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Status Updates posted by DeadBodiesEverywhere

  1. ohh np lol nice to answer ^^

    well i remember the nickname was like schizo_muza or something yeah... not sure exactly what but actually this might be this profile here rather


    and it fits, its from riga. I dont know lol if by any chance you would know this profile in another site then??

    Thanks again a lot to answer :p

  2. Well they are evil for me lol maybe i watched too much the horror movies saga The Leprauchan:ohmy: :p

  3. hellow thanx for the add =)) How are you :p

  4. lol could be fun... a 30 millions people group therapy ^^ (okay i admit i have no idea how many people live in Greece haha :p)

  5. hi there thanks for the add =) and be carefull with leprechauns :p they are evil

  6. lol a lots of things seem to work pretty bad in Greece or is it just me ??? :(


  7. hi there flower barbie lol whats up?? nice wheather in greece ?? :p Thx for the add =)

  8. Mmh after a bunny why not a fox ^^ a bit more dangerous :p

  9. Hey hello how are you ? thx for add =) and btw bunnies suits = sucess :p

  10. No :/ im really too busy for a whil unfortunately but dont worry you ll have a full report on what I thin promised hihi :p

  11. Interests : Killing yourself ??? interesting, how you do that :stunned:

  12. Hey there if you read this may be i know you but im not sure really... Didnt you use for a nickname Schizo or Schizo-Muza maybe in the old chat in here or on MSN but that was few years ago... maybe 4 lol?? I m pretty sure the person im talking about was from Riga though. Any chance it is you and you remember me :p?

  13. Hi there wonder if you didnt use once the name of schizo muza or somethin on the muse chat or on msn but it was like a few years ago... maybe 4 i think. If I remember wel you shoul be from riga... ?

  14. mmh so i think Ill go for Choke then =)

  15. have read fight club (but after having seen the movie but both in french and english lol), Survivor, invisible monsters, and a few short novels (dont know how it is called in english lol i mean not novels but short stories) and takling about that.... if have read those, which one would you say i should read between Lullaby and Choke ??? Do you have a fav if you have read them ?? =)

  16. Invisible monsters... this book is crazy haha

  17. oh god... that sounded so stupid for a question lmao

  18. you read Chuck Palahniuk stuff^^ and Fight club, American Psycho, hard candy etc. are movies that I like a lot too :)

  19. Hihi so you are a leo too raaaaaaa =)

  20. hey there you like goood movies and good books :p Thanks for the add

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