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Debbie, I'm sure Edward Cullen would find your teeth dazzling the way it is? ;)


For Ash and Singfest, I didn't find Fort Canning squishy at all. Hmm. Lucky for us the crowd wasn't really rowdy I guess. The LAMC guy (Eddy I think his name was - he drove Ash to their hotel!) that I talked to while queueing up for Ash said that there was an 8 year old boy who broke his ribs for the Muse concert... Also apparently people started queueing as early as 6am.


:chuckle: even Edward himself has straight teeth man. he'd be even more inclined to kill me! hahaha.


Omg poor 8 year old boy :'( I bet the Muse gig was his first gig ever in his life and i bet he's soo traumatised :( poor boy :( thats just crazy la.

If Muse's gig was like that, imagine how it might be for avenged sevenfold or slipknot or something! :noey:

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Heya Nut! we'll be coming that weekend, but the exact day havent decided yet. Hehe I'm only just filling up the cuti form.


Cool. Just lemme know in advance! So shiok ah getting cuti. I've been working full time for 1 month plus now! hehe.


Most gigs in Singapore are actually really tame. :erm:



EDIT: But sometimes hadcore fans are rather uhhh....nutty....like I know somebody that got bitten for a drumstick. :LOL:



Hey in no way am i like that! :D

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Cool. Just lemme know in advance! So shiok ah getting cuti. I've been working full time for 1 month plus now! hehe.



Hey in no way am i like that! :D


Yeah, Msian govt servant = more perks like cuti instead of high pay. How's work btw, what do u do, if u dont mind my asking?


*Imagines Nut gigit orang for a drumstick* :LOL:


Dude, if we go meet u Sunday 23rd can or not? In case Monday u working / a bit of a rush with the gig and all. Is it ok if we meet at the hostel we're staying? Oh, pls PM me or Aida on how to contact u, in case cannot online etc.



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Yeah, Msian govt servant = more perks like cuti instead of high pay. How's work btw, what do u do, if u dont mind my asking?


*Imagines Nut gigit orang for a drumstick* :LOL:


Dude, if we go meet u Sunday 23rd can or not? In case Monday u working / a bit of a rush with the gig and all. Is it ok if we meet at the hostel we're staying? Oh, pls PM me or Aida on how to contact u, in case cannot online etc.




I get cuti if i work overtime, which means no extra pay as well! :mad:

I'm doing motion design! Pretty cool lifestyle heh heh :p! Nice people here as well.


Where are you all staying? I don't mind meeting anywhere. SG is damn small, i tell you lol! I'll pm you both lah.

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I get cuti if i work overtime, which means no extra pay as well! :mad:

I'm doing motion design! Pretty cool lifestyle heh heh :p! Nice people here as well.


Where are you all staying? I don't mind meeting anywhere. SG is damn small, i tell you lol! I'll pm you both lah.


What is motion design? Sounds very interesting.


I mentioned the hostel because dont know my way around. But the actual hostel will be confirmed later, let us finalize the details 1st k :)


On other news, Muse not nominated in MTV EMA? Dang.

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ala.. jelesnyer reading about u guys' plan to meet up in singapore!


Thanks Faz, and bout the vid, takpa anytime also can....


So malu la tengok ur 'Kembali' pic, I still forgot to give i the CD....Oh and can I borrow the Muse DVD aritu as well. When shall we meet up again?


Dom: yeah, when reading his post can so imagine his easygoing vibe...and all mental images of Muse recording = always good


Rugby: alamak Faz i didnt know ada rugby, wouldve been interesting. Damn.


lol well, i bought the cd already and i love it!! tunggu u lama sgt :p:LOL: join me go

watch federer la then i can lend u the dvd hehe


COBRA RULES!!! though am a fan of North Harbour and Canterburry, am glad that Cobra won!! :D


Most gigs in Singapore are actually really tame. :erm:



EDIT: But sometimes hadcore fans are rather uhhh....nutty....like I know somebody that got bitten for a drumstick. :LOL:


perhaps it depends on which band is performing. i heard avenged sevenfold fans in singapore broke the barricade in their concert --not this years' btw. so maybe muse fans are more rowdy then other fans.


but i can promise u in malaysia, the rock and football fans are ALWAYS aggressive but mostly are very considerate as well la eh..:LOL:

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but i can promise u in malaysia, the rock and football fans are ALWAYS aggressive but mostly are very considerate as well la eh..

I concur! They'll definitely help you up if you fall down or something. The energy for the Malaysian fans are definitely top notch I have to say. Sorry Singaporeans, but you guys don't really seem tooo enthusiastic when a band comes over to play in your shores (perhaps too many good bands come by sg la - diminishing marginal utility lol). Andy my Switchfoot buddy told me that the KL gig was ten fold times better than the Singapore one despite Switchfoot playing a better setlist in sg. He said the crowd in KL were so loud and practically fueled the band with energy that's why the guys were so pumped up throughout the whole gig!


There's one down part for the M'sian fans though. They just keep screaming, and screaming and screaming. If you're not used to it - you'll really be pissed. At least the SG crowd's a lot more considerate and they definitely hush down when a band's about to play a slow number!




Faz, I finally uploaded the F1 vid!



I know it's not exactly clear and you can't tell which driver is which. But it's so freaking close to the circuit right?! And the noise!! :D:D


Also, whaaa.... Hamilton winning the championship in the freaking last lap. I was hoping the Germans (Vettel and Glock) would prevent him from finishing 5th. When Vettel overtook him, I jumped up in glee (not that I really want Massa to win too actually - but since it was his home race, I didn't want to see him disappoint his fans)! Unfortunately Glock's wrong choice of tyres made the year for Hamilton. I sense that victory would definitely get into Hamilton's head - added to that he has a PCD for a girlfriend!




You guys should meet up with Nut at Plaza Singapura. It's very accessible there via bus and it's right opposite the Dhoby Ghout MRT station. Oh and it's also pretty close to Fort Canning too :D


Lol, can you tell that I freakin' miss Singapore? :(


Miele, I killed time by making banners for Ash. I don't think it's appropriate to carry banners for Nicky/James etc though lol Make friends with the people in queue, you'd be surprised to know that people are usually friendly. Perhaps you guys could discuss over the disappearance of Richey too :LOL: If memory serves me right, if a person goes missing for more than 10(?) years, technically he/she will be declared dead according to the law right?




Is it bad that my friends around me are getting calls from the Big Four accounting firms regarding their internship early next year? The due date for sending out the applications was 4 weeks ago. My application form is still sitting on my table right now - collecting dust! All I could really care about is finishing my House marathon and re-watching HAARP! Dr. House is so quirky and sarcastic. I likey :)

Edited by guilt-stricken
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I concur! They'll definitely help you up if you fall down or something. The energy for the Malaysian fans are definitely top notch I have to say. Sorry Singaporeans, but you guys don't really seem tooo enthusiastic when a band comes over to play in your shores (perhaps too many good bands come by sg la - diminishing marginal utility lol). Andy my Switchfoot buddy told me that the KL gig was ten fold times better than the Singapore one despite Switchfoot playing a better setlist in sg. He said the crowd in KL were so loud and practically fueled the band with energy that's why the guys were so pumped up throughout the whole gig!


There's one down part for the M'sian fans though. They just keep screaming, and screaming and screaming. If you're not used to it - you'll really be pissed. At least the SG crowd's a lot more considerate and they definitely hush down when a band's about to play a slow number!




Faz, I finally uploaded the F1 vid!



I know it's not exactly clear and you can't tell which driver is which. But it's so freaking close to the circuit right?! And the noise!! :D:D


Also, whaaa.... Hamilton winning the championship in the freaking last lap. I was hoping the Germans (Vettel and Glock) would prevent him from finishing 5th. When Vettel overtook him, I jumped up in glee (not that I really want Massa to win too actually - but since it was his home race, I didn't want to see him disappoint his fans)! Unfortunately Glock's wrong choice of tyres made the year for Hamilton. I sense that victory would definitely get into Hamilton's head - added to that he has a PCD for a girlfriend!





i guess am a bit bias but malaysian crowd is always better then the singaporeans :p:LOL: mostly because we hardly get great bands coming here la kan. unlike singapore, they are spoiled with so many great gigs. but i have to say malaysian fans are a bit picky la to which band they wanna see. u'll see only half-filled std for some new-mtv-friendly bands or some other pop/ hip hop acts which can be a reason why a lot of promoters are quite hesitant to bring bands here. imagine if they bring LH here.. i don't think they would be able to pull in a huge crowd. the screaming is definitely annoying but without the screaming the crowd would go dead la eh? lol


OMG LIZ moewebb46689393y!!!! --for the lack of words to express my mixed emotions!!!-- how much did u pay to get the ticket? that's freaking close la.. almost like at a grandstand. i'm a bit embarrassed to admit that i cried seeing massa cried. so kesian la him. i didn't want hamilton to win esp when seeing that PCD singer was in the garage during the race. a lot of people are saying that hamilton deserved winning the championship and he's a talented driver. what do u think? i disagree simply because i don't like him, he's father as well as his girlfriend haha..i know, i know that's very bad of me. but i just feel like they're such a group of very proud people la. For me hamilton got a great car, so that's why he could win races. if u let vettel drive a mclaren, am sure he would've wrapped up the season in Shanghai. :rolleyes:


Why do I get the feeling of being ignored? Am I that annoying?


hey, i don't think we're ignoring u Joelyn! :( u're the only one with a loveboat here which means a lot of people love u here. :kiss::D



come all, let's ask muse when will they come to malaysia again :D am trying to think of an intelligent question to ask the band but my mind keep thinking of asking 'em when will they reschedule bangkok!

Edited by crazy_mary
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perhaps it depends on which band is performing. i heard avenged sevenfold fans in singapore broke the barricade in their concert --not this years' btw. so maybe muse fans are more rowdy then other fans.


but i can promise u in malaysia, the rock and football fans are ALWAYS aggressive but mostly are very considerate as well la eh..:LOL:


Ohh....I went to see Motley Crue and I'm pretty sure that it was the tamest gig they'd ever played. :LOL: The crowd was taaaaame. They brought their own security with them on tour, and didn't just use the security people from the venue...and the security that travelled with them said that if the crowd was placed in another Motley gig in the US with the American fans, we would die. :LOL:

Hahaha, breaking the barricade. :LOL:

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What is motion design? Sounds very interesting.


I mentioned the hostel because dont know my way around. But the actual hostel will be confirmed later, let us finalize the details 1st k :)


Motion design is sort of like graphics animation. Mostly stuff you see on TV where you see flashy graphics and stuff! I'm sure you see it everyday, everywhere. Check out my portfolio located at my sig. :D


Why do I get the feeling of being ignored? Am I that annoying?


Dude why did you get that idea... I'm sure everyone is just too caught up in the current topic. It happens sometimes i guess.. But it's all good. The people here are extremely nice and I'm sure there isn't anyone who wants to ignore you intentionally.:(

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I concur! They'll definitely help you up if you fall down or something. The energy for the Malaysian fans are definitely top notch I have to say. Sorry Singaporeans, but you guys don't really seem tooo enthusiastic when a band comes over to play in your shores (perhaps too many good bands come by sg la - diminishing marginal utility lol). Andy my Switchfoot buddy told me that the KL gig was ten fold times better than the Singapore one despite Switchfoot playing a better setlist in sg. He said the crowd in KL were so loud and practically fueled the band with energy that's why the guys were so pumped up throughout the whole gig!


There's one down part for the M'sian fans though. They just keep screaming, and screaming and screaming. If you're not used to it - you'll really be pissed. At least the SG crowd's a lot more considerate and they definitely hush down when a band's about to play a slow number!




Is it bad that my friends around me are getting calls from the Big Four accounting firms regarding their internship early next year? The due date for sending out the applications was 4 weeks ago. My application form is still sitting on my table right now - collecting dust! All I could really care about is finishing my House marathon and re-watching HAARP! Dr. House is so quirky and sarcastic. I likey :)


Lol maybe Singaporeans are too comfortable with how lucky they are, that so many awesome bands are willing to visit them (AND NOT US). I think the only reason why we're such a noise bunch is because we're so psyched to have any international band come down to see us at all! but good also la, having an energetic crowd. Gets the band really pumped up. Maybe thats why Muse gave us a 4-song encore instead :p


But yeah, I agree with you about the fact that Malaysians just scream and scream and scream. during the MTV MAA awards at Genting this year, when Jared Leto was giving this rather important speech before he gave some honorable award to someone, the crowd just wouldnt shut up! You could see that he was waiting for the crowd to settle down, but they didnt, they just went on and on, yelling and yelling, so he went on with his speech and i could barely hear a word he was saying. pfft.




Lol I know what you mean about procrastinating on your application form. I should be applying for UCAS now (its this program that allows you to apply for any Unis in the UK), and practically EVERYONE from my course has already submitted their CV, personal statement, application form etc, but I havent even started a thing yet. I'm always procrastinating like this, even with my scholarship application last year :LOL:

but yeah, er, my point should be that ITS BAD to procrastinate. even if we all do it all the time, its really bad. lol, maybe take a break from the House marathon and submit your application asap? btw, Hugh Laurie has such BEAUTIFUL blue eyes :happy:


Why do I get the feeling of being ignored? Am I that annoying?


Eh where got? :(


come all, let's ask muse when will they come to malaysia again :D am trying to think of an intelligent question to ask the band but my mind keep thinking of asking 'em when will they reschedule bangkok!


Lol i think if Muse ever do come here again, and if I do ever get to meet them *crosses fingers*, i'd ask them whether they've tried any M'sian food yet. I think I already mentioned this on the board before, but yeah that would be something i'd ask them. hehehhe :D a whole conversation could start from there! talking about favourite foods... foods they should try.. foods we should try... etcetc :D

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Lol i think if Muse ever do come here again, and if I do ever get to meet them *crosses fingers*, i'd ask them whether they've tried any M'sian food yet. I think I already mentioned this on the board before, but yeah that would be something i'd ask them. hehehhe :D a whole conversation could start from there! talking about favourite foods... foods they should try.. foods we should try... etcetc :D



Have you, or did anyone else submit a question on this board for the band to answer them? Your question has to be voted though...

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Why do I get the feeling of being ignored? Am I that annoying?

Aww hun, why did you say that? I'm actually still waiting for your text msg regarding your monthly college visit ;) Have you applied for your alumni card?


OMG LIZ moewebb46689393y!!!! --for the lack of words to express my mixed emotions!!!-- how much did u pay to get the ticket? that's freaking close la.. almost like at a grandstand. i'm a bit embarrassed to admit that i cried seeing massa cried. so kesian la him. i didn't want hamilton to win esp when seeing that PCD singer was in the garage during the race. a lot of people are saying that hamilton deserved winning the championship and he's a talented driver. what do u think? i disagree simply because i don't like him, he's father as well as his girlfriend haha..i know, i know that's very bad of me. but i just feel like they're such a group of very proud people la. For me hamilton got a great car, so that's why he could win races. if u let vettel drive a mclaren, am sure he would've wrapped up the season in Shanghai. :rolleyes:

I only paid for my bus tickets to get that view!! That's less than 5 sing dollars!! Spectacular, no? :D:D So are we up for next year's Singapore GP?! Aww, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I felt really sad for Massa too letting down his home fans. There must've been a lot of weight on his shoulders. Massa won more races - I think he deserved the title this year. While Hamilton may have a "talent" in driving, I still think he's still rather inexperienced to all this. Just like you mentioned, he got really lucky and managed to get into a great car for his debut year. Some worthy drivers, like Vettel (and Alonso - Minardi! Who knew he was once Alex Yoong's teammate? ) at least worked his career up from the third driver role. I still remember that one fine day in 2006 where Sebi (yes, from here onwards, he shall be known as Sebi lol) was fastest in the Turkey GP Friday sessions <3 All eyes were on him for a moment and I remember posting on a forum saying that I've began to take a liking in that (then) 19 year old German :LOL:


Geez, Michael Schumacher, Nick Heidfeld and Sebastian Vettel. What is with me and Germans? ;)


Oh and adieu, David Coulthard! You will be missed (for crashing randomly into the barriers back when you were still in McLaren ) I feel sorry for him to end his career like that though. Just like Jean Alesi a few years back..!




Ohh....I went to see Motley Crue and I'm pretty sure that it was the tamest gig they'd ever played. :LOL: The crowd was taaaaame. They brought their own security with them on tour, and didn't just use the security people from the venue...and the security that travelled with them said that if the crowd was placed in another Motley gig in the US with the American fans, we would die.

Hahaha, breaking the barricade

Oooh yay! You went to the concert in the end :] How were they? :happy:


But yeah, I agree with you about the fact that Malaysians just scream and scream and scream. during the MTV MAA awards at Genting this year, when Jared Leto was giving this rather important speech before he gave some honorable award to someone, the crowd just wouldnt shut up! You could see that he was waiting for the crowd to settle down, but they didnt, they just went on and on, yelling and yelling, so he went on with his speech and i could barely hear a word he was saying. pfft.




Lol I know what you mean about procrastinating on your application form. I should be applying for UCAS now (its this program that allows you to apply for any Unis in the UK), and practically EVERYONE from my course has already submitted their CV, personal statement, application form etc, but I havent even started a thing yet. I'm always procrastinating like this, even with my scholarship application last year :LOL:

but yeah, er, my point should be that ITS BAD to procrastinate. even if we all do it all the time, its really bad. lol, maybe take a break from the House marathon and submit your application asap? btw, Hugh Laurie has such BEAUTIFUL blue eyes :happy:




Lol i think if Muse ever do come here again, and if I do ever get to meet them *crosses fingers*, i'd ask them whether they've tried any M'sian food yet. I think I already mentioned this on the board before, but yeah that would be something i'd ask them. hehehhe :D a whole conversation could start from there! talking about favourite foods... foods they should try.. foods we should try... etcetc

Speaking of Jared Leto and his hosting capabilities... I wonder why MTV rehired him to do the MTV Europe Awards with Katy Perry. Hrmm. It would've been more special if he only hosted the MAA this year =[ lol. I still can't believe I didn't do any stalking plans to meet him back in August (but then again I was at SingFest). To think that he was staying at Hilton Sentral and even paid Sentul a visit for Habitat For Humanity! [Click]


UCAS! Which UK uni are you planning to further your studies? My cousin had quite a bad experience with UCAS - a lot of miscommunication I should say =[ I can't stop watching House because I'd rather do that than anything else right now - like studying for my upcoming test. Also, I'm pretty fascinated with House now because I just found out that the real actors for Chase (Jesse Spencer!) and Cameron were engaged to each other before they called off the engagement last year! Goes to show that dating your co-actors arent really a good thing. See what happened in Alias with Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan :( They "killed" Michael Vaughn off! And yes, Hugh Laurie really has pretty blue eyes - he's quite likeable despite being so annoying!


Did you see the article on James Marsden that day featured in Star two btw? So gorgeous! <3 Hugh Laurie's eyes can't really compare to James I have to say lol.


Talking about food with Muse would be really interesting :] I wonder if they eat their fries with mayo or ketchup?

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ala.. jelesnyer reading about u guys' plan to meet up in singapore!


lol well, i bought the cd already and i love it!! tunggu u lama sgt :p:LOL: join me go

watch federer la then i can lend u the dvd hehe


Aiyoh sori la. *plans to kidnap u along?*


N sori again bout the CD. Suka lagu mana? I'm still stuck on Merdeka, especially the impromptu jamming with Pak Kassim at the end. the song makes me want to balik kampung, donno why. Maybe coz my hse not that far from sawah padi. :LOL:


Federed? Am interested, but how expensive are the tix Faz? waiting for gaji 1st la.....



You guys should meet up with Nut at Plaza Singapura. It's very accessible there via bus and it's right opposite the Dhoby Ghout MRT station. Oh and it's also pretty close to Fort Canning too :D


Lol, can you tell that I freakin' miss Singapore? :(


Miele, I killed time by making banners for Ash. I don't think it's appropriate to carry banners for Nicky/James etc though lol Make friends with the people in queue, you'd be surprised to know that people are usually friendly. Perhaps you guys could discuss over the disappearance of Richey too :LOL: If memory serves me right, if a person goes missing for more than 10(?) years, technically he/she will be declared dead according to the law right?




Thanks for the tips ya, very useful. Wish u were coming along with us.




Why do I get the feeling of being ignored? Am I that annoying?


Eh? Ur not annoying at all. Low self-esteem moment ke? :confused:


come all, let's ask muse when will they come to malaysia again :D am trying to think of an intelligent question to ask the band but my mind keep thinking of asking 'em when will they reschedule bangkok!


ITA on all the Msian crowd comment. Oh and please let's! Would gladly eat a belalang if it means they come back to our neck of the woods. :D


Motion design is sort of like graphics animation. Mostly stuff you see on TV where you see flashy graphics and stuff! I'm sure you see it everyday, everywhere. Check out my portfolio located at my sig. :D




Woo an artist amongst our midst, so talented la u. :) .

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Oooh yay! You went to the concert in the end :] How were they? :happy:


Yes I did. :D But I went by myself -sigh- :rolleyes: I don't know anybody there. :LOL: They were great, it was such an amazing gig. :happy: I was in front row, and I got the lyrics for Sick Love Song that they taped to the stage.

I was pleasantly surprised when they started because the crowd wasn't as tame as usual Singaporean crowds at gigs, like you guys were talking about above hahaha. Still though, not very exciting crowd. :erm:

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Eh? There's such a thing? Is that a competition or something?

Check it out here.



ITA on all the Msian crowd comment. Oh and please let's! Would gladly eat a belalang if it means they come back to our neck of the woods.


LOL u better eat that when they come, again, hopefully.


Yes I did. :D But I went by myself -sigh- :rolleyes: I don't know anybody there. :LOL: They were great, it was such an amazing gig. :happy: I was in front row, and I got the lyrics for Sick Love Song that they taped to the stage.

I was pleasantly surprised when they started because the crowd wasn't as tame as usual Singaporean crowds at gigs, like you guys were talking about above hahaha. Still though, not very exciting crowd. :erm:


And ur really 12? Cool! :D

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Speaking of Jared Leto and his hosting capabilities... I wonder why MTV rehired him to do the MTV Europe Awards with Katy Perry. Hrmm. It would've been more special if he only hosted the MAA this year =[ lol. I still can't believe I didn't do any stalking plans to meet him back in August (but then again I was at SingFest). To think that he was staying at Hilton Sentral and even paid Sentul a visit for Habitat For Humanity! [Click]


UCAS! Which UK uni are you planning to further your studies? My cousin had quite a bad experience with UCAS - a lot of miscommunication I should say =[ I can't stop watching House because I'd rather do that than anything else right now - like studying for my upcoming test. Also, I'm pretty fascinated with House now because I just found out that the real actors for Chase (Jesse Spencer!) and Cameron were engaged to each other before they called off the engagement last year! Goes to show that dating your co-actors arent really a good thing. See what happened in Alias with Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan :( They "killed" Michael Vaughn off! And yes, Hugh Laurie really has pretty blue eyes - he's quite likeable despite being so annoying!


Did you see the article on James Marsden that day featured in Star two btw? So gorgeous! <3 Hugh Laurie's eyes can't really compare to James I have to say lol.


Talking about food with Muse would be really interesting :] I wonder if they eat their fries with mayo or ketchup?


Eh did you hear about the MTV MAA scandal? apparently, a lead singer from a band (dunno which band) was like caught in this hot and heavy make out session with some random M'sian chick. she was like.. straddling on him, apparently. oooh, scandalous. I wonder which lead singer it was. It could have been The Click Five's Kyle Patrick, or Jared Leto, or Brendon Urie or even that The Script dude. I'm so curious, despite this being old news, lol!


Yeah a few of my friends are having major miscommunations with UCAS now. Credit card problems, their profile being banned and whatnot, my friend actually had to call UCAS all the way in the UK to fix his problem. I'm SO late la, it just baru hit me that I SHOULD apply for UCAS because.. well, i have nothing to lose! If i cant get a scholarship after getting into any Unis then nvm la, I'll just study back here in M'sia then. The dateline my college set for us closed already, like 2 weeks ago, but they're willing to pull some strings for us procrastinating idiots la lol. Thank God, seriously. For now, I thought of applying for UCL and Manc. Maybe I'll add in Uni of Bath too. Havent done much research yet though. Damn stress now.


OMG I had no idea Vartan got killed off! :eek: Maybe thats because I dont follow Alias, but he was hooooooot. Why yes of course I saw that article of him! :happy: Cant wait to see that new movie of his, lol. Doubt they'd be showing it here though, it sounds awfully 'indie'. Like Ben Barnes' new movie opposite Jessica Biel, Easy Virtue, I doubt they'd show it here too. meh :mad:



Wow :eek: I had no idea this was happening. I dont seem to be getting any mail from the muse board! what the hell la. Did they send an email about this? Or was it all in Main Muse only? I've been checking out the Non-Muse side of the board so much I'm like almost completely ignoring Main Muse :$

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Wow :eek: I had no idea this was happening. I dont seem to be getting any mail from the muse board! what the hell la. Did they send an email about this? Or was it all in Main Muse only? I've been checking out the Non-Muse side of the board so much I'm like almost completely ignoring Main Muse :$


Funny thing is i always get Muse news from muselive instead of the official site. Fans have a way of getting all kinds of news from everywhere ;)


Have you watched Chapter 27 starring jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan (my favourite :p)? I think Mr Leto is pretty good at acting. He played as Mark Chapman, the dude who shot John Lennon. The movie was not bad either.

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Yes I did. But I went by myself -sigh- I don't know anybody there.They were great, it was such an amazing gig. :happy: I was in front row, and I got the lyrics for Sick Love Song that they taped to the stage.

I was pleasantly surprised when they started because the crowd wasn't as tame as usual Singaporean crowds at gigs, like you guys were talking about above hahaha. Still though, not very exciting crowd.

Oooh, did they security guy give you the lyrics? :happy: Did they do their soundcheck earlier btw? Curious because if Motley Crue did, I'm sure Manic Street Preachers would too...




Eh did you hear about the MTV MAA scandal? apparently, a lead singer from a band (dunno which band) was like caught in this hot and heavy make out session with some random M'sian chick. she was like.. straddling on him, apparently. oooh, scandalous. I wonder which lead singer it was. It could have been The Click Five's Kyle Patrick, or Jared Leto, or Brendon Urie or even that The Script dude. I'm so curious, despite this being old news, lol!


Yeah a few of my friends are having major miscommunations with UCAS now. Credit card problems, their profile being banned and whatnot, my friend actually had to call UCAS all the way in the UK to fix his problem. I'm SO late la, it just baru hit me that I SHOULD apply for UCAS because.. well, i have nothing to lose! If i cant get a scholarship after getting into any Unis then nvm la, I'll just study back here in M'sia then. The dateline my college set for us closed already, like 2 weeks ago, but they're willing to pull some strings for us procrastinating idiots la lol. Thank God, seriously. For now, I thought of applying for UCL and Manc. Maybe I'll add in Uni of Bath too. Havent done much research yet though. Damn stress now.


OMG I had no idea Vartan got killed off! :eek: Maybe thats because I dont follow Alias, but he was hooooooot. Why yes of course I saw that article of him! :happy: Cant wait to see that new movie of his, lol. Doubt they'd be showing it here though, it sounds awfully 'indie'. Like Ben Barnes' new movie opposite Jessica Biel, Easy Virtue, I doubt they'd show it here too. meh :mad:

Oooh, I did hear about that MAA scandal - but I dont really care who it is lol. If they had pictures to prove it, maybe then it'll catch my attention :p


Which course will you be doing? If all goes well for me and I don't screw up my papers for the next semesters, I should be in UK too :) We could go to a Muse concert together if they were to play at Wembley again haha :D


Well, Vartan's character came back for the last episode (summary of Alias: no one really dies lol and I guess I just gave you a huge spoiler sorry!) but yeaaahhh I absolutely adored him in that Drew Barrymore movie, Never Been Kissed! If I had a teacher that looked like him, oii, I would certainly pay attention in class :LOL: Mmm, yeah even if they did show that James Marsden movie in theatres, I'm pretty sure they'll cut a lot of scenes :[ Ben Barnesss...! Well thank God for torrent files? ;)





Have you watched Chapter 27 starring jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan (my favourite)? I think Mr Leto is pretty good at acting. He played as Mark Chapman, the dude who shot John Lennon. The movie was not bad either.

:eek: The movie's out already?! I had no idea. I thought it would be due like next year or something hmm. I still can't get over the fact that Jared Leto got punched so badly in Fight Club by Edward Norton. :LOL:


Speaking of movies, I'm not much of the Da Vinci Code fan, though I certainly enjoyed reading the books. But anyway, Tom Hanks with his mullet will be back for Angels & Demons Summer next year. Guess who will be playing the evil priest ... Ewan McGregor!!! :D




Someone needs to come up with a pill that cures procrastination!

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LOL u better eat that when they come, again, hopefully.



And ur really 12? Cool! :D


Hell yeah, anything for Muse! :musesign::shifty:


Dude, I'll be pm-ing u a lot by next week. ETA @ SG is Sunday 23rd around 3.30 pm.



Oooh, did they security guy give you the lyrics? :happy: Did they do their soundcheck earlier btw? Curious because if Motley Crue did, I'm sure Manic Street Preachers would too...



Someone needs to come up with a pill that cures procrastination!


Ooh really?! I hope so...Please do tell us then Pinata. :D


Liz, +125435645 on that procrastination pill thing. Hehe.



Deb, so have u posed the question to Muse?

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