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unintended angel

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Everything posted by unintended angel

  1. no...i am doing my best to make sure that i don't stay on here for that kind of stuff anymore :p i have to check my love boat regularly though, according to megglen ;) okay am going on msn now to continue this ;)

  2. hey there :p just checking that the board hasn't become consumed by flames :rolleyes:


    any chance you are coming on msn tonight? :)

  3. :LOL: i thought you might not reply, so i come here to check if you are online still and then i realise you posted your reply here :p dw we all do it :yesey:


    oooo yay thanks for that...this is for dom :kiss:


    and one for you :kiss::D hope dom likes strawberry ice cream ;)

  4. :LOL: mmm maybe (don't tell maria) now he sounds like a man-whore, but he always was one :rolleyes: i don't want to be the bedroom one though :p i am too young :p how's about i am the kisses and cuddles and ice cream girl? :D
  5. errrr not fuckable, no :p i won't go that far ;)


    but he is very very very gorgeous :yesey: and sexy :D i love him :happy:

  6. thanks very muchly :D


    erm how to go about this :p..."why that is a very approachable-looking husband you have there...he possesses quite an agreeable appearance and does not look unappeasing in that apparel"...


    is that too pervy, coz i do not have any intention of looking upon your husband like THAT ;)

  7. dammit no hug emoticons :(:kiss: :kiss: have to do for now :p


    yayness that you can stay on longer, i thought that was really sweet :)


    maffoo for you:




    regrowth is fun :chuckle

  8. hey hey i'm here :D


    oh noes are you just going? :( i promise to be on when you are on...which should be this arvo for you :yesey:





  9. no no no you are helping it in the long term..just tell yourself that :D


    anyways must be off :D ta ta :kiss:

  10. :chuckle always a good idea....if it doesn't work, kill it :yesey:


    stupid computers...they have a mind of their own :p

  11. awww that is so sweet :$:D hope your msn freaking hurries up and gets its butt into gear :D

  12. okay here goes a post in english ;)


    hey there :kiss: thanks for adding me as a friend :D hopefully i get to know more about you than where you live and your name :p


    :kiss: see you on pmt :D

  13. here is the group if you wanna join...pretty much once you get there, all is revealed ;)





  14. 35cc288e.jpeg


    for you, courtesy of pmt :kiss:

  15. on the pdt tonight i counted 18 freaking pics of dom in that stupid shirt...how many times can he wear it? someone has got to tell him not to wear the bloody thing :chuckle
  16. their summer will be shit, yeah :yesey:


    why should your stalker be nice to me?


    i think we should stop discussing them...they might be lurking :ninja:

  17. :LOL: whoever said your stalker was nice? :p


    anyways, i think edward (yeah he hates the fact that megglen told me his name lol) went to alaska with his family :yesey:

  18. edward? he better be :p


    :noey: turns out your stalker found out i was there and ran away :(


    i am sure they will return later though :yesey:



  19. you KNOW who your stalker is ;)


    seems they have invaded your love boat...or there abouts ;)


    but you didn't hear that from me :p


    my stalker has gone on a holiday :( it's not fair :p

  20. booooooooooooo


    :ninja: seems someone is stalking you :ninja:

  21. hellos :D


    not MY hair, dommeh's hair :p (see message two down from this one :yesey:)


    anyways, catch you later :kiss:

  22. lol yeah, but guitar looks difficult (imo). :D but matt makes it look so easy :p wish he could teach me how to play :rolleyes:

  23. :) still, you probably play it better than i can ;)


    the flute? awesome :D

  24. aw netty sorry to disappoint you :p


    that is me, but it's not my guitar and i can't play :p we were mucking around, doing a parody shoot for the school newsletter lol and i was originally going to play drums...then later on, someone handed me their guitar and we whacked on new born...the vid is SHOCKING :p but i loved every minute of it :p


    do you play an instrument?

  25. :D hey :) yeah i know we are on pmt atm, but came to give you this :kiss: hope life with dom isn't getting you down ;)
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