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Status Updates posted by Pancake

  1. Didn't he tell you I'm on the forum? You should've known something like that would catch my attention.

  2. I'm glad you find it funny!

  3. It's a bit weird seeing '<3 :kiss: love you!' on my bf's profile from another girl!

  4. You could’ve at least posted that where I can’t see it.

  5. beat me to it! loloololololllz

  6. I'm Chinese :happy: But I've been living in the UK all my life so I'm useless at it :LOL:

    Happy viewing! :p:happy:

  7. lol I'm crap at it too! :LOL: Gonna start learning properly this summer.

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=_JemDKmSVxo ;)

    Yeah he's old now, but at least we have this awesome film to remember how gorgeous he was :happy:

  8. Oooo you're from Singapore? Do you speak Chinese?:happy:

    I think the movie is on youtube, just have a little look for it.

    Alex is hot!!! Well, Malcolm McDowell who played him was *drools* :chuckle

  9. 12 days!! <3 :happy:

  10. I <3 Alex DeLarge :happy: I have a thing for psychos and villians and that :$:LOL: Gonna read the book soon :happy:

  11. lol that's icing sugar :happy:

    ooo you a Clockwork Orange fan? <3 :happy:

  12. :eek: you must! they are yumlicious!!


    mine had apple sauce. mmmmm!!!!!! :happy:

  13. I had dutch pancakes on the plane a few days ago....they were yummmy ^^

  14. That's good to hear ^^ I have no resit exams this year so I am SO ready for Dublin and V Fest hehe =D

    China is great fun!! But it's absolutely boiling!!! 30+ degrees everyday so far!! =o


  15. 'ello!!! :happy: how iz y000?


  16. Hi =P I'm in China at the mo! How's the knee?


  17. Aww you're the lovely muser! randomly sending me a b'day messege hehe =D

  18. Thanks hun! *hugs*

    It's nearly June now, and then it'll be July. Then August. Then My00ze!! =D


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