational temperature but i was able to go into work this morning which was good :) yeah i miss our chats too :(

    :LOL: yeah ive been drinking loads of tea and its definetly helped :D


    *supermassive hugs back*

  3. awesome! ive always wanted to dye my hair blonde! does it take long to get the right shade of blonde? because i remember the last time i tried it went ginger instead of blonde haha!

  4. my flu is much better now thanks. temperature has near enough gone and i went into work this morning so its all good :) haha yeah i was on about an hour ago but i had to sign out quickly afterwards as i had to go out. but yeah its like you see someone online and then the next thing you know they have gone

  5. nopes haha! but i managed to have the soup and not feel ill :) i fell asleep in the front room for a while:LOL: i actually managed to walk somewhere without collapsing yay!

  6. sorry, went offline from the muse boards for a bit to go on youtube cause there didnt seem to be many peopleys around. its so quite on the boards today:ninja:

  7. thank you ammmmm!!:kiss::kiss:


    i have got the flu and those picys of maffoo have really cheered me up!


    *supermassive hugs*



  8. nopes you didnt , im onliney :)

  9. yup i think you have my number cause i remember messaging it to you when my laptop was all broken

    not sure if ive given you my emaily though drummergirl_cat@hotmail.com :)

  10. miss ya loads! im good thankoo! hows ya?

    hope you are all good:D


    sending lotsa love your way



  11. i miss ya loads amm


  12. miss you too maria:'(

  13. wow lots of new peeps have joined since ive been offline! yay! matt's hair is getting the appreciation it deserves
  14. heya maria :) im not going to be able to get online that much over the next few weeks as my laptop has broke :( the virus that i got from downloading the Muse and the streets mp3 has made it not load up anymore :(

    will be back online in a few weeks though :) and i gave my number to Netty, so if you want to contact me then you can ask her for the number :)

    hope you are all good this week :)


  15. heya ammmmeeeee! missing ya loads! hope you are all good

    just wanted to let you know that im not going to be online that much in the next 2 weeks as my laptop broke along with my internet :(

    i gave my mobily-bile number to Netty so if you wanna contact me, you can get the number from her if you want :)

    hope you are having a good week!


  16. yay more members have joined to appreciate the matt hair welcome!
  17. :LOL::LOL:

    im not bad thanks, had a bit of a rubbish day at work but ive only got to keep going for a few more weeks and then i can quit wooooooo! :party::D

    how are you? are you feeling better?

    *bear hugs back* :LOL:


  18. *supermassive massive massive huggles*



  19. loves you to infinity and beyond and cydonia! :happy:

    coolies :) i has to go now as im sleepy-fied again, but il speak to you tomorrow and i shall bring more cake :LOL::LOL:


    nighty night *supermassive huggy-ness*



  20. have lots and lots and lots of cake!

    *hands over a giant sponge cake with Ammeeria written in purple icing on the top*:D:D:D:D


    Loves you to infinity and beyond (like Buzz lightyear in Toy Story :LOL::LOL:)



  21. loves you more than my drumkit, cake and my Muse CD's :eek::eek: and they are literally my favouritest items ever ever ever ever!


    anytime hun! im happy to help :):D:D:D


    you rock! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

    *millions and billions and trillions of supermassive hugs!*


    and a slice of cake to make you smile! *gives slice of cake* :D

  22. loves you more than my drumkit! and that is like my favouritest thing in the world EVER!



    yeah its a great song! :) the lyrics are quite emotional but they sort of lift you and make you feel better when you listen to them :)


    yeah dont worry, things always have a way of sorting themselves out in the end. Keep holding on and it will be ok


    *hundreds and thousands of huggles* :D

  23. loves you most est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est est most supermassively-est matt bellamy-est! :LOL:


    aww i like that song! got it playing on youtube at the mo *dances and sways* the videos cool, lots of pwoper cool costumes!


    its ok that you cant talk about it. Hope it gets better sooooon for you and stops getting you down

    *supermassive huggly-ness!*


  24. oh i dont know that song by queen but im going to look it up right now so i can listen to it :) :)

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