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my mom also makes superb karipap! crunchy pastry with tasty potato curry inside mmmm... ooh, suddenly craving for karipap now lol. which stall in Klang are you talking about there? wah... never knew there's a famous curry puffs stall here..


random, random:

Arthur is certainly not worth Merlin's life! lol.. just had to get that out of my chest haha..

Rah! Rah! Make sure you bring some of your mom's currypuffs the next time we camp at Sepang :LOL: Err...well I'm not sure of the exact directions in Klang lol because usually my mom will send the courier boy in her office to help her get 'em triangular currypuffs. It's soooo good.. to the extent that the courier boy has to deliver them ;) I'll text you the directions later when I ask my mom haha...


I go through phases of trying out a certain snack at different locations. The last time I went down to Malacca, I told myself I had to try every single pisang goreng stall I come across lol... even when I was down at Singapore, I had to try their banana fritters (damn expensive though! SD$0.70 for just one? You can usually get five for RM1 in Malaysia! ) just for the sake of that stupid phase. It looks like I'm on a currypuff phase now :p I've been told the best karipap in Malaysia can be found in Kuantan... I don't know if it'll match the one in Klang, but I guses we'll see when I make my trip down to Kuantan end of this year ... ;]


LOL omg you watch Merlin...! Have you been following it since epi 1? I wish I could say I had :( You know, I always want to catch it weekly, but every time I stop at either Hallmark/TV3, my sister would usually roll her eyes and force me to change the channel to something more interesting :-/ Maybe I'll just ... stream/get the DVD ;]


Speaking of DVDs... it's been awhile since I last had a LOTR marathon....

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i checked out black inertia heart - it's catchy, i like it :)


mogwai! oh dear, i won't be around 31 may :( i really hope they'll put the show on you tube


i'm loving the new album by manics - journal of plague lovers




nicky sings in one of the songs. i got to sample a few songs on you tube but the link doesn't work anymore - copyright claims meh


the new album by doves- kingdom of rust is great too! esp.


i like samosa too! ;)

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Rah! Rah! Make sure you bring some of your mom's currypuffs the next time we camp at Sepang :LOL: Err...well I'm not sure of the exact directions in Klang lol because usually my mom will send the courier boy in her office to help her get 'em triangular currypuffs. It's soooo good.. to the extent that the courier boy has to deliver them ;) I'll text you the directions later when I ask my mom haha...


I go through phases of trying out a certain snack at different locations. The last time I went down to Malacca, I told myself I had to try every single pisang goreng stall I come across lol... even when I was down at Singapore, I had to try their banana fritters (damn expensive though! SD$0.70 for just one? You can usually get five for RM1 in Malaysia! ) just for the sake of that stupid phase. It looks like I'm on a currypuff phase now :p I've been told the best karipap in Malaysia can be found in Kuantan... I don't know if it'll match the one in Klang, but I guses we'll see when I make my trip down to Kuantan end of this year ... ;]


LOL omg you watch Merlin...! Have you been following it since epi 1? I wish I could say I had :( You know, I always want to catch it weekly, but every time I stop at either Hallmark/TV3, my sister would usually roll her eyes and force me to change the channel to something more interesting :-/ Maybe I'll just ... stream/get the DVD ;]


Speaking of DVDs... it's been awhile since I last had a LOTR marathon....


lol. speaking of Sepang, u must be very happy with Sebastian Vettel now, no? i finally understand why people call him the future Micheal Schumacher! woah.. that currypuffs or --is it samosa? as Aida pointed out-- must be really popular.


pisang goreng in singapore is expensive! bananas must be very hard to get there then lol. i think my favourite snack has got to be pau goreng. aha.. the one with sardine inside or just a simple sambal ikan bilis. mmmmm... i think i'll buy some tomorrow. lol it's 4am and am freaking hungry!


lol. unfortunately no. i only watch it if i remember about it which is not often. but i caught the season finale on tv3 last sunday lol i;ll make an effort to watch it on Hallmark now. my sister is a complete contrast to yours. she never misses an episode.


LOTR. man, it takes forever to finish each film. i don't think i have the patience to have an LOTR marathon! i once watched two towers the extended version and i could only last for like an hour before falling asleep!:LOL:


i checked out black inertia heart - it's catchy, i like it :)


mogwai! oh dear, i won't be around 31 may :( i really hope they'll put the show on you tube


i'm loving the new album by manics - journal of plague lovers




nicky sings in one of the songs. i got to sample a few songs on you tube but the link doesn't work anymore - copyright claims meh


the new album by doves- kingdom of rust is great too! esp.


i like samosa too! ;)


i hope it'll be on youtube too.


ooh.. second half. *runs*

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Awww, Cats! Glad you had fun noor, sure seems like that decision of leaving the Malaysian education system (no offence, Faz!) for good is a great one - thus far :happy:




Noor: Bands don't seem to ever come back after they play. :'( They don't even spend that much time there....-sigh-


:( But, Matt came back to Singapore to buy carpets from Arab Street, remember..:happy:


I was born in Malaysia. I lived there for a couple of years before moving to England. Now I live in Scotland :p


Hey there! Welcome (:


Aww my friend also went for STOMP in Melbourne recently, I wanna goooo. Why arent these fancy fancy musical people coming to Malaysia lah? sigh.


Wah, your school must seriously be damn rich to be able to pay for you guys hor. lucky! :)


haha I keep mine in a neat folder, along with muse-related newspaper cuttings haha! :awesome:


lol yeah i love curry puffs too! omg. they make the best breakfast snacks ever. Especially the medium sized ones, not those humongous ones that arent really that spicy. the old-school roadside ones are the best imo, i dunno whether you can find out about roadside curry puff stalls on google though, but good luck with that! :)


Ah Stomp! I loved watching them on tv when I was younger :happy:


Haha I guess so...I finally get to have a pwoper school computer lab filled with working HP computers and printers.


I haz a Muse file too!!!!!!!!! :D


Roaside epok-epok is teh best. :D


fuyyoo.. i think i need to teach in singapore too la. lol soo cool to have a class trip like that! and yeah.. CATS is brilliant. watched it years back at IB. though i don't actually like musical that much, i have a soft spot for singing and dancing felines haha.. do they still have the actors coming to the audience and sniff them curiously? lol. still prefer small plays/theaters. we have brilliant local ones here.


Lol, yes they do! They look scary up close though...I love The Rum Tum Tugger and Mr. Mistoffelees :D:happy:


Speaking of DVDs... it's been awhile since I last had a LOTR marathon....


Haha, every time I watch LOTR, I fall asleep. I dunno why, its always been like that. :stunned:


Black Heart Inertia is nice :happy: I don't listen to Incubus (tho I should, yes), but I really do love the song Dig. Mm.


Oh speaking of shows, does anyone watch True Blood? Or read the book?

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:( But, Matt came back to Singapore to buy carpets from Arab Street, remember..:happy:


:LOL: Yeah I guess...but I meant play. Oasis and Coldplay each did three gigs, and PCD will be returning for their second (NOOOO LAMC. NOOOO, WTF? :vomit:) but a majority of bands don't come back for gigs or only play two gigs, unfortunately. :(

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I think I scared him away... lol aww, I didn't mean to, honest!


Hehe I love eating them for breakfast! (and lunch and tea and supper too) I hate the feeling of eating one curry puff and then yearning for another one though because the first one that you just devoured certainly isn't enough..! Then once you've finished with your 2nd, you may have an overload of potatoes but usually curry puffs come in threes (at least, those small ones selling 3 for RM1 - quite hard to find those now though...), so in the end you'll end up eating all three.... Haha!


That's a good... and bad thing =[ but with Brandon's good looks, really, how can they not attract fly.fm listeners? On one hand, they'll get paid for all their hard work but on another - there's a whole story on how a new influx of fans would ... change things.


On the topic of Incubus though, I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't say I really like Black Heart Inertia at the moment...!! It wasn't really memorable... *hides* Maybe I'm just sleepy and I can't decipher the lyrics clearly right now. Although I have to say that's a pretty catchy title for a song! OK I'll listen to it properly again over the weekends..! :X


lol! maybe you should've gotten to know him a little better before you ask him whats under his kilt :LOL:


I usually eat them in threes too! probably because thats good enough to satisfy my hunger, but not until i'm suuuuper full you know? =D just nice enough for a cup of Milo to fill me up a bit more hahah.


Yeah exactly, i dont want a huge wave of bandwagon-hopping fans to like Incubus just because they're on the radio, and the same goes for Muse too! But thats too late now that they got suuuper exposure from Twilight. and on BHI (I typed BMI first lol) yeah i dont think its very memorable. I cant really remember how it sounds like now to be honest! =( i wish Muse'll release some new material right about now!!


fuyyoo.. i think i need to teach in singapore too la. lol soo cool to have a class trip like that! and yeah.. CATS is brilliant. watched it years back at IB. though i don't actually like musical that much, i have a soft spot for singing and dancing felines haha.. do they still have the actors coming to the audience and sniff them curiously? lol. still prefer small plays/theaters. we have brilliant local ones here.


niice. hair ftw! lol..


i thought STOMP was here as well eh? i might be wrong.


Deb, Incubus is quite commercial too la i think. i hate it that hitz still plays Drive! was quite surprise too that fly played BHI but good la that Incubus had some airtime on our radio. dunno if we'll be able to see them live again esp after nenas being black listed and all..


and i agree with Liz, i don't like BHI the first time i heard it. but after an hour playing it on a loop, i think it's stuck in my head now. lol


yeah la.. why la Muse so commercial these days?


Eh wait, what the, Cats was here?! In Malaysia?? At Istana Budaya?? Since when!! :supersad: why didnt i know this! Maybe i was still young back then and unaware of the awesomeness that is Cats. I'm not sure whether STOMP was here... I dont remember! lol


Incubus is commercial meh? :( yeah hitz.fm plays Drive a lot but then again, they played Drive alot last time too, even before A Crow Left From The Murder (or was it of the murder? I always get confused with that album title hehe) was out, and I didnt know that Drive was from Incubus until they first came by at 2004! I knew how to sing to the chorus of Drive.. but I had no idea the song was called drive and that it was from Incubus. So maybe it'll have the same effect on other people too? lol. As far as I know, some friends of mine who listen to the radio a lot dont know who Incubus is.


Eh ya wei I hope some other organizer will bring Incubus in again, like maybe Galaxie? or that new one.. marctesia or something. the one that brought in Jason Mraz :D


ooh.. second half. *runs*


Ehhh you were watching the match? :D I had to study for my mock exams so i couldn't watch it. I watched the replay though, Almunia was teh awesome :awesome: I expected Man U to thrash us so I was kinda shocked to hear the results were just 1-0. but NVM, NEXT WEEK, ASNL VS MAN U @ EMIRATES OH ITS ONNNNNNN. :fear:


Ah Stomp! I loved watching them on tv when I was younger


Haha I guess so...I finally get to have a pwoper school computer lab filled with working HP computers and printers.


I haz a Muse file too!!!!!!!!!

Roaside epok-epok is teh best.


Black Heart Inertia is nice I don't listen to Incubus (tho I should, yes), but I really do love the song Dig. Mm.


Oh speaking of shows, does anyone watch True Blood? Or read the book?


Lol! I thought I was the only one with a Muse file :LOL: Yeah I like Dig too :) I really like their Light Grenades album. you should give it a listen! :) got some slow stuff like Dig, Love Hurts, Diamonds & Coal and Oil & Water that I really like. got some heavy stuff also that I love. Eh actually now that I think of it, I dont think there's any song I dont like from Incubus in that album :stunned::happy:


I want to watch True Blood! I've read about it on the newspapers and stuff, and it sounds interesting :D but the fact that the vampire has a southern accent is a bit of a turn of la. Brit accents + Vampires ftw! Is is any good? I feel like downloading it hehe.


:LOL: Yeah I guess...but I meant play. Oasis and Coldplay each did three gigs, and PCD will be returning for their second (NOOOO LAMC. NOOOO, WTF? ) but a majority of bands don't come back for gigs or only play two gigs, unfortunately.


Lol! the fact that Incubus came here twice is a miracle for me already :chuckle:

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mogwai! oh dear, i won't be around 31 may. i really hope they'll put the show on you tube

I'll see to it that (hopefully) they'll be able to get it up on youtube!


i'm loving the new album by manics - journal of plague lovers


nicky sings in one of the songs. i got to sample a few songs on you tube but the link doesn't work anymore - copyright claims meh


the new album by doves- kingdom of rust is great too! esp.

Oooh, the album's due really soon. I didn't know that..! Thanks for the heads up :)


So many albums coming out this year - I think everyone's probably in a hurry to release one before the first decade of the new milennium comes to a close... that would mean spending more on CDs though... sigh.


I'm listening to the new Vertical Horizon CD that has been leaked at the moment.. I wonder if they'll be playing any new material at the concert tomorrow! I'm going btw, pandemic or no pandemic...


Speaking of gigs/concerts .. And you will know us by the trail of dead ... has a show slated on the 21st of May @ Thailand! Lucky lucky Thais but it's in such a turmoil :( I'll never be allowed to travel there.. In addition to that, MEW will be heading to Bandung, Indonesia too in August before headlining Summer Sonic festival @ Japan! Here's hoping they would bring Mew across to our shores as well.. Soundscape, we're counting on ya. Oh please let us be able to watch Mew performing

live! That song is simply stunning if you listen through your earphones, basking in its 256kbps glory :awesome:




lol. speaking of Sepang, u must be very happy with Sebastian Vettel now, no? i finally understand why people call him the future Micheal Schumacher! woah.. that currypuffs or --is it samosa? as Aida pointed out-- must be really popular.

My mom says you'll need to pass by bulatan seratus (lol actually I don't remember what's the name of it anymore) but I do know it's near the bazaar that the dewan bandaraya put up? There's a food court or something opposite of the bazaar and in one of the shops a lady would be there selling 'em curry puffs & samosa. Go try it quick! :)




LOTR. man, it takes forever to finish each film. i don't think i have the patience to have an LOTR marathon! i once watched two towers the extended version and i could only last for like an hour before falling asleep!

I <3 the TTT EE (the two towers extended edition lol). Had so much more Faramir scenes, and I'm certainly all up for it! Back then I even remembered the exact minute Faramir appeared on screen - yeah I was that LOTR geek :p I think amongst all the three movies, TTT is my fav, for several obvious reasons lol.


I was at the MPH warehouse sale today, and I saw all three books going for as low as RM40 for the complete set! Was seriously so tempted to get it, but I already have all the books lol. Pity I couldn't find any of Nick Hornby's books there...




Haha, every time I watch LOTR, I fall asleep. I dunno why, its always been like that.

My mom does the same thing for Harry Potter movies :(





Oh speaking of shows, does anyone watch True Blood? Or read the book?

A series about vampires! I'm relatively interested in True Blood, but I just can't find the time to get addicted to another series... I've been thinking of streaming this other Vampire series Moonlight (since it features the not-exactly-hot-but-hard-not-to-love Jason Dohring from Veronica Mars) I never got around to doing it though - stuck watching Gilmore Girls lol.




Yeah I guess...but I meant play. Oasis and Coldplay each did three gigs, and PCD will be returning for their second (NOOOO LAMC. NOOOO, WTF? :vomit:) but a majority of bands don't come back for gigs or only play two gigs, unfortunately.

Any chance Ash will be coming back for a third time? :-/




lol! maybe you should've gotten to know him a little better before you ask him whats under his kilt

lol I think that question's a lot better than the other one that I have ready that relates to Ewan McGregor and all Scottish men in general ... :chuckle:




Eh wait, what the, Cats was here?! In Malaysia?? At Istana Budaya?? Since when!! :supersad: why didnt i know this! Maybe i was still young back then and unaware of the awesomeness that is Cats. I'm not sure whether STOMP was here... I dont remember! lol

My very own mother intended to bring me to a Cats show, but apparently I refused to go.... :facepalm:


Oh and American Idol! I admit, I don't always follow but my colleague just won't stop talking about it.. She's a huge Kris fan and ever since I found out he sang Falling Slowly a few weeks back, I guess I'm rooting for him now. Haha.


Oi vey, I better start packing!

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If Ash came back for a third time, I seriously hope it's during one of my breaks. :(

I also hate when bands announce their tourdates so near to when they're playing...eek.

Ohh, I dunno where to get good curry puffs, sorry!

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Feeling Good's not actually by Muse, they covered it too.

And...Incubus went there twice? Whaaaat? :stunned:


Yeah I know its by Nina Simone, but he did it in Muse's version anyway, with a bit of Michael Buble's version in it too. Ah well.


Heck yeaaah! :happy:


I was at the MPH warehouse sale today, and I saw all three books going for as low as RM40 for the complete set! Was seriously so tempted to get it, but I already have all the books lol. Pity I couldn't find any of Nick Hornby's books there...


My mom does the same thing for Harry Potter movies :(


A series about vampires! I'm relatively interested in True Blood, but I just can't find the time to get addicted to another series... I've been thinking of streaming this other Vampire series Moonlight (since it features the not-exactly-hot-but-hard-not-to-love Jason Dohring from Veronica Mars) I never got around to doing it though - stuck watching Gilmore Girls lol.


Any chance Ash will be coming back for a third time? :-/


lol I think that question's a lot better than the other one that I have ready that relates to Ewan McGregor and all Scottish men in general ... :chuckle:


My very own mother intended to bring me to a Cats show, but apparently I refused to go.... :facepalm:


Oh and American Idol! I admit, I don't always follow but my colleague just won't stop talking about it.. She's a huge Kris fan and ever since I found out he sang Falling Slowly a few weeks back, I guess I'm rooting for him now. Haha.


Oi vey, I better start packing!


Omg. Details about the warehouse sale please? I keep missing it and now I really really want to buy some cheap books! :D


Lol oh gosh.. but isnt that already related to the question you asked? :LOL:


ehhhhh, I love Kris too! I think he's damn hot :awesome: He sang The Way You Look Tonight this week and I almost cried. its the chandler and monica song and he sang it so beautifully... gaaah *wipes tear*





On another note, has anyone seen X-men origins:Wolverine yet? I love it. I enjoyed watching it so much :happy: Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) rocks my socks :happy: I feel like downloading the X-men trilogy now just for fun.

Noooo Debbie concentrate on your exams :(

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Lol, yes they do! They look scary up close though...I love The Rum Tum Tugger and Mr. Mistoffelees


Haha, every time I watch LOTR, I fall asleep. I dunno why, its always been like that.



Black Heart Inertia is nice I don't listen to Incubus (tho I should, yes), but I really do love the song Dig. Mm.


i wish i could still remember the characters' names! lol my memory is very poor.


yay! my LOTR sleep buddy haha.. i fell asleep in the cinema while watching the return of the king(?). it was just tooooooo long. i remember being very annoyed at Frodo for taking such a long time to throw the ring or something..lol. but like Liz, TTT is my favourite too. Legolas had so many screen time in that one haha..


go listen to incubus now. they're brilliant!


Eh wait, what the, Cats was here?! In Malaysia?? At Istana Budaya?? Since when!! :supersad: why didnt i know this! Maybe i was still young back then and unaware of the awesomeness that is Cats. I'm not sure whether STOMP was here... I dont remember! lol


Incubus is commercial meh? :( yeah hitz.fm plays Drive a lot but then again, they played Drive alot last time too, even before A Crow Left From The Murder (or was it of the murder? I always get confused with that album title hehe) was out, and I didnt know that Drive was from Incubus until they first came by at 2004! I knew how to sing to the chorus of Drive.. but I had no idea the song was called drive and that it was from Incubus. So maybe it'll have the same effect on other people too? lol. As far as I know, some friends of mine who listen to the radio a lot dont know who Incubus is.


Eh ya wei I hope some other organizer will bring Incubus in again, like maybe Galaxie? or that new one.. marctesia or something. the one that brought in Jason Mraz :D



Ehhh you were watching the match? :D I had to study for my mock exams so i couldn't watch it. I watched the replay though, Almunia was teh awesome :awesome: I expected Man U to thrash us so I was kinda shocked to hear the results were just 1-0. but NVM, NEXT WEEK, ASNL VS MAN U @ EMIRATES OH ITS ONNNNNNN.



Lol! the fact that Incubus came here twice is a miracle for me already


yeah! Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats was here years back. i can't remember exactly when but i know it was when i was still living in kl. i read somewhere that it's just too expensive for IB to bring it here again. meh... things are always too expensive for us! :( btw, anyone remember reading in the newspaper about an attempt to bring Monalisa to Malaysia this year? i wonder what happen.. hmm


i thought Incubus is quite well known here. Drive made them huge back when Make Yourself was released. it was on the radio almost every freaking day! and then

was often played on MTV. -- the bridge part! *fans self* brandon has more tattoos now haha --so yeah.. i thought they were very commercial during Make Yourself and Morning View. it was only after A Crow Left of The Murder that they started to be low key and under the radar. but still, they have a huge following here, which only means that they should come here again!


haiya.. i watched the game but it was so not worth it! lol.. i agree. 1-0 was not too bad. their pride is at stake now!


someone in idol finally sang Muse



i used to like adam lambert. he looks a lot like gerard way and very unique. but now he just screams too much!


i can't understand why people are linking this to Muse. it's not their song and i can't hear any resemblance to Muse's version either. i don't like this at all.. the entrance, the white suit.. too much drama! Adam is so theatrical! :rolleyes::LOL:


at the last part. I don't like watching these kinds of shows tbh.


i know what u mean. i used to hate AI too but i really loved it last year. ;)


I'll see to it that (hopefully) they'll be able to get it up on youtube!


I'm listening to the new Vertical Horizon CD that has been leaked at the moment.. I wonder if they'll be playing any new material at the concert tomorrow! I'm going btw, pandemic or no pandemic...


My mom says you'll need to pass by bulatan seratus (lol actually I don't remember what's the name of it anymore) but I do know it's near the bazaar that the dewan bandaraya put up? There's a food court or something opposite of the bazaar and in one of the shops a lady would be there selling 'em curry puffs & samosa. Go try it quick!


I <3 the TTT EE (the two towers extended edition lol). Had so much more Faramir scenes, and I'm certainly all up for it! Back then I even remembered the exact minute Faramir appeared on screen - yeah I was that LOTR geek :p I think amongst all the three movies, TTT is my fav, for several obvious reasons lol.



Any chance Ash will be coming back for a third time? :-/


i wanted to say that 8tv has catch up tv on their website the other day, Aida. but the second half started so i just forgot haha.. so yeah.. u can watch it on their website if u missed it or maybe Liz is planning to do something to get it up on youtube. ;) either way, hope all us can watch it.


nice! you're going to VH! be safe now. :D wow.. 9 minutes of Mew. it seriously is a comforting song..


i have no idea where that is! haha.. i never knew there's a bulatan seratus here btw lol..


my sister loves Faramir too! that was why she bought the TTT extended version! to see whether there's any extra scenes with Faramir on it! lol..


i think the right question would be.. any chance Ash will be coming to KL for the first time? :p


Note to Debbie: concentrate on your exams and good luck!

Edited by crazy_mary
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Speaking of gigs/concerts .. And you will know us by the trail of dead ... has a show slated on the 21st of May @ Thailand! Lucky lucky Thais but it's in such a turmoil :( I'll never be allowed to travel there.. In addition to that, MEW will be heading to Bandung, Indonesia too in August before headlining Summer Sonic festival @ Japan! Here's hoping they would bring Mew across to our shores as well.. Soundscape, we're counting on ya. Oh please let us be able to watch Mew performing
live! That song is simply stunning if you listen through your earphones, basking in its 256kbps glory :awesome:


HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS. :eek: OMG....Mew need to come to Bali too! It's better than Bandung. :yesey::eek::eek:

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Lol! I thought I was the only one with a Muse file :LOL: Yeah I like Dig too :) I really like their Light Grenades album. you should give it a listen! :) got some slow stuff like Dig, Love Hurts, Diamonds & Coal and Oil & Water that I really like. got some heavy stuff also that I love. Eh actually now that I think of it, I dont think there's any song I dont like from Incubus in that album :stunned::happy:


I want to watch True Blood! I've read about it on the newspapers and stuff, and it sounds interesting :D but the fact that the vampire has a southern accent is a bit of a turn of la. Brit accents + Vampires ftw! Is is any good? I feel like downloading it hehe.


:D Lol, ok! *downloads*


What? It was in the newspapers? I was kind of hoping it wouldn't go mainstream...like, I can't believe how FUCKING CLICHE Twilight is in school. A lot of girls mentioned it in their Show and Tell videos (which we have to do for English, but nobody has mentioned Muse :stunned:). Ah well.

No no, the vampires are no less sexy! Maybe it sounds a liiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit off, but damn the vampires can pull it off. Mehehe :stongue: I'm loving the show, yes I am :D You should watch it! They'll be showing repeats from Episode 1.


On another note, has anyone seen X-men origins:Wolverine yet? I love it. I enjoyed watching it so much :happy: Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) rocks my socks :happy: I feel like downloading the X-men trilogy now just for fun.

Noooo Debbie concentrate on your exams :(


I watched it yesterday! Loved it too! So many questions are finally answered!

Lol, when I saw Ryan's face in the movie poster I was like What? Where the heck does he fit in an X-Men movie? :D Lol and they stitched his mouth :rolleyes:

Oo I'm having my mid years now. We can do it! (:

Edited by nonoor
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A quick update:


Vertical Horizon setlist 02.05.09 (which I managed to pry away from the hands of the lovely tech guy ;) I now have Matt Scannell's set list! :happy: )


1. Inside

2. You're A God

3. When You Cry

4. Forever

5. Shackled

6. Best I Ever Had

7. All Is Said & Done

8. Goodbye Again

9. Sunshine

10. Wash Away

11. Give You Back

12. Send It Up

13. Everything You Want




14. I'm Still Here

15. We Are



I admit. Vertical Horizon is most definitely your average alternative rock band that you simply cannot hate. They can do no wrong because their songs are extremely catchy to the ears, radio friendly and a perfect soundtrack to several teen-drama series. I would not say that is a compliment through and through because to be honest - music is evolving as we speak and while VH remains loyal to their fan base, I do not think they would be able to impress and expand their circle of listeners.


That is not to say that I had a crappy time during this gig. On the contrary, I had an excellent time. I don't think I've ever felt this happy during a concert (Lifehouse was way too complicated lol). I am simply voicing my concerns because I know there's so much more in Matt and Keith that could change the perception of music to an average radio listener.


Ah, but relating to the gig night though...


Crowd was crazy, the band performed splendidly - probably their best because the crowd was channelling so much energy to them. After the long hiatus, I think VH truly deserved such a crowd. The crowd was so loud, and although I'm pretty sure that's partially due to the alcohol (lol) nevertheless, they gave VH a thunderous support throughout the whole night!


See, even Matt was all smiles that night:



Lovely teeth, hands and chucks ;]


Can I just say, Matt, Keith and Sean are the most humble people on earth?! I managed to get my CD signed and a hug from each of them, because they came out to meet the fans after the show! More on that next time maybe, if anyone's up for it lol. I need to get some rest now, in case there's really something incubating beneath me since customs just cleared me without questioning at all!


Oh... and I ended up eating Old Chang Kee curry puffs. Lol all that trouble ... and I went back to the commercialized one.

Edited by guilt-stricken
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Hello ppl, long time no chat. :) Have you guys viewed this:




I cant watch it at work, ugh!





Speaking of DVDs... it's been awhile since I last had a LOTR marathon....



Yay, fellow LOTR geek *high 5s*. Haha I actually travelled out of Msia for the 1st time due to the LOTR exhibition at the Singapore Science Center. That was great nerdy fun I tell ya.


I remember Viggo (yes first name basis lol) saying in the DVD Extras that his fav bit of the TTT DVD were the Boromir / Faramir extra scenes.





ooh.. second half. *runs*


Ehhh you were watching the match? :D I had to study for my mock exams so i couldn't watch it. I watched the replay though, Almunia was teh awesome :awesome: I expected Man U to thrash us so I was kinda shocked to hear the results were just 1-0. but NVM, NEXT WEEK, ASNL VS MAN U @ EMIRATES OH ITS ONNNNNNN. :fear:



Lol! the fact that Incubus came here twice is a miracle for me already :chuckle:



Oh yeah it's ON! I was pissed the goal cushion wasnt more than 1, since United had like 12 shots on target compared to Arsenal's 2. Never mind, at least no away goal conceded.


Anyone else do this for the Champs League matches: go to sleep at 10 pm then wake up at 3am then sleep again before going to work? No? Only me izzit? :LOL:



Liz, thank you so much for that VH writeup. As always, very pleasant reading la babe.

Edited by miele
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Ooo.... So many replies. Lol.... Which means good. This thread is being active back :D:D


Mmmm.... Curry puffs makes me hungry. Too bad can't really eat it yet cause I just recovered from a flu.:(


Mew... The only song I knew from them is Special :stunned::$ Lol.... I more of a main stream person :$ But it would be nice if they come to Malaysia :D


Just went to cinema to watch Sniper(the movie isn't too bad, quite kan ching at certain point I should say =p) and saw the trailer to Terminator Salvation. Now I know why Christian Bale is so hot amongst girls in the forum. Watching him almost like watching Matt in action movies. Just that Christian Bale is much more macho and cooler in certain ways than Matt:p

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Omg. Details about the warehouse sale please? I keep missing it and now I really really want to buy some cheap books!

Ahhh sorry for the late reply! If you googled malaysia MPH warehouse sale 2009, I'm sure a few links would've came up.. but anyway it was held at the MPH distributors factory or whatever it's called located at PJ. I didn't get to spend too much time in there - but I stumbled upon a book that I've been looking for since I was 14 lol : the Emily series by L.M. Montgomery (of Anne of Green Gables fame). Currently I'm only missing one book...



On another note, has anyone seen X-men origins:Wolverine yet? I love it. I enjoyed watching it so much :happy: Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) rocks my socks. I feel like downloading the X-men trilogy now just for fun.

Noooo Debbie concentrate on your exams :(

I keep telling my friends to watch it, but I can't believe I couldn't even find the time to catch Wolverine myself! Crazy... and I've been dying to see Gambit in full force!



i have no idea where that is! haha.. i never knew there's a bulatan seratus here btw lol..

My mom says, Hokkien Association building on your left, go straight and there's a roundabout? Take 9 o'clock and you'll come to the bazaar...? lol.


my sister loves Faramir too! that was why she bought the TTT extended version! to see whether there's any extra scenes with Faramir on it! lol..

YAY Faramir love!! the ROTK EE has plenty of Faramir too :) A pity that they edited the Faramir & Eowyn wedding scene out of the movie (didn't even make it to the extended edition too :[ ) that they filmed... but ah, I'm contented enough with the Houses of Healing scene I suppose :]



HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS. :eek: OMG....Mew need to come to Bali too! It's better than Bandung.

Please don't let it be August... that's a baddd time for concerts =[ I checked AirAsia and a return flight to Bandung would cost RM280. Yaargh.




Yay, fellow LOTR geek *high 5s*. Haha I actually travelled out of Msia for the 1st time due to the LOTR exhibition at the Singapore Science Center. That was great nerdy fun I tell ya.


I remember Viggo (yes first name basis lol) saying in the DVD Extras that his fav bit of the TTT DVD were the Boromir / Faramir extra scenes.

OMG they had an LOTR exhibition there?! Did any actor from the movie showed up? I bet you got lots of goodies? I <3 LOTR goodies. lol it's so awesome that you went outstation for the first time in the spirit of LOTR!


Hahhaa I'm absolutely in love with all the DVD extras from all three movies - more specifically from ROTK! I honestly can't remember much from it anymore but I can't help but giggle every time I watch that scene of Faramir (in ROTK) heading out to war to fight for no cause and David Wenham had no idea how to ride a horse :LOL: Peter Jackson had to put David on a mechanical horse for that scene LOL!!



Liz, thank you so much for that VH writeup. As always, very pleasant reading la babe.

Thank you dear, but now that I'm reading it again, it doesn't even do justice for how the concert turned out lol.



Mmmm.... Curry puffs makes me hungry. Too bad can't really eat it yet cause I just recovered from a flu.

Get well soon! Not a good time to fall sick at this moment...


Mew... The only song I knew from them is Special :stunned::$ Lol.... I more of a main stream person :$ But it would be nice if they come to Malaysia :D

Hey, at least you know them, that's a lot better than how my friends would react. Lol



Friends: What? The Pokemon character?

Me: :facepalm:


Just went to cinema to watch Sniper(the movie isn't too bad, quite kan ching at certain point I should say =p) and saw the trailer to Terminator Salvation. Now I know why Christian Bale is so hot amongst girls in the forum. Watching him almost like watching Matt in action movies. Just that Christian Bale is much more macho and cooler in certain ways than Matt:p

Christian's voice in that trailer is just. so ... phwoaarrr! :LOL:

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Mew... The only song I knew from them is Special :stunned::$ Lol.... I more of a main stream person :$ But it would be nice if they come to Malaysia :D


Just went to cinema to watch Sniper(the movie isn't too bad, quite kan ching at certain point I should say =p) and saw the trailer to Terminator Salvation. Now I know why Christian Bale is so hot amongst girls in the forum. Watching him almost like watching Matt in action movies. Just that Christian Bale is much more macho and cooler in certain ways than Matt:p


But Special's a great song. :happy:


Christian Bale? :eyebrows::stongue: But his Batman voice...:LOL:


Please don't let it be August... that's a baddd time for concerts =[ I checked AirAsia and a return flight to Bandung would cost RM280. Yaargh.



Friends: What? The Pokemon character?

Me: :facepalm:


It's ok for me if it's before my school starts, or if it's here then it's alright then because I wouldn't be loaded with homework yet...but I'm not going to Bandung. :(



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A quick update:


Vertical Horizon setlist 02.05.09 (which I managed to pry away from the hands of the lovely tech guy ;) I now have Matt Scannell's set list! :happy: )


1. Inside

2. You're A God

3. When You Cry

4. Forever

5. Shackled

6. Best I Ever Had

7. All Is Said & Done

8. Goodbye Again

9. Sunshine

10. Wash Away

11. Give You Back

12. Send It Up

13. Everything You Want




14. I'm Still Here

15. We Are



I admit. Vertical Horizon is most definitely your average alternative rock band that you simply cannot hate. They can do no wrong because their songs are extremely catchy to the ears, radio friendly and a perfect soundtrack to several teen-drama series. I would not say that is a compliment through and through because to be honest - music is evolving as we speak and while VH remains loyal to their fan base, I do not think they would be able to impress and expand their circle of listeners.


That is not to say that I had a crappy time during this gig. On the contrary, I had an excellent time. I don't think I've ever felt this happy during a concert (Lifehouse was way too complicated lol). I am simply voicing my concerns because I know there's so much more in Matt and Keith that could change the perception of music to an average radio listener.


Ah, but relating to the gig night though...


Crowd was crazy, the band performed splendidly - probably their best because the crowd was channelling so much energy to them. After the long hiatus, I think VH truly deserved such a crowd. The crowd was so loud, and although I'm pretty sure that's partially due to the alcohol (lol) nevertheless, they gave VH a thunderous support throughout the whole night!


See, even Matt was all smiles that night:



Lovely teeth, hands and chucks ;]


Can I just say, Matt, Keith and Sean are the most humble people on earth?! I managed to get my CD signed and a hug from each of them, because they came out to meet the fans after the show! More on that next time maybe, if anyone's up for it lol. I need to get some rest now, in case there's really something incubating beneath me since customs just cleared me without questioning at all!


Oh... and I ended up eating Old Chang Kee curry puffs. Lol all that trouble ... and I went back to the commercialized one.



woah Liz. you're very lucky whenever you're in singapore la! First Ash, then Lifehouse now Vertical Horizon... jealous!


how is it possible that he still looks exactly the same after all these years? i think i'm the only one who's aging in this world.. lol


Thanks a lot for the review! no videos? :eyebrows:


btw, i know where the bazaar is! wohooo.. gonna go there when i'm free soon lol..



Oh yeah it's ON! I was pissed the goal cushion wasnt more than 1, since United had like 12 shots on target compared to Arsenal's 2. Never mind, at least no away goal conceded.


Anyone else do this for the Champs League matches: go to sleep at 10 pm then wake up at 3am then sleep again before going to work? No? Only me izzit? :LOL:


hah! you're not alone. i do that too :LOL: my students always sms me to wake me up right before the game starts! hehe.. eh, am confused la... the game is tonight eh? or is it the Chelsea vs Barca game? either way am staying up tonight. lol




Ooo.... So many replies. Lol.... Which means good. This thread is being active back :D:D


Mmmm.... Curry puffs makes me hungry. Too bad can't really eat it yet cause I just recovered from a flu.:(


Mew... The only song I knew from them is Special :stunned::$ Lol.... I more of a main stream person :$ But it would be nice if they come to Malaysia :D


Just went to cinema to watch Sniper(the movie isn't too bad, quite kan ching at certain point I should say =p) and saw the trailer to Terminator Salvation. Now I know why Christian Bale is so hot amongst girls in the forum. Watching him almost like watching Matt in action movies. Just that Christian Bale is much more macho and cooler in certain ways than Matt:p


awww... flu! that sucks. hope you'll get some rest and get well soon!


speaking of Christian Bale, is Brandon trying to be like him here? He's so funny!




i love his new hair! been searching for their new video. apparently the one on their official youtube channel is not available in our country.:(

Edited by crazy_mary
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YAY Faramir love!! the ROTK EE has plenty of Faramir too :) A pity that they edited the Faramir & Eowyn wedding scene out of the movie (didn't even make it to the extended edition too :[ ) that they filmed... but ah, I'm contented enough with the Houses of Healing scene I suppose :]



Hahhaa I'm absolutely in love with all the DVD extras from all three movies - more specifically from ROTK! I honestly can't remember much from it anymore but I can't help but giggle every time I watch that scene of Faramir (in ROTK) heading out to war to fight for no cause and David Wenham had no idea how to ride a horse Peter Jackson had to put David on a mechanical horse for that scene LOL!!



Get well soon! Not a good time to fall sick at this moment...



Hey, at least you know them, that's a lot better than how my friends would react. Lol



Friends: What? The Pokemon character?

Me: :facepalm:



Christian's voice in that trailer is just. so ... phwoaarrr!


:LOL: Faramir is something to look at in the two towers :eyebrows::chuckle: There are wedding scene of Faramir and Eowyn?! :eek:I didn't know there is a wedding scene Aww... too bad they cut it off from the extended version as well :(


David Wenham have to be on the mechanical machine for that scene?:eek: Haha.... Must been funny to see :p


Hehe... Thanks. Currently taking 2 days MC because of a bad gastric ending up vomiting the whole day yesterday. Not a good thing to be in at all especially when I'm only alone at the hostel(currently back at home). Hehe... all the vomiting is because "hidup senang,sendiri pergi cari susah" :rolleyes:


:LOL: Do you know that when I was looking for Mew(the band) in the search engine, do you know what came up, all about pokemon or Mew from pokemon. Till I have to type Mew (Band) or Mew (Dannish band) only did something. :rolleyes:


Hehe.... He does look :eyebrows: in the latest trailer


But Special's a great song.


Christian Bale? But his Batman voice...



It is a great song honestly. I love the way the drag out the vocals ^^


Actually his batman voice in Batman begins sounds just fine. I dunno why they have to deepen it. o.O hmmm....



hah! you're not alone. i do that too my students always sms me to wake me up right before the game starts! hehe.. eh, am confused la... the game is tonight eh? or is it the Chelsea vs Barca game? either way am staying up tonight. lol


awww... flu! that sucks. hope you'll get some rest and get well soon!


speaking of Christian Bale, is Brandon trying to be like him here? He's so funny!




i love his new hair! been searching for their new video. apparently the one on their official youtube channel is not available in our country.


:eek: Your students sms you to wake you up to watch a football game?! You must be a damn cool teacher in your school, man! How nice if we could do that with our teachers as well. Lol


Aww...... Thank you so much Faz:happy:

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Agarinaaaaaa, you can't say nooo. Agarinaaaaaaa, this tiiime, you will gooo. :LOL:

His voice as Bruce Wayne is fine. :erm: His voice as Batman was hilarious though, it's like....wannabe metal growl? :eek:

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