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Status Updates posted by Sephian

  1. Where are you moving to??

  2. You have a massive cunt.


    And I would love to be inside it.

  3. I wish you were dead.

  4. Oh I think I got that it was Kanye before you started writing haha.

  5. I didn't even notice anything wrong so I'm not sure what you were referencing. Haha.

  6. Thank the lawd. Draw Something streaks are my life.

  7. I accidentally sent my drawing on Draw Something instead of clearing. It's not done. The word is helmet. I hope you get this before our streak ends.

  8. Haha yeah. I saw that video a while ago. I got the reference. I haven't heard it in a long time though, and shall now give it another listen.

  9. You are a horrible person. Although I suppose that does make me cool.

  10. Your signature moves perfectly in time with Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd.

  11. Happy Birthday mortallatrom, the friendliest person ever.

  12. I did not see your goodbye, no. I was too tired. I needed to sleep right away! You are forgiven.

  13. It's a nervous twitch though. I have a nervous twitch in my penis.

  14. Pfft you can't make my penis twitch. I'd like to see you try.

  15. I bet it was the talk of baby foreskins that made his penis twitch, not you.

  16. Done. I don't need it anyway, I'd make a great bald guy.

  17. I am very sorry, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me!

  18. Hey sugarbuns <3

  19. Did you go on muselive once or twice, in the camwhores thread? If so, I remember you.

  20. Oh Em Gee I need to download True Blood when I get home soon!

  21. Thanks. Yeah, it doesn't look like I'm going to win. I might get runner up prizes though.

  22. Ok but I have a tendency to shout AIDS over and over when I'm dressed like that.

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