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unintended angel

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Status Updates posted by unintended angel

  1. same religion...different sects? i dunno anymore :LOL:


    i believe in bowie too :D


    yeah well you may be right there


    btw i was mean not to tell you the name :p tis jayjay (jj) howamy :D

  2. oooooooh i see now :p how did you know i am part of the belldom cult? :$

  3. friggin' hell, when is she going to get back? i will be able to write a whole album by the time she gets on here :p



  4. "maybe if i try this she will come back soon.."


    and that is why matt dyed his hair blonde :D just for YOU :D



  5. yeah we know how to show our love for each other in a peaceful way ;)


    whereas poor jj is growing up in a rather strange and often borderline-violent environment... :(



  6. mattbellamy12.gif


    may the powers of the zetas be with you always, dilshad, as you battle with the IB...

  7. :chuckle matt and i decided to amuse ourselves whilst waiting for you ;)



  8. oh you found him...odd how you do :p


    i think i spied yours today as well....


    :ninja: (has the pic to prove it)...


    pfft you musn't be up to much, your god has fallen asleep on the job :chuckle



  9. awwwwwwww rockets :p we never make those anymores :(


    how are you? should i just head to a thread and chat or what? oops gotta go for like 15 mins, but will be back :D


    have you seen my stalker anywheres? he seems to have gone missing...:erm:

  10. :LOL: have figured out how to make this work at school now! woooohoooo :D


    damn english is boring :p


    talk to you tonight :kiss:

  11. OMG


    i just discovered your stalker...they were here all along :eek:


    will tell you in a minute :p

  12. yep i getcha...i will wait ;)


    see you soon! if now, we can always chat thru here or sumthing :p

  13. :ninja:


    i will get in contact with my sources and see what we can do for you...


    till later ;)

  14. :ninja: do you need a stalker too?




    anyways, wanted to say HAI


    and now BAI :D

  15. :p "my stalker is my guy" that works :D


    oooo so your stalker is watching you...that means all of us :erm: but i don't mind one bit :p

  16. :yesey: i know that song :p so your stalker is your girl now? :LOL:


    go and buy him some more then :p i might want his old ones, you never know ;) unless you have laid claim to them already...but that means you have spoken to him! :eek: must not maintain contact with stalkers...gives them the wrong idea ;)

  17. :LOL: again?! oh yes now i remember...it could be another lovechild, this time just for you! :D yay and carrotie is about to get a brother :D


    :chuckle oh yes my stalker is so sweet...your stalkers braces may not fit him for very much longer though :p


    of course, i don't happen to look at your stalker :ninja:

  18. ;) thanks for that :p i am lapping up the love i am getting from my stalker :D


    btw, i hear your stalker is pregnant :eek: what's the latest? :chuckle

  19. Muse_06p.jpg


    your stalker had a change of dress sense...now he stands out in the crowd :chuckle

  20. :ninja: hello again


    the ginger ninja is always watching...wishes you wouldn't put that helplessly cute message on my board because you make her look like a right old :erm: you know what.


    well that is all the ginger ninja has to say


    till late :ninja:

  21. :eek: woah!!! :D


    :yesey: photo would be great :) seeing as you might be coming to brizzy very very soon, i might be able to give you the actual gifts ;)

  22. hellos again :D


    just thought i would drop some things off here that your stalker seems to have left at my doorstep (up in brisbane, you would think matt would be cleverer than that :p)





  23. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!!!!


    yes i do :yesey:


    thanks for the sweet story line and the yummy squeeeeeee pics and all that and i love matt and dom and chris...


    oh shit i just realised something


    go back to my boat


    you shall see all :p

  24. awwwwwwwww thanks for that honey :D


    :kiss: i really appreciate it :D talk to you very very soon! in fact, right now but whateva :p


    matt and dom's lovechild may be conceived this very night too :eek: blonde hair, blue eyes, lovely fingers, tallish, tight ass and a gift for singing and playing 10 instruments...awwwwww i have found my one true love!


    :LOL: xox

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