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Yes I wore a face mask... :LOL:


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you look so Kyute! :D


OMG the new songs are ZOMG. The Exogenesises sound awesomely Musey lol (: Everything sounds awesome! Reminds me of the treasure hunt...we only get to experience 30 secs of joy!


Happy Puasa-ing (:



Happy Ramadhan to you too! :happy: wah.. i can't believe it's ramadhan again, the time where food is the only thing in my mind :chuckle:


*GASP* ZOMGZ Channel 5 played USOE during the S'pore Idol commercial! SO FAST! I was like "HuuwhhHHOOAAAHHH"!! :musesign:


whaaa...? eh how come singapore so fast one? i still haven't heard Uprising on any of our radio stations. :stunned:


*fangirl mode* I love everything, even the oh-so-'kapak' Guiding Light. Some songs are to die for : Undisclosed Desires, Exogenesis.


*steels self for Sept 14th*


lol yeah la.. Guiding Light sounds so rock kapak.. something like Roxette(?) Listen to your heart type-of-song. i can imagine Matt and Dom with HUGE 80s hair with tight jeans or something like Aerosmith type of clothing.. lol.. except for Chris tho.. can't imagine him with that image. eh? what am i rambling about? must be because am just too thirsty.. sorry. but to be fair. we only heard 30 seconds of it. am sure am gonna change my mind about all those songs once the album is out.

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*GASP* ZOMGZ Channel 5 played USOE during the S'pore Idol commercial! SO FAST! I was like "HuuwhhHHOOAAAHHH"!! :musesign:


Yeah I really looked up to the telly when I heard it lol! Even though it was badly chopped up and it didn't match the visuals, it was good to hear Eurasia.


*fangirl mode* I love everything, even the oh-so-'kapak' Guiding Light. Some songs are to die for : Undisclosed Desires, Exogenesis.


*steels self for Sept 14th*

Hah you gave in and listened to The Resistance!!!!:p


Happy Ramadhan to you too! :happy: wah.. i can't believe it's ramadhan again, the time where food is the only thing in my mind :chuckle:


Haha dah batal lah tu! :D

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whaaa...? eh how come singapore so fast one? i still haven't heard Uprising on any of our radio stations. :stunned:


but to be fair. we only heard 30 seconds of it. am sure am gonna change my mind about all those songs once the album is out.


Ya la, another 'lucky Singaporeans' moment there :p


betul la tu Faz. Sept 14th feels soooooofar away :(



Hah you gave in and listened to The Resistance!!!!:p



:$ cannot help it, I got the e-mail link for it.....have only heard it once tho', does that count?



we're a rather concert-starved country, and they don't exactly get loads of airtime here. in fact i don't think i've ever heard them on mainstream radio programs (which i only ever switch to when i'm driving and forgot to bring CDs on board...which is too often, unfortunately, as they don't play stuff i fancy so it usually ends up as background noise). i've only ever heard them once or twice on those more obscure evening rock selection thingies...which prolly contributes to the factor of why we're so starved in the first place, other than the obvious 'too much jumping through immigration hoops', of course.;)



+1 on all of the above. Which is why when Muse actually performed here it was unreal, like rock heaven shining down here on Malaysian soil. But this has given me hope and now I've gotten spoiled and want them to tour here again, it's like, anything is possible, you know?

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aiseh miele and Joelyn, why the long faces? don't la... am sure they're gonna come here again! Malaysia Boleh! Pelan Integrasi Nasional! heh.. i just finished my PTK exam this afternoon. i have no idea what i just answered :LOL: exams are really stressful..


i think Muse is very well known here. they do have some airtime on the Malaysian radio esp Starlight and Supermassive Black Hole. not as much as the pop acts like BEP or Jonas Brothers and all that lot, but i've heard SMBH and Starlight quite often on our radio and i've heard TIRO a number of times on one of the malay radio stations. :happy: dunno why, but a lot of the people i know always asked me for Unintended :rolleyes: perhaps because of the rock kapak vibe..


oh i love all the interviews they're doing now.. watch out for Captain America here lol

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aiseh miele and Joelyn, why the long faces? don't la... am sure they're gonna come here again! Malaysia Boleh! Pelan Integrasi Nasional! heh.. i just finished my PTK exam this afternoon. i have no idea what i just answered :LOL: exams are really stressful..


oh i love all the interviews they're doing now.. watch out for Captain America here lol


BAHAHAA was that really Chris?? So random and hilarious!! Hope you did well for your exams.


Yah lah Miele and Joelyn, the album launch is getting closer... should be feeling anxious!

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^i know la why you're suddenly so happy.. MU beat Arsenal eh? bleh... :p


BAHAHAA was that really Chris?? So random and hilarious!! Hope you did well for your exams.


Yah lah Miele and Joelyn, the album launch is getting closer... should be feeling anxious!


lol. i think it's Chris. well, that's what other people said. :LOL:


yeah! september is almost here. so many Muse related things to look forward to! :happy:


btw, HAPPY MERDEKA DAY everyone!:happy:

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aiseh miele and Joelyn, why the long faces? don't la... am sure they're gonna come here again! Malaysia Boleh! Pelan Integrasi Nasional! heh.. i just finished my PTK exam this afternoon. i have no idea what i just answered exams are really stressful..


i think Muse is very well known here. they do have some airtime on the Malaysian radio esp Starlight and Supermassive Black Hole. not as much as the pop acts like BEP or Jonas Brothers and all that lot, but i've heard SMBH and Starlight quite often on our radio and i've heard TIRO a number of times on one of the malay radio stations. :happy: dunno why, but a lot of the people i know always asked me for Unintended perhaps because of the rock kapak vibe..


oh i love all the interviews they're doing now.. watch out for Captain America here lol


Awww........Exams are always stressful :p. Muse is quite well known in the underground and very well known to Malays. Dunno why :erm: They should come and for some reason I think Muse do keep themselve update on what's the hot topic in the forum cause they seems to know some stuff here and there. Yay for them :happy:


BAHAHAA was that really Chris?? So random and hilarious!! Hope you did well for your exams.


Yah lah Miele and Joelyn, the album launch is getting closer... should be feeling anxious!


I am feeling anxious and wondering want to pre-order online or not,,,,, hmmmm.....


^i know la why you're suddenly so happy.. MU beat Arsenal eh? bleh... :p




lol. i think it's Chris. well, that's what other people said. :LOL:


yeah! september is almost here. so many Muse related things to look forward to! :happy:


btw, HAPPY MERDEKA DAY everyone!:happy:


Not really la...Arsenal played better actually....


It's the September Muse Month!!!!!:dance::cabasa::\mm/::musesign:


:LOL: September is the month of Muse and also Hari Raya Adilfitri ^^ :musesign::musesign:

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Muse are actually pretty well known here. I was quite surprised actually, because when Starlight and SMBH were played at MTV World Stage during the intermissions and breaks, everyone was singing along! It was a huge karaoke session man.. haha :D


Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka guyysss! Sebenarnya saya hendak cakap dalam bahasa melayu satu minggu sebelum hari merdeka tapi saya tidak ada masa untuk.. err... come online. lol. jadi sekarang saya akan cakap dalam bm!! :D hari ni saja la. BM saya memang sangat karat :p


Janganlah ketawakan saya :( kkk! (ketawa keluar kuat, aka lol)


Saya berasa sangat 'emo' kerana arsenal telah kalah la :( saya berasa sangat marah kerana wenger tak payah di"sent of" oleh referee tu la. saya pun memang looking forward to tengok RvP score! apabila dia sudah dapat chance untuk score, gallas ada offside. wah. saya nak 'nangis dah :(



Okay its official, my BM is made of epic fail :LOL:


Happy Merdeka everyone! :D I'm off to Thailand tomorrow for a 9-day holiday with the family whee! Wont be coming online til next week then.

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Muse are actually pretty well known here. I was quite surprised actually, because when Starlight and SMBH were played at MTV World Stage during the intermissions and breaks, everyone was singing along! It was a huge karaoke session man.. haha :D


Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka guyysss! Sebenarnya saya hendak cakap dalam bahasa melayu satu minggu sebelum hari merdeka tapi saya tidak ada masa untuk.. err... come online. lol. jadi sekarang saya akan cakap dalam bm!! :D hari ni saja la. BM saya memang sangat karat :p


Janganlah ketawakan saya :( kkk! (ketawa keluar kuat, aka lol)


Saya berasa sangat 'emo' kerana arsenal telah kalah la :( saya berasa sangat marah kerana wenger tak payah di"sent of" oleh referee tu la. saya pun memang looking forward to tengok RvP score! apabila dia sudah dapat chance untuk score, gallas ada offside. wah. saya nak 'nangis dah :(



Okay its official, my BM is made of epic fail :LOL:


Happy Merdeka everyone! :D I'm off to Thailand tomorrow for a 9-day holiday with the family whee! Wont be coming online til next week then.


:D Your BM ain't too bad what. Maybe we should do a BM week once in a while. It should be quite fun ^^ :p But then Nut won't understand what we are saying then. Hehe....


Aww.... Jangan la sedih. Dalam football mesti sekjali sekala mereka boleh kalah(sorry, my BM is quite forrmal one =P ) Lain kali Arsenal akan menang ba. *sebenarnya saya jarang tengok bola dan saya bukan football fan :p* HEhe,...


Muse album coming out on Sept 4 or Sept 9 ar? :erm: Lol:$* I can't even remember their released date*

Just a few more days then XD. Yay!!!!

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Deb dan Joelyn, saya suka cadangan gunakan BM sekali sebulan...kalau guna BM rasmi agak lucu....tapi seronok jugak mendengarnya :LOL:


Tak ada masalah rasanya kalau gunakan BM, Nut semestinya faham ;)


Deb, tak perlu emosi, Arsenal kalah tu sebab nasib, bola tu bulat. Awak patut berbangga mereka bermain dengan baik walaupun beraksi tanpa tonggak utama (Fabregas, Nasri, etc).


Oops lupa Deb ada di Thailand la sekarang ya? :$


Album baru Muse kalau tak silap saya akan keluar 14 September akan datang :cool::musesign::awesome::dance:

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Haha saya belum pergi lagi! flight saya telah di-delayed sebanyak 5 jam :stunned: bapa saya sangat marah kerana Air Asia pun tak beritahu kami. Tapi saya akan bertolak (is that the right word? haha I dont remember :$) ke LCCT dalam 3 jam. Selamat Tinggal muse board!!!


Lucu meh kalau kami cakap dalam BM rasmi? Saya tak tahu mcm mana nak cakap atau baca BM yang semua dalam short form.. :chuckle: maaf, haha.


(Arsenal lost because the ball is round? :$) Ya betul tu saya amat bangga :D tapi saya pun sangat err... disappointed. kecewa! ah well. itulah what makes football so interesting. :)


Ya Joelyn, The Resistance akan keluar pada 14hb September, tapi di Malaysia mungkin akan keluar lebih lewat dari itu. saya tak pasti.


Man its difficult typing in bm :chuckle:

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Muse are actually pretty well known here. I was quite surprised actually, because when Starlight and SMBH were played at MTV World Stage during the intermissions and breaks, everyone was singing along! It was a huge karaoke session man.. haha


Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka guyysss! Sebenarnya saya hendak cakap dalam bahasa melayu satu minggu sebelum hari merdeka tapi saya tidak ada masa untuk.. err... come online. lol. jadi sekarang saya akan cakap dalam bm!! hari ni saja la. BM saya memang sangat karat


Janganlah ketawakan saya :( kkk! (ketawa keluar kuat, aka lol)


Saya berasa sangat 'emo' kerana arsenal telah kalah la :( saya berasa sangat marah kerana wenger tak payah di"sent of" oleh referee tu la. saya pun memang looking forward to tengok RvP score! apabila dia sudah dapat chance untuk score, gallas ada offside. wah. saya nak 'nangis dah :(



Okay its official, my BM is made of epic fail


Happy Merdeka everyone! :D I'm off to Thailand tomorrow for a 9-day holiday with the family whee! Wont be coming online til next week then.


Bercakap tentang world stage, tiba-tiba sahaja saya terasa sangat sedih.. alah.. sepatutnya pergi juga kerana kawan saya telah bersusah payah membanting tulang mendapatkan tiket untuk saya. Tetapi disebabkan oleh dissertasi saya yang tidak siap lagi maka sayugia terpaksa la saya tidak pergi. alangkah kecewanya. :chuckle: eh silap..:(


saya rasa sangat bersyukur kerana tidak menonton perlawanan itu. walau bagaimanapun, saya tetap sedih arsenal kalah.. mungkin nasib tidak bersebelahan dengan Arsenal.


wah.. Debbie. saya harap anda akan menikmati percutian anda di Thailand. saya juga akan menikmati juadah berbuka nanti..:D


:D Your BM ain't too bad what. Maybe we should do a BM week once in a while. It should be quite fun ^^ :p But then Nut won't understand what we are saying then. Hehe....


Muse album coming out on Sept 4 or Sept 9 ar? * I can't even remember their released date*

Just a few more days then XD. Yay!!!!


oh jangan risau. saya pasti Nut boleh memahami BM.


Ok, saya dengan ini mengisytiharkan bulan September adalah bulan Muse! Sila tukar playlist [senarai main?] anda semua kepada Muse playlist! :happy:


Deb dan Joelyn, saya suka cadangan gunakan BM sekali sebulan...kalau guna BM rasmi agak lucu....tapi seronok jugak mendengarnya


Tak ada masalah rasanya kalau gunakan BM, Nut semestinya faham


Deb, tak perlu emosi, Arsenal kalah tu sebab nasib, bola tu bulat. Awak patut berbangga mereka bermain dengan baik walaupun beraksi tanpa tonggak utama (Fabregas, Nasri, etc).


Oops lupa Deb ada di Thailand la sekarang ya?


saya pun suka juga haha.. tetapi kenapa ya, BM saudari tiba-tiba sahaja terlalu baku? maka saya pun terpaksalah berbahasa baku jua :p:LOL:


Sekian, sahaja . terima kasih.

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Ish korang ni semua terlalu formal lah. Tak payah lah sampai gitu.


Joelyn, saya kan, blajar bahasa melayu di skolah tau, jangan salah sangka. Walaupun Melayu saya macam bual kat pasar, saya tetap boleh bebual dengan sempurna. tapi teruk jugak lah ya.:D


Debbie ok pe your melayu. Tak lah sampai susah nak paham. enjoy urself eh kat Thailand! sungguh malang lah nasib you. kalau saya, huh, dah fed up punye, tak tau ape boleh buat dalam 5 jam.


agaknye fun jugak ah bual macam gini skali-skala. we should do this more often, if orang tak object lah.


anyway the south american tour video was awesome!

And have you guys heard that Muse are headlining Big Day Out '10? Possibility of an Asian tour to follow suit, perhaps??

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And have you guys heard that Muse are headlining Big Day Out '10? Possibility of an Asian tour to follow suit, perhaps??


Read that also on the Oz thread...is it confirmed though? So tempting....Matta Fair this weekend, cheap flights / lodging..


I'm really certain they will come by these parts though, I dont know why actually :p



I hope Muse don't do SE Asia in Jan/Feb/early March....I would seriously :facepalm: if I missed them AGAIN...especially now that I've missed them, Franz Ferdinand, Ash, Oasis (and now they've split :'() and many other bands. :LOL::noey:


Really? Why not, where will you be then?

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ala.... dah start cakap omputih balik ka?

anyway the south american tour video was awesome!

And have you guys heard that Muse are headlining Big Day Out '10? Possibility of an Asian tour to follow suit, perhaps??


it was brilliant! i seriously love it. those lucky fans get to meet Muse!


yes, yes Asian tour please!!


Read that also on the Oz thread...is it confirmed though? So tempting....Matta Fair this weekend, cheap flights / lodging..


can i hide in your luggage then?


I live in Bali. ;)

Oh yeah, I think I'm missing Mr Big too. :LOL:


Muse in Bali.. wouldn't that be the perfect holiday? one can only dream.

am curious Tee, since you're living in Bali, do you understand bahasa?

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Deb dan Joelyn, saya suka cadangan gunakan BM sekali sebulan...kalau guna BM rasmi agak lucu....tapi seronok jugak mendengarnya


Tak ada masalah rasanya kalau gunakan BM, Nut semestinya faham


Deb, tak perlu emosi, Arsenal kalah tu sebab nasib, bola tu bulat. Awak patut berbangga mereka bermain dengan baik walaupun beraksi tanpa tonggak utama (Fabregas, Nasri, etc).


Oops lupa Deb ada di Thailand la sekarang ya?


Album baru Muse kalau tak silap saya akan keluar 14 September akan datang


Haha... so cute. memang la seronok. What Miele meant by the bola tu bulat as in the bola is bulat, what comes around will go around ^^


Yay!! 14 September.... lagi 2 minggu lagi la tu. XD



Haha saya belum pergi lagi! flight saya telah di-delayed sebanyak 5 jam :stunned: bapa saya sangat marah kerana Air Asia pun tak beritahu kami. Tapi saya akan bertolak (is that the right word? haha I dont remember ) ke LCCT dalam 3 jam. Selamat Tinggal muse board!!!


Lucu meh kalau kami cakap dalam BM rasmi? Saya tak tahu mcm mana nak cakap atau baca BM yang semua dalam short form.. maaf, haha.


(Arsenal lost because the ball is round?) Ya betul tu saya amat bangga tapi saya pun sangat err... disappointed. kecewa! ah well. itulah what makes football so interesting.


Ya Joelyn, The Resistance akan keluar pada 14hb September, tapi di Malaysia mungkin akan keluar lebih lewat dari itu. saya tak pasti.


Man its difficult typing in bm :chuckle:


La... Air Asia tu biasa la. Air flight delay tak announce pun. Ada sekali saya dgn Aunty saya tunggu kawan dia di LCCT, 2 jam dia delay tau. Tak beritahu pun. Uncle pergi check dgn kaunter baru tau flight delay..... =/


Malaysia maybe might be late a few days to a week la. Hopefully it's just a few days and not weeks *pouts*


Lol.... Now getting the hang of typing in Malay, beome rojak pulak my words :p


Have fun and enjoy yourself in Thailand, debbie :happy:


Bercakap tentang world stage, tiba-tiba sahaja saya terasa sangat sedih.. alah.. sepatutnya pergi juga kerana kawan saya telah bersusah payah membanting tulang mendapatkan tiket untuk saya. Tetapi disebabkan oleh dissertasi saya yang tidak siap lagi maka sayugia terpaksa la saya tidak pergi. alangkah kecewanya. eh silap..:(


saya rasa sangat bersyukur kerana tidak menonton perlawanan itu. walau bagaimanapun, saya tetap sedih arsenal kalah.. mungkin nasib tidak bersebelahan dengan Arsenal.


wah.. Debbie. saya harap anda akan menikmati percutian anda di Thailand. saya juga akan menikmati juadah berbuka nanti..



oh jangan risau. saya pasti Nut boleh memahami BM.


Ok, saya dengan ini mengisytiharkan bulan September adalah bulan Muse! Sila tukar playlist [senarai main?] anda semua kepada Muse playlist!



saya pun suka juga haha.. tetapi kenapa ya, BM saudari tiba-tiba sahaja terlalu baku? maka saya pun terpaksalah berbahasa baku jua


Sekian, sahaja . terima kasih.


Aww..... you must be really sad not being able to go to Worldstage. =( Nevermind la. Quite a number of us aren't able to go also. So you are not the only one who weren't able to see the MTV Worldstage ....


Oii yoh, ada peribahasa some more in your sentence. Sangat bagus. Memang serorang cikgu sebab boleh dapat extra marks kalau ada peribahasa dalam karangan anda :p



susah sial nak terus berbahasa baku dan simpan muka lurus (keep a straight face).


Itu sahaja, minta maaf ya, saya perlu teruskan berkhidmat untuk negara. Bersekutu bertambah maju. rakyat diutamakan zzzzzzzzz...............


Haha.... So cute both of you trying to talk in bahasa baku. I dunno whether I could talk in bahasa that is so baku as well :p. Hehe.,.... saya perlu terus berkhidmat untuk negara XP hehe


Ish korang ni semua terlalu formal lah. Tak payah lah sampai gitu.


Joelyn, saya kan, blajar bahasa melayu di skolah tau, jangan salah sangka. Walaupun Melayu saya macam bual kat pasar, saya tetap boleh bebual dengan sempurna. tapi teruk jugak lah ya


Debbie ok pe your melayu. Tak lah sampai susah nak paham. enjoy urself eh kat Thailand! sungguh malang lah nasib you. kalau saya, huh, dah fed up punye, tak tau ape boleh buat dalam 5 jam.


agaknye fun jugak ah bual macam gini skali-skala. we should do this more often, if orang tak object lah.


anyway the south american tour video was awesome!

And have you guys heard that Muse are headlining Big Day Out '10? Possibility of an Asian tour to follow suit, perhaps??


Eh, how come you know bahasa Melayu wan Nut :eek:? You know I thought Singaporean langsung tak tahu Bahasa Melayu cause my cousin who are living in Singapore doesn't even know the basic Malay words like tak tahu or tak or nak. I was quite shocked you know Malay. Are you a Singaporean Malay? :erm:


Hehe... Your BM is exactly like what we usually speak. Cool!!!! Even better than mine. My friends always said my BM sounds a bit too baku :p


ala.... dah start cakap omputih balik ka?


it was brilliant! i seriously love it. those lucky fans get to meet Muse!


yes, yes Asian tour please!!


Muse in Bali.. wouldn't that be the perfect holiday? one can only dream.

am curious Tee, since you're living in Bali, do you understand bahasa?


Saya rasa campur sikit BM dgn English kut =P Wow..... if we go in a group to Bali if they are having a performance there, wouldn't it be cool?! But then would they dare to perform in Bali? since you know there is some incidents there......*hmmm*


Oh ya, about 11.20pm, I HEARD MUSE ON THE RADIO IN FLY FM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

I' like what the heck?!! Yay.... Muse on radio. This is the first time I heard it on the radio so I'm quite excited about it. Hehe :p

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