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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. Yes,I know what you mean.What happens when you want to draw a radically different character but of the same type (eg a ghost or a cowboy)?You get lost.That´s why I only use the guidelines.Eons ago I used to look up for books (I´ve always been a bookworm)at school.Even out of the library,there were interesting things everywhere.For example,I remember having found a Spectrum ZX guide in my Technology classroom.One of these discoveries was a book on "structures": how to prefectionate sketches by preparing a proper "skeleton" first.It turned out to be really helpful,especially for my PE notebook drawings.Until then I used articulated Barbie dolls.


    I loooooove Simmgrinning Simm! He looks deranged,which fits perfectly to his Master role :D

  2. Now that you say it,the comic I told you about featured a scene I still consider as one of my best drawings (no matter how lame it may look now):a fight between the aunts,with the good one (green eyes,fair hair,an energy aura surrounding her...ahem)blasting a Kame Hame Ha against the evil one (a massive green monster with wired hair and a crazed expression).My mother bought me a "how to draw monsters"booklet I still keep,which helpd me a lot.Lately I got manga ones,which also seem to be helping,but I have to say I haven´t gone too far,except for drawing a character of my own once in a blue moon.Anyway,it´s not that I want to create a full manga,so it´s enough by now.

    Nonetheless,I like to check these booklets because I´d like to perfectionate the characters,make them realistic,no matter what I want to draw.

  3. I got lost on Lost as well.It took me two reruns to follow it properly,knowing what was going on (or maybe not :p).Until then,both the plot twists and the cancellations made me desist.

    I don´t remember having reading any fanfiction (but I have to admit I have read some ...eh...slash)except from the stories a friend of mine used to write about their favourite musicians (Mary Sueish as well) as a pastime.I don´t know if this counts,but I once made a comic of a film I had watched (but not how it ended)in which I turned the main characters into aliens who were the daughters of their until then evil,"witch"aunt,killing their good aunt and a guy who worked in their manor.

    I don´t know if I´ve already told you about this,but I used to draw captioned comics when I was in Primary.Most of them revolved around fantastic and horror themes (as much as a kid can get),featuring zombies,fairies,monsters,mutants...You get the idea.

  4. Wow,that sounds truly awesome.I reckon I´ll spend my Christmas holidays watching it.I barely follow any series at the moment,save from True Blood,Flash Forward (loosely)and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.And I´m waiting for the final season of Lost.They have used a brilliant spot to advertise it here.I wonder if they´ll keep it until February.

    I´ve never been a shipper,nor I have written a single fanfic in my whole life,as far as I can remember.

  5. ...timetravelling? :p

    Seriously now,I´ve always thought that,if the Tenth somehow resembles the singer of this band *points to Muse logo*,the SimmMaster (especially in LoM)looks like The Tchockness.Actually,if that spoof we have talked about came true,they should portray them.But if we´re talking about uncanny resemblances,the award goes to Miroslav Klose.Not only he looks like Matt...they were born the very same day of the same year!

    But he´s taller than our Matt,of course :p

    In that sense,a Pensieve would be easier to get,as memories tend to be "more" fixed" than dreams,which are scattered pieces in most of the cases.

    Mine has stored dirt,sunflower seeds,hair and God knows what.I clean it when I have the chance,along with the mousepad.

  6. Hey,you´re right! It´d become an archive of the user´s "inner world",so to say.Therefore,we´d get a good base of customers.Shame it´s nearly impossible to build,but...who knows? Electric brain signals could be decoded one day,just like HTML.

    To my mom´s irritation I tend to have dinner right on this very table,which is already....eh...not in the best conditions.What annoys me is how a portion of what I´m eating falls to the keyboard,thus creating a possible "new world"for bacteria.I am even thinking about growing mini potatoes there :p

    I don´t think she knows him,but she might know his spitting image.You know what they say: we all have a double somehwere in this world.But that´d ruin my theory which states that Thom Yorke is Sam´s long lost brother :p

  7. Haha,I can imagine it :p

    I hadn´t thought about the money until now,but now that you say it...we´d get a good sum of money.As long as people were as interested as us in the matter :p

    Hehe,what a story.I don´t know if I´ve told you,but my house is literally full of books and such.Due to my mock exam I have to "store"old newspapers in the living room,and my parents are always complaining about it.But...what can I do,if I have the desk already filled with my notebooks and my compulsory books are on my bedroom´s desk?

    Oh,the exams...I had completely forgotten about them! *needs to read the Literature books as soon as possible*.

    Good luck with your homework and sweet,sweet dreams! :D

  8. That would have been more fitting in a Torchwood related dream. :chuckle:

    Now that we know its features,we should be ready to develop&create the iDream.It could be a mixture between a player,a console and a computer,with the ability of recording your dreams.That way you could keep them unlocked and ready to be played/stored.Next step: a fully able Pensieve! :D

    Here´s my mother answer: "Tell her that she has to do what makes her happy.be it drawing,her career or both".

    Me? The career is the only goal I have.I´m going through a realist/pessimist phase in which I can´t help thinking about the futility of (day)dreams.Something tells me I will never become a good journalist.Or a mediocre one.I´ll be isolated for all my life,working in a crap job in the suburbs.

  9. That´s the best thing about dreams,the "wtf?"concept they always carry within.In the poker time case it wasn´t so obvious (as long as you forget who the players were),but there are times in which everything turns subrreal,but those are the few.Except if I´m half asleep,half awake,as my mind mixes common thoughts (ideas,wishes...)with proper dreams.It´s a common phase I go through until I fall asleep.

    Of course,the "dreamer"should have a password or something so as to keep his/her most secret dreams away from the rest of the people.

    Oh my SimmMaster! This....is...awesome.I had to tell my mother (sorry for sharing your drawings with my family,but I think they are worth of exposure)about it-and she recognised him!-.Then she asked me about what you´re studing.I replied,and she said,"she ´d better drop it and draw for a living".

  10. ...but you can always say you foresaw it! :p

    I can´t remember the last time I dreamt of Muse,but I do remember having dreamt of Chris playing poker with Linkin Park´s Mike Shinoda,REM´s Mike Mills and Elbow´s Guy Garvey right behind my balcony.

    I never said they weren´t.Actually,I love dreaming because you never know what will happen.I wish there was a dream recording device.

    Good luck with Gene.My grandma says "you´re welcome" :D


    Offtopic,I´m watching old videogame advertisements.They were pretty naive,but you can´t deny the chosen games were (nearly)flawless.

  11. The future? Maybe not,but I´d say they might tell you a lot about your current state of mind if you pay attention to the details.For example,you can dream of,say,apples,meaning you forgot to buy some yesterday.Which links with your "Past" theory.It´s all about knowing how your tastes and brain work.

    Whta happened to you with Gene happened to me some years ago (thanks,Dream Diary!):I spent a week dreaming of System Of A Down because they were about to release a new album,and I was eagerly awaiting it.

    So now we even share dreams?That´s pretty interesting,don´t you think? :D

    I was tempted to say "Dom" (happy belated birthday!),but I thought it would be unfair :p

    I like the drawing,but the head looks wrong and I don´t know why. :wtf:

    By the way,my grandma liked it!

  12. I made no classes:everything could be written provided I remembered it.That´s how I found out I used to (and still)have two recurrent dreams:being in a train which turns into a rolleroaster and getting lost in an abandoned supermarket.As far as I remember I never saw my dreams as the seeds for future stories,but I wrote them down so as to ejoy their future reading.Anyway,I wrote them as coded as I could,especially if they were disturbing dreams.Here,I´ll write the last one I wrote down,nearly a year ago:

    "Toy store.On a corner: X-Men figures.It´s Christmas.I left the store,for I have to "visit my aunt".Someone drops an H-Bomb.I can´t escape,so I use a car as a shelter "because the crystals can´t be damaged".Ruins everywhere,but I have survived".

    I once read he good good marks in Drama,but I don´t think that´s enough.You´re right,though:he could appear at a spoof feature.With Dom&Chris as his Companions!

  13. I used to write down my dreams,drawing them if needed and drawing conclusions.It´s a shame I gave up doing that.When I was a kid I once woke up convinced of having lost a rabbit called "Bit",so I walked around my house looking for the missing rabbit...which didn´t exist at all.As for last night dream,I think I know what does it mean,but i don´t want to know about the other dream...because I´m afraid I already know what does it mean.It´s a mixture of "eww"and "but it´s cool!".

    I would like to be in love,but ONLY if I know I´m loved back.If not,it´s a waste of time and a constant pain.

    Speaking of what I´d like,I want to see Matt (Bellamy,this time) as The Doctor.Maybe the final one...

  14. My faculty library is also huge...I only know a part of it and rumour has it that it will be expanded even more!

    It sounds funny now,but in the dream realms everything is possible.Some nights ago I dreamt of (god,this is ridiculous,disturbing and shameful)dating a devilish version of Thom Yorke in the set of the video of "Bliss",which was covered in pumping flesh.Ed O´Brien was there was well.I woke up blaming my mind for being so absurdly twisted...

    Developing a crush on someone you can´t have/is not always available made some artists write good stuff,so I´d advice you to have a notebook around.I like to have one around,just in case.Not only when I have a crush on someone.My old one keeps a record of a boring night in which I drew the movement of a star across the sky.

    Yep,I thought of you because of the DW nod.Not a big story,I know.The lyrics fit as well.

  15. Take it as a chance to improve yourself far from the temptation :p


    I went this morning to the National Library.Such an impressive place,with those huge statues of people who did good for the language and the culture (they reminded me of those statues of the Kings of Gondor by the Anduin in Lord Of The Rings for some reason),the phenomenal scent of books and the ancient feeling of the building.At first the information folk told me I had to do a lot of red tape due to the delicateness of the newspapers,but they realised they were microfilmed so I "only" had to ask for a "reader" card.My father,who was with me,also asked for one (so as to walk freely...and use the toilet!)because they were made in a matter of minutes.

    So we headed for the specific room,where the workers were already looking for my newspapers.And guess what? They were available on their website. :facepalm:


    I´m having weird dreams again,where nothing makes no sense at all,people come and go and things happen for no reason whatsoever.Last night I attended to a small gig where the guitar was played by a friend of mine,wore a Skull Kid (from The Legend Of Zelda)costumed and discovered that an old acquintance was in the Yu-Gi-Oh! counterfeit card business.Oh well.

    By the way,yesterday I thought of you when I was listening to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cyaDAFfOAo

  16. My mother is fond of salami as well,but she isn´t kind on cheese.Tonight I have tried this salmon pizza for the first time.It tastes funny.

    I know what you mean.I have been to my village every year save from the last couple due to several reasons.It´s a peaceful place,with a pretty nice beach...but boring as hell.Especially now that I can´t go out with my friends.I ended up offering myself to go shopping so as not to go to the beach every morning...Luckily,a friend of my family allowed me to use his computer when I visited his restaurant...provided no one was using it.It seems that my aunt now has a computer,but I don´t know if the connection is a good one.

  17. Yummy indeed.We got two different ones,"my" carbonara and the "optional"pizza.This time my father bought a pizza with salmon.

    Hard...and difficult.We all know about the bad temper of the librarians...even our teacher warned us,telling where should we start looking for :p

    Aaaaaand no,I haven´t watched it...yet ;) But I watched my highlights of New Moon while having dinner.In my case,I´ll read this good pile of newspapers so as to prepare an exam.I might finish a book as well.And write some lines for the Christmas gift I told you about.I´ve been thinking about how to include "interludes",which I´ll use to say this or that.Personal views on something under the guise of,say,a trade report or a legendary tale.We used to do that kind of exercises last year for Writing,and I loved it.

  18. Speaking about pizzas,my father has just ordered two.Yum! :D

    That´s what I liek about sci-fi...as long as you balance the "sci" and the "fi"equation.

    Tomorrow I will ve visiting three "important" (=ones in politics/"big things"related buildings)libraries to as to do some coursework.I have been tasked with reviewing all the Arts-related reviews of an 1899 newspaper.I want to get a good mark,so I´ll need some time so as to retrieve the pages and review the reviews (duh).

  19. And you could get into trouble for "framing the Police"...I used to have a friend who was quite fond of telephone pranks,such as ordering pizzas and direct them to another house.

    I love your sketch.Especially the parts involving Gene.Using them well we could even get a comic relief.I imagined The Master using the Sam Tyler persona as a way to know how the policemen worked like back in the seventies.But times have changed and Gwen knows it,so she could come up with a way to defeat The Master going to the seventies,etc.

    It´s not that you go all "ooooh it´s Doctor Whoooo!"as with "Uprising",but the orchestration somehow resembles the one used in the last series/Doctors.

  20. Eeeeaxacly! But I bet chances are you´d probably be answered by the real Andy Davidson :p

    I wouldn´t complain,either :D (yes,it´s a deranged simmgrin),but having Sam Tyler too would be a real twist in space and time! But I´d love it,as it would be the ultimate crossover! It´d be glorious if we got Gene as well.It could be a flashback about the times in which he had to work in Cardiff :p

    Indeed.But I thought that the score didn´t live up to the songs,unlike the case of the first movie.I suppse it was because I did like the main theme...especially those notes which were similar to the intro of the inmortal Doctor Who theme.But it might be that DW makes me go intentionally deaf. :chuckle:

    In "New Moon"´s case I only enjoyed the ending theme.

  21. Imagine what would be working as a policewoman in Cardiff like,having to attend a crazed person on the phone urging you to tell Torchwood there´s an alteration near the Rift :p Hey,I wouldn´t complain if The SimmMaster appeared there as well.Even if he wasn´t the main antagonist.

    I have to say I haven´t listened to it since I watched the movie,but I reckon it´s worth a listen.And now,between you and me...I only got it because a)I couldn´t be arsed to download the IBTY remix and b) I wanted to listen to "Hearing Damage"in all its electronic glory.

  22. Now that´d be interesting.Maybe as a flashback,maybe as...whatever,but I want some Whorage :p

    It reminded me of some news I read some months ago about an UFO sighting in Cardiff.You can imagine my reaction:"Woaaaaaah,Torchwood does exist!"

    Anyway,people tend to think that UFO=alien spaceship,while it´s not always the same.We could be talking about a rogue satellite,a bird...

    Today I got the "New Moon" OST.For some odd reason the edition includes two songs of local artists as bonus tracks.Were they thinking such an "indie" OST wouldn´t have any appeal to the casual customer?

  23. Yes,you´ll find it out.Don´t try to guess /look for it,if not,the magic/suspense will vanish..and we will miss a topic to talk about :p

    You should worry about the specials.Let´s say there are always kind people around the interwebs...coughcough...

    That´s what I thought too.And I don´t think Rhys could be a fully Torchwood member.Well,he might turn into the coffee boy,replacing Ianto :p I wonder whether we could get a Doctor cameo in the series some day... By the way,what would he think about this?: http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/FreedomOfInformation/PublicationScheme/SearchPublicationScheme/HowToReportAUfoSighting.htm

    I like lame puns,so there´s no need to worry :D

  24. What a terrible spoiler! I watched it day by day,as soon as the chapters were uploaded.I couldn´t wait to see them,so I didn´t care about the different subs (although my father did)God,it was splendid! Forget about the silly jokes,forget about the innuendo,here´s some serious beed! Too sad,though. :(

    I can´t say my nearly namesake is my cup of tea either,but I like her determination and commitment.Speaking of who will join Torchwood,I find it odd that they did such a killing.I´m all for a death but that was going too far!

    I have a thing for saying."Nooo!"every time my mother answers to the door saying,"Yes?".I suppose it´s just the natural evolution of the "knock knock" jokes.

  25. No,it´s not,because it´s almost my case.

    Another case of sharing tastes with my parents.Yesterday I stayed until 4:20 am watching a rerun of Torchwood (Martha´s arc!)with my father.I thought he´d eventually gave up,but he watched the whole thing with me.This time I was able to get the Doctor Who-related hints better.I wonder whether we´ll see her in the next season(s: of both DW and Torchwood).Speaking of parents and childish humour,they could tell you how I enjoy to pull silly jokes every time I have the chance.

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