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Malay : Harian Metro (no mention in Utusan or Berita Harian)



Chinese: Sin Chew Daily (as attached)

Maybe someone cud translate it


Also, I got to listen to Bliss Live in S'pore (mp3 as attached). Apparently, the S'pore audience didn't know what to do with the balloons hehe.. They were told by the band (Dom probably) "You've got to pop the balloons before we can play the next song. Show 'em. (Showing how) That's how you do it you see. Drum rolls while waiting for all the balloons to be popped off.


Luckily the M'sian audience knew what to do with the balloons hehe :LOL:

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nope, matt and dom kissed in klia..


omgwtf? what kind of joke is that? :LOL: i dunno whats the deal with placebo, so spare me. are they a gay band or something? like Queen? lol correct me if i'm wrong please :happy:


yeah..its hard to find a guy wit the same passion as mine.i've met a guy, n i told him im sooo into muse, n he was like 'muse???...muse 2 ape??'..la,he dont know muse..he DONT even know what is muse :stunned: n i left him the moment he said what is muse..(im sooo mean..but i cant stand guys like that..mannn..im MEAN...didnt i??)o lord..forgive me for leaving him..huhu


umm.. while we're still on this topic. i was trying my best to 'convert' my ex into a muse fan just like me, but he never said anything like "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG", he just said stuff like "... yeah that song's okay. its nice la" booo. no enthusiasm what so ever. plus he's the kind of guy who likes guitar instrumental music like steve vai and stuff. so i assumed he'd respect matt bellamy and his awesome guitar playing and riffs and whatnots. guess not. -__- and he kept on dissing them to tease me! it was funny at first but it got old cause he kept doing it for weeks :stunned:



ok old topic sorry. lol but i'm glad to see that the thread has gone up 4 pages in less than 24 hours! :happy: keep the momentum going, people!

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kepada mamat yg marah2 tu ..


it so trueeee dude...

sometimes nyampah gak kat budak2 ni .. gile obses ngan looks ..duh!


its all about music baybeh..


for example ...

cuba tengok Dom main drum .. gile babi power.

aku suka dom bukan sbb gay, sbb dia power.

kalau ade peluang aku nak ambik gamba sambil peluk dom hahahaha!

mesti dom igt aku gay.

n aku akan reply mcm ni.


"dude im not gay. fuck u. lets take pic together."

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"dude im not gay. fuck u. lets take pic together."


dom would say yeah dude. *depending on how you look..*


dom is not that great with drums.. *dom screws up time is running out the other day*


*hides from evil eye from mynameisdebbie*


haih.. ok guys. stop talking about how jealous and menyampah you are with girls talking about muse.. kak faz has apologized.. adila wants to fight tetapi admit she is going crazy about chris ehee.. tetapi right now, we are figuring out how to upload invincible radio edit onto this thread..


so lelaki2 gagah yang tidak gay dan tidak sukekan girls yang fanatik, come on let's make peace.. coz together we're invincible..


**hm, invincible sounds kind of gay to me right now** :happy: *goes off to rewatch brokeback mountain*..

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Malay : Harian Metro (no mention in Utusan or Berita Harian)



i think the writer is a fan... kept nodding me head and smiling while reading this. thanks!


Sin Chew review


wat does it say??? and it has pix of the press conference b4 the concert..


omgwtf? what kind of joke is that? :LOL: i dunno whats the deal with placebo, so spare me. are they a gay band or something? like Queen? lol correct me if i'm wrong please :happy:


ok old topic sorry. lol but i'm glad to see that the thread has gone up 4 pages in less than 24 hours! :happy: keep the momentum going, people!



lol deb. shhhh.. some peeps are rather too cool for all this girlish talk..:rolleyes: but apparently if they were at our place they would definitely hug the band *look above post*

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kepada mamat yg marah2 tu ..


it so trueeee dude...

sometimes nyampah gak kat budak2 ni .. gile obses ngan looks ..duh!


its all about music baybeh..


for example ...

cuba tengok Dom main drum .. gile babi power.

aku suka dom bukan sbb gay, sbb dia power.

kalau ade peluang aku nak ambik gamba sambil peluk dom hahahaha!

mesti dom igt aku gay.

n aku akan reply mcm ni.


"dude im not gay. fuck u. lets take pic together."


if you werent so oblivious, you'd actually notice that we talked about their music way before the gig started. way before we saw them in real life. way before we started talking about their looks.


so before you start trashing us, and before you start judging us, get your research done first.


and to be honest i never thought matt, dom nor chris were really good looking when i first heard about Muse a few years ago. but its their charisma and personality that makes them even more attractive. its like that to me anyway. after watching more and more interviews of them, they got more and more attractive. hence, the crazy fangirlyness. but that doesnt mean we're unappreciating their music either. we love their music as much as we love them! some of us may love their music more than we love them. but we just tend to speak of them more than their music.


its merely a bad habit. its not because we're groupies and we think that they're a bunch of justin timberlakes. for god's sake justin timberlake is a freakin POPstar. its a bloody insult to compare Muse to him.

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dom would say yeah dude. *depending on how you look..*


dom is not that great with drums.. *dom screws up time is running out the other day*


*hides from evil eye from mynameisdebbie*


LOL he did?! omg why didnt i ntoice that? i never notice stuff like that when i'm IN the gig. cause i'd probably be too busy singing along with matt and stuff like that to notice it. but i'll check out youtube when i have the time... which is after my exams! :eek:


lol deb. shhhh.. some peeps are rather too cool for all this girlish talk..:rolleyes: but apparently if they were at our place they would definitely hug the band *look above post*


LOLs at the "too cool" bit. i dont get why he said Dom would think he's gay though. what's wrong with hugging? its not gay for a guy to hug a guy unless you're THAT homophobic. which i'm sure Dom isnt. i mean, come on. the shower scene with Chris? :LOL:

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LOL he did?! omg why didnt i ntoice that? i never notice stuff like that when i'm IN the gig. cause i'd probably be too busy singing along with matt and stuff like that to notice it. but i'll check out youtube when i have the time... which is after my exams! :eek:




LOLs at the "too cool" bit. i dont get why he said Dom would think he's gay though. what's wrong with hugging? its not gay for a guy to hug a guy unless you're THAT homophobic. which i'm sure Dom isnt. i mean, come on. the shower scene with Chris? :LOL:


matt also made some slipss.. but its kinda normal dont u think? they're not that perfect..


lol at that shower scene and remember the interview when matt commented on dom's pants? so gay.. lol.. ooo dont wanna make peeps menyampah reading this post..but wat kind a fan who'd say f*ck u to their fav band? dont they noe that's rude..?:eek:

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LOL he did?! omg why didnt i ntoice that? i never notice stuff like that when i'm IN the gig. cause i'd probably be too busy singing along with matt and stuff like that to notice it. but i'll check out youtube when i have the time... which is after my exams! :eek:


LOLs at the "too cool" bit. i dont get why he said Dom would think he's gay though. what's wrong with hugging? its not gay for a guy to hug a guy unless you're THAT homophobic. which i'm sure Dom isnt. i mean, come on. the shower scene with Chris? :LOL:


haha, i think la he screwed up.. coz i noticed he stoppd a bit and grinned macam orang gile, and i was like, oh NoOo.. aha.. (okay, control yourself from continuing girlie talk).. [the incident might just be in my imagination, however, but i swear to god i saw it]


sigh.. exactly what i thought. dom would just lol at him.. muse are fun guys.. they don't mind harmless sex banters, they're not that self-absorbed.. yeah, and guys, (not me of course, coz i wasn't even on this board until i got banned off invictus (muse - rock music for clever people)), but we were way ahead of you guys on muse. we girls are that way, like something, we'll find out everything about it..


haha, ya lor, i didn't exactly thought of hugging dom because of his drumming skills the other day, did i? did you guys?


*i did however hug chris only because of the fact that he grunts. and is dramatic at the bass when he's not playing anything. and is not short.


relax guys, we're just over excited because we finally met them face to face.. that's normal.. give it a few, em, months (years??) and this thread will return to normalcy, prior to PMS.. and that's why it's called PMS.. only girls can relate..


haha, but you have to admit, 110 pages?? you guys wouldn't be able to fill it up with just analyses of how chris sang backing vocals in hoodoo great (or something).. go go girls from malaysia..!!!

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to change topic completely away from gay guys and fanatic girls,


somebody go to INVICTUS please and upload the radio edit of invincible HERE..


maybe one of those gagah guys who are not gay can do it?




i would also like to thank muse and tom kirk, because i have finally figured out how to have my own messageboard courtesy of the direction of the muse board management.. saved enough money, bought the license to vbulletin, so hopefully the dream to have an online law network will come true.. thanks guys.. no more manual creation.. all because of craziness for moooooooooseeee :happy:

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u girls were way ahead about muse from 'us'?

haha lol!


if u were way ahead from 'me', .. than its true. i admit.

dulu aku nyampah giler ngan muse. mula2 dgr plug in baby, mcm "ape sampah ni tahape hape la " .. coz im still with nirvana n rhcp sampai mati ..


but then during the Absolution .. i saw dom played stockhom syndromme live from my fren's vid clips and i go wow!! barulaa mula dgr balik lagu2 muse .. and that was around 2004 .. lambat giler ..


so i start follow their music starting with domm stocko, .. matt bliss ..n chris hysteria .. lambat dah tu .. :p

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u girls were way ahead about muse from 'us'?

haha lol!


if u were way ahead from 'me', .. than its true. i admit.

dulu aku nyampah giler ngan muse. mula2 dgr plug in baby, mcm "ape sampah ni tahape hape la " .. coz im still with nirvana n rhcp sampai mati ..


but then during the Absolution .. i saw dom played stockhom syndromme in my fren's vid clips and i go wow!! barulaa mula dgr balik lagu2 muse .. and that was around 2004 .. lambat giler ..


so i start follow their music starting with domm stocko, .. matt bliss ..n chris hysteria .. lambat dah tu .. :p


whoops.. in that case i suggest u go bittorrent and go download origin of symmetry.. as well as their other less well-known songs..that is, if you don't believe in buying their albums.


btw, anyone have a NOT SUCKY version of easily??? the only one i have are the audio ripped version from youtube.. i'd like a proper sound for a song, please.. dah la speaker i cam weirdass gile.


PLUG IN BABY has a great RIFF... NooOoOoO!!!

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whoops.. in that case i suggest u go bittorrent and go download origin of symmetry.. as well as their other less well-known songs..that is, if you don't believe in buying their albums.


btw, anyone have a NOT SUCKY version of easily??? the only one i have are the audio ripped version from youtube.. i'd like a proper sound for a song, please.. dah la speaker i cam weirdass gile.


upss ...

no need.


i have it ALL. :D

(n that include Fort Canning LIVE ahahaha)


what do u mean 'not sucky' version?

u just mentioned bittorrent.

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i still feel bad bout that text message thing deb, the airport always haf bad network u noe.. and pliss u dont haf to thank me, the pix was lousy and i was really bumped that all my cellphones pix are blurry.. there mite b something wrong wif the lense. u haf the same phone rite? r ur pix ok?




and btw after meeting all of them, i must say dom stood out the most!!! and i'm loving that orange belt with that banana shirt!!


god, i swear he was looking at me, coz i was so dissappointed that my phone's memory stick was full at that time!! yeah.. i noe... perasan








i wasnt being paranoid vspirit. they seriously were looking at me that way.. i'm not embarrassed about the baju kurung, i was kinda proud of it u noe.. but just hate to c my face at a VERY public space...:$


i dont think they'll b coming back. do u think they will? if they do come back to the SEA region they mite be going to the areas where they didnt go.. u noe like u mentioned, manila n bangkok.. but if they do.. i'll definitely be a stalker again.. :D


saw some pix when they arrived at taiwan, cant believe that they were greeted wif more fans than here in KLIA... and they were smiling more than here.. perhaps their arrival there was mentioned in a radio station or s'thing like that.. i just dont understand why hitz.fm didnt mention anything about their arrival.. coz they did when incubus arrived here..





so jelest ar....


how are u guyz.. i newbie here..


aku pun pegi konsert aritue.. supermasive abis ar konsert depa no!!!??


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homophobic much!!

their music nothing got to do with their sexual tendencies...

i have a gay friend(in the closet type)...and i know a lot about gay's world from him..i shocked at the info i got from him about their world at first..but not anymore...

you may never know who's gay or not on the street...

but trust me there are lots of men out there who are married, have kids etc still "doing it" with other men secretly.


yeah that's so right...their music got nothing to do with their sex appetite,,,.or should i call it "unpleasant personality"....i listen to them for 2 years i think...and suddenly comes the fact that brian molko is a bisexual and the drummer (i guess) is a gay....that was so uncool....that was so damn uncool man....


i dont have their mp3s anymore....but sometimes their songs just came through from my friend's pc and i was like "yeah placebo is great"....:p


i dont have any friend who is gay (i don mind if i got lesbian friends haha)....and i dont wanna be friend with them...lets pray to God that we will have perfectly straight childs in the future hahaaa....

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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


erkkk...lepak bro...budak2 ni saje je....huhuu...ape2 pun muse tetap best....memang takde band lain boleh lawan live performance diorang....tapi kasabian?....jom search 'kasabian live' kat youtube huhu....

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kepada mamat yg marah2 tu ..


it so trueeee dude...

sometimes nyampah gak kat budak2 ni .. gile obses ngan looks ..duh!


its all about music baybeh..


for example ...

cuba tengok Dom main drum .. gile babi power.

aku suka dom bukan sbb gay, sbb dia power.

kalau ade peluang aku nak ambik gamba sambil peluk dom hahahaha!

mesti dom igt aku gay.

n aku akan reply mcm ni.


"dude im not gay. fuck u. lets take pic together."



aku rase lepas ko cakap "fak yu" tu...tak sempat ko nak cakap lagi die dah ketuk dahi ngkau ngan drumstick huhu...

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