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yeah..its hard to find a guy wit the same passion as mine.i've met a guy, n i told him im sooo into muse, n he was like 'muse???...muse 2 ape??'..la,he dont know muse..he DONT even know what is muse :stunned: n i left him the moment he said what is muse..(im sooo mean..but i cant stand guys like that..mannn..im MEAN...didnt i??)o lord..forgive me for leaving him..huhu


ive been in that situation too! :LOL:

guys like that dont deserve to befriend female MUSE fans! :D

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no...u're kidding me right?....coz u r a girl....if im not mistaken....yes...of course u r a girl...and matt is not a gay....or i should stop listening to them...as what happen to placebo....those species should never exist...dammit...



homophobic much!!

their music nothing got to do with their sexual tendencies...

i have a gay friend(in the closet type)...and i know a lot about gay's world from him..i shocked at the info i got from him about their world at first..but not anymore...

you may never know who's gay or not on the street...

but trust me there are lots of men out there who are married, have kids etc still "doing it" with other men secretly.

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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...

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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


its not wrong tho..it depends on others perception..

its whether the looks or the musics,doesnt matter to me..

its the passion..obviously,im into their music n the looks r juz as a bonus..

juz like u mentioned 'kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..'

well,that is UR perception..or should i say, UR opinion.yeah, i agreed with u, but, this thread is for public..for ppl like us, how we express our enthusiasm towards muse, the gig.we share the excitement, the energy..dont think its menyampah..or meluat...(mebbe u rs cam2 bcz u x dpt g concert muse kot??)


anyway, its up to the individuals on how they accepts this..

i didnt say that u're wrong..but,it really doesnt matter to me..

as long as we share the same passion..which is..MUSE...as for me...like i said 'im into MUSE bcause of their music..n their looks are juz a bonus for them'.. ;)




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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


brader, ko x yah la sampai nak nyampah kat kitorang..

bukan salah kitorang pun nak obses kat muse (salahkan MUSe..hehe)

kitorang pham ape yg ko nak sampaikan.. kitorang bukanla tergiler-giler pasal status dorang as rock star (not groupies ok?) bukan gak gile pasal look dorang.. dorang bukan nye ensem macam orlando bloom pun..

tapi kitorang suke + kagum + respek + sayang kat muzik dorang..

memang la, dah lumrah gadis2 mase kini minat kat artis tu sampai obses gegiler..

so, ko yg patut kene trime kenyataan.. jgn ingat kitorang ni sekadar mnat paras rupe..

aku x raser yang mender2 camni boleh memalukan diri memasing..

abes tu, ko dah tgk blom gurlz (maybe guys pun ader) yang kat PMT, PDT, PCT, dan mcm2 lagi tu???

tu mat saleh lagi obses. tapi dorang minat muzik dorang.. bukan suke2 je nak puja sampai nak separuh mati..

muse deserve sume ni, dorang patut ader fans yg 'kipas-susah-mati'..

ko agaknye x g forum mcr kot.. kat situ budak2 melayu/malaysia lagi la.. jap.jap, 'ohhh.. gerard so sweet..' balik-balik, 'gerard, i love him to death!!!'


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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


hmm.....just because most of us likes to talk abt their looks it doesnt mean we dont appreciate their music as much as u do. im sure we all fell in love with their music first before their looks rite?! its a known fact that they play extraordinary music n it just so happens they got good looks as well! (blame the Creator for creating such a beautiful human being with an amazing gift ;) )

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hmm.....just because most of us likes to talk abt their looks it doesnt mean we dont appreciate their music as much as u do. im sure we all fell in love with their music first before their looks rite?! its a known fact that they play extraordinary music n it just so happens they got good looks as well! (blame the Creator for creating such a beautiful human being with an amazing gift ;) )



btw..i got invincible (do i spell it right?? :Þ) mp3..anyone want one?? ;)

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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


don't embarrass yourself.. if muse don't mind, why should you? it's band appreciation.. tak semestinye masuk board.muse.mu kene cakap pasal music semata.. that's why some people LOVES pornogenic matt thread *hint hint* :happy: and why sometimes we enjoy the love boat..:$


oh i remember matthew going *for even cheaper sex write here*... :eek: matt is SO SLUTTY... haha, i AM VERY much missing the defunct board.. where is it??? *searches* *searches* oh yeah, here goes, pirate : your beloved muse stalking for free sex



like we said, don't take your fanaticism for muse music too seriously.. talk about something else.. like dom's hair for instance :LOL:


me loves matt because he's into as much politics as i am.. me loves dom because he can be so naively charming.. me loves chris because he *grunts*.. but WE love muse because they're genius, and not just because they *play some songs like TIRO bwek*


btw, who have the guts to turn this muse thread into a mark wahlberg appreciation thread? NoOOoOOoOOoOoO... hehe, they'll change their mind about coming here again


muke tong sampah? who have muke tong sampah? oooh, maybe that dude from *ehe, i'm not gonna kutuk a malaysian band here* but i love them loads still


EDIT : looks at the old muse board.. gosh, matt signs autographs on some pretty weird stuff..

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hehe, i am so into entertaining people..


whatcha wanna talk about eh? their supermassive black hole single is pretty rad... whatcha think matt were thinking when they write that? oooooohh, i've got some ideas... :$ or wait, those guitar move-wanking-action-sex-face on the VC is hot as well isn't it? :happy: lol..


bless chris for his love towards city of delusion... :stunned:


oh the guilt, the guilt, the morning after


how now brown cow that you have so many udders?


how could we BE in love with a guy who WRITES that? of course we love matt for his brilliant song-writing skills.



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Aku dah start rase menyampah dengan perangai korang...

sori r tapi dah menyampah sangat sampai aku dah xtahan....

aku faham kalo pompuan kalo minat memang camni...

tapi dah lame sgt rase dah melebey2 pulak...


come on....muse ni rock band...bkn justin timberlake...

rock bands are about their musics not image or look...

korang agi banyak puji n gilakan their look not their musics

[xcaye bace balek ape korang dah tulis sebelom ni]

kalo muse tu wat music rock biase je

dorang xkan dapat respect yg dorang dapat sekarang ni...

It's their music that lift them...


secara jujurnye aku nak gitau girlz yg camni,korang dah memalukan diri korang je...


kitorang sume kagum@minat@obses dengan muse

sebab musics yg dorang hasilkan..kalo muka dorang muke cam tong sampah pon

dorang still get the same level of respect as they do today..


so,cerita banyak sikit la pasal music dorang...

pasal look dorang tu sepatutnye jd topik sampingan je....


Masa awal2 baca reaksi girlz lepas gig tu dalam board ni memang best

tapi dah lame sangat rase bosan n worse nyampah...


kan dah kena marah..:LOL: dah agak dah.. cuma tunggu masa jer for someone to pull us back to mother earth..

sorry for that dude.. yeah, ur kinda rite.. gone r the discussions about their music and stuff that r unrelated to their physical look.. we just got tooo excited and too overboard goin gagagaaa over their looks..ehehee..


One another note, did vspirit post links to her video somewhere on this thread or the other thread?


Kindly advice. Thanks!


still waiting for vspirit's vid as well, must say her's is the best that i've seen compared to those on youtube..



btw..i got invincible (do i spell it right?? :Þ) mp3..anyone want one?? ;)


mee... pliss.

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