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Awww..... Too bad Lifehouse is not coming to Malaysia :(:( But at least the concert in Singapore is open to the public :happy:


Lol..... :LOL: Take it easy with your assignment, Liz and don't get too stress up, k? Will see you when the sem starts again, ok? ;)


Thanks Joelyn! I just finished my assignment laaate last night while listening to Absolution. :musesign: I should be listening to Ash songs instead actually haha!


I only need to: settle and decide on the flight arrival times for Ash & Lifehouse, finish writing a letter for Nick Heidfeld that I *hope* i can pass over to him at Swissotel - The Stamford where he'll be staying, enquire date F1 drivers will be leaving Singapore (Nick will most likely head to Zurich), pick up my Lifehouse tickets as well as for 6 other friends of mine, make two different banners for the concerts, plan on a birthday outing for my cousin in SG, prepare mentally in case I really do get to meet Lifehouse!, look out for available bus tickets leaving SG on the 5th of Oct, settle accommodation for my sister who *might* just be heading to singapore for the Lifehouse conert and ... well the obvious thing I have to do. PACK! :(

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Thanks Joelyn! I just finished my assignment laaate last night while listening to Absolution. :musesign: I should be listening to Ash songs instead actually haha!


I only need to: settle and decide on the flight arrival times for Ash & Lifehouse, finish writing a letter for Nick Heidfeld that I *hope* i can pass over to him at Swissotel - The Stamford where he'll be staying, enquire date F1 drivers will be leaving Singapore (Nick will most likely head to Zurich), pick up my Lifehouse tickets as well as for 6 other friends of mine, make two different banners for the concerts, plan on a birthday outing for my cousin in SG, prepare mentally in case I really do get to meet Lifehouse!, look out for available bus tickets leaving SG on the 5th of Oct, settle accommodation for my sister who *might* just be heading to singapore for the Lifehouse conert and ... well the obvious thing I have to do. PACK! :(


:LOL: You do sound really busy... :rolleyes::chuckle But do have fun thou, Liz and don't over stress yourself =P and remember to take load of picture of Lifehouse concert and also the Sg F1 :D

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aww.. thanks mate! haha.. didn't mean to interrupt yr conversation. i just figured out how to get the tickets heh.. am such a noob! :LOL:


and ooops.. BMW Sauber. yes.. nor more Petronas though i always prefer to call ém Sauber Petronas. Sounds more Malaysian haha... i hope u get to meet Nick (again), Liz!:D

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aww.. thanks mate! haha.. didn't mean to interrupt yr conversation. i just figured out how to get the tickets heh.. am such a noob! :LOL:


and ooops.. BMW Sauber. yes.. nor more Petronas though i always prefer to call ém Sauber Petronas. Sounds more Malaysian haha... i hope u get to meet Nick (again), Liz!:D


Hehe.... You should never feel like you are interupting. this is what the forum is for isn't it? :happy:


Yah, I do agree. Too bad the name Petronas is taken off :( Petronas sound more Malaysian and can also promote Malaysia and make all those "ang moh" spell all the Malay names :D:p

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:LOL: You do sound really busy... :rolleyes::chuckle But do have fun thou, Liz and don't over stress yourself =P and remember to take load of picture of Lifehouse concert and also the Sg F1 :D

I'll try! Will drop in here when I can to keep you guys in the loop ;):happy:


aww.. thanks mate! haha.. didn't mean to interrupt yr conversation. i just figured out how to get the tickets heh.. am such a noob! :LOL:


and ooops.. BMW Sauber. yes.. nor more Petronas though i always prefer to call ém Sauber Petronas. Sounds more Malaysian haha... i hope u get to meet Nick (again), Liz!:D

YAYY!!! I'm so glad you'll be coming! :D This gig is definitely going to be something <3 I hope Lifehouse plays more old stuff! I saw the pictures of the venue and it looks like a small/private/intimate place! I like! :] Oh and we could meetup with Nut! :happy: But my schedule in SG's running a little tight though and I'll be travelling with my cousin/friends :-/ I hope you get to settle your bus/accommodation and everything. Tickets might come in a little hard to get considering it's the festive season and all! Unless you're driving down to Johor? :eek:


Debbie Debbie! I hope she knows about this?

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WOW $70 for Lifehouse! It's cool that you guys are coming down. It'd be great to meet up! Liz ur in SG already with friends/relatives and wow, spending 8 days here?


TRIVIA (lol) : St James is just beside Vivo City and near the entrance to Sentosa island/.

Edited by Nutcracker
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WAH THE GIG IS IN A WEEK, DAMN STRESS. this is so coincidental because my friends and i were memang thinking of dropping by Singapore this raya week and its like OMG SO PERFECT LA IF I COULD SEE LIFEHOUSE TOO



Plus i have class tomorrow.



shit i'm talking so much rubbish now hahahah its not even funny anymore. i bet most of you think i'm crazy now.


gotta thank Noor for SMS-ing me to read the board! haha i've been so busy la lately. ish ish ish. and thanks you guys for thinking about me haha! i feel so touched, really, :$:D


Oh, i forgot to mention, if i'm going to see lifehouse, can I tag along with you guys? My friends arent to keen on lifehouse, and my gig buddy has no money and he isnt really a lifehouse fan so if i'm going, i gotta join with you guys haha. CAN AR? PLEASE?








I'm technically not 18 yet. i'm only 18 in like.. .2 months. do you think they can still let me enter?


and 4th October is my mum's birthday. omg la.


AND ALSO, do you think the gig might be a 'tame' one? sorta like Switchfoot? Was Switchfoot even a tame gig?

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I'm technically not 18 yet. i'm only 18 in like.. .2 months. do you think they can still let me enter?


and 4th October is my mum's birthday. omg la.


AND ALSO, do you think the gig might be a 'tame' one? sorta like Switchfoot? Was Switchfoot even a tame gig?


Hey Deb! Based on my own experience at Zouk, when i was 17+ too, they didn't let me in and that was for a DJ Battle thing. I'm not too sure about St James though...

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Oh you mean St James is a club? Is Singapore really strict about age limits and stuff? Here its pretty common to spot 16 year old girls clubbing haha.


Yeah it is! St James Powerhouse is a pwoper club. For most well-known clubs here, they're pretty strict. TBH I dono what the system is like at St James, but at Zouk eveyone has to show their ID first before entering, even though you are a guy whose hair is greying!

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Yeah it is! St James Powerhouse is a pwoper club. For most well-known clubs here, they're pretty strict. TBH I dono what the system is like at St James, but at Zouk eveyone has to show their ID first before entering, even though you are a guy whose hair is greying!

Whoa, haha thats so different here! Well, I wouldnt know much since i've only gone clubbing once, but when i did, they didnt check my ID, thank God for that haha. And it was a 'pwoper' club too, with London's Ministry of Sound playing and all that :cool: very fun night! haha.


Anyway, er, yeah, I dont think I can go for Lifehouse (:'(:'(:'() unless someone is willing to sell to me Aeroline bus tickets from Sg to home on Sunday... Which is super unlikely. :'(

Wah, i've felt like a huge wave of different emotions all in one night haha its so weird.



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Whoa, haha thats so different here! Well, I wouldnt know much since i've only gone clubbing once, but when i did, they didnt check my ID, thank God for that haha. And it was a 'pwoper' club too, with London's Ministry of Sound playing and all that :cool: very fun night! haha.


Anyway, er, yeah, I dont think I can go for Lifehouse (:'(:'(:'() unless someone is willing to sell to me Aeroline bus tickets from Sg to home on Sunday... Which is super unlikely. :'(

Wah, i've felt like a huge wave of different emotions all in one night haha its so weird.




U mean Aeroline is sold out from SG to KL on Sunday? It'd be unfortunate if you miss Lifehouse, if you really wanted to watch them badly. I feel you.

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U mean Aeroline is sold out from SG to KL on Sunday? It'd be unfortunate if you miss Lifehouse, if you really wanted to watch them badly. I feel you.


Yeah Aeroline is sold out on Sunday, except for the night buses but we cant take that if we wanna make it back in time for college on Monday. :( Are you going?


ahhh.. deb, it turns out i can't go too. i was excited for nothing. let me just go and bury myself rite now.


come we go bury ourselves in our own sorrow and grief together-gether. *listens to emo bands like MCR/The Used/Placebo/etc* :LOL:

*Is actually listening to Lifehouse*


... :(

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ahhh.. deb, it turns out i can't go too. i was excited for nothing. let me just go and bury myself rite now.


Poor thing lah must be cuz of raya right...


Yeah Aeroline is sold out on Sunday, except for the night buses but we cant take that if we wanna make it back in time for college on Monday. :( Are you going?




come we go bury ourselves in our own sorrow and grief together-gether. *listens to emo bands like MCR/The Used/Placebo/etc* :LOL:

*Is actually listening to Lifehouse*


... :(


No lah im not going for Lifehouse. Donno much about them, really. :$:p

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Greetings from Singapore! At Starbucks now, and dammit, they're closing at 10:30pm.


FAZZZ.. I DONT HAVE YOUR HP NUMBER! (Now I do though, but it's a little too late! - thanks anyway, Miele!) I wanted to call you when I caught the F1 race last night but then ALAMAK no number!! :( Do not fret though, I took a vid especially for you! Although a bit short... Will upload that when I get back to coll next week.


Anddd peopleeee... PLEASE PLEASE come for Lifehouse! It's so close!!


I actually booked my LH tickets even before I could change my bus ticket to Sunday. I couldn't care if I didn't get my bus tickets, I DID THOUGH JUST THIS MORNING. So I'm sure you will be able to get to! If there's a will, there's a way! I don't really have an internet connection, which sucks! Maybe I could visit Nut and use his internet :LOL: Just kidding.


DEB, THERE ARE OTHER COACHES HEADED BACK TO KL FROM SG, TRY CHECKING FIRST COACH. When I got the tix for my sister this morning, they only had the 7:30am Sunday bus available and we took that. Check faster! Don't worry about not getting in, I will make sure you get in if you're with me!! I have about 8 other people coming down to Singapore on Saturday itself, I believe if we go in a group together, they won't really check...?!


Faz, why can't you make it now??? :( You already got your tickets, right?

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I know I shouldn't do this, but you can reach me at +6598934391(it's technically not my number, but I'll be using this while I'm in sg).


If you need me to pick up bus tickets or anything from sg, let me know!


p/s: Deb, have you considered driving down to Johor with your friends and taking a bus over to sg from there?

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LIZ!! F1 SG WAS DAMN AWESOME AND U GOT TO WATCH IT LIVE???????? OH THE ENVY!!!! I JUST HAVE TO TYPE IN CAPS FOR THAT! lucky u didn't call me coz i wasn't able to pick up the phone anyways. i was at the masjid la for terawih heh heh..:$ but thanks a lot for remembering! i can't wait for u to upload the vid.


but may i please call u during Lifehouse? esp if they play "Wash". i didn't get the tickets. i called earlier just for info. Nut is rite la.. it's raya. i can't go MIA during raya while my family is here. plus all the ziarah that we have to do.. if u ever get to meet Lifehouse at the airport --i pray that u will-- can u please say hi to Jason Wade for me? i love him la.. he writes music and lyrics that most of the time describe my feelings and emotions! oh man. gosh.. am just too emo rite now. sedihnyer tak dpt tengok Lifehouse!! i've been listening to my old battered Stanley Climbfall cassete and i just love ém even more. if i tak tahan, i mite just go there anyway. that's a big IF though. Deb, are u going?



Selamat Hari Raya, people. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.:D

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Hey guys! :D


I'm sorry for butting in, but I chanced upon this forum while surfing on Google for Lifehouse's gig in Singapore!


Well, I'm from Singapore and I'm a HUGE Lifehouse fan! I was so stoked to find out that they're having a gig here on Saturday, but VERY unfortunately, I'm turning 17 only in November. So technically, I'm only 16 and well, the age limit for St. James Powerhouse does not allow me entry to the Lifehouse gig. I was wayyyy upset. Do any of you guys know if it's possible to sneak in? I don't know if I should try, though. I'm just a student and money is tight, so the $70 ticket will come straight out from my pocket. If they deny me entry, it'll go to waste. But at the same time, I'm a HUGE fan of theirs and really, really, really want to go for it. I mean, it's possibly one of my only chances to catch them here - and well, I guess it's foiled. :( *sobs* I tried all ways and means, and emailed the relevant people - Universal Music, Gate Crash, Sistic, Addicted Entertainment if there's anything they can do about it, but I guess my efforts are futile.


Sneaking in will be difficult for me, too. Apparently, I don't even look 16. They demanded to check my I/C when I went for an NC-16 movie this year, haha.


But to all you guys out there who are going, HAVE FUN! I know you guys will.

Debbie, are you going?


And if you guys are feeling especially kind/generous and are lucky enough to meet Lifehouse, would you guys get me an autograph? Haha. Nah, kidding, I don't wanna trouble anyone. Just have fun!


- Eunice

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