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unintended angel

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Status Updates posted by unintended angel

  1. :LOL: i come here and see that pic and think of last night :p oh joy :D


    i did try and rival your very sexy pic of matt that you gave me...but i couldn't find a picture of matt naked :rolleyes: damn :p


    anyways, have a spiffing terrific day too! :D i know i will :p


    *hugs* xox

  2. :eek: happy birthday too! i just saw your thing on matt's b'day thread :D:party:
  3. spam spam spam :D






    and chris :p



  4. and more spam here too :p



  5. awwwwwww thanx for that pic :D


    *hugs* will talk to you later :)

  6. and that's how we like it ;) see you there :kiss:

  7. i know what you mean about the pct :yesey: BUT the content is just...oh hang on someone may be reading this...


    to the pmt!!! :D

  8. :eek: no really? :p


    i would love to see that...no if we were given one chance to grope one member, it would be dom for me...have you SEEN the ass on that boy? :p niiiice ;)


    well of course you are going to hug matt first...so would i...no i am sure chris wouldn't mind at all :) i think he would be glad not to have a crazy fan girl all over him :p

  9. :LOL: that's why you tell them beforehand that you love them both :D and then dom gives his consent for you to touch matt :D matt enjoys the cuddle, chris gets a hug too and then dom...i will leave that up to you ;)
  10. :LOL: i was implying the ball would hurt you again :p


    but if you want to look at it that way :p dom would break your arm :D what an honour it would be too! then they would have to come out and you will be a hero :D

  11. ;) coz they all come from you no doubt :kiss:


    you and soccer balls :noey:


    awww *hugs*


    well i just gone back thru the pmt...didn't miss that much :p you need to be more careful...wouldn't want to have a broken arm when you meet matt ;)

  12. :LOL: well the hug's the important thing i guess ;)


    hello :) hope your day was sensational and i will promptly talk to you wherever you want to...just have to sort thru the 10000 pages that have been added to pmt and pdt :p

  13. yep that's the most important thing :D although i hear you would tower over him...woah then he would have to look up to you :eek::LOL:

  14. :D:LOL: that would be awesome to see...i hope you get someone to record that then i can watch it :D i am probably going to get chucked out by security when me and my friend interview muse :p but for a slightly different reason ;)
  15. no seriously i do..... :erm:


    can't you?








    now how could he be sus?



  16. so true!!!! :D and i guess on myspace i would never have met you :p


    now that would have been a pity :(


    but all is well now :D *dances to hm* :D say...


    do i spy your stalker lurking here? :ninja:

  17. truth be told i prefer here to be much better...quicker replies, pmming, groups, sexy pics and lots of fun :D forum > myspace :p

  18. i don't think you do...


    click on the little icon under my av in the pmt or whatever you want to :p my myspace is crap and i don't use it much :p

  19. mmmmmmm and so can i ;) i seriously love that picture...he is so edward :D


    your stalker seems to be pretty good-looking too :p so what does this mean...we are gorgeous girls with gorgeous stalkers? :D

  20. zomg thank-you so much for the picture!!! yum yum yum :D *hugs*



    :chuckle i managed to capture a picture of your stalker...look at your own risk :p

  21. your profile pic rocks!! yes i would love your old pic from up there ^^ shall come on msn promptly to get it off you ;)

  22. :eek: are you serious?


    :D:D yes please!

  23. :LOL: true but...;) fine edward's mine :p you change your picture ^^ to suit :D
  24. are you serious? :p


    if you want to ;) i'm flexible either way :chuckle

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