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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. :supersad: are you ignoring me?



  2. Errrrr yeah, I don't really know about chat so can do lol :LOL:

  3. :LOL: I have just noticed I have made it into your sig <333 Your awesomesauce *licks*
  4. I am confused :/ :LOL: Are we friends on here? It has a plus next to your name but then it says "befriend Niamh" You know who I am now though don't you? :p

  5. There you are! :D I have been wondering where you were :LOL:

    How are you hun?

  6. Let me know if you join :happy: We are having fish and chips for lunch mmmmmmmmmm

  7. /donna

    :$ Was getting myself all confused. Feel silly now. :(
  8. /donna

    URGH ignore me I am a n00000b :facepalm:

  9. /donna

    He was! I stood next to him, made me feel a little christmassy. I bet he was going to Manchester to buy some presents :D


    Question, how do I set up so I get voicemail so I can just read it? If you get me lol.

  10. I think you should! I need mroe friends on there, you should at least check it out I use it a lot :happy:

  11. I will take some tonight for you :D I am taking my camera out. Do you use twitter?

  12. I have, I have some nice dark blue flared jeans an awesome top that I tried to show you yesterday but couldn't... So hopefully I will look nice hehe :D

  13. Apart from being freezing haha I am good :D I am actually starting to look for ward to my work Christmas party tonight.

  14. Hello there :kiss: How are you? I hope all those tablets and things work for you xx

  15. I am good! I am bloody freezing though :/


    I have my work christmas thing tonight so should be fun. You upto much? :happy:

  16. /donna

    Have you seen my photo of santa on twitter? :D:D

  17. Happy Birthday :kiss:

  18. Hey!!! :happy: How are you?

  19. Thanks hun :happy: blee randomly changed it for me haha <3

    How are you?

  20. /donna

    Deal! you want red? Will it come with cream too? ;)

  21. /donna

    WHAT!? why the hell not? :supersad: You are not getting a mug then...

  22. /donna

    :phu: I don't like tea! Would you come make me a coffee? :p
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