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Posts posted by Dillyracer

  1. My first impression was "wow Amazing", it's gone down a bit since, but I still like it. Seems really dull live though, just like UD and Madness.


    Instrumentally it feels a bit empty because he isn't playing the guitar during the verses imo.

  2. Definitely great concept! However, Save Me and Liquid State weren't quite the best, vocally as well as instrumentally.

    And having the two come together on The Globalist would make it a cheese fest, like a duo... in any song... it's cheesy and lame.


    But other than The Globalist comment, good idea! In theory...


    Uhm, the live versions of Hyper Music and in lesser sense The Small Print where Matt shares lead vocals with Chris sounded awesome.

  3. I find it odd how Matt plays the little solo at the beginning live (Jools performance for example), kind of feels like he messes up the rythm.


    Probably because I'm expecting it to be the same as the studio version, or something.

  4. To be fair, I remember listening to Survival and Madness trying to find good things about them until one day I just gave up. Not been the same initial reaction with Reapers, Mercy and Psycho. I actually do like them. Pretty sure I'll dislike Dead Inside in time, though.


    Same, I never the singles from the 2nd Law the same amount of attention as I do for the released Drone tracks.

  5. Has the PiB riff sounded particularly strong for a while noe? And the mix is irrelevant, there'll be an individual broadcast mix and even then the band have their own mix so wouldn't even know what it sounds like out front anyway, if we're talking about the guys' performance that is




    Lord knows what's going on in the beginning, and his guitar has a tone that rivals GSK in this intro.


    Matteh also used the wrong fuzz in during the first part of the DI intro. And the mix was just off in a lot of songs, which is obviously not audible to them, but still.

  6. But true. I've "fallen out of love" with all the bands I really used to enjoy, and pretty much all I listen to is older music that I got into ages ago.

    Still seeking out new stuff, but think maybe I'm just at a point where music doesn't speak to me much anymore? Sad, but maybe true.




    Fair enough, but if you're working as a music critic, it would be nice if you spent more time critiquing the... you know... music...




    You are already dead.

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