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unintended angel

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Status Updates posted by unintended angel

  1. oh i am sure he will :p :chuckle

  2. :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle


    oh my lord, you are funny :p well hopefully he keeps netty happy MOST of the time ;)


    can you give dommeh a hug from me? i always wanted to hug dom...i will...in 5 years time :D

  3. weeeeeeeeeeeell :p


    to have you as his sister and netty as his fiance and the rest of the pdters (and some of the pmters i am certain) as his super-hot, super-sexy cheerleading squad! :D

  4. :chuckle alright then :D


    lucky, lucky dom :p

  5. awww i wouldn't worry about it :p i am sure she still loves you :p


    that would be great, but as i said, still not the same :( and what's dom going to do without you? lolz he can't see his bride all of the time :chuckle

  6. dommeh's dance? :chuckle


    awww noes :( will miss you :(


    actually miss you A HELL OF A LOT!


    well when you come back the pmt will be very very sexy for you and we will decorate it :yesey:


    btw, janine asked me about your msn last night...she said that you hadn't added her yet and (i know this is none of my business) she was a bit worried is all.


    oooo that reminds me, may i have your msn too pwease? :happy:

  7. hey maria! *hugs* awww so good to talk to you :D


    i was on the pmt, then had to get to the phone lol been on there the whole time :p so now i am like "i can't go back to pmt and try to quote everything" so i am going to pm you until i catch up :chuckle


    how's you? :happy:

  8. yayness i will then :p


    i saw it was only 36 pages long when i came on this morning lol so i was like "tis a bit slow for the pmt"....last night the pmt finished off real quick though :)


    david bowie is a genious...nothing wrong with fancying a sixty-sumthing year old ;)

  9. lol good spotting! i was about to go and change my av...what do you think? :p


    you like david too? ;)

    i went onto the pmt before i came here so i am kinda going backwards in our convo :LOL:

  10. lol whatever you say ;)


    i want to be friends with them too! :( i will just have to keep on praying :p


    anyways, am off for the night! keep on rocking :D xox

  11. :LOL: awww....but now you are involved with all three member of muse! :eek: lucky! :D


    well i am going to make sure the pmt is finished off with a bang too :D i wanna be there for the grand (and not so secret now) opening of pmt 35! yay :p

  12. i should have been there? awww damn :( well, sometimes we miss things...


    damn now you have me curious :p


    well who do you keep company, if not your brother on his "fat" days? :chuckle

  13. :LOL: wow he could too! you can boss matt around :p i like the sound of that :D does dom?


    i'm good :happy: am on holidays from today :D well tonight really :p (it's 9.43 pm here)


    how's you?

  14. hello hello hello :D oh okay then...so if i pray to you, will matt visit me in australia? :p yeah and pigs will fly :rolleyes:

  15. is that meant to be suggestive? ooooooo nice ;)


    awww :kiss: hope you get lots and lots of sleep tonight!


    matt: *must not think about dom, must not think about dom*...dammit, dom, don't wear those freaking pants in front of me, with that perfectly blow-dryed hair and cheeky grin...



  16. i wonder if matt is thinking about dom right about now ;)

  17. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey




    yeah, that is all :p now you have 25 visitor messages :D yay :D we should have a party ;)

  18. hello :)


    lolz, patron saint of pmt? shouldn't that be pdt? :p ah well, that is fantastic anyways :D talk to you soon! xox

  19. i thought matt might be in your bed...:chuckle


    well okay...shall we say monday, wednesday, friday for you...tuesday, thursday, saturday for me...and he has to spend sunday with his parents :yesey:


    :LOL: jj is going to have a great time :D

  20. yep yep yep :D


    wooo this boy is going to be dead famous ;) and you are going to have him all to yourself :p

  21. lol add this to jj's abilities: able to walk in stilettos :yesey:


    should be interesting, but one parent can do it :p


    edit: no it's going to be dance too :D

  22. omg i just saw your post in my boat


    the party has started


    and i really appreciate that :D:kiss: i shall have to reregister myself as another member to go on your boat :D

  23. how much do i love you? haha can't draw on here dammit :p


    but anyways :kiss: and i think chris was the hottest there ;)

  24. the name! (see previous message below this one) that's the new love child!


    all you gotta do is take the middle names of matt and dom...both james :chuckle


    so that becomes jj (jayjay) and then for the last name...you add howard and bellamy (howamy) and there we go :D

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