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Im waiting im line at the moment. Doesnt look like I'll get barrier for this show. who knows maybe ill get lucky.

i located the tour buses :awesome: brought Oos for them to sign if i meet them.

someone here has the coolest outfit. yellow skinnies, silver converse, and thr black sweater thing. everything Dom wears :D

ill be updating on twitter up until the concert.


did you get a piccy? :awesome: sounds freaking awesome!

So cool meeting you afterwards! :awesome:

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This looks quite a tight arena



yeah, it felt small... looked small... walking outside of it i was curious if the towers were going to fit because the building seemed rather small in height. It worked out just fine though. I think its only used for indoor soccer and indoor football as well as concerts.


On another note, the crew from parking to security handled this gig much more better than was handled at the 360 Tour stop in Raleigh. We actually got a great parking spot in the garage across the street, and we got in smoothly.. I didnt feel bottlenecked either. Traffic wasnt all too bad around the arena itself either. I'm so glad it wasnt the nightmare that some people had in Raleigh several months ago!

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So, in short, tonight sucked :(


It was a 16 song setlist, and apparently the crowd wasn't getting into it. The dead crowd rubbed off on Matt, and a result, the performance wasn't very good. Bad show, bad show.

Were you at the gig?:rolleyes:

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GA was definitely getting into it tonight...i had a great time on the floor, and was really excited for MK Ultra and Feeling Good.

agenthal, were you front center on the barriers in the beginning of the show? I think I saw you giving security fries.


Yep, haha, that was me. I was wearing a tan hat. :D

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Being in the seats kind of sucked for me, though I don't think I'd want GA for this show in the end... It's way easier to see everything from the seats. If I'd have been a little closer I'd have been in absolution. MY problem with last night's show was that, although it was short, I was standing/sitting next to a bunch of people who weren't very excitable. There were children near me that were pretty excited but only seemed to know a few newer songs... and a guy who ONLY knew Starlight.... Then a really huge guy in front of me who didn't move at all the whole show and then a couple to the back of me that I didn't get to see much of. Either way, I kind of felt like an idiot all tucked away in the back jumping and raving like a Muse obsessed idiot...:LOL: But I head banged and jumped up and down with the best of em!


And here are some highlights (in terrible focus sorry) from my point of view....












And now I have to go to class... :facepalm:

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If it's worth anything (probably not), the Muse show in 2004 or so at the 930 Club was the most energetic yet gentle crowd I have ever been in. Does that even make sense? It's like the place was going ape shit to the point of someone in Muse's crew running off the side of the stage and returning with a video camera to tape everyone yet no one was crowd surfing or moshing but everyone was really into it, screaming and singing, jumping, etc. It was really quite odd. :LOL:


Different cities harbor different types of crowds it seems.


Having just been at the Fairfax show, I think the crowd was pretty much on par to the 930 Club experience. People were really into it they just weren't crowd surfing.


I'm glad you guys had a good time at Bmore though. I wanted to go to that show also but work would not allow me the time off. :indiff: I'm sad I missed MKU. :supersad:


Muse shows are always excellent! :awesome:

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Figured I'd chime in...good show. The setlist was pretty much what I expected. I'm betting on the next time around the states they'll dip more into the back catalog. Would've loved to hear the whole Symphony (maybe next time)


The wife didn't go into labor...which was a good thing...but our little girl was kicking several times through the show:). We were sitting in the 227 Section and most of our section was rocking out through the whole show...but I do agree that a large chunk of the seated audience were lame. I guess it's the nature of Muse becoming more popular....you get people who only know a few songs instead of an audience of Muse freaks. Such a weird contrast to the Blackholes tour...went to three shows on that tour and for the most part, all the crowds were 100% Muse fanatical. Despite the lameness, I'd have to say, for the most part, the crowd was very gracious....loud applause and cheering after every song....and Dom's remarks at the end of the show did not leave me the impression that Muse didn't care for the crowd.


And now onto the show.....of course, the visuals were incredible.....you definitely see why the tickets are so expensive.....four tour buses and what I believe were 6 semi tractor trailers hauling the stage setup.....crazy. The songs they did play were incredible....good to hear the guys again. Gotta say, it's quite weird to see someone other than Matt play the intro to New Born. Love Matt's subtle guitar work in some of the staple songs....keeps them fresh even though you know you'll hear them. Anyway....can't wait for the next time...maybe they'll tour with a small orchestra and do that Symphony right :eek:.


Side note.....if you ever go to a concert at 1st Mariner arena, DO NOT park in the garage adjacent to the venue....we were on the 6th level and it took us near an hour to get out of the garage.

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I was at Fairfax and Bmore..GA in both, and thought they were both mind boggling shows. I really enjoyed the wide age spectrum..there were kids there that could have been my grandchildren. My only regret is I didnt think to wait for them after Fairfax; I (and 16 other hardy Musers) waited after Baltimore but they left early.


I had the great pleasure of meeting mu members Iburnlikethesun and Rev. David, zetagirl, ded duck, and elight while waiting for the band to not show.


All told, a totally addictive Muse high that will be hard to replicate in the real world.


Ah, well, back to work.

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This was my first full Muse show (saw them open for U2 @ FedEx), and it rocked! At first it felt a little flat energy-wise during Uprising and Resistance, but once New Born came on, I thought it was amazing! I was sitting up in the 300s basically dead center, and about half my section was up and dancing (mostly after SMBH). I'm not really the kind of person to do that, I prefer sitting, listening to the music, singing along at the top of my lungs, and a little head-banging (although 10 years ago, I would have been up and crazy probably). But everything in this show, the music, visuals, etc. was amazing. The only problem I had was the venue. 1st Mariner Arena has definitely outlived its usefulness. It felt like an airplane hangar that somebody plopped seats along the sides of. It was kind of a depressing venue, so that may have been what had people not as energetic (at least in the seats) as usual. Also, I had beer vendors going up and down my section in the middle of the set, and the girl next to me must have had a bladder problem, because she kept coming and going (and got to her seat in the middle of Uprising. Seriously? Wait till the song is over!!!:mad:) Overall though, awesome show! I haven't been to a good, make-your-ears-ring the next morning show in a loooong time. Can't wait for them to come around again, and I'm majorly jealous of my brother who's going to see them at MSG Friday. Bastard.



PS. MK Ultra FTW!!!!!!:D

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Being in the seats kind of sucked for me, though I don't think I'd want GA for this show in the end... It's way easier to see everything from the seats. If I'd have been a little closer I'd have been in absolution. MY problem with last night's show was that, although it was short, I was standing/sitting next to a bunch of people who weren't very excitable. There were children near me that were pretty excited but only seemed to know a few newer songs... and a guy who ONLY knew Starlight.... Then a really huge guy in front of me who didn't move at all the whole show and then a couple to the back of me that I didn't get to see much of. Either way, I kind of felt like an idiot all tucked away in the back jumping and raving like a Muse obsessed idiot...:LOL: But I head banged and jumped up and down with the best of em!



I feel your pain. Best seats we ever had to any show we've been to when not in GA. I agree, there was a "suck zone" feel that if you were there to rock it out in the seats, you were to conform to your chair and be a potato. My husband and I decided we were there to give an education to those sitting around us what you are to DO at a Muse concert! Eventually, most others finally stood up and sorta "danced".

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I was at Fairfax and Bmore..GA in both, and thought they were both mind boggling shows. I really enjoyed the wide age spectrum..there were kids there that could have been my grandchildren. My only regret is I didnt think to wait for them after Fairfax; I (and 16 other hardy Musers) waited after Baltimore but they left early.


I had the great pleasure of meeting mu members Iburnlikethesun and Rev. David, zetagirl, ded duck, and elight while waiting for the band to not show.


All told, a totally addictive Muse high that will be hard to replicate in the real world.


Ah, well, back to work.


It was GREAT meeting you and others. Despite not being able to meet the band, I had such an enjoyable time talking to board members. Lots of fun!


I don't blame for Muse leaving early. Based on the crowd, I think they wanted to leave ASAP as they know NYNY will have crazy fans, just like at the Patriot Center!

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I am so happy about MK Ultra, finally got to hear it, and the way Matt started it, with the teaser, it was beyond great!!!!


very good show, I liked also beginning of PIB was kinda strange and unusual and some of the riffs were quite playful.


also liked the way Chris was on the left platform and Matt on the right.


Helsinki Jam was nice and clean, really good sound.


SS outro was very powerful and enjoyable, love this song!!!


US was excellent, liked it more this time than before at MTV, U2 or European shows, I think it was polished to perfection


great to meet up with the boardies, love you guys!!!!



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I'd kill to see them at the 930 club. I think it was Nov of 05 when they were there last? I remember not being able to make it for reasons I don't even remember now :(



Did the set list for the 1st Mariner Arena show get posted? I didn't see it going back a few pages


November 2004 sounds about right. It was so cold...again! Haha :viking:


That show sold out mad quick. I don't even know how we got tickets. Seriously that show was awesome. To see them at such a small place right on the barricade was like :awesome::awesome::awesome:


But they were just as good then as they were Monday night, which is a real testimony I think. I can't even lie though--it was really special to have seen them before they broke here. I'm sorry you couldn't make it! I have yet to find any video of that show for some reason. :unsure:

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I didn't notice he did the shuffle! :facepalm: Probably since he was on the opposite side of the stage and the lights were kind of in the way.


Being in the seats kind of sucked for me, though I don't think I'd want GA for this show in the end... It's way easier to see everything from the seats.

I think I saw you! I recognized your earrings (you had posted that picture, right?)

Anyway, I agree, I had an aisle seat on the lower tier, and the only thing I'd want would for it to be a little closer... Some of the people around me were into it, and most, if not all were standing, but they weren't doing much more than that. I was shocked at how static everyone was when uprising started, it made me a little nervous to start moving around... I did my hand gesture along with Matt though... by time New Born started I was like, forget everyone around me, this is my first concert with my favorite band, I'm gonna dance and sing along like I want.


I don't blame for Muse leaving early. Based on the crowd, I think they wanted to leave ASAP as they know NYNY will have crazy fans, just like at the Patriot Center!

Like I mentioned before, I didn't want ANYTHING more from Muse (except a longer setlist, but curfew limits that unfortunately) I did want a better crowd though. If anything was disappointing about yesterday, it was the crowd, not Muse. I would, in a heartbeat, go to another Muse gig, even if the setlist were exactly the same as yesterday's, and if I knew the crowd would be ten times more into it.


And this is why I need to attend a show in a city like New York, or somewhere in Europe.

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I love Muse!! This was my first Muse concert and I was impressed!! I thought they were amazing!!!! I wished they played a little longer...I thought it was a little too short. I rocked out and sang to just about every song played...I have 3 of their CDS (the last 2 and their 1st) and was upset there were a few songs I never heard but I still enoyed them anyway. I have to agree with some people...parts of the crowd were a little lame...sitting down and not singing or dancing, etc. The couple in front of me stood the entire time and two guys behind me were seated the entire time! I felt like I was in limbo, so I stayed seated just about the entire show because I didn't want to be rude. But I was screaming, moving my head and arms and clapping!! I stood during the last song, Knights of Cydonia (my fav). I've learned my lesson...next time, I will stand and jump the entire time even if the people behind me are sitting. I payed my money to ejoy a rock concert and next time I'm going to enjoy it standing from the 1st song to the last! I think even next time I might venture down to GA. They looked like they were having a lot of fun! I hope Muse doesn't think Baltimore is lame and will return in the future! Overall, this was the best concert I've ever been too. Thanks for the great show!

Suprisingly, Silversun Pickups were really good (this was my first time hearing one of their songs).

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Heyyaa I was there last night, I had bright yellow pants on and I got on my friends shoulders during the first chorus of Knights for about 10 seconds (cause the guards had a fuckin' fit, as I expected haha)


if anyone has a photo or video of me doing this (I doubt but it's worth a shot) or if anyone even saw me, let me know xD! I've wanted to do that forever. NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!


anyway, I'm gonna post my pics from the show up tonight probably. I got some good ones.

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I didn't notice he did the shuffle! :facepalm: Probably since he was on the opposite side of the stage and the lights were kind of in the way.


I didn't either! :( and I was right in front of him LOL. I was probably fumbling with my camera or warding off crowd surfers

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Was it really that bad from the seats? Because from in the pits the crowd felt crazy!


well it all started from my twit and where I was seating and looked around the arena, it was hardly moving anywhere, the pit started to be a bit more active on a 4th or 5th song, and by encore it warmed up


I enjoyed the show anyway, despite all the loud talking during USOE and Exogenesis


I had a wonderful time, and I'm totally glad that I saw Muse as my first concert. Muse didn't disappoint, they were certainly doing their best to put on a great show for us, and they did. :) Wish the crowd as a whole was better though, with the singing along. The loudest we got was during Starlight.



oh the singing along was good, but it could have been better,

this is the first time I hear Matt let people sing verses of Starlight and Plug in Baby :D

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