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Fish Custard

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Status Updates posted by Fish Custard

  1. Haha! Thanks :p I just searched the yt link and it came up!

    Yeah I don't really like that one either :chuckle: The Twilight ones are hilarious. I do love watching charlieissocoollike as well.

  2. Ahh. It wasn't me, but I have managed to find the post:

    http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=8255492&postcount=4971 :)

  3. Erm.. I don't think so. I think I've only posted the Lost video in the BMT and Alex Reads Twilight in the Twilight thread. At least, as far as I can remember. How come?

  4. I know, my timeline was just bombarded with his retweets :LOL: I swear it was him who caused twitter to crash earlier! But it's ok because he's such a loveable dork. I really wasn't expecting a reply from him so when I did I nearly had a heart attack :LOL:


    It used to be the highlight of Sunday afternoon telly!

  5. :(


    *follows back*

    HOMG Hyacinth Bucket! :LOL:<3

  6. Ooh I was thinking of going there, since it's self-catered. I've asked a few people who are in their first year and they all say Carnatic because it's better socially, but I'm a bit of a herm :LOL:

  7. AMY AMY AMY OMGOMGOMGOGMG BRADLEY JAMES TWEETED ME BACK. eioghuerihgudhgdfkjngdfkngkjdfgndkjfngkjdf

    sorry im a little excited right now!


    It's not even that exciting but 'm freaking out slightly :LOL:


  8. Hey Niamh, I think I remember you saying you lived in halls at Liverpool Uni, which ones did you live in? I'm not sure which ones to pick! Thanks :)

  9. Aw, thanks :happy:

    Can't wait for the Christmas Special!

  10. Your sig is :awesome:

    That's all I wanted to say ;)

  11. Alrightey thanks :D I'm about 90% there on actually buying it now!! So thanks for recommending it :)

  12. Hi, I was just wondering about the TZ7, how does it deal with shaking? Do the photos smudge much? I seem to have really shaky hands :LOL:

    thanks :)

    Jess x

  13. I love your sig pic :)

  14. Holy cow, those videos are immense! :awesome:

    Why haven't I seen them before though?! Oh well, I'm so glad I have now, thanks for the links! :D

  15. Which video is it? I think I remember seeing it, but I'm not sure where..

  16. I love the gif in your sig :LOL:! It's made of absolute win :chuckle:

  17. Inorite! Hahaha, it works so well! Because Matt is ossum :D No-one can not love him after seeing that video :p

  18. Aww, thanks! Unfortunately I didn't make it though :(

    Have you seen the video for it? :p

  19. Your sig quote is made of win :p

  20. Yeah, my xmas and new year were fairly average, but not bad! :p

    How did you get on with the job at the library, I forgot to ask!


  21. Oh HAI :D

    Haven't spoken to you in a while, how have you been? Have a good xmas?


  22. It's um.. certainly a change from Pikachu! :LOL::chuckle:

    Btw how ossum is it that Rage are xmas number 1 :D

  23. I love your avatar and location :D

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