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a dead fan? why lah?

sorta like this. http://www.freewebs.com/hero87/-%20New%20Folder/neoprint%203.JPG


I'm sure you know what a cina ah beng is right? hahaha. so I added the 'super lala' adjective to add more effect


:LOL: Took me some time to figure out what is kipas susah mati :p


:LOL::LOL::LOL: Couldn't stop laughing at that picture for some reason.


there's another user called Davey25 as well. SO MANY DAVES! ahahha. its so confusing. cool, at least you had a clue on what to get him la :) was the book light? i thought the heavier the book is, the more expensive it was. I wanted to send my friend a Twilight book haha. thanks for the tip btw





aww man I know I should be studying, but I cant help but search for Muse when i'm on youtube and i saw this..




omg. i'm so fucking nostalgic now. I still cant believe we got a version of Citizen Erased that was SO epic *bawls eyes out*


Hmmmm.... Shouldn't it be cheaper to buy twilight from US itself :erm:


Sigh.... 2 years already since their concert here but for some reason it doesn't feel like so long ago... Hmmm....


damn nostalgic ...


soon it will be the 2 year anniversary of Muse concert in KL..time really flies...


Can't believe it's 2 years already *stunned*


next tour? that'll be like in 2010 eh? i was actually hoping for 'em to play Sunburst this year :p:LOL:


betol! dah la lagi best drpd Raihana.. murah pulak tu. ish, ish..heh


look at those phones! von's video caught the beauty of the crowd that night. and yeah, we got one of the best version of CE! i remember closing my eyes and really menghayati the song while Matt was playing the piano in this. gagaaga.. nostalgic now.


i believe kipas sudah mati is a direct translation to die hard fans. come to think of it, it should be kipas mati keras or something like that. lol


tell me about it. two years next month eh? but why can't i get over it? haiiih.. haha.


HAha.... I believe the oprganisers are scared Muse tickets couldn't sell but turns out to be the exact opposite. Hehe....


Where are the sunburst list is coming out? If there is even of half of those list that is written out last time, I'm so going *sparkles in her eyes*


Thank you guys for the lovely birthday wishes lol! :D


Liz: It's ok about the birthday banner! It's the thought that counts eh! hahaha

AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! My 'friend' called me after work at 630pm just now asking whether i wana go watch Stars cuz he got an extra ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH I HATE HIM. Hated him for not calling me earlier, before i made a very important appointment. ARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise i could've shared some Stars news lol. So sad.


Noor: Thank you for that incredibly funny pic! I'm proud of ya hahahaha. Yeah don't take heed of all those immature school mates. I know it's hard but i know you're tough as well... You can do it. :)


Deb: Oh China One is SO not the land of lala cina ahbengs man!! Even though it's called China One LOL!!! You see, guys have to be 23 and girls 21 so you get the working class people, who're mainly there to chill and just have a good time. So there's a good mix of races esp. caucasians :eyebrows:


Joelyn: Wah ur so cool to be staying there man! So near a power place. If i were you i'd try to sneak in for future gigs there. Cuz that time when i was buying burger Ramly outside stadium Negara, while waiting for Muse (nostalgic moment :viking:), the burger seller told me that it's pretty easy to sneak in, as sometimes some of his friends do that when they're not selling their food and stuff. lol so cool.


Miele: Lol the coolest kacang ever is kacang puteh man. Who here doesn't like kacang puteh?!! Oh my now i feel nostalgic about eating kacang puteh...


Kak Faz: Yah lah Muse didn't cost as much as the SG gig also, plus it turned out to be so much better! One of the many reasons being CE!!!!!!!!! It's like Muse's emo song lol but waaaaah happening man.... Wow can't forget it. If Muse really are gona tour again around here, CMON 2010, alreadY!!! lol


:LOL: Been staying there for almost 5 months but never went there yet :p Just pass by on a car got la XP I think most people use Stadium Negara for badminton practise and competition. My cousin study in Victoria Institution(the secondary boys school that is just beside Stadium Negara) last time and I think he always goes there to play badminton which is how his interest turns to be passion after that. Sigh.... now to think about it, one of my friend work as an audio crew during the concert. Sigh... how nice.....

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Nut, You are most welcome! Glad you liked it!


Auntie Mary and Nut, Believe it or not, its not the students, its the "teachers"!


Since day one, some teachers come up to me with an incredibly annoying face and are like "KENAPA RAMBUT MACAM TU??" Then I'm like "KEPALA SAYA KENA JAHIT" Then they can't say anything.

Then I don't wanna put on the tudung at school, so I wrote a letter lah, to give to the principal. But before that, my friend and I were called to the good for nothing counselor. She asked us why and gave us "advice" and all. And I don't want to put it on, because I memang don't put it on, and I also told her lah, "Saya pun tak nak pakai pasal kepala saya baru kena jahit, so tak selesa." Then she's like "Ah, tu pasal lah kena jahit, Tuhan kasi." So just beacuse she wears the tudung, she can make such a remark? And I'm the one who's going to hell. Hmm. But that one really hurt. But only for a while, coz after that I was like WHY SHOULD I CARE WHAT THEY SAY. Then summore she can say "Sekarang rambut awak pendek, so bagi perempuan tak cantik kalau orang lihat" So I said "Kenapa saya nak kisah apa mereka fikir? Mereka tak tahu apa yang saya lalui?" Then she said "Yelah, memang awak tak kisah, tapi awak hidup dalam masyarakat, awak mestilah peduli." So like, you can tell a cancer patient "Cover your head, not nice for others to see a bald girl."


What the hell? Can't the teacher see?! Why must they ask you kenapa rambut macam ini? I guess the worse is your counsellor. Some counselling she's giving... :indiff: Honestly, you head is injured, so what's wrong with not wearing a tudung. It's like someone break their leg and the school force you to wear on your school. Kinda ridicules isn't it? Ya lah, you must care when you live in a society but that only applies when you do some immoral stuff. It's not like you are having open sex with people. A teacher should be supportive and understanding. Not critical and judgemental.


Anyway, don't bloody care what she say. Just ignore it and what matters most is what inside you and not what you wear on the outside. Just remember, whatever that happens now will make you stronger later :happy: We all have ours ears open for you =D

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Ok I'm breaking my so-called hiatus. It's so not working out. I miss you guys too much


Joelyn, looks like it's a pretty short-intended hiatus :( But anyway, if I do disappear after this, I guess I'll only be back after the Mogwai concert! How's work coming along for you btw? Is it possible to visit your hostel in any way? Lol.


Noor, geramnya! That counsellor seriously should consider getting a change of job because that does NOT in any way help a student to feel better after a "session". Why would she care about getting you hurt in the eyes of the society just because a girl's hair is short/bald? She should be worried about your well-being and your emotions now instead of what others think! When Natalie Portman shaved her head for V for Vendetta (kick-ass movie, btw), I thought that was one of the boldest and bravest thing she did as an actress and I totally respect her for that! Was the counsellor trying to put the blame on you? Good God. :mad::noey: You should not in any way think that what happened the other night the bastard hurt you was your fault. Remember that!







In this case,



Can you spot anything interesting there? Might have to squint a little...


For those who did not catch Chris Nolan's little "promotion" of his other movie in The Dark Knight


Yeah I am totally procrastinating. I have not touched my books since the new years So dead. However, I did study Christian Bale's every emotion from TDK though, not sure if that counts... (don't worry - there weren't many Bruce Wayne scenes to begin with *cough*) I think one of the sexiest Bale expression was when Rachel went to his penthouse for "safety reasons" and Bruce walked in the room where she was at. He stole a glance at Rachel and the next second he looked away instantly while walking and facing his back to Rachel. It was as though he glared at her and wanted her to follow him with his walk. OOHH LALA. Anyone's heart at the receiving end of that split second glare would totally flutter!


No words needed.


/end crazy Liz talk.





P/S: I've been told that Sunburst 2009 will be on the 21st March 2009. So people, please mark your calendars! As to who will be playing, oh wouldn't we love a confirmed line up list right now?


Here's hoping the Sunburst organizers would learn a thing or two from the Singfest peeps!


:LOL: If you go for hiatus for a long time, I still know a way to get to you :p Haha..... Because of exam isn't it?



You can come to my hostel, as long as you don't stay overnight :p:LOL: Maybe we should do a times square outing or something near there XP




oooh. did he tell you how to sneak in? kinda difficult to do since it's a std and all. once i tried to sneak in S. Alam std for a football match, i was shooed by the security there! teruk betul that fella. no pity for a poor student. Ramly burger is so freaking nice. even better than McDonalds haha..


i doubt they'll be playing CE for their next tour. am sure new songs from the new album will dominate.





gah.. teachers .eh chop. i am a cikgu too la haha. i have to admit we are sometimes a conventional/conservative lot. but am sure not all teachers are like that right? surely your form teacher has shown some concern for you? but i have to agree la, that counselor of yours is very insensitive. she should've handled your case in a better way. very pedas la her words. it's good la you don't care what other people say.




am really looking forward for sunburst though a bit pokai already after buying mogwai and butters tix haha... i seriously love that a lot of people are asking for Radiohead. but the chances of it coming true is meh..


learn from singfest peeps?


:LOL: You tried to sneak into the stadium?! :chuckle::LOL: So cute. Don't let your students read this thou, or else you'll never hear the end of it XP


You'll never know that radiohead might come here for all you know ;)



Awwww we very much want you to be here with us!


No lah Auntie Faz is a good lecturer, and never fails to mention Muse to her students

The majority, and I mean the whole lot except for 2 or 3 are all like that, and have always been like that.



Ah yes. "FUCK YOU, I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!!" Hehehe

Ah, seriously lah, fuck them to bits. Tho my mother is really ready to wreak hell upon them, coz like I said, the school is notorious for 'aiming' at a student if she dosen't do what the teacher wants. And my mum thinks its time to put a stop to it.


But for me, really, fuck them. I just want to go to school to study. And the teachers should go to school to teach, not to do this stupid things.


The Ramly burger contains the sweat of the guy who fries the meat. He discreetly flicks some onto the meat.But that dosen't matter, coz that just makes it taste gooooood.


Good for you. Don't care what those people say, ok?! and saya sokong!!!!! that your mum goes to the school to complain :D:p



:LOL: Ewww....... Don't say discreetly flicks his sweat on the burger.... Now I got to think twice before buying Ramly's burger..... Nooooooooooooooorr!!!!!

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^ Yes, Joelyn, exams :(


Tee, thanks for the review! So glad you enjoyed yourself but too bad about the autograph session :-/ I remember the same happened for DCFC when they played Esplanade last year... However, my lucky ass friend managed to get Ben Gibbard's setlist and asked him to SIGN it as well :stunned:


Debbie, what's adventure if you're not willing to experiment with our train system? I'll be walking to KLCC from Pavilion actually - after my postexam celebrations with my collegemates. Hopefully I'm sober enough to walk alone lol. Haven't decided how I'll be going back home just yet. Miele/Faz/Aida, are we having a post-Mogwai-party? :happy: Either way though - I'll be heading back using the train... or maybe we might just end up at the lobby for Mogwai's hotel :LOL: I seriously feel like asking these lads, "what lies beneath a Scotsman's kilt?" OK, someone make sure I don't do that really ... I guess I'm just going a little woozy after all these books + notes right now.


Oh and Deb, I could try probing and asking my record label friend if he could figure a way out for you to get the RM130 tix. Not the best time for me now though - I'm extremely behind my revision... but if you really want to try out your luck, let me know? (in other modes beside the forum lol)


I love Ramly/Ramlee burgers! <3 Damnit, craving for one right now. Burger ayam double special (tambah cheese), ftw!


Also, remember my late laaate internship application? No one wants to hire me :( lol then again I only sent out my resumes last week haha. Guess it'll take some time. Shouldnt've procrastinated!




According to a few Pirates, COLDPLAY and Paramore are scheduled to play SUNBURST '09!!!!


shoot. I was hoping no huuge huge hugee band(s) would be coming because I'm afraid I've been spending way too much for gigs/concerts... If it was only say, Paramore/Katy Perry etc, I could possibly give it a pass but COLDPLAY WTF. HAVE TO GO.

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what? no rumours about Muse headlining Sunburst? :( i only like Parachutes from Coldplay. after that i think they're just too big.


Jason Mraz in Std Negara? :noey: but at other venue. maybe..


and Liz, no post-Mogwai party for me. the next day i have to go to school! :indiff:


can't wait for a long holiday during CNY! :D


one more day before a heavy dose of Butters. woot! can't wait. it's awesome that the first three shows are sold out. :happy:

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what? no rumours about Muse headlining Sunburst? :( i only like Parachutes from Coldplay. after that i think they're just too big.


Jason Mraz in Std Negara? :noey: but at other venue. maybe..


and Liz, no post-Mogwai party for me. the next day i have to go to school! :indiff:


can't wait for a long holiday during CNY! :D


one more day before a heavy dose of Butters. woot! can't wait. it's awesome that the first three shows are sold out. :happy:




Sunburst: yeah la been trying to do mind control and spam Muse all over th relevant sites, doesnt seem to work :(



Std Negara : Nothing can ever spoil the sweet memories. I'm even considering going for the show just bcoz of the nostlagia :D


Sori Liz, xdapatla hang out post Mogwai, takut LRT habis. But if it finishes early (hope not) canla lepak for a while. Looking forward to meeting up! Btw, still want me to hand over the tix on the day itself yeah?





I'm soooo excited for the Butterfingers shows. Istana Budaya tuh!!! Just a few hours to go. Hope ur principal lepaskan u on time for Saturday faz!



magine if we can get a full blown Muse acoustic / orchestra performance, all 4 shows over a weekend! :stunned:


Seriously, i may just die from happiness from that.

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Shannaz, I am! *jumps around*.. if the tickets arent too expensive la, that is. ehhheh.



Liz, I PM-ed you with my number and all.



Omg if Coldplay IS really going for Sunburst, I'm sure the whole Malaysia is gonna be there. Then there'll be lotsa pushing involved, unlike Incubus's one last year. but then again, its not like Coldplay plays 'pushy' music also right. I dont know what i'm talking about anymore.

but anyway, point is, I'M SO THERE! lol.




guys, IS there going to be a Muser meet during Mogwai? are you all going to watch the gig in your own seperate ways or together-gether?

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Tee, thanks for the review! So glad you enjoyed yourself but too bad about the autograph session :-/ I remember the same happened for DCFC when they played Esplanade last year... However, my lucky ass friend managed to get Ben Gibbard's setlist and asked him to SIGN it as well :stunned:


No problem. :) AHHHH, I wanted to go to Death Cab SO FUCKING BAD. But I had school. YAY. :indiff: I miss all the good concerts...except for two. :LOL::facepalm: BUT I think I'm going to Singfest this year, woooo! Have to miss out on Mosaic though. :(

:eek: I hate your friend.

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In case you guys didnt know




Brings back memories huh? :happy:


Yeah Jason Mraz tickets are out. Yesterday was the first day of sales and as usual they had a 15% early bird discount at Sg Wang but I missed it.


I wanted to ask you guys, where did you find parking during Muse? :chuckle:

my friends and i thought of driving there but we have no idea whether there's a proper parking place there or not. If there isnt then we'll just go old-school and take the LRT/Monorail again.

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i think if am going,--and that's a HUGE if-- i'll just get myself the rock zone tix and "make" my way pass the flimsy red tapes to get to the pitt heh heh..


to answer your question Deb, i parked my car in front of Std Merdeka. free and for sure safer punyer from getting a ticket from DBKL or the police. but you have to come early la to park there. before 3 maybe? if not, there's a parking space around that area as well. the space where they had RTW. but you have to pay 10 bucks for that. don't worry, you'll know where to park once you're there.




miele and Aida,

is there such a term as PBS? coz i think am suffering one la haha..

perhaps PBS sounds so weird but i am sure you guys get the idea right? Butters withdrawal siot.:$:LOL:

i actually can't wait for the dvd to come out. not to see our faces --please la ya Allah jgn la ada muka kita bertiga yang taksub nih haha-- but just to relieve the incredible moments at IB esp Merdeka!! dang it, rasa mcm mimpi je dpt tengok that much Butters up close in the course of two days. i LOVE it la.. esp our setlists and signatures hunting missions haha.. pm me your pictures gals! should i upload my video of the signing on youtube ar? malu la pulak esp at the saya punya part haha..

oh and i seriously love my Kembali cd booklet!



and ahem, ahem check out my sig! Loko padu!! :chuckle::D



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In case you guys didnt know




Brings back memories huh? :happy:


Yeah Jason Mraz tickets are out. Yesterday was the first day of sales and as usual they had a 15% early bird discount at Sg Wang but I missed it.


I wanted to ask you guys, where did you find parking during Muse? :chuckle:

my friends and i thought of driving there but we have no idea whether there's a proper parking place there or not. If there isnt then we'll just go old-school and take the LRT/Monorail again.



Ooo.... RM 68 is the cheapest and got discount summore on the first day. Lol.... Really reminds me about Muse. Hmmm........ I might go cause it's only RM 68 and if I manage to get a leave on that day :rolleyes: Hehe......


But then it's like 50/50 la... Sigh... If it's some rock band, I won't think so much but if it's other genre, I'll be like.... dunno nice or not or will it be boring and etc. Such a headache... lol..


Who is going? :D

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So anyone going for FOB? I'm not, heh.


btw, Thanks everyone for listening to my ranting. I love all of yous.

Also, I took the SPERS (School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans) on the 2nd, and I got into the EXPRESS STREAM!!! WEEEHEEE!!!!!

Which also means my 'O' Levels is NEXT YEAR :eek:

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the time we went to the muse concert, my friend parked his car near time square and we took the monorail and walked to the stadium..it was pretty near to the station...


Hey thanks for the tip :D Ooh is the parking near times square free? where exactly did you park? and thats the thing about taking monorail/LRT though, we're scared it might close early, or it'll be jam packed with people when the gig ends.


i think if am going,--and that's a HUGE if-- i'll just get myself the rock zone tix and "make" my way pass the flimsy red tapes to get to the pitt heh heh..


to answer your question Deb, i parked my car in front of Std Merdeka. free and for sure safer punyer from getting a ticket from DBKL or the police. but you have to come early la to park there. before 3 maybe? if not, there's a parking space around that area as well. the space where they had RTW. but you have to pay 10 bucks for that. don't worry, you'll know where to park once you're there.


Yeah we thought of that, but we have no idea how to get to Std Merdeka, and we have no idea how to get to Std Negara FROM Std Merdeka :LOL: We're PJ people la, KL isnt our 'turf' :LOL: but maybe we could test drive around that area before the gig la. Thanks for the tip! :)


Ooo.... RM 68 is the cheapest and got discount summore on the first day. Lol.... Really reminds me about Muse. Hmmm........ I might go cause it's only RM 68 and if I manage to get a leave on that day :rolleyes: Hehe......


But then it's like 50/50 la... Sigh... If it's some rock band, I won't think so much but if it's other genre, I'll be like.... dunno nice or not or will it be boring and etc. Such a headache... lol..


Who is going? :D


Yeah I'm going! I'm most like getting seated tickets, because, hey, its Jason Mraz. Hard to enjoy his very chill-out gig standing up IMHO. So I might as well just sit, relax, and enjoy his great relaxing music! *stretches* :happy: His voice is WONDERFUL when he sings live, he has so much talent :)

So yeah, probably RM68/88 tickets for me. Plus I'm saving up for Sunburst teehee.


So anyone going for FOB? I'm not, heh.


btw, Thanks everyone for listening to my ranting. I love all of yous.

Also, I took the SPERS (School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans) on the 2nd, and I got into the EXPRESS STREAM!!! WEEEHEEE!!!!!

Which also means my 'O' Levels is NEXT YEAR :eek:


Nah I'm not. Cant be arsed :p


OMG? wait, how old will you be next year? 15? Dont normal people take their 'O' levels when they're 17? or was it 18. what the!




playing... where? :eek:

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So anyone going for FOB? I'm not, heh.


btw, Thanks everyone for listening to my ranting. I love all of yous.

Also, I took the SPERS (School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans) on the 2nd, and I got into the EXPRESS STREAM!!! WEEEHEEE!!!!!

Which also means my 'O' Levels is NEXT YEAR :eek:


Nor I. heh...


woah.. so clever la you! :D




that's in singapore. why do great bands always come to singapore? :stunned: they should come here, we're more fun! :p


Yeah we thought of that, but we have no idea how to get to Std Merdeka, and we have no idea how to get to Std Negara FROM Std Merdeka :LOL: We're PJ people la, KL isnt our 'turf' :LOL: but maybe we could test drive around that area before the gig la. Thanks for the tip! :)


Deb. am not from KL either. Klang is further to KL than PJ weh.. haha. Std Negara is just next to Std Merdeka. you won't get lost punyer.


oh and btw,

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! please pm me if any of u would like to give me an ang pau :p:D

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playing... where? :eek:


Fort Canning Park in Singapore. :D


that's in singapore. why do great bands always come to singapore? :stunned: they should come here, we're more fun! :p


Some bands go to KL too, dunno if they will....they haven't even added the Singapore date to their website yet, but it's for sure because it's on LAMC's page. :D

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I proudly declare that the hiatus is over. Weee! Holidays are upon me!


I have so many things planned this time round. Who could forget the Singapore trip last semester? Has it really been a quarter of the year since then? Wow. Best thing to do would be to sit at home and rot :D Can't hardly wait for that. Right now though, lots of cookie-baking to do! (well I only help out, I'm the one who would usually put the pineapple jam tarts in the cupcake paper thing lol)


Ah, and what a great way to start my hols or "lepaskan exam geram" as Miele would put it ;) Mogwai came and totally startled me. Oh btw guys, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you properly after the show! I was about to go up to Love Me Butch's Meng (he was in the crowd!) to ask him which band he would bring in the next time round - but then I heard about the queueing up for a chance to meet the band so I went straight there, with my letter in hand :] I'll come to that letter part eventually but first the gig itself.


The lights. The colour. The shadows. The music. It all fits so - as cliche as this may sound - perfectly. I have to say Mogwai possibly has a sound to every shade of colour. When the music unites together you don't just get a blend of white but a rainbow of sound! Yes, a rainbow despite having the music that you hear being extremely dark and mysterious, and also at times almost boisterous. This is possibly the first time ever in a gig that I can't tell which instrument played on stage is making which distinct noise that I hear. Why, usually I could pay close attention to only the bass line for a period of time before moving on to the lead guitars for example. On Wednesday night however, try as I may, my attention couldn't just focus on one distinct instrument but instead I get everything in full force.


Truly, a night with a wide range of volume and sounds along with the countless (and adorable) "thank you very much" that we got. The band plays with such confidence and total concentration on their fellow band mates. For the music that they make, it would certainly require a lot of patience with your fellow band members to make it work and sound like what we experienced that night. My friend commented that they do not look like they were too into their songs like Explosions in the Sky, but instead they seemed really comfortable being on stage - drinking booze every once in awhile.


Speaking of alcohol, LOL the guys seemed really tipsy after the gig/during the meet&greet session. Kudos to the KLCC & Soundscape management for making an effort to have things run smoothly during the M&G! I managed to head up to the VIP lounge rooms in the first floor to have a chance to pass them the letter I wrote! (I got really bored of studying the night before - so I made an envelope that I'm particularly proud of for them along with the letter :D) No one else gave the guys something to take back so they were quite surprised to receive the letter. Then again, they were very talkative, extremely approachable and easily amused. I blame it on the alcohol lol. John Cummings was particularly hilarious. He was drinking orange juice and some vodka - to which he blames about the funny faces that he makes in pictures and apologized accordingly for it. At this point I chipped in "aww, but we love that you're making funny faces!" He was quiet for awhile before breaking into a huuuge smile saying, "Shucks, you just made me blush" in a verrry Scottish accent and looked away shyly :LOL: and you know how Ewan McGregor's accent would make my knees go weak so... after that my friend kinda had to push me a bit so I would keep the line moving hahaha! I told the drummer that I love his choice of clothes (Mickey Mouse lol!), and then I gave the letter to the bassist, Dominic because he seemed rather quiet. Boy, was I wrong, as soon as he saw the envelope, he became quite talkative. As I was leaving the autograph area, I saw that he was attempting to open the letter. I asked him to read it on his flight to Singapore or something, but no, he was figuring a way out to open it without tearing the envelope there and then... lol how embarrassing. Good thing my friend quickly walked me out of the room after that because I wasn't sure if I could face looking at their reactions while reading the horribly written letter.


Despite the euphoria I was feeling after the concert and meeting them, I managed to thank all of them for coming to Malaysia, and I talked to the Soundscape guy as well to thank him for bringing Explosions AND Mogwai! He saw that I was holding a letter and asked why I didn't meet up with them at the airport. Lol. Does my face have a "I stalk bands in airport" stamped on it or something?! I guess Mogwai was lucky I had exams that day.


What an experience, and to be sure it would be one that would be difficult to overcome, in terms of lights and quality of sound.


My ears are still ringing! <3


Woa, sorry for the wall of text...


Oh and Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't read your PM til today :[ the seated Jason Mraz tickets soudn rather appealing to me lol. I'll see what I can scrape from CNY haha! What movie were you watching that day?


Sunburst's RM143 early bird tickets are on sale from now til Feb 8th :) I wonder if Kaiser could squeeze March 21st for a Sunburst appearance!

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Deb. am not from KL either. Klang is further to KL than PJ weh.. haha. Std Negara is just next to Std Merdeka. you won't get lost punyer.


oh and btw,

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! please pm me if any of u would like to give me an ang pau


haha I hope so. Okay I'll try and figure it out soon hehe :D thanks!


LOL only married people are supposed to give out ang paus Faz :chuckle: I dont think anyone on here is married, or IS THERE? :eek:


Fort Canning Park in Singapore.




Some bands go to KL too, dunno if they will....they haven't even added the Singapore date to their website yet, but it's for sure because it's on LAMC's page.


Oh.. lol not interested. I'm not really into the Kaiser Chiefs anymore :) Hope you have fun!


I proudly declare that the hiatus is over. Weee! Holidays are upon me!


I have so many things planned this time round. Who could forget the Singapore trip last semester? Has it really been a quarter of the year since then? Wow. Best thing to do would be to sit at home and rot :D Can't hardly wait for that. Right now though, lots of cookie-baking to do! (well I only help out, I'm the one who would usually put the pineapple jam tarts in the cupcake paper thing lol)


Ah, and what a great way to start my hols or "lepaskan exam geram" as Miele would put it ;) Mogwai came and totally startled me. Oh btw guys, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you properly after the show! I was about to go up to Love Me Butch's Meng (he was in the crowd!) to ask him which band he would bring in the next time round - but then I heard about the queueing up for a chance to meet the band so I went straight there, with my letter in hand :] I'll come to that letter part eventually but first the gig itself.


The lights. The colour. The shadows. The music. It all fits so - as cliche as this may sound - perfectly. I have to say Mogwai possibly has a sound to every shade of colour. When the music unites together you don't just get a blend of white but a rainbow of sound! Yes, a rainbow despite having the music that you hear being extremely dark and mysterious, and also at times almost boisterous. This is possibly the first time ever in a gig that I can't tell which instrument played on stage is making which distinct noise that I hear. Why, usually I could pay close attention to only the bass line for a period of time before moving on to the lead guitars for example. On Wednesday night however, try as I may, my attention couldn't just focus on one distinct instrument but instead I get everything in full force.


Truly, a night with a wide range of volume and sounds along with the countless (and adorable) "thank you very much" that we got. The band plays with such confidence and total concentration on their fellow band mates. For the music that they make, it would certainly require a lot of patience with your fellow band members to make it work and sound like what we experienced that night. My friend commented that they do not look like they were too into their songs like Explosions in the Sky, but instead they seemed really comfortable being on stage - drinking booze every once in awhile.


Speaking of alcohol, LOL the guys seemed really tipsy after the gig/during the meet&greet session. Kudos to the KLCC & Soundscape management for making an effort to have things run smoothly during the M&G! I managed to head up to the VIP lounge rooms in the first floor to have a chance to pass them the letter I wrote! (I got really bored of studying the night before - so I made an envelope that I'm particularly proud of for them along with the letter :D) No one else gave the guys something to take back so they were quite surprised to receive the letter. Then again, they were very talkative, extremely approachable and easily amused. I blame it on the alcohol lol. John Cummings was particularly hilarious. He was drinking orange juice and some vodka - to which he blames about the funny faces that he makes in pictures and apologized accordingly for it. At this point I chipped in "aww, but we love that you're making funny faces!" He was quiet for awhile before breaking into a huuuge smile saying, "Shucks, you just made me blush" in a verrry Scottish accent and looked away shyly :LOL: and you know how Ewan McGregor's accent would make my knees go weak so... after that my friend kinda had to push me a bit so I would keep the line moving hahaha! I told the drummer that I love his choice of clothes (Mickey Mouse lol!), and then I gave the letter to the bassist, Dominic because he seemed rather quiet. Boy, was I wrong, as soon as he saw the envelope, he became quite talkative. As I was leaving the autograph area, I saw that he was attempting to open the letter. I asked him to read it on his flight to Singapore or something, but no, he was figuring a way out to open it without tearing the envelope there and then... lol how embarrassing. Good thing my friend quickly walked me out of the room after that because I wasn't sure if I could face looking at their reactions while reading the horribly written letter.


Despite the euphoria I was feeling after the concert and meeting them, I managed to thank all of them for coming to Malaysia, and I talked to the Soundscape guy as well to thank him for bringing Explosions AND Mogwai! He saw that I was holding a letter and asked why I didn't meet up with them at the airport. Lol. Does my face have a "I stalk bands in airport" stamped on it or something?! I guess Mogwai was lucky I had exams that day.


What an experience, and to be sure it would be one that would be difficult to overcome, in terms of lights and quality of sound.


My ears are still ringing! <3


Woa, sorry for the wall of text...


Oh and Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't read your PM til today :[ the seated Jason Mraz tickets soudn rather appealing to me lol. I'll see what I can scrape from CNY haha! What movie were you watching that day?


Sunburst's RM143 early bird tickets are on sale from now til Feb 8th :) I wonder if Kaiser could squeeze March 21st for a Sunburst appearance!


Wow Liz, that sounds proper epic :eek: sorry I didnt reply your text btw! haha was too busy celebrating my end of exams as well :happy: I GOT TO SEE MY FRIEND'S NEW PUPPY. OMG ITS SO CUTE. *dies*


Lol right anyway, did you manage to take any pics/videos? got a setlist? Did they play Glasgow Mega-Snake? :supersad:


Yeah I'm gonna be sitting for Jason Mraz too :D I was watching Yes Man! its sooooo funny. I love Jim Carrey awwwh. :happy:


But the artist lineup for Sunburst is only announced on the Feb 6th, so if I feel that the gig is too epic not to miss, THEN only I'll buy the tickets lolol.






Btw has anyone watched Slumdog Millionaire yet? Its proper epic. I didnt see how the movie could be labelled as a 'feel good' movie at first, but after watching the whole 2 hours of it, wow I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside :LOL:

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Liz! That's a really good review of Mogwai you wrote there ! You summed it up brilliantly! Can I quote your review in my blog? :D


I especially love the quiet moments being climaxed with an explosion of noise, brilliant!


So cool u got to talk to them! And you were the only one giving them sumthing...awww...

I actually have a Mogwai doll at home, came to my mind just before the gig, haha it would be fun if I thought about it earlier & hang the Mogwai at the barrier in front of us :LOL:


Ooooh yes...we got right in front of the stage, it was awesome!


The only thing that spoiled it was that Mr Canon photgrapher who blocked my view when Stuart was tweaking the errr effect knobs /pedals grrrrrr....he was right in front of me! It was also cute that Stuart took a pix of the crowd before the band left the stage :D


We didn't get the setlist proper, but we did take a pix of the setlist, will post it later! No, they didn't play Glasgow Megasnake. They played 14 songs altogether. 2 encores


Also...ooooh... "adoration" for Butterfingers :D


miele and Aida,

is there such a term as PBS? coz i think am suffering one la haha..

perhaps PBS sounds so weird but i am sure you guys get the idea right? Butters withdrawal siot.:$:LOL:

i actually can't wait for the dvd to come out. not to see our faces --please la ya Allah jgn la ada muka kita bertiga yang taksub nih haha-- but just to relieve the incredible moments at IB esp Merdeka!! dang it, rasa mcm mimpi je dpt tengok that much Butters up close in the course of two days. i LOVE it la.. esp our setlists and signatures hunting missions haha.. pm me your pictures gals! should i upload my video of the signing on youtube ar? malu la pulak esp at the saya punya part haha..

oh and i seriously love my Kembali cd booklet!


and ahem, ahem check out my sig! Loko padu!! :chuckle::D


Sorry for this late response Faz! I couldn’t reply from office, it’s being blocked, I can only view..


Anyway, yes yes, on Monday I was still floating haha…couldn’t really concentrate on the meeting & had short term memory loss hehe..


Wooot! Memang taksub la ! Still having Butters withdrawal, now added with Mogwai withdrawal pulak!


As u & Miele said, Butters are of international standard, on par, or even higher than some of the international bands around! Loque was playing the guitar & keyboards with all the effects, they had a laptop too for making the effects, & pedal effects! His guitar playing is really skilled too, I was worried he might hurt his fingers with that kind of playing! His songs are really good too! Now I have to get their earlier albums (I only have Kembali, which is courtesy of Miele), but I did recognize some of their older songs


I love the setting too, the arrangment, where the stage was at the centre, & the fans surrounding them, everyone could get a good view of the performance. The lighting was good too!


I especially liked the 4th session – the crowd at our row were really fantastic & fun! Couldn’t stop laughing at their funny remarks! Emmet was having lotsa fun too, clearly enjoying himself, especially with our row ! Really touched too that Emmet acknowledged our clapping (ala Starlight) on 1000 Tahun Mahu Hidup


It was brilliant of them to wear the baju Melayu for the encore! Wish I had snapped a pix of that, I think Miele did! Too bad IB didn’t allow picture/video taking even without flash sigh…


How could you forget Merdeka? Gave me goosebumps! Did Emmet play the violin on that one? I love the backing orchestra too from UiTM (aka "Orkestra Gelombang Cuaca Buruk" as Loque put it:LOL:) And Shukri from ASK playing the ukulele, with backing piano, (by forgot his name aiyo), too bad Pak Kassim Masdor was not there to accompany them (but according to the Butters update on Facebook, Pak Kassim did call the band to wish them luck, sweet!)


Loko was brilliant, love his drumming! (I know Faz absolutely love his drumming, and she loves drummers too, don't you Faz? :p) Dax was brilliant too on the bass, love that he played the double bass too! Everyone in the band are multi-talented, playing different instruments


And of course the signature hunting mission! We should have fully used the 1st session as it was not crowded, and how could we even forget the setlist? Aiyo…too excited I guess! It was really fun, 2 days at IB, with you gals, awesomeness!!!




Edited by weresodisco
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Wow Liz, that sounds proper epic :eek: sorry I didnt reply your text btw! haha was too busy celebrating my end of exams as well :happy: I GOT TO SEE MY FRIEND'S NEW PUPPY. OMG ITS SO CUTE. *dies*


Lol right anyway, did you manage to take any pics/videos? got a setlist? Did they play Glasgow Mega-Snake?


Yeah I'm gonna be sitting for Jason Mraz too :D I was watching Yes Man! its sooooo funny. I love Jim Carrey awwwh


But the artist lineup for Sunburst is only announced on the Feb 6th, so if I feel that the gig is too epic not to miss, THEN only I'll buy the tickets lolol.

A new puppy for CNY!? What breed of puppy is it?! That's so awesome, but do watch out for excessive intake of cookies for the new puppy hahaa. I remember my friend got a new puppy during the CNY season and now it can never lose that baby fat. Lol!


Lol don't you love that little moment of Third Eye Blind during Yes Man? :D ALSO!!! THE GIRL THERE ZOOEY WHATSHERNAME... she just got engaged to BEN GIBBARD!!! They make the cutest indie couple ever!!


I guess I'll also be waiting awhile for them to announce other lineups, and the confirmation about Coldplay!



Btw has anyone watched Slumdog Millionaire yet? Its proper epic. I didnt see how the movie could be labelled as a 'feel good' movie at first, but after watching the whole 2 hours of it, wow I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside

Haven't seen that movie yet! Danny Boyle sure has come far though... From directing Scottish heroin junkies to winning the Golden Globes!



Setlist for Mogwai Live in Malaysia


1. The Precipice

2. Scotland's Shame

3. Friend of the Night <33

4. I Love You, I'm Going to Blow up your School

5. Hunted by a Freak

6. Mogwai Fear Satan

7. I’m Jim Morrison, I'm Dead

8. Christmas Steps

9. I Know You Are But What Am I?

10. Thank You Space Expert

11, Helicon 1

12. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong



13, Like Herod

14. Batcat




Liz! That's a really good review of Mogwai you wrote there ! You summed it up brilliantly! Can I quote your review in my blog?


I especially love the quiet moments being climaxed with an explosion of noise, brilliant!


So cool u got to talk to them! And you were the only one giving them sumthing...awww...

I actually have a Mogwai doll at home, came to my mind just before the gig, haha it would be fun if I thought about it earlier & hang the Mogwai at the barrier in front of us


Ooooh yes...we got right in front of the stage, it was awesome!


The only thing that spoiled it was that Mr Canon photgrapher who blocked my view when Stuart was tweaking the errr effect knobs /pedals grrrrrr....he was right in front of me! It was also cute that Stuart took a pix of the crowd before the band left the stage


We didn't get the setlist proper, but we did take a pix of the setlist, will post it later! No, they didn't play Glasgow Megasnake. They played 14 songs altogether. 2 encores

LOL love your new signature Aida! ;) 14 times <3 and sure you can quote me if you want - minus the meeting them part lol very shy, that part. Haha!


You must take a picture of that Mogwai doll! Lol! and yeah it would've been awesome to hang it there, though it could be rather creepy as well haha! but i'm sure they would've noticed it with the lights blaring everywhere at us and the barrier. lol. Someone should recommend getting a pair of sunglasses for the sensitive eyed if you want to go see Mogwai. :LOL:


Mr Canon was such an ass, but watching you guys shooing him away ... lol so adorable!! :happy:


Also...ooooh... "adoration" for Butterfingers




Sorry for this late response Faz! I couldn’t reply from office, it’s being blocked, I can only view..


Anyway, yes yes, on Monday I was still floating haha…couldn’t really concentrate on the meeting & had short term memory loss hehe..


Wooot! Memang taksub la ! Still having Butters withdrawal, now added with Mogwai withdrawal pulak!


As u & Miele said, Butters are of international standard, on par, or even higher than some of the international bands around! Loque was playing the guitar & keyboards with all the effects, they had a laptop too for making the effects, & pedal effects! His guitar playing is really skilled too, I was worried he might hurt his fingers with that kind of playing! His songs are really good too! Now I have to get their earlier albums (I only have Kembali, which is courtesy of Miele), but I did recognize some of their older songs


I love the setting too, the arrangment, where the stage was at the centre, & the fans surrounding them, everyone could get a good view of the performance. The lighting was good too!


I especially liked the 4th session – the crowd at our row were really fantastic & fun! Couldn’t stop laughing at their funny remarks! Emmet was having lotsa fun too, clearly enjoying himself, especially with our row ! Really touched too that Emmet acknowledged our clapping (ala Starlight) on 1000 Tahun Mahu Hidup


It was brilliant of them to wear the baju Melayu for the encore! Wish I had snapped a pix of that, I think Miele did! Too bad IB didn’t allow picture/video taking even without flash sigh…


How could you forget Merdeka? Gave me goosebumps! Did Emmet play the violin on that one? I love the backing orchestra too from UiTM (aka "Orkestra Gelombang Cuaca Buruk" as Loque put it) And Shukri from ASK playing the ukulele, with backing piano, (by forgot his name aiyo), too bad Pak Kassim Masdor was not there to accompany them (but according to the Butters update on Facebook, Pak Kassim did call the band to wish them luck, sweet!)


Loko was brilliant, love his drumming! (I know Faz absolutely love his drumming, and she loves drummers too, don't you Faz?) Dax was brilliant too on the bass, love that he played the double bass too! Everyone in the band are multi-talented, playing different instruments


And of course the signature hunting mission! We should have fully used the 1st session as it was not crowded, and how could we even forget the setlist? Aiyo…too excited I guess! It was really fun, 2 days at IB, with you gals, awesomeness!!!



Lol I'm so glad you girls got to enjoy the butter gig so much! It was fun hearing all your gushes :p




I just sprained my ankle huhu. Not goooood. CNY's just around the corner!

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Mogwai gig pictures !!








Stuart effects (Mr Canon blocking the view...grrrr!!!)



L-R : John, Barry, Dom (bassist, not the drummer eh), Martin, Stuart



L-R : Dom, Martin, Stuart



Stuart & Dom



Stuart & Barry



Stuart & Dom switching each other's instruments



band with lighting



Stuart & Dom again




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