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Saya Melayu. Tapi mak bapak saya belajar kat England dulu masa I kecik lagi.


Saya lahir kat Malaysia, tapi tinggal kat England dari umur 3 hingga 9 tahun. Sebab tu I ni cam maksalleh skit. :$

ooh,,,i see..patut la..mak ayah sy belajar kat US dulu2..abg sy yg sulung lahir kat situ tapi mak ayah sy ajar bahasa melayu sejak dia duk situ lagi..awk ingt lagi ke awk prnah gi england dulu2?

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alamak. we switched topics again so soon! :(


er, adyla and shannaz, you can keep matt and chris and morgan.. i'll have dom all to myself thanks :happy:, by dom i mean dom howard! not dom the manager. lol.


and er, i'm chinese. i speak english on a daily basis.. so i guess thats my excuse as to why i dont speak malay :p i've tried speaking malay here once, and everyone teased me! so malu la :(

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alamak. we switched topics again so soon! :(


er, adyla and shannaz, you can keep matt and chris and morgan.. i'll have dom all to myself thanks :happy:, by dom i mean dom howard! not dom the manager. lol.


and er, i'm chinese. i speak english on a daily basis.. so i guess thats my excuse as to why i dont speak malay :p i've tried speaking malay here once, and everyone teased me! so malu la :(

ohh,,i see..takpe lah kalau macm tu..aiyoo!!macm2 la..yg tu lahir kat england,yg ni plak org cina..ishk3..sy sorang ke melayu orginal?ORIGIN OF MALAY!!

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You kena bukak minda skit. :p


Takpelah, we're all Malaysians at heart. :D

hah?sy ni x open-minded ke?ishk3..sedihnya..:( hmm,,x de ape2 lah!kat myspace tu,dah banyk dah org mat salleh!ngan diorang,sy speaking,,ngan org2 melayu ni,sy cakp melayu la..
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hah?sy ni x open-minded ke?ishk3..sedihnya..:( hmm,,x de ape2 lah!kat myspace tu,dah banyk dah org mat salleh!ngan diorang,sy speaking,,ngan org2 melayu ni,sy cakp melayu la..

its okay if you want to speak malay! we can understand it (though i'm trying to read through all the short-forms la) but i hope you dont mind that we speak english la. :)


dont worry, shannaz, adyla and crazy_mary speak malay too. so its all okay. :happy: you're not alone!


EDIT: actually, all the other malaysian muse fan post-ers post in malay once in a while. except for me and vspirit.. but vspirit disappeared so i guess its just me :( look who's the outsider now, de7ilnitez!

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fuyyoo.. i went for an extra class, dah skip one whole page. malaysian musers rock!

deb, NO. u cant keep dom howard to urself! :mad: coz i'll be menyibuk to get his attention as well lol.


yam, aku melayu pure 100%! lahir kt mesia, sekolah kt m'sia sumer kt m'sia .. cuma uni jer luar m'sia..cuma tak pahe la kalau mu kecek kelate.. susah sket r. dulu waktu mula2 join board nih.. sumer nak cakap omputih tu yang ngikut jer nih.. tak kisah r sal bahasa sgt. kiter kan malaysians, so rojak la..


lol at the meet-up. guess i'm not a good organiser la back then haha! its really a good idea to meet u guys and we'll all laugh hysterically like matt. i'm planning to meet weresodisco soon (hopefully) anyone wanna join? ;)


EDIT: cant wait to hear ur recorded weird laugh de7ilznite! LOL

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ohh,,i see..takpe lah kalau macm tu..aiyoo!!macm2 la..yg tu lahir kat england,yg ni plak org cina..ishk3..sy sorang ke melayu orginal?ORIGIN OF MALAY!!


You kena bukak minda skit. :p

It's all good. Broaden your horizons lah. :)

its okay if you want to speak malay! we can understand it (though i'm trying to read through all the short-forms la) but i hope you dont mind that we speak english la. :)

It's ok la. We all can campur2 skit la!! That's the Msian spirit. :LOL:

tak kesahlah bm or english, but i prefer our pages to be not just for malaysians.. foreigners can also read our posts once in a while and join in, just as i do sneaking into other's countries' threads.. like since us malaysians can't go into israel, sometimes i sneak into their pages and see what they talk about.. not that i understand a thing, it's all mumbo-jambo nonsense..

fuyyoo.. i went for an extra class, dah skip one whole page. malaysian musers rock!

that's because of the many double and triple posts.. no worries..


:yesey: we ARE waiting for that laugh.. do not pretend that ur microphone is not working, abang-mat-laugh-a-like.. :p


ala, jangan la buat meetup sekarang.. huhu.. i'm not free got lots of work.. sedih teramat..


mynameisdebbie, u're not isolated in this thread, we are malaysians and proud to be rojak and corrupt our language (erm, don't quote me on that) by speaking multiple languages... u should start speaking cantonese (?).. let me start by using the word lau tong which i think means loophole which i learnt in law school.

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Hey i speak malay too. Sebab saya belajar bahasa melayu seumur hidup saya, cuma melayu saya tidak begitu lancar. Peribahasa yang saya amat sukai ialah, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi sebab itulah satu-satunya peribahasa yang saya selalu ingat. Yang lain-lain pula, sambil menyelam minum air. Saya suka peribahasa sebab kadang-kadang ia sungguh kelakar.

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Hey i speak malay too. Sebab saya belajar bahasa melayu seumur hidup saya, cuma melayu saya tidak begitu lancar. Peribahasa yang saya amat sukai ialah, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi sebab itulah satu-satunya peribahasa yang saya selalu ingat. Yang lain-lain pula, sambil menyelam minum air. Saya suka peribahasa sebab kadang-kadang ia sungguh kelakar.


:LOL: cara awak cakap bm pun kelakar.

lol u crack me up.

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Hey i speak malay too. Sebab saya belajar bahasa melayu seumur hidup saya, cuma melayu saya tidak begitu lancar. Peribahasa yang saya amat sukai ialah, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi sebab itulah satu-satunya peribahasa yang saya selalu ingat. Yang lain-lain pula, sambil menyelam minum air. Saya suka peribahasa sebab kadang-kadang ia sungguh kelakar.


awak sungguh kelakar.. saya betul betul terhibur.. ceritakanlah kepada saya mana-mana peribahasa lagi yang awak belajar semasa di sekolah..

saya tidak pernah mendengar sambil menyelam minum air.... apekah? *buat muke slek* :p

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awak sungguh kelakar.. saya betul betul terhibur.. ceritakanlah kepada saya mana-mana peribahasa lagi yang awak belajar semasa di sekolah..

saya tidak pernah mendengar sambil menyelam minum air.... apekah? *buat muke slek* :p


Ape awak tidak memahami peribahasa tersebut? Ia bermakna sambil membuat sesuatu, awak membuat benda lain. Jika awak tidak faham juga, fahamkan aje lah, ye? Hmm apa lagi ya... Walaupun hidup seribu tahun, kalau tak sembahyang, apa guna nya. Dan wang adalah akar semua benda yang tidak elok (ok, saya membuat itu sebab saya terlupa peribahasa yang lain).

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Wow, everyone can suddenly speak Bahasa Istana. Macam sungguh formal la. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi. :LOL: I completely forgot what that means.


mikeadyla, really! Microphone I rosak la. :p


Dan wang adalah akar semua benda yang tidak elok (ok, saya membuat itu sebab saya terlupa peribahasa yang lain).




Saya amat terhibur la. Hiburan sensasi. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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fuyyoo.. i went for an extra class, dah skip one whole page. malaysian musers rock!

deb, NO. u cant keep dom howard to urself! :mad: coz i'll be menyibuk to get his attention as well lol.


lol at the meet-up. guess i'm not a good organiser la back then haha! its really a good idea to meet u guys and we'll all laugh hysterically like matt. i'm planning to meet weresodisco soon (hopefully) anyone wanna join? ;)


EDIT: cant wait to hear ur recorded weird laugh de7ilznite! LOL


lol well you can keep Joel Madden! according to the MTV live vid, he wants to move to kl and marry a teacher! thats youuu!! :LOL: Joel Madden can sing to other guys to get their hands off his girl (you), he sings about anthems and about holding on and about bring predictable! he even sings about the rich and famous' lifestyles! :D


and about the meetup, i doubt i can go! its my SPM year. pfft. also, if you all speak BM i'll be REALLY isolated because my BM is really very poor. :(


Hey i speak malay too. Sebab saya belajar bahasa melayu seumur hidup saya, cuma melayu saya tidak begitu lancar. Peribahasa yang saya amat sukai ialah, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi sebab itulah satu-satunya peribahasa yang saya selalu ingat. Yang lain-lain pula, sambil menyelam minum air. Saya suka peribahasa sebab kadang-kadang ia sungguh kelakar.


LOLOLOL :LOL: itulah cara saya cakap bahasa melayu! very formal bukan macam short form short form. lol. great :D saya tak berasa sangat er.. tersendiri? lol. how to say alone in BM ar? :$


see thats how poor my BM is. =(


mikeadyla, really! Microphone I rosak la. :p




mynameisdebbie, u're not isolated in this thread, we are malaysians and proud to be rojak and corrupt our language (erm, don't quote me on that) by speaking multiple languages... u should start speaking cantonese (?).. let me start by using the word lau tong which i think means loophole which i learnt in law school.


haha yeah its fun speaking in rojak :p i cant speak cantonese either! the only sentance i can say is er... "ngor mn sek kong koung toung wa" which means i cant speak cantonese. hahaha.

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and about the meetup, i doubt i can go! its my SPM year. pfft. also, if you all speak BM i'll be REALLY isolated because my BM is really very poor. :(

don't worry, i'm the one with bm qualification of o levels "malay as a foreign language".. all i did was use words like "automobil" and other interchangeable malay-english words, so no frets..

haha yeah its fun speaking in rojak :p i cant speak cantonese either! the only sentance i can say is er... "ngor mn sek kong koung toung wa" which means i cant speak cantonese. hahaha.

so u speak mandarin? u can teach me then since i'm failing mandarin.. :p

mikeadyla, really! Microphone I rosak la. :p


ku takkan tertipu dengan penipuan sebegitu.. langkahlah mayatku sebelum anda cuba untuk menipu ku.. diriku yang melayu johor sejati ini tak mungkin tertipu.. takkan ku durhaka kepada sultan johor (ok i'm out of ideas)


p/s i bet u don't sound anything like matt (haha, is that enough to make you feel challenged and to go buy yourself a new microphone)


i tag out.. somebody tag in please.. *slaps hand*

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Hamba tak mau tunjuk!! Tak mau!! Tak maaaauuuuuuuu..... :unsure::noey:


Hamba teramat hilang muka jikalau hamba berbuat demikian. Kalau anda hendaklah terhibur, sila menonton hiburan sensasi di TV Tiga. Sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. :pimp:


TV Tigaaaaaa....untuk andaaaaaaa :D

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ya rabi... aku berada di tahun berapa nih? mengapa tiba2 bahasa melayu formal tuan hamba sumer guna? :LOL:


lol deb, nice try.. NO. u still cant haf dom to urself. and hey i noe a bit of cantonese..

chiso hai pintao arr? ( where is the freaking toilet?) heh.

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so u speak mandarin? u can teach me then since i'm failing mandarin.. :p



Wa lau wey! Wo ke yi chang hwa yi ley... Hokkien also can. HAHA. chiak kopi ley!


LOLOLOL :LOL: itulah cara saya cakap bahasa melayu! very formal bukan macam short form short form. lol. great :D saya tak berasa sangat er.. tersendiri? lol. how to say alone in BM ar? :$


see thats how poor my BM is. =(


According to what i learnt in school, being alone translated to bm should be, dipulau.

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sounds more laik classic chinese to me.. di.. pu... lau.... [chinese music gong plays in the background]


Oh u doubt my language, do you? Here i am, trying my best to help a person in need, asking for nothing in return, and there you are making fun of what i posted. I've had it with you. Kalau air dicincang tidak akan putus, i tell you.

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