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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. Hello there sexy face :happy::kiss: How are you?

  2. Aw good, I should really concentrate more onmy friends and things. I am so pleased you got a job though hun :D <33

  3. :kiss: *hugs* Sorry I have been so rubbish :$
  4. /donna



    :happy: mmm /want

  5. /donna

    Thanks, it isn't anything too complicated :LOL: though I am struggling for time atm so might just have to ask some point over the weekend. Yeah glad it is Friday, I am looking forward to getting home. I might go to the cinema tonight as a little treat for myself.


    Oh and my meeting is now in ten mins :( it got moved forward because we have the police coming in to sort somehting out...:stunned: scared...

  6. /donna

    I might need to ask you some geeky things in a short while if I can't find the answer in my book :p is that ok?


    I am having a bad day. I hope your day is going better :happy:

  7. /donna

    *noms carrot stick* :'( I hate people sometimes.

  8. /donna

    Yep jsut like I predicted. Yeah I do feel quite down, I have a horrible tummy ache and feel tired, didn't get to sleep until gone 3 again last night. :( Funny thing is I was going to bring my swimming stuff to work and go after work but didn't because I didn't think she would cancel on me. lol.


    Ah well I suppose I have speed dating to dread tomorrow night! :stunned:

  9. /donna

    Hello there! :)

    I am good thank you. tired but good.


    How are you what have you been upto lately? xx

  10. /donna

    Yeah everyone says I look really nice :$ (obv just trying to cheer me up). I loved it on the train, I blended in nicely with all the business people! :D


    Suprise suprise Rachael cancelled on me again...:(

  11. /donna

    Matty at work has just called me a "Computer Cunt" :erm::LOL: You would ahve laughed. Everyone has made comments on my suit today... :$

  12. Sorry I have been so rubbish lately, I haven't really been online much. :(

    I hope you are ok and if you want to chat I can PM you my mobile number :happy:

  13. /donna

    I will keep it, thanks. :)

  14. /donna

    K I will see if it is any better tomorrow. Your probs right.

  15. /donna

    I don't want it, people just seem to fight in there and I am not in the mood to put up with it. Kaddy says I shouldn't lock it but I think it should..:(

  16. /donna

    I don't think you saw my post to you in banter but can you lock my boat please :)

  17. You should ask her. :(

  18. Phew you had me worried for a second there, I thought I had either posted something when drunk or I was expecting some kind of weird orgasm! :p

  19. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :LOL::LOL: I think I was talking about Liverpool.

  20. Where have I said that? :LOL: It does sound liek something I would say!

  21. /donna

    LEVEL 6!!!


  22. /donna

    :'( I know but Dave came in and did exactly what I was expecting... Cried in the loo :$

  23. /donna

    Can you show me next time I see you? haha I think it is going to bug me!


    He has also succeeded (bad spelling) in making me look bad in front of Dave, ah well. I am looking very bad atm..:(.

  24. /donna

    It took him half an hour... I want to know how he did it :(

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