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Don't be fooled by appearances Deb. I've been going to gigs since 1996, some of them entirely 'punk' gigs, and I can tell you this: some of them are all for show, 'gaya ja lebih'. Some normal looking jeans n T kid can be dangerous as well. I've known skinheads that are way more jiwang than me. ;) Generalisations sometimes dont work.


Of course you know that at potentially volatile gigs common sense and organisation is all u need. And a really strong friend for protection in case things go wrong. Then you can have all the fun you want!



How wrong is it that the cheapest MCR tix is about RM200 plus, about the same price of the most expensive Muse tix in KL? And compare the quality of the live performance? tis a crazy world i tell u.


what? how did you know the cheapest MCR ticks is 200 plus? even the cheapest ticks for Gwen was cheaper man. it was about RM100+.


what's jiwang? :$


yeah i shouldn't have judged a punk/skinhead like that but really, they DO give people that impression. they look so tough and stuff its really scary sometimes! :stunned:


now it got me thinking, most people go to gigs just for the atmosphere right? the moshing, pushing, jumping, mixing your sweat with other people's sweat, screaming and singing along and of course the music. but if MCR sucks live so bad that the music isn't worth the cash, shouldn't the atmosphere be? :eek: SHOULD WE JUMP/MOSH/PUSH/MIX SWEAT/SCREAM/SING ALONG WITH THE PUNKS TOO?? lol.


wow.. that's amazing they contacted u.. you should tell them that 7000 is definitely possible.. there were plenty of non-malaysians in the gig at malaysia.. (even some jamaicans :D they loved malaysia)..


but as long as the tickets sell early, it's definitely possible..


in fact, if it shows sign of not selling, we will personally make a new thread here stating that the muse concert is not selling, and for these people on this forum to hence come down and support muse ..


although to be honest, i wish it wouldn't sell out.. i wish there was only 10 people in the whole arena~ :happy:




ask them how was touring with muse.. then go ask muse how was touring with mcr... with those 2 questions we can start off a whole new mcr-muse rumour :p




awesome.. i've looked at mcr forums.. looks like pretty much every of their gigs people are going to be wearing black..


guys, if you guys wanna go see mcr, how about we pay muse a tribute? let's wear, ummm, coloured pants, for instance? or those strappy thing matt likes to wear..


it'll look awesome amongst the sea of emoness and black..


*thinks hard for what chris usually wear* err, damnit, i can't wear a freaking coat to a mcr gig :rolleyes:


yeah i'm DEEEFINATELY up for that. i have his black suspenders! i could match it with like.. i dunno, maybe a BRIGHT YELLOW shirt as a tribute to Dom? haha and black pants as a tribute to chris :p wow i'm really excited about it now :eek: i finally have a reason to wear my black suspenders again! ahha!


unless i wear my black Muse shirt :stunned:

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yeah i'm DEEEFINATELY up for that. i have his black suspenders! i could match it with like.. i dunno, maybe a BRIGHT YELLOW shirt as a tribute to Dom? haha and black pants as a tribute to chris :p wow i'm really excited about it now :eek: i finally have a reason to wear my black suspenders again! ahha!


unless i wear my black Muse shirt :stunned:


er.. i'm not up for moshing, but it depends, i'd be pretty annoyed if i have to sit if others are sitting around.. regardless of how bad bands are, i'd prefer standing i think.. (then again, my only concert experience is muse, so i really don't know what i'm talking about actually :p, unless if u consider small gigs)


hehe, we all should wear like a tribute to matt, dom and chris each... then have one person wear a Muse shirt (:happy:preferably not black of course) so that everybody who talks about the gig can then all go, "oooh, i saw the muse crowd"...


it'd be awesome if we were standing.. we'd be the yellows, reds and greens amongst the black :eek: !


how's ur experience wearing those suspenders then? i may try buying one.. i've already worn those smallish ties which dom and chris really loves to wear, not bad..


edit : jiwang is... er, not exactly lovey dovey, but more like, "emo" in the sense of "emotional", er, i'll pass it to miele or kak faz to answer better

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er.. i'm not up for moshing, but it depends, i'd be pretty annoyed if i have to sit if others are sitting around.. regardless of how bad bands are, i'd prefer standing i think.. (then again, my only concert experience is muse, so i really don't know what i'm talking about actually :p, unless if u consider small gigs)


hehe, we all should wear like a tribute to matt, dom and chris each... then have one person wear a Muse shirt (:happy:preferably not black of course) so that everybody who talks about the gig can then all go, "oooh, i saw the muse crowd"...


it'd be awesome if we were standing.. we'd be the yellows, reds and greens amongst the black :eek: !


how's ur experience wearing those suspenders then? i may try buying one.. i've already worn those smallish ties which dom and chris really loves to wear, not bad..


edit : jiwang is... er, not exactly lovey dovey, but more like, "emo" in the sense of "emotional", er, i'll pass it to miele or kak faz to answer better


yeah the music might suck but if they have lotsa energy, i would hate to just sit and do nothing about it. so i'll prolly just get the cheapest standing ticks then.. haha. and i'll stand towards the back or middle? heh. i dunno.


aww guess i cant wear my muse shirt then, since i only have one and its in black. unless... I MAKE A COLOURFUL ONE! :eek: but i might get bashed up by the other hard core mcr fans :$ lol. so i'll stick to the suspenders then haha.


my experience? er.. well, i had to wear them as uniform with lotsa buttons and badges on them (TGIF uniform), so it was pretty bulky. but since i'm gonna wear it on its own, i guess its fine. i'm just afraid it might come off while i'm jumping or something. i think that happens quite easily. i dont mind wearing those little ties! where did you get them from?


oh.. so jiwang is kinda like the romantic version of emo? like.. sensitive?




HELLOOO!!! how are you? welcome back to the board! :D

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^^ hey there... it's awesome to see u back :D



my experience? er.. well, i had to wear them as uniform with lotsa buttons and badges on them (TGIF uniform), so it was pretty bulky. but since i'm gonna wear it on its own, i guess its fine. i'm just afraid it might come off while i'm jumping or something. i think that happens quite easily. i dont mind wearing those little ties! where did you get them from?


oh.. so jiwang is kinda like the romantic version of emo? like.. sensitive?


HELLOOO!!! how are you? welcome back to the board! :D


i made them! me and my friend (who's entirely supportive of my muse projects, though she thinks i'm kind of nuts :p) slaved over them ties.. We saw them ties at mid valley, but those ties aren't tapered to a point, the ones on sale are squared at the end, plus they look more like the kind of tie emo guys / avril lavigne fans would wear..


it's the tie here -> clickie

crap, actually my friend think it looks more like this, cause i left both side visible instead of hiding one side of it


ooooh, come to think about it.. i can wear whatever the heck dom is wearing in that pic :happy:, i'd go for chris' outfit, but the jacket is too much, plus i don't have a pink shirt.


and look what i found here : chris borrowed matt's shirt, didn't he? it's the shirt matt used in concert many times and the one he used in the airport!

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those people are sick, am telling ya. :mad:


They are tsk tsk tsk :noey:



hi everyone


got a reply from lamc productions. i asked tehm if muse is rily gna come.


here's the reply:


Thank you for the email....

We are sorting this out.... do you think there will be 7000 fans to see MUSE in Bangkok.


Let me know



I think it's possible. But 7000...that's quite a large number of ppl...but i hav faith!! what do u guys think?


If they will do the gig next year probably I can go and add it up for the 7,000 requirements.


But I think they can get a 7,000 attendance if they'll announce it this early so people can plan their travels and what not.


wow.. that's amazing they contacted u.. you should tell them that 7000 is definitely possible.. there were plenty of non-malaysians in the gig at malaysia.. (even some jamaicans :D they loved malaysia)..


but as long as the tickets sell early, it's definitely possible..

in fact, if it shows sign of not selling, we will personally make a new thread here stating that the muse concert is not selling, and for these people on this forum to hence come down and support muse :D..

although to be honest, i wish it wouldn't sell out.. i wish there was only 10 people in the whole arena~ :happy:


I'm sure Musers from other countries will fly to Bangkok just to see them and maybe check out the beaches too.


We're hoping about that too. :LOL: Selfish is good sometimes.


awesome.. i've looked at mcr forums.. looks like pretty much every of their gigs people are going to be wearing black..


guys, if you guys wanna go see mcr, how about we pay muse a tribute? let's wear, ummm, coloured pants, for instance? or those strappy thing matt likes to wear..


it'll look awesome amongst the sea of emoness and black..


*thinks hard for what chris usually wear* err, damnit, i can't wear a freaking coat to a mcr gig :rolleyes:


I'll definitely do that to the MCR concerts, just expect some nasty looks from them :D:rolleyes:


Chris wears a lot of ties too. :yesey:

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guys, if you guys wanna go see mcr, how about we pay muse a tribute? let's wear, ummm, coloured pants, for instance? or those strappy thing matt likes to wear..


it'll look awesome amongst the sea of emoness and black..


*thinks hard for what chris usually wear* err, damnit, i can't wear a freaking coat to a mcr gig :rolleyes:


Cool idea adyla, should be fun, wld love to get wierd stares from MCR fans


*files your idea under: Plan B of things to do if Muse dont come to Bangkok*



what? how did you know the cheapest MCR ticks is 200 plus? even the cheapest ticks for Gwen was cheaper man. it was about RM100+.


what's jiwang? :$



now it got me thinking, most people go to gigs just for the atmosphere right? the moshing, pushing, jumping, mixing your sweat with other people's sweat, screaming and singing along and of course the music. but if MCR sucks live so bad that the music isn't worth the cash, shouldn't the atmosphere be? :eek: SHOULD WE JUMP/MOSH/PUSH/MIX SWEAT/SCREAM/SING ALONG WITH THE PUNKS TOO?? lol.



The prices: Tickets are priced at S$95, S$85 and S$75 (exclusive of S$2 ticketing fee).

are for the show in Singapore. Come to think of it, was there a huge difference in price: Muse KL vs Muse Fort Canning? Nutcracker?


Jiwang is : emo / flowery / soppy kinda person. For a really extreme example, you just say: "jiwang karat siot!" Try it Deb. :LOL:


Having your own fun party when the live band sucks pwns big time!

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Jiwang is : emo / flowery / soppy kinda person. For a really extreme example, you just say: "jiwang karat siot!" Try it Deb. :LOL:


Having your own fun party when the live band sucks pwns big time!


:D are so right!


E.g. if somebody says that their favourite song of all time is unintended (and he's a guy), somebody is bound to react with a comment, "uish, jiwang siot"


unintended = jiwang (imo)

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yeah,it is jiwang. But I really love it for the fact that it's tempo (whiny singing plus slow drums) so sounds like a Malay rock kapak song.


Plus Matt is one of the best in terms of sheer melodic beauty. First time I heard the song it haunted me for ages, what with those lyrics!


random thought:


Mike, if we ever get to see Muse again and if they suddenly play Unintended, i hereby promise to belanja you guys (sesapa yg ada la) ice kacang or something. :D


love that song live! the Paris show with the handphones was beeyootiful.

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yeah,it is jiwang. But I really love it for the fact that it's tempo (whiny singing plus slow drums) so sounds like a Malay rock kapak song.


Plus Matt is one of the best in terms of sheer melodic beauty. First time I heard the song it haunted me for ages, what with those lyrics!


random thought:


Mike, if we ever get to see Muse again and if they suddenly play Unintended, i hereby promise to belanja you guys (sesapa yg ada la) ice kacang or something. :D


love that song live! the Paris show with the handphones was beeyootiful.


oooouaaahhhh, unintended and ice kacang???! who can ask for more?


i'd die a very happy girl indeed! :D


although u should just demand they play unintended.. *hint banners hint*

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oooouaaahhhh, unintended and ice kacang???! who can ask for more?


i'd die a very happy girl indeed! :D


although u should just demand they play unintended.. *hint banners hint*


Cannot, if I do that habisla my secret identity of jiwangness. :LOL:

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do i get ice kacang too? please i want it too!! :D it would be awesome if they do play MM or uno and of course unintended. tho i don't actually know all the words to that song. i skipped that song a lot. tooo jiwang karat for me. :p everytime i hear that song, that mamat french yang jiwang karat in the hullabaloo dvd came into my mind. does anyone remember him? siap tangan2 lg.. adoi jiwang karat siott!!


i like ur idea adyla, we should do something in honour of muse during the mcr gig. but i feel too old to wear dom's multi-colored pants. what about dombrero hat??


and i dunno deb, i wouldnt say that mcr sucks live. they're pretty decent i guess. i just dont think i can stand looking at gerard's emo face and him screaming... :stunned:


oh btw, we do go jiwang once in a while i guess ( hence my love for anuar zain.. now that's lg jiwang giler!! heh.) cant be too rock n roll all the time.

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do i get ice kacang too? please i want it too!! :D it would be awesome if they do play MM or uno and of course unintended. tho i don't actually know all the words to that song. i skipped that song a lot. tooo jiwang karat for me. :p everytime i hear that song, that mamat french yang jiwang karat in the hullabaloo dvd came into my mind. does anyone remember him? siap tangan2 lg.. adoi jiwang karat siott!!


i like ur idea adyla, we should do something in honour of muse during the mcr gig. but i feel too old to wear dom's multi-colored pants. what about dombrero hat??


and i dunno deb, i wouldnt say that mcr sucks live. they're pretty decent i guess. i just dont think i can stand looking at gerard's emo face and him screaming... :stunned:


oh btw, we do go jiwang once in a while i guess ( hence my love for anuar zain.. now that's lg jiwang giler!! heh.) cant be too rock n roll all the time.


Omigod Uno that song is so smexy!!! i would just hgfwieyffyaufya if that happened, heh.


:LOL: That french dude, so cringe-worthy! sometimes I cover the screen with my hand so I cant see him.


Eh guys, can we have another meetup end of November to take piccies for Dom and Chris' bday? I shyla do by myself. I'll be in KL 26th onwards....

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Now that's an understatement ann.


The thing is, Muse live would spoil almost every other band imho. To expect a quite young band like MCR to compete with the level of awesomeness is too much. However since I do listen to some of their sonng, and since Malaysia is so deprived of international bands. I might still go if have moolah.


Btw, damn, wish I could watch Black Sabbath and Megadeth instead of MCR @ Singapore / Bangkok.

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Eh guys, can we have another meetup end of November to take piccies for Dom and Chris' bday? I shyla do by myself. I'll be in KL 26th onwards....


eh? I'm confused?


we're having pretend birthday parties for dom and chris and take pictures then?


if thailand happens, we can invite them for a birthday party :p unless they have plans of course, then we of course can crash :D

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:LOL: I wish!


No the obsession isnt that bad yet :D


The photos are for birthday wishes from around the world from Dom. Just take photos that are Dom related as his bday gift, and send it to this address:




All courtesy of Gocanux and someone named (Yus)?

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:LOL: I wish!


No the obsession isnt that bad yet :D


The photos are for birthday wishes from around the world from Dom. Just take photos that are Dom related as his bday gift, and send it to this address:




All courtesy of Gocanux and someone named (Yus)?


oh i see :D, and here i thought u have gone nuts. that'll be awesome..


i have an idea.. we can show off our malaysian culture~ and then suddenly go drastic and be all dommish.. like before and after pics..


e.g. it'll be miele before (wearing the most un-dommish baju kurung ever, for instance), then poof, we take another picture of you wearing something very domlike, posing very dom-mish... then maybe we can attach the dom picture which we refer it from..


oooh, that'd be pwoper cool.. :p


somebody can go buy those slipknot mask and wear them, as well :rolleyes:

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Now that's an understatement ann.


The thing is, Muse live would spoil almost every other band imho. To expect a quite young band like MCR to compete with the level of awesomeness is too much. However since I do listen to some of their sonng, and since Malaysia is so deprived of international bands. I might still go if have moolah.


Btw, damn, wish I could watch Black Sabbath and Megadeth instead of MCR @ Singapore / Bangkok.

I do listen to few of their songs. Although MCR mite be less experienced but with all the attention that they're getting, they should be better live performers. Gerard, i find, isnt a very good singer. And he only sings too. Im sry if i offended anybody. Its just my opinion.


My friend went to see Megadeth last night. She was close to Dave Mustaine, and had an amazing time. I couldnt go...:(

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u know, my friend right here from singapore mentioned something interesting.. she said that when backstreetboys came to singapore, it was LAMC who brought them here, and they got a deal to bring 16 fans to the soundcheck party or something like that..


wouldn't that be awesome if lamc struck the same deal with muse? does that happen with other gigs with LAMC? *dreams* ;)

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Great what do you have. I 'chop' the Perak / sabah one if you have it. :D


i have puteri perak costume if u want. u'll look awesome in that one! or the kadazan's costume would look nice too! :D


awesome! i'm quite embarrassed by my own collection of traditional items actually :$


heh. the advantage of being a jurulatih seni budaya negara..;) been using a lot of traditional costumes for my tarian girls.


u know, my friend right here from singapore mentioned something interesting.. she said that when backstreetboys came to singapore, it was LAMC who brought them here, and they got a deal to bring 16 fans to the soundcheck party or something like that..


wouldn't that be awesome if lamc struck the same deal with muse? does that happen with other gigs with LAMC? *dreams* ;)


ooohhhhh... should we e-mail LAMC tooo??? :eek::eek:

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