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Hey, brilliant minds think alike (and simulpost)!


Two more thoughts for you potheads out there: one, there's a likely to be a lot of cops off-duty going to this show (because cops are people who love music too, and most of them are making decent salaries), who have a professional obligation to do something when they witness shit like that; and second, there's a lot of career-dissatisfied people out there who are either looking for a job or looking to change jobs, and that often requires drug-testing. (A recent survey showed that something like three in four workers are dissatisfied with their current job and many/most of them are looking for something better. That, on top of the officially 16% un- and underemployment rate, which lowballs the actual numbers.) Trust me, given a choice between possibly blowing a drug test due to inhaling your stinking 2nd-hand Cali Purple or somesuch shit, and narcing you out, you will get narced. In an effin' heartbeat.


Do you druggies understand what I'm saying? (More to the point, will you remember it come Friday night?)

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Would you casual drug users kindly give it a rest and consider postponing your intake for after the show, preferably in the privacy of your own homes? I don't relish the prospect of having a confrontation with another fan who's behavior is obnoxious or boorish in some way, only to find out that their personality is distorted, and their judgement clouded, by a likely combination of drugs and/or alcohol.


Not to mention the deleterious effect your drugs are likely to have on your "singing," should you indulge your inclinations in that way. I'm going to the show to hear Matt Bellamy sing, not some drunken jerk whose stylings of "Plug In Baby" would make baby Jesus cry. If I wanted to hear crappy singing by amateurs (and trust me, if you're drunk or high, your singing will sound like crap, even if you're too shitfaced to realize it), I'd go to a karaoke bar or stay home and watch "American Idol," but I can't stand amateurish singing.


:D I agree...

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Dude brooklyn here ;).


This Concert is going to be SO fucking Awesome!!!


there will be dancing, and drinking and smoking weed, and um the best part of all..


That band called MUSE?!?!

awesome!! , but yes very excited not really the right words. and enough said~

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When I went to the U2 gig at Giants Stadium in September, the two ladies next to me were smoking weed, and I wasn't too happy about it. If you do it before hand thats cool, after thats cool too, but during the show, people should refrain from that, especially if they cannot handle themselves and ruin it for everybody around them

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Um, I get the none smoking policy, but not liking people who sing badly thing? You're at a gig, for Christ;s sake, you expect people to stand their an be quiet? Plus, neither drugs nor alcohol will make a difference, if you can't sing you can't sing :LOL:


That paragraph in that post baffled me! lol

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Seriously, I'm gonna be uber pissed if there is pot smoking going on inside the venue. Do it before you come if you have to.


i don't even smoke and this comes off as prude to me. its a concert, there she be a haze of pot and cigarettes. we have become so god damn uptight.

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Um, I get the none smoking policy, but not liking people who sing badly thing? You're at a gig, for Christ;s sake, you expect people to stand their an be quiet? Plus, neither drugs nor alcohol will make a difference, if you can't sing you can't sing :LOL:


That paragraph in that post baffled me! lol


Making an ass of yourself singing is the best part because it's perfectly acceptable :LOL:


I would love for our meetup to be in a kareoke bar, that would be ridiculous

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i don't even smoke and this comes off as prude to me. its a concert, there she be a haze of pot and cigarettes. we have become so god damn uptight.


No, there really shouldn't. It's hard enough to breathe with the mash of people around, I don't need pot smoke in my face as well, thanks.


I don't have issue with people getting high as long as they aren't causing a ruckus but I do have a problem with things that impede my ability to breathe during a gig. I smoke myself (cigs) but I would never inside a venue.

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i don't even smoke and this comes off as prude to me. its a concert, there she be a haze of pot and cigarettes. we have become so god damn uptight.


Well gosh, I'm glad that you seem to have so much consideration for your fellow concert goers.


Pot and/or cigarettes at a festival or outdoor concert? Not so bad. Indoors? Just no.

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No, there really shouldn't. It's hard enough to breathe with the mash of people around, I don't need pot smoke in my face as well, thanks.


I don't have issue with people getting high as long as they aren't causing a ruckus but I do have a problem with things that impede my ability to breathe during a gig. I smoke myself (cigs) but I would never inside a venue.


I'm guilty of that at the Giants stadium gig (cigs) :$


But it was an outdoor venue:LOL:

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Gee' date=' [b']Olly.[/b], it comes as no surprise that you would post that.... :rolleyes:


I feel I know you well enough now not to expect any better.


What no surprise that I sing at a concert? Like all the other thousands of people would be too? :LOL:

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No, I smoked my head off at V fest in 08 but it was outside and I blew it in front of me where there was no one else standing. It's just rude and inconsiderate when you are in such close quarters.


Again, get high as a kite before if you must. I don't care, if that's how you want to enjoy the gig that's your prerogative, but there are tens of thousands of other people there and you have to respect that.


@ toska

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Treat others how you wish to be treated. I'd rather not have smoke blown in my face whilst packed in at a gig, so I wouldn't do it to anyone else. Guess you can't stop the mass, of course, but it's rather inconsiderate.


Cause some dirty bastard once farted at the side of me, I got so pissed off that I got my aerosol out and sprayed it to make the air smell nicer, hahaha!. However, the girl on the other side of me FAINTED due to the heat, the aerosol in her lungs, and the lack of air. It's just not cool, people. So no, I don't think Steph was being 'prude' - we have no smoking policies for a reason, sorry for being considerate.

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ok back to what this board is about, what time are the GA people getting in line? and i've been reading these other posts from other places handing out wrist bands. will they do that at msg? i've never been to a show with GA seats at msg.

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