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Unintended (*sigh*). One time I listened to it for a week straight. :happy:


SfA :dance: My favorite SfA lyric is the last line:

Our wrongs

Remain unrectified

And our souls

Won't be exhumed


That one just gets me.



Now that I think about it I really want Unintended!


i love the HAARP version of Unintended, i can listen to it over and over.. i had that CD for a month in my car... and i just listen to it non-stop... but the whole CD in general you know..


and about SfA... i touch's me.. deep inside...

is one of the songs that gives me a hard time when i listen to it... :supersad:

and about

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i love the HAARP version of Unintended, i can listen to it over and over.. i had that CD for a month in my car... and i just listen to it non-stop... but the whole CD in general you know..


and about SfA... i touch's me.. deep inside...

is one of the songs that gives me a hard time when i listen to it... :supersad:

and about


HAARP Unintended is exquisite.


I actually love those songs that can twist a knife in your gut. It's amazing when a song can be that powerful. And we are lucky to be able to feel like that. Not everyone can. I'm getting all philosophical. :chuckle:


On a lighter note, I just watched the video for NSC. OMG OMG OMG MATT IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, fangirlie moment. :$

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HAARP Unintended is exquisite.


I actually love those songs that can twist a knife in your gut. It's amazing when a song can be that powerful. And we are lucky to be able to feel like that. Not everyone can. I'm getting all philosophical. :chuckle:


On a lighter note, I just watched the video for NSC. OMG OMG OMG MATT IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, fangirlie moment. :$


i know :awesome:

i told that to my friend... and she said


"THAT's not cute or hot.. it's tiny.. i like the big one" :awesome::chris:


so off topic, but im trying to get a really cool real size photo of Matt that i saw last week.. but the owner doens't wanna sell it :mad:

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i know :awesome:

i told that to my friend... and she said


"THAT's not cute or hot.. it's tiny.. i like the big one" :awesome::chris:

Weird, I think my mom has said the exact same thing, though not in reference to the NSC vid. :LOL:


so off topic, but im trying to get a really cool real size photo of Matt that i saw last week.. but the owner doens't wanna sell it :mad:

Steal it :ninja:

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i sympathize with the folks who had their cancelled shows and whatnot but zomg i just realized something.....




.... dude, we're now the last show on the entire tour :eek: This could bode very well for us, my friends, very well.....


DUDE, I'm gonna be really selfish and hope this is true! Or that they do a DC Halloween gig! :eek:

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Weird, I think my mom has said the exact same thing, though not in reference to the NSC vid. :LOL:



Steal it :ninja:


I will :indiff:


i found it in some weird store in Seattle.. under the farmers market :awesome:

it was next to Twilight's Edward... :facepalm:


DUDE, I'm gonna be really selfish and hope this is true! Or that they do a DC Halloween gig! :eek:


any of those would be great for me :awesome:

i get to spend halloween in DC! :D

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i sympathize with the folks who had their cancelled shows and whatnot but zomg i just realized something.....




.... dude, we're now the last show on the entire tour :eek: This could bode very well for us, my friends, very well.....


:eek: OMG you are right... i'm still upset that i didn't stick around after the last Fairfax gig like other people did. I dream of meeting them... maybe this time i have a chance since they have no where to be afterward...:awesome: I am correct in this logic? lol.

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Trick or treating at the Embassies, dude! :D


And if this is the last gig on tour, we HAVE to get into the epic afterparty. Find a way! Find a way!


holy words!



we have to... WE HAVE TO :ninja:

tbh i'll be up for everything after 3 shows in a week...

the 4th one will be epic.. :awesome:

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I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the announcement about the changes to US dates. Now I'm obsessed with thoughts of premature labour. Please let our shows go on! So selfish. At the end of the day, a new life is so much more important...but I can't help I wanna see Muse!

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I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the announcement about the changes to US dates. Now I'm obsessed with thoughts of premature labour. Please let our shows go on! So selfish. At the end of the day, a new life is so much more important...but I can't help I wanna see Muse!


I know how you feel =p lol. That's what I thought of as well, then I felt guilty and selfish afterwords too. Plus I want to try and stay after the show to see if I could get a chance to meet them. Since this is the last concert for this tour.

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I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the announcement about the changes to US dates. Now I'm obsessed with thoughts of premature labour. Please let our shows go on! So selfish. At the end of the day, a new life is so much more important...but I can't help I wanna see Muse!

I thought of it too :rolleyes:



... and felt guilty about it :$



But what can you do? I mean, it's not like I'd be somehow angry at them if for some reason they couldn't do the gig, but I can't lie and say I wouldn't be a little disappointed :$

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OMG YES!!!! We'll give them the Halloween they'll never forget! (although, with alcohol, it might be inevitable... :LOL:)


Trick or treating at the Embassies was actually pretty fail last year. Korea was the only one cool enough to actually give us Korean candy. :rolleyes:

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it was next to Twilight's Edward... :facepalm:


:eek: OMG you are right... i'm still upset that i didn't stick around after the last Fairfax gig like other people did. I dream of meeting them... maybe this time i have a chance since they have no where to be afterward...:awesome: I am correct in this logic? lol.


OMG what are you talking about? Did they come out and meet people at the Fairfax gig? Details please! :D

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OMG what are you talking about? Did they come out and meet people at the Fairfax gig? Details please! :D

They did come out and meet people, I think it was the only time they did that on this tour - and where was I? I was sitting back in my hotel like 5mins away! :'(


They came out really late, there was a guy who posted pics in the gig thread :supersad:

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They did come out and meet people, I think it was the only time they did that on this tour - and where was I? I was sitting back in my hotel like 5mins away! :'(


They came out really late, there was a guy who posted pics in the gig thread :supersad:




i dont wanna think that something like this can happen to us.

we MUST CAMP! lol



this would be our last chance (in this tour)

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They did come out and meet people, I think it was the only time they did that on this tour - and where was I? I was sitting back in my hotel like 5mins away! :'(


They came out really late, there was a guy who posted pics in the gig thread :supersad:

That is amazing that they came out. It SUCKS that you missed them. :supersad: Do you have any idea what time they came out? I waited in Atlanta until about 2:00 a.m., but nothing. :supersad:

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That is amazing that they came out. It SUCKS that you missed them. :supersad: Do you have any idea what time they came out? I waited in Atlanta until about 2:00 a.m., but nothing. :supersad:

It was maybe 1:30AM, easily 2.5hrs after the gig ended.... :supersad: the show ended just after 11 and I went to Dennys, got finished around 1AM... was sitting at my comp at the hotel when the guy posted his pics around 2AM :'(



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It was maybe 1:30AM, easily 2.5hrs after the gig ended.... :supersad: the show ended just after 11 and I went to Dennys, got finished around 1AM... was sitting at my comp at the hotel when the guy posted his pics around 2AM :'(




What pisses me off is it took me until then to get a cab, so I might as well have waited around for them. :rolleyes:

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It was maybe 1:30AM, easily 2.5hrs after the gig ended.... :supersad: the show ended just after 11 and I went to Dennys, got finished around 1AM... was sitting at my comp at the hotel when the guy posted his pics around 2AM :'(




You are well within your rights to whine. I can only image the whining and tantrums if that had been me. That just blows. Maybe we will get to meet them in Charlottesville! :awesome:


I would give anything for the chance to tell them how much their music means to me. Ok, fine! I just want to drool over Matt:facepalm:

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Is it October yet? :LOL:


i sympathize with the folks who had their cancelled shows and whatnot but zomg i just realized something.....


.... dude, we're now the last show on the entire tour :eek: This could bode very well for us, my friends, very well.....


I never thought of that...but now that you mention it...:eek::yesey:

DUDE, I'm gonna be really selfish and hope this is true! Or that they do a DC Halloween gig! :eek:


Really that would be :awesome:! They just have to play somewhere on Halloween.


Trick or treating at the Embassies, dude! :D


And if this is the last gig on tour, we HAVE to get into the epic afterparty. Find a way! Find a way!


I'm with ya!!


Sleep...what's that? I can do that when I eventually get back home lol.

(Afraid to get my hopes up though. I don't have much luck...for example: Fairfax, I left too early. Baltimore, they left right away. New York, waited at the buses but they were somewhere else.)

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the announcement about the changes to US dates. Now I'm obsessed with thoughts of premature labour. Please let our shows go on! So selfish. At the end of the day, a new life is so much more important...but I can't help I wanna see Muse!


I know! I think the same. :$ Maybe Kelly Wolstenholme is having a cesearean section and the birth is scheduled. That would probably be best for Chris anyway because of the touring. :)

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I'm with ya!!


Sleep...what's that? I can do that when I eventually get back home lol.

(Afraid to get my hopes up though. I don't have much luck...for example: Fairfax, I left too early. Baltimore, they left right away. New York, waited at the buses but they were somewhere else.)


Well you're the one driving, so whatever you want, as long as I'm back before my 8:30 am Thursday class preferably. :awesome: Though even that I'd skip for certain things. ;)

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You are well within your rights to whine. I can only image the whining and tantrums if that had been me. That just blows. Maybe we will get to meet them in Charlottesville! :awesome:


I would give anything for the chance to tell them how much their music means to me. Ok, fine! I just want to drool over Matt:facepalm:


i just try not to think about it :$


I think the thing that makes it better was that I didn't even try to wait for them, it just didn't enter my mind that meeting would be a possibility. If I had waited for a while but then left and had them show up 20mins later, i think i's be more upset...!


I never thought of that...but now that you mention it...:eek::yesey:



I'm with ya!!


Sleep...what's that? I can do that when I eventually get back home lol.

(Afraid to get my hopes up though. I don't have much luck...for example: Fairfax, I left too early. Baltimore, they left right away. New York, waited at the buses but they were somewhere else.)

Baltimore bus waiting :fear:


At least I got to go :awesome: a bit with some other musers, though.... so the waiting wasn't time wasted :D


But still :fear:

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we'll be a few :$




I have terrible luck too! I'm an awful stalker; need to refine my skills. This gig is probably going to be my only chance for stalking. In San Diego, I am going with someone who will not want to play along, we'll be leaving immediately after the Raleigh show and driving through the night, soooooooo that leaves VA! May the force be with us!

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