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Sale in the Muse.mu Shop


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Just thought I'd share this little story with you all...


My parents bought me the Muse artwork poster or my birthday in August from the .mu store. It arrived in a cardboard tube, but the tube had been dented in the post and the poster had a big crease all down it.


My dad sent an email to complain and eventually (after several weeks), he got an automated reply saying that the matter was being looked into.


UPS have just knocked on my door to deliver a parcel addressed to my Dad from WMIS (part of Warner Music Group), from a distribution centre in Germany. It was in a long flimsy cardboard box (NOT a tube). Normally I wouldn't open packages not for me, but I noticed that the corner had been ripped open. I shook the package a bit and to my surprise out fell another Muse artwork poster.


However, this one is REALLY badly dented to the extent that it just looks screwed up and there is no way it's going on my wall.


Which leads me to a few questions...


- is the new supplier for the muse.mu store now based in Germany. If so who the hell made that ridiculous decision?! This just means all items will now be sent via UPS and will probably result in higher delivery charges.


- How come an official WMG outlet do not know how to pack a poster?!


- Can I (or my parents) really be arsed to sort this problem out AGAIN?


- Can we have a new shop please?


I hear there's some new merch going on sale at the stadium tour, so when this goes up online, good luck to anyone that's going to order it!



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Well I have been waiting 9 weeks for a hoody that I ordered on the 1st July.

After many emails with automated replies, I finally got a reply today saying it was out of stock and they don't know when they'll be getting more.


It was in the sale, I ordered it literally 2 mins after the Tweet to say it was in the sale. It wasn't 'OUT OF STOCK' when I ordered it.

If you look on Amazon, and a few other sites, they all have that hoody on sale at full price. Looks like they bought the fecking lot and screwed us over!


I'm going to wait a bit longer. Seriously pissed off though.

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