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Status Updates posted by DeadBodiesEverywhere

  1. ho fabio is that common in spanish ?? I thought it was more portuguese, brazilian, or italian :wtf: Anyway see ya and sleep well :D:nerd:

  2. awww i didnt mean that you were a finished drunk lol :D if you thought so im sorry :(:(

    but HEY!!!! show some respect to red bull will ya :awesome:

  3. LOL didnt figure that out which is a bit weird cause I enjoyed watching it when I was a kid. :D So this is what you spend your nights watching at :D(with a bottle of alcohol not far obviously, I dont need to even mention it anymore ...)


  4. Nao peças desculpa :p e duvido honestamente que vivo melhor do que em portugal agora, nos nossos dias, é mais ou menos a mesma coisa :wtf::D antes do euro nao digo más agora :) Que tal ^^ ?

  5. Paulina what is that thing in your avatar picture actually ? jajajaja I actually never knew :wtf::nerd:

  6. Sim claro mas tambem tens sorte :p eu vivo na suiça e a minha cidade nao é nada fixe :( nada d'interessante a fazer :p

  7. HO happy valentines to you too polishy girly :p:p :kiss:

  8. heeey obrigado por o pedido de amizade :D que tal ? Gostas de lisboa ? :p

  9. Thanks u drunky sex toy :kiss: hope you enjoyed your beers and naughty dreams :D:awesome:

  10. THANKS :D hope you had one too Carolina :D:awesome:

  11. My sweetheart, have a (bloody) lovely valentine's day :awesome::p



  12. Aww thank you :D and enjoy your valentine's day too ... with your long-time-no-see friend :awesome:

  13. :awesome: Enjoy it but dont forget some coffee :D see ya :p
  14. oups sorry im the kinda annoying guy sometimes :p

  15. hey how did you post a blank message ?? i cant :(:p

  16. all right....christina :D :D

  17. hey pau :D enjoy uni and this is for you :p



  18. Im quite fine and you ? Yes me too :D this whole chat rocks isnt it :D

  19. Couldn't sleep at night :supersad: no lies !! :(

  20. Hey there :p thx for the add and well everybody must have told you so but aaaaammmmaaaaaazzzziiinnnnngggg job about your weightloss :eek: Congratulations !!!:\mm/:

  21. helllow,

    pas de prob lol c'était pour une bonne raison que tu es "patie" alors ça va :p

    Jespère que tu tes bien amusée avec ton petiau lol aussi :p byye, à toute sur le chat i guess ^^ bisou

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