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You have such a cute name. :happy:


Arghh, I always got jealous when other people practically next to me in the crowd caught a drumstick or a pick. :erm:


I just smiled and waved. That's the benefit of being a girl, sometimes you just have to smile. :yesey:



Thank you :happy:

Yes we've got something similar... When a tech finally threw a pick it landed before the barrier. Everyone (around 8 people) were begging the sec to pick it up and give to us and finally he gave it to a girl which just came along and was like "Ohhhh I'm from Russia! Pleaseeeee". He gave it to her maybe because she got enormous boobs :rolleyes:




I like Chris's shirt here. :LOL:

My first thought was : "handwoven carpet! :chuckle:"



Thanks for posting this pic Aline :happy:

I haven't seen it before and I loooooveee it :awesome:



How are you guys doing today? :)

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finally got caught up:chuckle:



He speaks. Alot. http://bit.ly/9HXHAo


:awesome: LOVE hearing him speak. I'm always surprised by the sound of his voice. we rarely ever get to hear it.




Thank you for the pics rita! *is ironically listening to the Beatles right now*


The PDTers are making fun of the bassfingerporn :'(




they better leave bassfingerporn alone! :mad:


Nobody blames you.




so hot.




really? didn't know that.




:dance::dance::dance: you should, it's fun :D really :D


ooooh his face here is just.... perfect.





holy........... :eek: *dead*

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Just found more pics from our festival, will post them here later. :happy:


Yes we've got something similar... When a tech finally threw a pick it landed before the barrier. Everyone (around 8 people) were begging the sec to pick it up and give to us and finally he gave it to a girl which just came along and was like "Ohhhh I'm from Russia! Pleaseeeee". He gave it to her maybe because she got enormous boobs :rolleyes:


I was sweaty and my t-shirt was waaay too big to see my boobs. :p


And since when being from Russia is an excuse to give one a drumstick,eh? :wtf:


But to be honest, I silently prayed to God that this time I finally catch something. To compensate that I was basically squashed between two drunk guys and was pushed out of my 2nd row. :p

How are you guys doing today? :)

Still feeling the buzz from the Muse gig. :LOL: And my hands are still stiff.

No but I thought that Chris was the one with a fashion sense

:p Corrected.

Hi Marta! Ugh! I was too late! Sorry I missed you.

Happy you got the stick and had a blast at the gig!

I did,I did, although I have to admit that because of some assholes who tried to get in front of me when I was standing there for more than 3 hours kinda spoiled the whole thing. :indiff:

Fashion sense+Muse=???

Does not compute!


I actually don't care. I love them even more because of their horrible fashion sense.



Yup. :yesey: But they didn't play CE and Bliss. :supersad:

Although they didn't play Guiding Light either, so no worries. :happy:

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Congrats, HullaGirl!!! I'm happy that you loved the gig and had so much fun :awesome:

I wish I could watch them :muse:

Hi,Aline,I'm Marta. :happy:

And yes,I did have fun. As I was staring at Dom and Chris I just couldn't believe I'm seeing them for the second time. :awesome:









6707_99443.jpg Matt's hair. :chuckle:




Guys,I know you're probably already sick and tired of my ranting about that festival but I just have to share my excitement with someone. :$

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is Matt going for the spiky hair again? :D

Love Chris' pout :D

I don't think that anyone here is annoyed with you...I was the same after the Stade de Suisse gig :D


I actually don't care. I love them even more because of their horrible fashion sense.

I don't care either, it's just funny to see how they dress :LOL:

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Love Chris' pout :D

He was doing it all the time. :chuckle:

I don't think that anyone here is annoyed with you...I was the same after the Stade de Suisse gig :D

Phew, good to know I'm not the only one. :happy:

Dom's drums. :awesome:

If I'm lucky enough to see Muse the 3rd time I'll definitely try to get in front of Matt. :happy:

Edited by HullaGirl
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Dom's drums are somehow cute :D

I loved how everybody started cheering when Dom's drums were brought on stage. :happy:

"There you go Dommeh, a kit for boys and when you're old enough you can go and play on the big boy drums" :chuckle:


Somehow the leopard printed drums don't give the impression he's the big boy now. :p


Rawr! :stongue:

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