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Posts posted by Dillyracer

  1. The best possible wait is listening to NSC on repeat. When Dead Inside comes out, the contrast will play its part. It can't possibly be worse! (I hope :LOL: )


    I just realised I completely forgot how NSC goes.

  2. I wonder if they'll debut it tomorrow, because I can imagine they would want a performance from the first single on the DVD and they'll only have one recording if they wait until the 23rd.

  3. I disagree. As I said before, it sounds to me more like what it would've been like if Muse had kept gradually progressing their sound from BHaR instead of experimenting with a grab bag of genres on the last 2 albums.



  4. On Rai2 (Italian TV), September 2009:

    "[...] They're returning with their new album, The Resistance (pronounced in a sort of mixed accent between Scottish English and French) [...], THE Muse!!"


    They played Uprising and then... The host (Simona Ventura) interviewed Dom thinking he was the actual singer/bassist... With him playing along! XD


    It's still on Youtube. Matt isa very happy looking drummer.






    Dear god, that title.

  5. "I'm sold" "this is amazing"


    "This video contains content from PEDL, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."


    feck awwwwffff I wanna hear :(


    Just copy/paste the link in an online youtube to mp3 converter.

  6. I doubt that the outro will be on the album, especially since Matt instagrammed "#freedom" at the end of the Barrowlands gig. :rolleyes: They were probably just jamming Freedom both times to improve Reapers as a gig closer, rather than this being indicative of an RATM "rip-off" in the actual song.


    If they wanted to jam Freedom, they'd probably play Freedom instead of having a reminiscent bass scale, with an alarm blaring and Matt playing guitar and singing on top of it.

  7. No, I really don't feel that way. I just hate this song and came here to express my opinion because.. that's what we do here?




    No, actually, I always found this riff dull. I don't like Muse for the silly hard rawck aesthetic. The riff interludes get me yawning at shows.


    Why do people here have such a hard time understanding that people can have different opinions on music? If "Psycho" is your thing, then yeah go ahead and enjoy it. I loved the shit out of Madness when this board was mostly hating it (although The 2nd Law was underwhelming in the end). A band can have fans with different tastes, you know?


    I couldn't care less about you liking it or not. It's the melodrama that always has to be associated with it that makes me laugh.

  8. Showbiz was raw but good. Muse peaked on the next 2 albums with fresh sounds. I tell you when I first heard Stockholm Syndrome, it melted my face. CE blew my mind. Mind you, I had not listened to Paranoid Android before this song so I didn't have that coloring my perception. I still feel that albums 2 and 3 represent the creative, striving peak of Muse and everything else has been trying to be "rock stars".


    Also I feel that the album 7 related threads are dominated by teens and early 20-somethings that prefer the new style and ridicule the older Musers who prefer the older style.


    The only ridiculing going on here is your constant whinging about age and melodrama.


    Thought people got less melodramatic with age, guess not.

  9. I agree. Do you think there's not enough Chris on the track?


    It seems he's playing quite a few good groves, but they get lost in the recording, same goes for some snippets of synths I heard but they also get drowned out. I'm pretty sure we're all going to be surprised how full it all sounds on the studio recording.

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