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LOL imagine seeing a woman wearing a tudung crowd surfing in an Archuletta concert wei :LOL: Yeah I hate to say it but I think he's still pretty new to headline a concert. Maybe he'll play at the smaller stage like Che'nelle last year la, but I doubt he'll headline :



On another note, guys have any of you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde before?


:LOL: *imagines myself crowd surfing during "Crush"*. i bet all the teenage-omgosh-i-love-u-david-girls won't be too kind to hold me up haha..


i actually have that book and was suppossed to read for my class 3 semesters ago. but i didn't read it coz i was busy obsessing about muse!



Paramore and FOB and Foo Fighters and The Killers???!?!?!

[spoiler=domeerf]The wire kena pull out yesterday. ZOMG. I'M FREEEE!!!! FREEE!!!! No more stitches, no more splints, no more bandages, no more wires!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I shall come back with PICTURES!!



Lol, auntie Faz tukang karut professional :LOL:


i doubt any one of those bands will come. The Killers will be in europe in march.






hehe.. coz that's what am doing here most of time isn't it? merapu memanjang.. haha.


heyya! how are you guys doing? the semester is finally over for me, though it was only the first one :LOL:

hey deb, you're wearing braces? can you post a picture pretty please?

i have an appointment with the dentist this wednesday but she said that it was only to check/scan/screen wtv the teeth first before doing the braces. am scared..... :erm:


hallo! good luck with yr braces!

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Yes, Liz is most definitely cute, fun and an overall cool person. Seriously if I had a brother would totally pester him to ask her out :LOL:


Btw, any Manics fan here want to do a phone-in song request? Or maybe for Ash again eh Liz? it's the least I can do...


:LOL: Definitely outgoing. Hehe...and very cute as well.... :D When you first take your first glance at her, she doesn't seems to be those kind of girl who would go a great distance for concerts, more like those good girl type :p But she is friendly and very nice so it is very easy to get to know her :happy: Lol... and do you know that despite her outgoingness, she is holding on a scholarship? That means her result must be really, really good to be able to maintain the scholarship. Hehe... Maybe I should pester my brother instead :p

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:) First listening to it I wasnt that enamoured, but now the whole damn album's been playing in my headla, help! One of the albums so far that have managed to make me 'forget' to play Muse in a while. So cool la u voting for them, how ar, sms izzit?


Faz u just have to do this! I'll hold u up n all :LOL:


Faz, haha sorry on u being called an auntie :p;)


yeah, u just have to sms. they were doing well the last time i checked. made it to top ten!


i don't think u alone is enough to hold me up haha..


meh.. don't care la. technically she should call me an auntie since she's the same age as my eldest niece.


Heard that Quantum of Solace is a lot of action? And difficult to follow if you haven't watched Casino Royale. TBH, i haven't watched a SINGLE bond movie LOL!!! OMG I'm so cool.


oh indeed you're so cool haha. i thought ALL MEN love James Bond coz they all wanna be like him.:rolleyes:


Lol... My question is actually whether do they(Muse) have another account in muse.mu pretending to be someone else :rolleyes: =P But too bad the votings are closed and I didn't manage to vote for everyone =(( Currently it is standing at +38 so I don't think it will be answered but at least I asked ^^


:LOL: It would be so COOL to see a woman in tudung crowd surfing in David concert. Hehe.... I guess we are not used to it because we never seen Archuleta doing any concert yet.... hmmm...:erm:


+38 is great. u should be proud! mine ends up at -22 haha..


yeah. Archie has not done a REAL solo concert before. bet he'll be very nervous for his first and we'll be deaf from the screaming. am sure i'll be screaming too heh heh..


Muse: when they release their new album, do u guys think they'll remember to come here? Like was it so memorable touring SEA that they'd repeat the experience? :stunned:


Woah, my leave got approved. Wah tak percaya am really going to SG and Bangkok Rock la.


well, they have to! MUST. COME. TO. SEA. AGAIN. MUSE!!


wah... u're going to both? when's bangkok rock again? i nak ikotttt!!! lol


anyone going to rock the world 8?

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:LOL: Definitely outgoing. Hehe...and very cute as well.... :D When you first take your first glance at her, she doesn't seems to be those kind of girl who would go a great distance for concerts, more like those good girl type :p But she is friendly and very nice so it is very easy to get to know her :happy: Lol... and do you know that despite her outgoingness, she is holding on a scholarship? That means her result must be really, really good to be able to maintain the scholarship. Hehe... Maybe I should pester my brother instead :p


Waah scholarship s'more *gets even more impressed with Liz*



yeah, u just have to sms. they were doing well the last time i checked. made it to top ten!


i don't think u alone is enough to hold me up haha..


meh.. don't care la. technically she should call me an auntie since she's the same age as my eldest niece.




oh indeed you're so cool haha. i thought ALL MEN love James Bond coz they all wanna be like him.:rolleyes:




+38 is great. u should be proud! mine ends up at -22 haha..


yeah. Archie has not done a REAL solo concert before. bet he'll be very nervous for his first and we'll be deaf from the screaming. am sure i'll be screaming too heh heh..




well, they have to! MUST. COME. TO. SEA. AGAIN. MUSE!!


wah... u're going to both? when's bangkok rock again? i nak ikotttt!!! lol


anyone going to rock the world 8?



Okay, do u have the number for me to sms Muzik2 please?


Omigod Butterfingers @ Stadium Merdeka! Alright set Im going. Faz? Aida? anyone?


Promise wont lead u guys into the chaos again, sorry bout the Kami gig. This time will go early and stake out the safe areas.


Bangkok Rock's on 29th and 30th Nov. I'm only going on the 30th for Ash and Manics. Jomla Faz, lets do bangkok trip again. I'm taking KTM this time, adventure sikit :D



I was browsing another thread and found this amazingly adorable pic:




Seriously, if they had gone to my school (yeah right) I would seriously be calling them to hear their voice and hanging up and stuff. Especially Dom. Phwoar. Heheh.

Edited by miele
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From their website:

Pembetulan kod undian Muzik2!!




harap maaf, ada kesilapan teknikal!!

untuk mengundi Butterfingers ,1000 tahun (mahu hidup) di Muzik Muzik,

adalah seperti berikut:



hantar ke 33399



harap maafkan, di atas segala kerumitan!

undian anda amat kami hargai,

sokong Pergerakan Butter anda!




am very interested to go. really want to see Butterfingers again.:happy:


alamak, 30th nov SPM not finished yet la.. damn, really wish i could go.:(


oh i've seen that pix before! matt looks like dom's girlfriend there hehe

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+38 is great. u should be proud! mine ends up at -22 haha..


yeah. Archie has not done a REAL solo concert before. bet he'll be very nervous for his first and we'll be deaf from the screaming. am sure i'll be screaming too heh heh..



well, they have to! MUST. COME. TO. SEA. AGAIN. MUSE!!


wah... u're going to both? when's bangkok rock again? i nak ikotttt!!! lol


anyone going to rock the world 8?


Awww..... Hehe... I am kinda proud and stuff like yesterday in the hate bellamy thread makes me ever more curious... :rolleyes: Lol.... I guess we'll never know.... :chuckle: Awwww.... -22 isn't too bad. a lot of people who are asking about the tours also got negative response.... sadly... :(


Althought I love to be like those cool fans who act damn cool and just stared at them without clapping, but then I can't help following the crowd enthutiasm.... :p I'll be screaming with the rest of them as welll XPPPP


Muse will come to SEA again, I think... Just dunno whether will Malaysia be one of it... :rolleyes:

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I was browsing another thread and found this amazingly adorable pic:




Seriously, if they had gone to my school (yeah right) I would seriously be calling them to hear their voice and hanging up and stuff. Especially Dom. Phwoar. Heheh.


oh i've seen that pix before! matt looks like dom's girlfriend there hehe


:LOL: I never realise that was Matt at first... I always thought it was some random girl taking picture with Dom till one day, I saw at the bottom, that wrote.... Early Days... :stunned::eek::LOL:

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Wah. I tried multiquoting but there's just SO MANY to multiquote so i decided to screw it lah, lol.


Joelyn here's the link for the blogger who caught the scandal


he is ALREADY a famous celebrity blogger (thats why he could go to MAA in the first place, because he's a celeb and all lol) so i doubt he'd wanna make something up JUST to get even MORE traffic for his blog la. unfortunately i cant seem to access his archives, so i cant find that post exactly. maybe you could find it? lol. his archives are a bit confusing la. sorry!

nevermind,i found the link


its quite a long post though, so HAVE FUN READING IT! lol his pictures are awesome. Jared Leto is so beautiful :happy:




And here's the link for the Angels and Demons teaser btw






About Quantum of Solace, yeah I thought it was a really good movie.

Nut, you can still understand it even if you didnt watch Casino Royale, there wasn't muuuuch references la. I could barely remember what happened in Casino Royale. The storyline was pretty weak to be honest, I couldnt really grasp what was going on. Either because it was all too fast-paced for me or because i'm THAT blur la :$ lol. but yeah.. if you can, go watch Casino Royale first! THEN only watch QoS. Bond marathon wei :LOL: plus there's lotsa eye candy (Aston Martins, women, action, guns etcetc) in both movies so it should be rather enjoyable for guys la lol.




Mel, heyy how's the braces going? getting the mouldings done isnt fun :( I kept gagging when they stuffed that metal thing in my mouth. Not fun at all :noey: but now I can hardly feel the braces pain already la. It goes off like about a week after you first get it done, but then again its different for everyone. but for most people its about a week la :D I haven't gotten my braces tightened yet though, but I can already see some changes in my teeth! you can feel it move :eek: but its not that painful. dont worry ;) just er.. remember not to eat something hard like celery sticks/cookies. OMG MAN so painful. I had to cut up my celery sticks, and dip my cookies into milk/milo instead. lolol.




noor, congrats on your freedom! :D I REAAAAAAAAAALLY hope Coldplay can come here la *crosses fingers* I love Viva La Vida. the album, not the song. lol.



Lol kak faz I wonder what David Archuletta himself would think about you crowd surfing to Crush la :LOL: I'm sure he'd remember that. good way to get his attention la, lol.

About The Picture of Dorian Gray, you were supposed to teach it ar? Yerrr I wish my English teacher in school taught us about Lit BESIDES The Pearl. lol. My friend bought the book for me for my birthday, only she's in Australia now so I gotta wait for her to get back before I can start reading it. I excite :D

The reason why I'm so interested in this book is because they're re-making the movie.

aaaaaand guess who plays Dorian Gray ??







BEN BARNES!!! MR PRINCE CASPIAN HIMSELF WOOOOOOH! I <3 HIM SO MUCH OMG *KISSES MONITOR* and Colin Firth plays the Lord dude in the movie :D Seriously cant wait for the movie to come out la. omg *dies* its only coming out in Nov 2009. SO LONG FROM NOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR TO SEE MY BEN BARNEY OH MY WORD! T_____T



*ahem*, okay sorry for that emotional fangirly outburst :$




Rock The World 8 I heard the crowd is made up of rough and rowdy moshy pushy mat rempit punky dudes :$ quite scary la. But I dooo like Estranged! I've only heard like 2 songs from them, but I really really reaaally like Itu Kamu. Plus Azwin Andy is kinda cute hehheh.

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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Wah. I tried multiquoting but there's just SO MANY to multiquote so i decided to screw it lah, lol.


Joelyn here's the link for the blogger who caught the scandal


he is ALREADY a famous celebrity blogger (thats why he could go to MAA in the first place, because he's a celeb and all lol) so i doubt he'd wanna make something up JUST to get even MORE traffic for his blog la. unfortunately i cant seem to access his archives, so i cant find that post exactly. maybe you could find it? lol. his archives are a bit confusing la. sorry!

nevermind,i found the link


its quite a long post though, so HAVE FUN READING IT! lol his pictures are awesome. Jared Leto is so beautiful :happy:




And here's the link for the Angels and Demons teaser btw




Lol kak faz I wonder what David Archuletta himself would think about you crowd surfing to Crush la I'm sure he'd remember that. good way to get his attention la, lol.

About The Picture of Dorian Gray, you were supposed to teach it ar? Yerrr I wish my English teacher in school taught us about Lit BESIDES The Pearl. lol. My friend bought the book for me for my birthday, only she's in Australia now so I gotta wait for her to get back before I can start reading it. I excite

The reason why I'm so interested in this book is because they're re-making the movie.

aaaaaand guess who plays Dorian Gray ??







BEN BARNES!!! MR PRINCE CASPIAN HIMSELF WOOOOOOH! I <3 HIM SO MUCH OMG *KISSES MONITOR* and Colin Firth plays the Lord dude in the movie Seriously cant wait for the movie to come out la. omg *dies* its only coming out in Nov 2009. SO LONG FROM NOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR TO SEE MY BEN BARNEY OH MY WORD! T_____T



*ahem*, okay sorry for that emotional fangirly outburst



Wow.... That was really a nice saucy and honestly quite well written story out. The photo he posted have a good photo taking skilll. Nice! =D No wonder he is a celebrity blogger. Hehe.... Thank you so much, Debbie :D:D I love you >.<

Lol.... I think that local Malaysian girl should be a Malaysian celebrity or something cause he mention that girl is a hot chick. And suprisingly they did it in front of everyone :stunned: and making people crowd around them.... :rolleyes: Lol....


Ohhh.... and thanks for the link to the trailer too. Nicey... I get a half second glimse on Evan MgGregor... :p


:LOL::LOL: That is a very big emotional fangirly outburst :rolleyes::p Haha.... I think Ben Barnes is more suited for this role cause he looks much more manly with his character.... :erm: althought I never read the book before.... =P


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



And I saw the trailer of Terminator 4 that day. Lol... Christian Bale is the lead actor.... :D I wonder when is it coming out... :erm: Looking forward to it although I do like the actor for terminator 3 as well... ^ ^


Hehe.... Awww.... Today is my last night on leave so thus so many replies. Might as well spam and reply as much as I could before I go back to the routine of 4 days once or once a week XP I'm gonna miss my off days where I could laze around, read books, do watever I want, and waste my time in the forum(hehe... especially in PDT =P )

Edited by DMHLover
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Just out of curiosity after reading throught the thread for 1 whole week, does anyone here dare to do crowd surfing if given the oportunity? Hmmm..... :erm: Hehe... Because I don't think I dare to do that.... :$:p



And I would appreciate it if you all can help me out with this... You know as a Malaysian, sometimes it is a bit hard to see exactly what is so special about something to us that is a norm, like maybe a padifield would be something that some of us sees quite often but to a foreigner, it might be like looking at a turnip farm for the first time for us. I have a pen pal in Holland and 2 years before, I gave my friend a klcc and kl tower in a glass. And I did say I'm going to give my friend something for Christmas this year and I'm not too sure what to give. :unsure: I know Malaysia is popular for food, but I don't think I could actually send food there? :rolleyes: and not to mention it will be damn spicy for them :rolleyes::LOL: so do you all have any ideas for Malaysian souviniers? :erm:

All/any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!! :D:kiss::kiss:

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OMG super long post! Pretty sure there are like 7928374 typos here, so sorry about that! and some good news for Faz, who's been working way too hard for SPM, at the end of the post!


Well I handed in my CV today already, doing Chemical Engineering. I have to start working on my Personal Statement now. What a challenge that's gonna be! I'm applying for Uni of Manc, UCL, Uni of Sheffield (Arctic Monkeys came from there!), Uni of Bath and Imperial. Imperial is gonna be a super long shot la, so i dont expect to get accepted. Haha I'm hoping to see Muse again ANYWHERE. I'm scared I might get crushed in Wembley!

That's good, at least you're working on it lol My friend's been nagging me about my internship application for weeks dy. I still haven't started penning down my CV. =[



Well YEAH Vartan looked damn hot in Never Been Kissed. Especially the Ferris Wheel scene :happy: <3 awww. He's such a cutie. haha yeah I cant wait for the torrent to get out. I saw the trailer for Easy Virtue! Looks to be quite a funny movie.


Wow Jared Leto was in The Fight Club?!?! OMG. He was a really established actor, wasnt he? I just thought he acted in minuscule roles (like Urban Legend and that tiny tiny role in Girl, Interrupted), got bored and ended up being a musician instead.my bad.

Ferris Wheel scene! <3 Haha I loved that movie. One of the early good chic flick movies and Jessica Alba was in it too - before she became huge!


Jared Leto was in American Psycho with Christian Bale too!! XD There was one scene where Mr Bale was super jealous of Jared and so he invited Jared to his apartment ( =D~~). Before any (hot!) action took place between the two gorgeous guys... Christian Bale ended up killing Jared Leto. Lol. You've got to watch that movie, it has a Christian Bale shower scene in it XD hahahaha.



I dunno, I only arrived at 6, I wanted to arrive at 12 but I couldn't.But they wouldn't let people in to see it, I think...because they were REALLY strict.

Wow, you arrived at 6 and you managed to get front row! Awesome! :]




I think the most obvious way to pull you out is to wear a spider Dom t shirt or a Muse t shirt.Yeah, I got my card already :D and can you believe it if an ex student wants to borrow 2 books from the library, they are charging RM 150 for deposit? Mad bunch of people.150 is a bit outrageous!


Talking about that, I'm wondering, are Malaysian one of the few who eat stuff with chili sauce while others with Mayo or ketchup?


That means we don't need to dig our brains for next Muser meetup. I've already met Liz in college.She is cute!!

LOL it was great to meet up with you Joelyn!! Albeit only 20 minutes or so, but gosh, I believe that was the first time ever I went on and on about Muse AAR etc in college grounds. Haha. You were even cuter la, with your rain-soaked jeans =p Oh I had no idea they charge RM150 for deposit! That really is outrageous! Crazy. I recently went through the lit section of our library. To my surprise there are actually quite a lot of books there. Including The Hobbit, a complete list of John Grisham books, as well as classic Jane Austen books!


P/S: If I keep up with what I'm currently doing, that scholarship will definitely be out of my windows in no time =[ Must. Stop. Procrastinating!!


I know the dutch can't help but eat fries with mayo. They don't usually eat it with ketchup! Speaking of ketchup, do you guys prefer KFC's or McD's tomato sauce/ketchup? Lol. Random!



Ewan McGregor is the priest?!!!! I can totally imagine it. Hehe.... Which is always their villian are better actors than their main actor? Lol...Even the Professor Teabing(Ian McKellen)

Hehe. Ewan as a priest... Mmmmm... Forgive me father, for I can't help but sin! XD



heyya! how are you guys doing? the semester is finally over for me, though it was only the first one

Hey Mel! Welcome back :] When you're done with one semester, it feels great, no? Any major plans for your hols?



Kyle Patrick is a diva? Lol.... Maybe he is a little thou cause I went to their autography session in KLCC. =P I didn't went for their autography cause I didn't have their album, just to snap pictures and look at Click 5 from close up. Hehe... and that session end quite early too despite so many people there cause only those with albums are allowed to get their booklet sign. So Kyle Patrick look kinda angry about that. A bit snob la I guess. The rest of the band members just look ok. But then since then, I don't really like Kyle Patrick much. Although he is not happy, but then he shouldn't be like that and the organisers shouldn't only allow those with album to get something signed. :mad:

Aha, speaking of Click 5, I remember when I was thrown in the jungle (NS =[ ) my friend ran around the whole of KL chasing the Click 5! That was before they changed the lead singer though... I think they came to play a show for the Quicksilver Rev party and some also for prom night...She had a good conversation with them over in the airport too!




I'm only going on the 30th for Ash and Manics. Jomla Faz, lets do bangkok trip again. I'm taking KTM this time, adventure sikit


Btw, any Manics fan here want to do a phone-in song request? Or maybe for Ash again eh Liz? it's the least I can do...

Wow, that's so awesome that you'll be heading to Singapore and Bangkok! That's the spirit!! :D Aida's going for both too? So niceee! Am seriously tempted to go to Bangkok, seeing that the tickets for that Manic/Ash show is dirt cheap! okla, maybe not dirt cheap but really affordable! Plus, the girls that I met from the sg Ash show will be flying in to Bangkok for the gig too. We're actually planning to give Tim/Rick/Mark Star Wars stormtrooper figurines. Haha! Unfortch, on Nov 30th, my sister's having her bridal shower and as a filial bridesmaid I can't abandon her! :( And you're taking the KTM! Wahhh I wanna follow. I remember when Snow Patrol came for Bangkok Rock 2-3 years back my friend and I planned on taking the KTM before we relized it would take like 2 whole days in a train to get to Bangkok lol. Please do record every travelling detail for us haha. Speaking of travelling. oiiiii I haven't exactly finished my Singapore review yet! :$


I would loovee to hear live A Life Less Ordinary again! Pretty please and thank you! <33




Wah. I tried multiquoting but there's just SO MANY to multiquote so i decided to screw it lah, lol.

Word. lol but seeing that I have ample time at the moment, multiquoting is actually preetty fun and challenging, especially trying to keep within the number limit of smileys! ;]




On another note, guys have any of you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde before?


About The Picture of Dorian Gray, you were supposed to teach it ar? Yerrr I wish my English teacher in school taught us about Lit BESIDES The Pearl. lol. My friend bought the book for me for my birthday, only she's in Australia now so I gotta wait for her to get back before I can start reading it. I excite

The reason why I'm so interested in this book is because they're re-making the movie.

aaaaaand guess who plays Dorian Gray ??







BEN BARNES!!! MR PRINCE CASPIAN HIMSELF WOOOOOOH! I <3 HIM SO MUCH OMG *KISSES MONITOR* and Colin Firth plays the Lord dude in the movie Seriously cant wait for the movie to come out la. omg *dies* its only coming out in Nov 2009. SO LONG FROM NOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR TO SEE MY BEN BARNEY OH MY WORD! T_____T



*ahem*, okay sorry for that emotional fangirly outburst

Yeaaa we have to do boring lit like Dr Jekyll & Hyde and The Pearl when I think my mom used to read Animal Farm for Eng lit during her days!


I've read the Dorian Gray play before! Although I think it was an abridged version. OMG I love that you are so obsesseddedicated with Ben Barnes!!! I AM NOT ALONE YAYYY!!! That is one super gorgeous picture of Ben! The Hair! The Cleft! Those eyes!!! *dies along with you* Colin Firth acting with him again!! WEEE!!!! XD AND HIM BEING THE NEW GAP MODEL WAHHH!




Rock The World 8 I heard the crowd is made up of rough and rowdy moshy pushy mat rempit punky dudes quite scary la. But I dooo like Estranged! I've only heard like 2 songs from them, but I really really reaaally like Itu Kamu. Plus Azwin Andy is kinda cute hehheh.

RTW is the best place to get mosh pit training. If you survive RTW, you can survive anything. Lol. Don't think I can make it for this year's though as much as I would love to finally see Butterfingers!





Ahh, yeah speaking of Watchmen/Zack Snyder - did you guys hear about the rumour that Mr Snyder wants to make a sequel to 300?!?!




Frank Miller is actually planning to write another graphic novel that would take place between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea (that was at the very end of 300). So it's actually not really a sequel or a prequel, but a combination that would seemingly be focused on the character of Dilios, played by David Wenham in 300.When asked whether he might be interested in directing, Snyder answered that he definitely would, only on the condition that the graphic novel be completed separately from the movie.

David Wenham, AKEEE!!


Just one week left before Twilight premieres (in Malaysia)! I'm trying to avoid listening to the soundtrack at the moment. Can't wait to hear Bella's Lullaby in the movie!




Faz, guess what?! I have an extra grandstand ticket to A1 this weekend at Sepang!!! The first name that came up my mind was you! My beloved F1 hommies managed to get like a total of 8++ free tickets and we have a few to spare! ARE YOU IN? Sundays got not SPM rite? heh, so I sure hope you can make it! A little motorsport action over the weekend might just help you brood over Miele/Aida's Singapore trip. lol. Apparently on Saturday, before qualifying, they'll have a meet the drivers session. I don't think I can make it on Saturday though - I gots no transport :( I *think* I'll be driving on Sunday :]


Ahhh, I can't wait to get a little bit of motorsport adrenalin pumping in my blood! (although to be honest, I have no idea who's leading the A1 championship haha)

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Had to split this into two posts because:



Wow... I didn't know we had a word/characters limit. :LOL:




Just out of curiosity after reading throught the thread for 1 whole week, does anyone here dare to do crowd surfing if given the oportunity? Hmmm..... :erm: Hehe... Because I don't think I dare to do that....


And I would appreciate it if you all can help me out with this... You know as a Malaysian, sometimes it is a bit hard to see exactly what is so special about something to us that is a norm, like maybe a padifield would be something that some of us sees quite often but to a foreigner, it might be like looking at a turnip farm for the first time for us. I have a pen pal in Holland and 2 years before, I gave my friend a klcc and kl tower in a glass. And I did say I'm going to give my friend something for Christmas this year and I'm not too sure what to give. :unsure: I know Malaysia is popular for food, but I don't think I could actually send food there? :rolleyes: and not to mention it will be damn spicy for them :rolleyes::LOL: so do you all have any ideas for Malaysian souviniers? :erm:

All/any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!! :D:kiss::kiss:

I don't think I would want to be voluntarily groped. lol no body surfing for me in the near future I hope! It's annoying when people start crowd surfing because 1) you don't get to enjoy the live music properly 2) you'll get kicked in your head (someone kicked me once in Incubus =[ ) 3) waste of energy trying to get that person off the crowd and to the security guards ahead. If the band members decide to body surf though hrmmm... that might be a different story haha!



A dutch penpal! Ask him/her if he likes fries with mayonnaise? Haha. Well, I'll be sending an xmas gift to my friend in the US this year. I promised I would get him a YUI cd. Last year I bought him a t-shirt and I gave him snippets of our newspaper :) I think ultimately, it doesn't really have to be Malaysian, but as long as it's something that you've given thought over - I suppose that will do nicely as an xmas gift. Keep us updated ;)



Ohhh.... and thanks for the link to the trailer too. Nicey... I get a half second glimse on Ewan MgGregor...


And I saw the trailer of Terminator 4 that day. Lol... Christian Bale is the lead actor.... I wonder when is it coming out... :erm: Looking forward to it although I do like the actor for terminator 3 as well... ^ ^


Hehe.... Awww.... Today is my last night on leave so thus so many replies. Might as well spam and reply as much as I could before I go back to the routine of 4 days once or once a week XP I'm gonna miss my off days where I could laze around, read books, do watever I want, and waste my time in the forum(hehe... especially in PDT )

Ewan looks so nerdy and cute. Haha. :]


I've never been a fan of Terminator... I know I actually cried out loud when I heard that Christian Bale would be acting in a Terminator movie too. Lol. I suppose after this, I'll have to start liking it for Christian's sake. Tried to catch a few episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, to perhaps have a better understanding for the 4th movie :] His voice in that trailer is just oh-so-yummy! Recently I sat through two painful hours of Colin Farrel's The New World. Guuhhh, so super boring. Christian Bale only appeared in like the last 30 minutes of the movie T_T What a waste of perfectly good talent! He had this one quote in it though which made me go weak in my knees! "You do not love me now, but someday you will" XD



Glad you enjoyed your time off! You work too hard =p When's your next day off? Lol we should plan a longer meet up ;)

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From their website:



am very interested to go. really want to see Butterfingers again

alamak, 30th nov SPM not finished yet la.. damn, really wish i could go.:(


oh i've seen that pix before! matt looks like dom's girlfriend there hehe


Alright set then. Deb / anyone wanna join?


Matt so sweet right. I want his hair there! But Dom, again, just yum. Okay must stop perving over hi, heheh.


Er, bout Bangkok currently I think u shouldnt be jealous of me la, it's safer not to go. Just e-mailed my fren who works at Bangkok parliament, so worried for her since the latest violence :(




I never realise that was Matt at first... I always thought it was some random girl taking picture with Dom till one day, I saw at the bottom, that wrote.... Early Days...


Haha, cute aint he? But I would still fancy him, being the same age and all, heheh.





Rock The World 8 I heard the crowd is made up of rough and rowdy moshy pushy mat rempit punky dudes. quite scary la. But I dooo like Estranged! I've only heard like 2 songs from them, but I really really reaaally like Itu Kamu. Plus Azwin Andy is kinda cute hehheh.



that sort of crowd memang ada, they come out of the woodworks during the more volatile acts, like Koffin Kanser. What I did @ Rock the World 7 was to chill at the stands / seats and picnic during those crazier sets, just watch the madness from afar. Quite fun I tell u. If u look at the lineup there are plenty of mellower bands of which u can pick the safe spots to enjoy the music :happy: And it helps that the tix / food / T-shirt / mag stands are quite cheap for those who just want to hang out.


Okay I swear I dont work for Jason Lo :D But since we have so few really big gigs u should come la Deb. Bring all your guy frenz for protection plus u always have your Musemates to hang with, ya?



For some reason teringat making fun of the scariness of Koffin Kanser during the Kami gig, heheh. That was fun la Aida / Faz.



Just out of curiosity after reading throught the thread for 1 whole week, does anyone here dare to do crowd surfing if given the oportunity? Hmmm..... :erm: Hehe... Because I don't think I dare to do that....



And I would appreciate it if you all can help me out with this... You know as a Malaysian, sometimes it is a bit hard to see exactly what is so special about something to us that is a norm, like maybe a padifield would be something that some of us sees quite often but to a foreigner, it might be like looking at a turnip farm for the first time for us. I have a pen pal in Holland and 2 years before, I gave my friend a klcc and kl tower in a glass. And I did say I'm going to give my friend something for Christmas this year and I'm not too sure what to give. :unsure: I know Malaysia is popular for food, but I don't think I could actually send food there? and not to mention it will be damn spicy for them : so do you all have any ideas for Malaysian souviniers? :erm:

All/any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!! QUOTE]


Crowdsurfing: if I were ever to go to Europe (and after losing like 5 kgs) I really want to try crowdsurfing. It's on my list of 50 things to do b4 I turn 50! Who would want to grope old me? Eh, just curious, what;s on you guys punya list of things to do?


Malaysian souvenirs: Some mengkuang giftbox would be nice. Or anything batik from Terengganu. Or tons of stuff from Jonker Street, Melaka. Cliche but works.






Faz working too hard: Yeah la Liz is right. Such a good Cikgu la u. Please do go to A1 and hang loose at the grandstand, u deserve some fun la. That and Butterfingers nanti k?



Liz's CV / scholarship: Babe I have the exact prob with procrastination. like hanging at this thread right now instead of having lunch / working. But u seem to be really smart and full of potential so dont waste it, eh? I guess balance is the key lol.


Ketchup: KFC vs Mcd got difference meh.


Spore / bangkok: Bangkok still is a huge gamble. If all goes okay I'll try and write something bout it, especially during 24 hour trip from Bworth (my kampung!). But I'm currently really excited about Spore. Just wish could kidnap more of u guys along lah.


Aaah yes A Life Less Ordinary. Awesome taste babe.



I've never been a fan of Terminator... I know I actually cried out loud when I heard that Christian Bale would be acting in a Terminator movie too. Lol. I suppose after this, I'll have to start liking it for Christian's sake. Tried to catch a few episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, to perhaps have a better understanding for the 4th movie :] His voice in that trailer is just oh-so-yummy! Recently I sat through two painful hours of Colin Farrel's The New World. Guuhhh, so super boring. Christian Bale only appeared in like the last 30 minutes of the movie T_T What a waste of perfectly good talent! He had this one quote in it though which made me go weak in my knees! "You do not love me now, but someday you will" XD



Glad you enjoyed your time off! You work too hard =p When's your next day off? Lol we should plan a longer meet up ;)


Christian Bale's voice = ear candy. 1st time heard (hehe) that trailer I really paid attention, all due to that voice. And yes, his 30 mins in A new world made the whole snoozerama worthwhile. How Pocahontas could choose Colin I'll over Bale I'll never figure out :stunned:





Eh when la will we have the next meetup? Miss hanging out with u guys again. And I promise la this time no running off for football matches :$

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Lol kak faz I wonder what David Archuletta himself would think about you crowd surfing to Crush la I'm sure he'd remember that. good way to get his attention la, lol.

About The Picture of Dorian Gray, you were supposed to teach it ar? Yerrr I wish my English teacher in school taught us about Lit BESIDES The Pearl. lol. My friend bought the book for me for my birthday, only she's in Australia now so I gotta wait for her to get back before I can start reading it. I excite

The reason why I'm so interested in this book is because they're re-making the movie.

aaaaaand guess who plays Dorian Gray ??





BEN BARNES!!! MR PRINCE CASPIAN HIMSELF WOOOOOOH! I <3 HIM SO MUCH OMG *KISSES MONITOR* and Colin Firth plays the Lord dude in the movie :D Seriously cant wait for the movie to come out la. omg *dies* its only coming out in Nov 2009. SO LONG FROM NOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR TO SEE MY BEN BARNEY OH MY WORD! T_____T



*ahem*, okay sorry for that emotional fangirly outburst :$




Rock The World 8 I heard the crowd is made up of rough and rowdy moshy pushy mat rempit punky dudes quite scary la. But I dooo like Estranged! I've only heard like 2 songs from them, but I really really reaaally like Itu Kamu. Plus Azwin Andy is kinda cute hehheh.


oooh... now u've given me motivation to crowd surfing during Archuleta's set haha.. am sure he'll remember me as the weird-crowd-surfing-lady after that lol. i was suppossed to read the novel for my master's class la lol. i have to agree with u. the pearl is a very boring novel. i prefer Jungle Of Hope --though it's a translated version than the original Rimba Harapan. the lit component is seriously depressing. i mean life's brief candle for form 1? who wants to read about Macbeth given up on life and just waiting for death kan?


wow if u're going fangirly on Ben Barnes, am on Colin Firth! okay, i'll start reading the book today!


as Liz said, RTW is great training ground for future concerts. if u can survive RTW u can survive any types of crowd :LOL:


Just out of curiosity after reading throught the thread for 1 whole week, does anyone here dare to do crowd surfing if given the oportunity? Hmmm..... :erm: Hehe... Because I don't think I dare to do that.... :



And I would appreciate it if you all can help me out with this... You know as a Malaysian, sometimes it is a bit hard to see exactly what is so special about something to us that is a norm, like maybe a padifield would be something that some of us sees quite often but to a foreigner, it might be like looking at a turnip farm for the first time for us. I have a pen pal in Holland and 2 years before, I gave my friend a klcc and kl tower in a glass. And I did say I'm going to give my friend something for Christmas this year and I'm not too sure what to give. :unsure: I know Malaysia is popular for food, but I don't think I could actually send food there? :rolleyes: and not to mention it will be damn spicy for them :rolleyes::LOL: so do you all have any ideas for Malaysian souviniers? :erm:

All/any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!! :D


i hate people who crowd surf during concerts coz they tend to hurt other people's head! i remember during muse's concert in KL, the crowd got so annoyed by the crowd surfers that they pushed 'em straight to the security to pull 'em out. as for me, can u ever imagine a woman with tudung crowd surfing? haha... perhaps i should make the history to be the first one to do tht :LOL:


am going to Terengganu and Kelantan after spm. if u want, i can scout for something very Malaysian there for u. how much is yr budget and what kinda stuff do u have in mind? something small and easy to post eh?


I know the dutch can't help but eat fries with mayo. They don't usually eat it with ketchup! Speaking of ketchup, do you guys prefer KFC's or McD's tomato sauce/ketchup? Lol. Random!


Faz, guess what?! I have an extra grandstand ticket to A1 this weekend at Sepang!!! The first name that came up my mind was you! My beloved F1 hommies managed to get like a total of 8++ free tickets and we have a few to spare! ARE YOU IN? Sundays got not SPM rite? heh, so I sure hope you can make it! A little motorsport action over the weekend might just help you brood over Miele/Aida's Singapore trip. lol. Apparently on Saturday, before qualifying, they'll have a meet the drivers session. I don't think I can make it on Saturday though - I gots no transport :( I *think* I'll be driving on Sunday :]

Ahhh, I can't wait to get a little bit of motorsport adrenalin pumping in my blood! (although to be honest, I have no idea who's leading the A1 championship haha)


KFC's ketchup is the bomb! haha.. it goes so well with the chicken. seriously.


u mean Colin Firth and Ben Barnes were in a movie together before? what movie is that? and did Matt really composed bella's lullaby?


OMG LIZ! I'M DEFINITELY IN!! wooh. i can drive on saturday if u want. Team Malaysia is currently leading the championship u know after 2 races. so hopefully they'll win their home race!

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Er, bout Bangkok currently I think u shouldnt be jealous of me la, it's safer not to go. Just e-mailed my fren who works at Bangkok parliament, so worried for her since the latest violence :(


Crowdsurfing: if I were ever to go to Europe (and after losing like 5 kgs) I really want to try crowdsurfing. It's on my list of 50 things to do b4 I turn 50! Who would want to grope old me? Eh, just curious, what;s on you guys punya list of things to do?



Faz working too hard: Yeah la Liz is right. Such a good Cikgu la u. Please do go to A1 and hang loose at the grandstand, u deserve some fun la. That and Butterfingers nanti k?



[Eh when la will we have the next meetup? Miss hanging out with u guys again. And I promise la this time no running off for football matches :$


yeah la.. i wonder if bangkok Rock is still gonna happen? 50 things to do before i turn 50? hmmmm... let see. 1. marry Dom :chuckle: nah.. i don't have a list. sorry. am a bit boring haha..


nah la.. not too hard la. just spm and planning koko activities for next year can be a pain la sometimes. it takes up so much time and i missed roger federer's meet and greet session at twin towers last tuesday coz i had to work. if not i would be one of those crazy fans who would lined up before 8am to see him and get his signature! :'(


shall we have another meet up soon?


on other news, i was watching figure skating on eurosport this morning and i saw this British pair skating to RBS! man, it was so cool.. i can imagine being in the crowd and go emo on that song. the pair skated very well and their routine really suit the song. :happy: somehow RBS doesn't sound like a rock song after seeing 'em skating to it.

Edited by crazy_mary
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Alright set then. Deb / anyone wanna join?

You girls have funnn! =(


Er, bout Bangkok currently I think u shouldnt be jealous of me la, it's safer not to go. Just e-mailed my fren who works at Bangkok parliament, so worried for her since the latest violence :(

Yeah, please do take care of yourself at Bangkok! The festival will be at some army camp though, right? :LOL:






Crowdsurfing: if I were ever to go to Europe (and after losing like 5 kgs) I really want to try crowdsurfing. It's on my list of 50 things to do b4 I turn 50! Who would want to grope old me? Eh, just curious, what;s on you guys punya list of things to do?

Lol wahh crowdsurfing in Europe. Syiok!


Things to do: I definitely wanna go bungee jumping in New Zealand! and stay in Iceland for a month or so lol.




Christian Bale's voice = ear candy. 1st time heard (hehe) that trailer I really paid attention, all due to that voice. And yes, his 30 mins in A new world made the whole snoozerama worthwhile. How Pocahontas could choose Colin I'll over Bale I'll never figure out :stunned:

Lol I thought she chose Bale in the end?! But only because that was the "right" thing to do - even though she still love John Smith. Ehh, actually I'm not too sure dy lol I kinda fast forwarded at some parts...


A little Christian Bale trivia: Did you guys know his voice was featured in the Disney Pocahontas cartoon movie?! He voiced-over for Thomas! The lil boy who shot Pocahontas' supposed fiancee or something. John Smith took the blame for killing him and Thomas ran away! THAT'S CHRISTIAN BALE!! :eek::happy:



Eh when la will we have the next meetup? Miss hanging out with u guys again. And I promise la this time no running off for football matches :$

Would definitely love to hear all your SG and Bangkok stories! Hey Nut, when's the next time you'll be coming up to KL? lol.



KFC's ketchup is the bomb! haha.. it goes so well with the chicken. seriously.

Lol I like the ketchup from McD....!!


u mean Colin Firth and Ben Barnes were in a movie together before? what movie is that? and did Matt really composed bella's lullaby?

Two movies to date. Early Virtue & Dorian Gray :happy:


OMG LIZ! I'M DEFINITELY IN!! wooh. i can drive on saturday if u want. Team Malaysia is currently leading the championship u know after 2 races. so hopefully they'll win their home race!

YAYY! I was supposed to go flower bouquet shopping on sat actually but I think my sister can survive without me for that.. haha. I just found out about Team Malaysia leading :eek: Will you be wearing yellow in support of them?


Edit: Looks like we'll only be going on Sunday! Can't wait til then :D


i missed roger federer's meet and greet session at twin towers last tuesday coz i had to work. if not i would be one of those crazy fans who would lined up before 8am to see him and get his signature! :'(

I OVERSLEPT for that roger federer signing session. "But it only started at 11:15am!" yeahh I can hear you saying that... but I tertidur-ed and totally missed the autograph session. My friend wasn't pleased with me at all because I sorta promised her I would take pics for her.. Haha! :(

Edited by guilt-stricken
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Wow.... That was really a nice saucy and honestly quite well written story out. The photo he posted have a good photo taking skilll. Nice! =D No wonder he is a celebrity blogger. Hehe.... Thank you so much, Debbie I love you >.<

Lol.... I think that local Malaysian girl should be a Malaysian celebrity or something cause he mention that girl is a hot chick. And suprisingly they did it in front of everyone :stunned: and making people crowd around them.... Lol....


Ohhh.... and thanks for the link to the trailer too. Nicey... I get a half second glimse on Evan MgGregor...


That is a very big emotional fangirly outburst Haha.... I think Ben Barnes is more suited for this role cause he looks much more manly with his character.... althought I never read the book before.... =P


Yeah the picture he took of Karen Mok and Jared Leto looks damn nice right? Jared is so beautiful *swooons*


Well Ben Barnes is playing Dorian Gray, who is supposed to be this supremely beautiful dude so.. yeah i guess the part fits PERFECTLY!! :LOL: as for characteristics-wise, i dunno if it fits or not though, as i have not read the book. but we'll see we'll see :D


Just out of curiosity after reading throught the thread for 1 whole week, does anyone here dare to do crowd surfing if given the oportunity? Hmmm..... Hehe... Because I don't think I dare to do that....



And I would appreciate it if you all can help me out with this... You know as a Malaysian, sometimes it is a bit hard to see exactly what is so special about something to us that is a norm, like maybe a padifield would be something that some of us sees quite often but to a foreigner, it might be like looking at a turnip farm for the first time for us. I have a pen pal in Holland and 2 years before, I gave my friend a klcc and kl tower in a glass. And I did say I'm going to give my friend something for Christmas this year and I'm not too sure what to give. :unsure: I know Malaysia is popular for food, but I don't think I could actually send food there? and not to mention it will be damn spicy for them so do you all have any ideas for Malaysian souviniers?

All/any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!!


Lol nah I wouldnt wanna go crowdsurfing unless i was headlining a gig la. but that could be quite dangerous too, since the fans would probably trample over me! :( crowd surfing seems a little dangerous, and i wouldnt wanna get pushed to the front upto the security area, and walk back to the back to continue watching the gig. lol. might as well just stay at one spot, which is hopefully at the front! :D


Hmm, as for souveniers, well I honestly dunno la :$ i'm not good at buying gifts, lol. but like what Liz says, i'm sure you have some inside jokes with that Dutch dude that you could maybe buy something to remind him about it? or maybe you two have something in common.. and you could get him something related to that? Its the thought that counts la :)


That's good, at least you're working on it lol My friend's been nagging me about my internship application for weeks dy. I still haven't started penning down my CV. =[


Ferris Wheel scene! <3 Haha I loved that movie. One of the early good chic flick movies and Jessica Alba was in it too - before she became huge!


Jared Leto was in American Psycho with Christian Bale too!! XD There was one scene where Mr Bale was super jealous of Jared and so he invited Jared to his apartment ( =D~~). Before any (hot!) action took place between the two gorgeous guys... Christian Bale ended up killing Jared Leto. Lol. You've got to watch that movie, it has a Christian Bale shower scene in it XD hahahaha.


Lol well now i'm so screwed for my Personal Statement. I seriously don't know what to write. ROAR. I wrote a few like.. drafts, well not exactly drafts la, but they're like just little sentences/paragraphs i thought i could add into my personal statement, and i notice that they involve me talking about the APOCALYPSE (and how we should do our part to prevent that from happening etc, therefore i wanna be a chem engineer so that i can help with i dunno making biodegradable plastic or something ffs i dont know)


omg la this proves that i've been listening to muse too much. srsly. :facepalm:


eh what movie is this? lol. this emoticon you used.. (=D~~) i have no idea what that is. it looks like a drooling smiley and also a..... nvm. LOL. eh Christian and Jared were supposed to hook up in his apartment or something ar? wth kind of show is this! LOL its like Alexander all over again with Colin Farrel and Jared :LOL:


Hehe. Ewan as a priest... Mmmmm... Forgive me father, for I can't help but sin! XD


LOL i dunno why i find that so hilarious :chuckle:


Word. lol but seeing that I have ample time at the moment, multiquoting is actually preetty fun and challenging, especially trying to keep within the number limit of smileys! ;]


Yeaaa we have to do boring lit like Dr Jekyll & Hyde and The Pearl when I think my mom used to read Animal Farm for Eng lit during her days!


I've read the Dorian Gray play before! Although I think it was an abridged version. OMG I love that you are so obsesseddedicated with Ben Barnes!!! I AM NOT ALONE YAYYY!!! That is one super gorgeous picture of Ben! The Hair! The Cleft! Those eyes!!! *dies along with you* Colin Firth acting with him again!! WEEE!!!! XD AND HIM BEING THE NEW GAP MODEL WAHHH!


RTW is the best place to get mosh pit training. If you survive RTW, you can survive anything. Lol. Don't think I can make it for this year's though as much as I would love to finally see Butterfingers!


Lol I hate multiquoting when I'm damn busy. I should be pretty busy now actually, but procrastination got the better of me, as always. plus its a friday night, i should be out but i chose to stay in tonight woot =D (unlike the majority of M'sian teens)


YEAH I thought Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was damn boring. Couldnt bring myself to read it. The only lit i found to be interesting was The Phantom of the Opera and some of the short stories.


OMG YOU'RE OBSESSED DEDICATED OVER BEN BARNES TOO? OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!! LOL. I LOVE HIS DARK HAIR.. AND DARK EYES..and his accent omg i could listen to him talk allll day, i'm not a huge fan of his face-ass though sorry :$ but ah well, i can live with it =D and his hair style, omg, it suits him really well!



ok i'll shut up now. *covers mouth*


Alright set then. Deb / anyone wanna join?


that sort of crowd memang ada, they come out of the woodworks during the more volatile acts, like Koffin Kanser. What I did @ Rock the World 7 was to chill at the stands / seats and picnic during those crazier sets, just watch the madness from afar. Quite fun I tell u. If u look at the lineup there are plenty of mellower bands of which u can pick the safe spots to enjoy the music :happy: And it helps that the tix / food / T-shirt / mag stands are quite cheap for those who just want to hang out.


Okay I swear I dont work for Jason Lo But since we have so few really big gigs u should come la Deb. Bring all your guy frenz for protection plus u always have your Musemates to hang with, ya?


For some reason teringat making fun of the scariness of Koffin Kanser during the Kami gig, heheh. That was fun la Aida / Faz.


Eh? to the butterfingers gig izzit? I dunno any of their songs la tbh :$ I dunno much local music... only the stuff on the radio like Estrella and Estranged. eh their names sound the same lol.


eh that sounds like a good idea, just hanging out and picnic-ing while listening to good live music =) when is RTW8 again?


Eh, just curious, what;s on you guys punya list of things to do?


Ketchup: KFC vs Mcd got difference meh.


Eh when la will we have the next meetup? Miss hanging out with u guys again. And I promise la this time no running off for football matches


Lol i have the typical go bungee jumping/sky diving thing, travel the world, watch Muse live again, watch Incubus live again, watch Death Cab live, meet a REAL celebrity one day and actually talk to him/her *hopefully it'll be ben barnes! omg*, do something completely spontaneous with my future husband/boyfriend, dance in the moonlight (cue the song lol), LEARN TO SWIM AND CYCLE, aiya got a lot la. i could go on forever lol.


+1 on the ketchup bit. i think they all taste the same lol.


Eh why dont we watch a football match during a meet up?

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Aww man i exceeded the limit too. crazy. I didnt notice how long my post was LOL.


oooh... now u've given me motivation to crowd surfing during Archuleta's set haha.. am sure he'll remember me as the weird-crowd-surfing-lady after that lol. i was suppossed to read the novel for my master's class la lol. i have to agree with u. the pearl is a very boring novel. i prefer Jungle Of Hope --though it's a translated version than the original Rimba Harapan. the lit component is seriously depressing. i mean life's brief candle for form 1? who wants to read about Macbeth given up on life and just waiting for death kan?


wow if u're going fangirly on Ben Barnes, am on Colin Firth! okay, i'll start reading the book today!


as Liz said, RTW is great training ground for future concerts. if u can survive RTW u can survive any types of crowd :LOL:


u mean Colin Firth and Ben Barnes were in a movie together before? what movie is that? and did Matt really composed bella's lullaby?


ooh you're studying for your Masters? In what? Literature? :D Yeah you're right, i never really noticed it before but the English Literature in high school is pretty depressing huh. that emo poem with the pollution.. another emo poem with the funeral... wah. But actually, lotsa English classics are pretty depressing also right? I heard Wuthering Heights was pretty depressing. Never read that before though.

I dunno why I have this sudden interest in reading English classics, like Jane Austen's books and stuff. Anything to recommend? :D


Yeah Colin Firth and Ben Barnes were in their first movie together called Easy Virtue, opposite Jessica Biel too. I think the movie baru got released in The UK.


Here's a short interview about Easy Virtue, i super love this interview la. Its so funny *wipes tear*



on other news, i was watching figure skating on eurosport this morning and i saw this British pair skating to RBS! man, it was so cool.. i can imagine being in the crowd and go emo on that song. the pair skated very well and their routine really suit the song. :happy: somehow RBS doesn't sound like a rock song after seeing 'em skating to it.


Omg yeah!! My friend told me that he heard RBS while watching this figure skating show, and thats how he 'discovered' Muse. So cool la, that someone would perform to this song. its like.. so soulful, that song. woot. :D

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Wah this thread is so busy nowadays, and kudos to those of you who really mastered the art of mutli-quoting, for i have no patience to do that.:p


Liz: Me and my friends are thinking of going to KL at the end of the year but donno if it's gona happen. Man i really need a holiday right now!


Kak Faz: Respect!! You're taking you masters huh! Didn't know that. :D So cool lah, good luck!


Oh my things to do;


1) Be my own boss

2) Snow boarding in a real mountain

3) Go to one European music fest

4) Then eventually travel the world

5) Go learn diving

6) Where then, i can go diving in the best oceans

7) Change someone's life for the best

8) Look at earth from the outside

9) Have an out of body experience

10) Be driven around in a limousine

11) Drive the limousine

12) Stay in a $10,000 per night hotel room in Japan

13) Be featured on the news for some awesome thing I've done

14) Travel BACK to the future

15) Buying a self-dry jacket

16) Then skate a hover-board while wearing the cool jacket


Oh wow so many things, only one lifetime.

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Nut, why a self-drying jacket? and I wonder what an out-of-body experience feels like :erm:

You could invent a time machine, get on the newspaper for that, and THEN travel all around the world and into the future! killing 3/4 birds with one stone right there :p



oh i forgot to add, before i'm 50, i must get a TATTOO. friggin must! I was super inclined to get a muse-related tattoo last time but now i'm having some seeerious merious second thoughts. lol.

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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Lol well now i'm so screwed for my Personal Statement. I seriously don't know what to write. ROAR. I wrote a few like.. drafts, well not exactly drafts la, but they're like just little sentences/paragraphs i thought i could add into my personal statement, and i notice that they involve me talking about the APOCALYPSE (and how we should do our part to prevent that from happening etc, therefore i wanna be a chem engineer so that i can help with i dunno making biodegradable plastic or something ffs i dont know)


omg la this proves that i've been listening to muse too much. srsly. :facepalm:

Eh, nothing wrong with listening to too much Muse! :LOL: good on you for incorporating the apocalypse (please) and the importance of your profession! At least you're on the right path. .. kinda lol.I really really have to work on my goddamn application this week! Yaaargh.


eh what movie is this? lol. this emoticon you used.. (=D~~) i have no idea what that is. it looks like a drooling smiley and also a..... nvm. LOL. eh Christian and Jared were supposed to hook up in his apartment or something ar? wth kind of show is this! LOL its like Alexander all over again with Colin Farrel and Jared :LOL:

American Psycho! LOL at the emoticon, that's a drooling smiley laaa. :noey::LOL: Well actually, there's definitely no hooking up in the apartment, but I would love to think so! Alexander was hilarious - I mean, I know it's not supposed to be funny or anything... but I can't help but laugh at Colin Farrel ...




OMG YOU'RE OBSESSED DEDICATED OVER BEN BARNES TOO? OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!! LOL. I LOVE HIS DARK HAIR.. AND DARK EYES..and his accent omg i could listen to him talk allll day, i'm not a huge fan of his face-ass though sorry :$ but ah well, i can live with it =D and his hair style, omg, it suits him really well!



ok i'll shut up now. *covers mouth*

I don't think I would be able to talk with him though if I do meet him some day! I would just stutter and gasp. I didn't know he SANG in Early Virtue btw!! Hahahha reminds me of his "hi-rise" boy band days XD


Eh why dont we watch a football match during a meet up?

Next question, which match?


Aww man i exceeded the limit too. crazy. I didnt notice how long my post was LOL.

If only we could write that way for our assignments!



ooh you're studying for your Masters? In what? Literature? :D Yeah you're right, i never really noticed it before but the English Literature in high school is pretty depressing huh. that emo poem with the pollution.. another emo poem with the funeral... wah. But actually, lotsa English classics are pretty depressing also right? I heard Wuthering Heights was pretty depressing. Never read that before though.

I dunno why I have this sudden interest in reading English classics, like Jane Austen's books and stuff. Anything to recommend? :D

You know, my favourite poem ever is actually a poem off our Eng Lit. Rudyard Kippling's If :)


I'm currently reading Persuasion. Only picked that up because there's a Captain Wentworth in there! :LOL: I would recommend Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte for starters!



Here's a short interview about Easy Virtue, i super love this interview la. Its so funny *wipes tear*


HAHA Colin Firth! Mmm, accent <3




Liz: Me and my friends are thinking of going to KL at the end of the year but donno if it's gona happen. Man i really need a holiday right now!

A long weekend coming right up in the first week of Decemeber right? :)



I forgot to mention this bit just now, Faz - no Muse did not make a song for Bella's Lullaby. It's just that I'm really curious as to how it really sounds like. Probably won't live up to my expectations though since mine is heavily Muse-influenced!



I'm currently working on trying to loop The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony because my sister wants the beginning of that song to be her wedding march. :LOL:

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Eh, nothing wrong with listening to too much Muse! :LOL: good on you for incorporating the apocalypse (please) and the importance of your profession! At least you're on the right path. .. kinda lol.I really really have to work on my goddamn application this week! Yaaargh.



American Psycho! LOL at the emoticon, that's a drooling smiley laaa. Well actually, there's definitely no hooking up in the apartment, but I would love to think so! Alexander was hilarious - I mean, I know it's not supposed to be funny or anything... but I can't help but laugh at Colin Farrel ...


Lol but I dont want the UCAS entry-giving people to think I'm some morbid child who might someday make a bomb that will destroy the whole world instead of making biodegradable plastic.


I also dont know whether I want to do Chem Engineering or not la tbh. I'm seriously considering working for a concert organization company (like galaxie or pineapple concerts) so that I can watch free gigs HEHE :$ but then again, I also dunno what type of jobs are available there. and whether the money is good or not, etc, maybe i'll do it for like a part time thing la. Its not something I would wanna do for the rest of my life or anything la. aiyo i'm rambling la sorry.


Lol to be honest I didnt actually watch Alexander completely, I only watched some scenes on Astro last time and i KNOW they censored all the gay scenes.. if there are any gay scenes at all la, actually. Jared's role is quite small right? speaking of gay scenes, anyone watched Brokeback Mountain before? :D


I don't think I would be able to talk with him though if I do meet him some day! I would just stutter and gasp. I didn't know he SANG in Early Virtue btw!! Hahahha reminds me of his "hi-rise" boy band days XD


Next question, which match?


If only we could write that way for our assignments!


You know, my favourite poem ever is actually a poem off our Eng Lit. Rudyard Kippling's If


I'm currently reading Persuasion. Only picked that up because there's a Captain Wentworth in there! I would recommend Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte for starters!


HAHA Colin Firth! Mmm, accent <3


I'm currently working on trying to loop The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony because my sister wants the beginning of that song to be her wedding march.


Aww man, I'm sure you'll do fine since you have 'experience' with meeting celebrities. I have none whatsoever. I can imagine myself just.. grinning like some crazed fangirl. I saw this video on youtube, i think it was a Prince Caspian or Easy Virtue premiere in Tokyo, and Ben was signing autographs for a bunch of screamy fangirls and they all were like 'ben! ben! beeeen! i love you i love you! beeeen! aaaah! how r uuu!! ahhh!' and i just couldnt stop cringing :stunned::( i feel bad for saying that though, since i'm pretty sure i'm equally as fangirly as them :$ i hope i dont react to him like that! :noey: Ben was nice enough to reply to one girl who kept saying 'i love you i love you I LOVE YOU' with a 'thank you!!' lol.


Omg he sang in Easy Virtue?? haha thats so cool! I wanna watch that show la. Even though Ben's hair looks like crap in the movie, he still looks great as ever :D He has quite a nice voice right? I watched the interview with Jimmy Kimmel again the other day, heard his Hyrise voice.. quite nice :D teehee. :chuckle:


Maybe the.. er... i duno, what matches are coming up? The epic Arsenal vs Man U passed already la :( ooh what's Jane Eyre about?


Omg your sister is so cool, walking down the aisle with that song on... so epic :LOL: congrats to her and her wedding btw! :D








That, is none other than Johnny Depp in the new upcoming Tim Burton movie!





YEAH I saw the thread for that, Alan Rickman as the caterpillar! :happy: Cant wait for the movie, it looks like its gonna be really good. wooot.

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Nut, why a self-drying jacket? and I wonder what an out-of-body experience feels like :erm:

You could invent a time machine, get on the newspaper for that, and THEN travel all around the world and into the future! killing 3/4 birds with one stone right there :p



oh i forgot to add, before i'm 50, i must get a TATTOO. friggin must! I was super inclined to get a muse-related tattoo last time but now i'm having some seeerious merious second thoughts. lol.


Haha the jacket is from the movie 'Back to the Future 2'. I dono if you have watched it but it's hella cool!! It's a trilogy and so good.:nerd:


WOw a Muse tattoo. You should check out some muselivers with their tattoos. I think it's too much lol. You should ask your mom first, just like Matt lol. As you can see, he doesn't have a tattoo till now.


A long weekend coming right up in the first week of Decemeber right? :)


I'm currently working on trying to loop The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony because my sister wants the beginning of that song to be her wedding march. :LOL:


Haha no i said end of Dec lah not first week.


You know actually that was how my friend got married too! He's into Brit music so he had the same song while he and his wife walked down the aisle. It's so fitting, your sis made the right choice!








That, is none other than Johnny Depp in the new upcoming Tim Burton movie!





OMG Tim Burton and JD AGAIN!!!!!!!! And what a demented children's classic, i might add! I hope this is going to be as good as Edward Scissorhands.


And he's going to be in SIn CIty 3? POWER. lol.

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wow so many long posts.. lol.


Things to do: I definitely wanna go bungee jumping in New Zealand! and stay in Iceland for a month or so lol.


YAYY! I was supposed to go flower bouquet shopping on sat actually but I think my sister can survive without me for that.. haha. I just found out about Team Malaysia leading :eek: Will you be wearing yellow in support of them?


Edit: Looks like we'll only be going on Sunday! Can't wait til then :D



I OVERSLEPT for that roger federer signing session. "But it only started at 11:15am!" yeahh I can hear you saying that... but I tertidur-ed and totally missed the autograph session. My friend wasn't pleased with me at all because I sorta promised her I would take pics for her.. Haha! :(


i seriously recommend AJ Hacket bungy jumping in Queenstown. it's AWESOME!! and the view there is breath-taking. go for the highest one! coz that's the best! haha..


yikes, i don't have yellow shirts.only a yellow blouse. do u think it's appropriate? lol.


YOU OVERSLEPT??!! :noey::noey::facepalm: lol.


eh that sounds like a good idea, just hanging out and picnic-ing while listening to good live music =) when is RTW8 again?

Eh why dont we watch a football match during a meet up?


come and join us la deb. we'll have a picnic at merdeka std and perhaps lepak at Std Negara for old times sake haha.. RTW is on 20th Dec.


oooohhh.. muse and football. i really like that lol..


ooh you're studying for your Masters? In what? Literature? :D Yeah you're right, i never really noticed it before but the English Literature in high school is pretty depressing huh. that emo poem with the pollution.. another emo poem with the funeral... wah. But actually, lotsa English classics are pretty depressing also right? I heard Wuthering Heights was pretty depressing. Never read that before though.

I dunno why I have this sudden interest in reading English classics, like Jane Austen's books and stuff. Anything to recommend? :D



Here's a short interview about Easy Virtue, i super love this interview la. Its so funny *wipes tear*



yes. MA in Eng Lit which some people say is worthless haha.. but who cares coz i love it. if u're into Jane Austen you should try reading Mansfield Park and Emma (Clueless was based on the novel). they're my favs other than Pride and Prejudice of course. and try read something by Virginia Wolf. she's a great writer. a little twisted but brilliant. i actually prefer poems esp ones by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. Try reading Kubla Khan, Frost at Midnight (beautiful, beautiful poem) and Rime of The Ancient Mariner. Anything by Wordsworth are words worth reading too lol. i swear there's something about his name. ok, sorry if i syok sendiri a bit.. lol. but yeah Wuthering Heights is quite depressing. i didn't like it the first time i read it when i was an undergraduate but now, that novel is one of favs. have u read To Kill A Mockingbird?


Liz: Me and my friends are thinking of going to KL at the end of the year but donno if it's gona happen. Man i really need a holiday right now!


Kak Faz: Respect!! You're taking you masters huh! Didn't know that. :D So cool lah, good luck!


Oh my things to do;


1) Be my own boss

2) Snow boarding in a real mountain

3) Go to one European music fest

4) Then eventually travel the world

5) Go learn diving

6) Where then, i can go diving in the best oceans

7) Change someone's life for the best

8) Look at earth from the outside

9) Have an out of body experience

10) Be driven around in a limousine

11) Drive the limousine

12) Stay in a $10,000 per night hotel room in Japan

13) Be featured on the news for some awesome thing I've done

14) Travel BACK to the future

15) Buying a self-dry jacket

16) Then skate a hover-board while wearing the cool jacket


Oh wow so many things, only one lifetime.


thanks! hey Nut, it would be great if u could join miele and i at RTW yeah? ;)


snowboarding is damn fun la man. but at the mountains is very dangerous!


I'm currently working on trying to loop The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony because my sister wants the beginning of that song to be her wedding march. :LOL:


wow that's really cool. i wish i could do that for my wedding instead of kompang haha..


okay, i give up. i don't think i can continue typing and multi-quoting the rest of the posts. my eyes hurt!

Edited by crazy_mary
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