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LOL i was pretty impressed to learn that you guys utilised the BKK public transport to the fullest! What, with the boat rides and all! So i agree, Miele IS a natural traveller lol.



Aah the memories. :LOL: Travelling with Faz was fun, so easygoing and up for almost any of my crazy plans, heheh. The public transport thing comes from 'cheapskateness' and wanting to 'mingle with the ppl' etc. :p What la natural traveller. Thanks anyways.




Do help me out if you know their flight times! I believe I'll try to make it an effort to meet Tim/Mark/Rick at Changi. I would really love to ask Tim "Can I see your phoenix tattoo, please?" if I find enough courage to do so. Lol.



I just finished my finals today! If you guys are still heading out for a muser meet up, I would be more than happy to join if I'm not roadtripping cuti-cuti Malaysia style with my friends who are leaving for the UK soon. And if you guys don't mind :happy:


:supersad: Ash! Take me with you......If only la bukan Raya......


We have to have a muser meetup then, to 'pesan' Guilt all stuff Ash-related :D



Happy ramadan to all Muslims....

2 hours (and less) before sahur time!!


Happy ramadan to u too! And welcome to the madhouse.



LOL. yeah. she's a natural traveller :yesey:


i feel so gig deprived that i really wanna follow u and korndamned to singapore for Ash's gig. if only it's not raya. u're one brave lady to go there alone. u should go with korndamned la.. ask aida for his number or email address. he's very nice! :)


would be really nice to finally meet u. so guys.. meet up this weekend? how about it? miele? shannaz? and the rest?



Haha, thanx Faz. If ada gig sesuai would u be my designated travel partner? :D.


Okay this time I'm serious. Let's try this again, tentative suggestion: Saturday, Subang Parade? Any takers? Faz/ Shannaz / guilt / anyone?





Deb: good choices la, your pick of fav movies. I have too many too mention. hey maybe we should meetup and discuss movies further eh?



Waitaminute, Saturday;s the United-Liverpool game right? if it's on @ the same time as the proposed meetup can we go to place that has broadcast? Heheh. This is very important.

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Yes Liz, I have Song to Self album version. Got it from Travis messageboard


Oh, no Travis in that Channel V show? Good in a way though...cause I missed it :p


I actually have never met Korndamned in person haha...just communicating via email. We were from the Suede messageboard back then...yeah a pity the KL gig did not happen. But I did go the S'pore one


On buka puasa, I'm not around in KL this weekend...appologies...


Oooh Liz! U go girl! Where will u be staying in Spore this time around? If u don't have a fren/relative's place to bunk in, maybe u want to stay at the hostel I stayed. It's walking distance to Bugis MRT


Wow..now I've got to go & listen to their Free All Angels album again...haha it was one of the soundtracks to my doing design project in uni...the memories :happy:


Edit: I just counted. Liz, u have actually went for 4 gigs already (& 1 more coming up) in 2008 alone! Respect!

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How does Christian Bale's wife look like? :unsure:


i was about to ask that too. :LOL:


Liz, if u check out our Bangkok pictures Korndamned is in there. chop. i'm not sure if the pictures are still there tho. :unsure:


Sunday is fine with me. looks like it's only the three of us?

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Best movies eh? Well, one of my favourites are... *checks facebook*... Moulin Rouge (<3333), The Notebook, The Prestige, Pan's Labyrinth, Atonement... to name a few. I still havent watched timeless movies though, like Fight Club and Meet Joe Black. I heard those were REALLY good :eek: I'm currently downloading Into The Wild :happy: it was recommended by a friend of mine. what about you?

I watched Fight Club recently. It was definitely good considering that it was released way back in the 90s! Edward Norton portrayed his character brilliantly. And how can anyone not like that little cameo of JARED LETO? lol. I'm usually a little bias because when a gorgeous male lead is in the movie, I tend to favour it more XD Shawshank Redemption remains one of my fav movies ever though heh. but anyway about a month back, I watched this movie called August Rush. I loved it. Highly recommended, especially for musicallyinclined people like everyone on the forum here ;)


How did you like Penelope btw? :happy:


Deb: good choices la, your pick of fav movies. I have too many too mention. hey maybe we should meetup and discuss movies further eh?

That's an awesome idea. I'm looking forward to it already! :D


:supersad: Ash! Take me with you......If only la bukan Raya......


We have to have a muser meetup then, to 'pesan' Guilt all stuff Ash-related :D


Okay this time I'm serious. Let's try this again, tentative suggestion: Saturday, Subang Parade? Any takers? Faz/ Shannaz / guilt / anyone?

Lol and you guys will have to tell me your Bangkok stories! It's going to be a little difficult for me to get to Subang Parade, considering that I gots no car to drive on the weekends :( Let's meet up at a place reachable via train?


We're meeting up for dinner, right? :]


Since Aida/weresodisco won't be around this weekend... I guess it would be next weekend then?


How does Christian Bale's wife look like? :unsure:

i was about to ask that too. :LOL:

She's absolutely gorgeous!






I don't know which is killing my brain cells more... Christian's absolutely dazzling smile, or his buttoned-down shirt! Yaaarrgh. Why does he have to torment us like that? Lol.



Oooh Liz! U go girl! Where will u be staying in Spore this time around? If u don't have a fren/relative's place to bunk in, maybe u want to stay at the hostel I stayed. It's walking distance to Bugis MRT


Wow..now I've got to go & listen to their Free All Angels album again...haha it was one of the soundtracks to my doing design project in uni...the memories


Edit: I just counted. Liz, u have actually went for 4 gigs already (& 1 more coming up) in 2008 alone! Respect!

That would be perfect! Which hostel was it again? I might actually head up to Singapore a whole week earlier before the Ash gig because of Singapore's first ever night race Grand Prix!! I have this crazy idea of just standing near the Esplanade side and do nothing but listen to the engine of 'em cars... That would be a concert by itself, right Faz? :D


Sigh.. Cannndy! I think my absolute fav Ash album would have to be the best of album - Intergalactic Sonic 7s. It's so convenient, most of my fav songs are already on that compilation!




Liz, if u check out our Bangkok pictures Korndamned is in there. chop. i'm not sure if the pictures are still there tho. :unsure:


Sunday is fine with me. looks like it's only the three of us?

Link me, please! If it's still around. :happy:

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Can non muslim go too? I want to go and berbuka puasa with you guys too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joelyn you should definitely go! Don't work too hard ;]


Now, I'm not sure how much this is true... but Bryce from Lifehouse wrote this on their blog recently:


"We have been hanging in LA, recording some music, seeing rock shows (Coldplay and Radiohead to name a few) recovering from the madness of the Phillipines...We are heaving over to Singapore in mid-October. We love it over there and hope we can keep going back... The fans in southeast Asia are awesome."






Exactly where does that put me though? I seriously have no idea.

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Lol and you guys will have to tell me your Bangkok stories! It's going to be a little difficult for me to get to Subang Parade, considering that I gots no car to drive on the weekends :( Let's meet up at a place reachable via train?


We're meeting up for dinner, right? :]


Since Aida/weresodisco won't be around this weekend... I guess it would be next weekend then?


She's absolutely gorgeous!





I don't know which is killing my brain cells more... Christian's absolutely dazzling smile, or his buttoned-down shirt! Yaaarrgh. Why does he have to torment us like that? Lol.



That would be perfect! Which hostel was it again? I might actually head up to Singapore a whole week earlier before the Ash gig because of Singapore's first ever night race Grand Prix!! I have this crazy idea of just standing near the Esplanade side and do nothing but listen to the engine of 'em cars... That would be a concert by itself, right Faz? :D


Link me, please! If it's still around. :happy:


Sbg parade is reachable via train u know. but i can always fetch u and miele somewhere if u guys want me to. or maybe u can suggest some place else?


yes. we're meeting up for dinner coz that's the only time we can eat haha.. at night time. dunno why i feel like i'm one of the Cullens when i said that heh. Next sunday is ok with me. to have aida join us would be great!


She IS gorgeous! but Christian is so smexy la there.. simple and yet so classy!


Ok Liz, u're making me even more jealous! i want to go to F1 night race too!! :'(:'( just being somewhere around the race track, regardless if i can see the cars or the drivers or not would be awesome! and u're right, the sound of the cars is music to my ears too! oh man.. i wanna go, i wanna go, i wanna go esp after all the drama in Spa! :(


here's the link! scroll down a bit. he's the one standing behind Nut. phew.. searching for that thread was really something. the memories! :(:(


Can non muslim go too? I want to go and berbuka puasa with you guys too!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitely! please do join us. i would love to berbuka posa with u too! :D can bring some moon cakes as well ar? haha..


Now, I'm not sure how much this is true... but Bryce from Lifehouse wrote this on their blog recently:


"We have been hanging in LA, recording some music, seeing rock shows (Coldplay and Radiohead to name a few) recovering from the madness of the Phillipines...We are heaving over to Singapore in mid-October. We love it over there and hope we can keep going back... The fans in southeast Asia are awesome."






Exactly where does that put me though? I seriously have no idea.




what are the chances of 'em coming to KL as well? Liz, am so gonna follow u to Singapore for this. i'm willing to ponteng work for Lifehouse! my sister just bought me Who We Are for my birthday and i've been listening to it non-stop! Somebody bring 'em to KL!!

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Sbg parade is reachable via train u know. but i can always fetch u and miele somewhere if u guys want me to. or maybe u can suggest some place else?


yes. we're meeting up for dinner coz that's the only time we can eat haha.. at night time. dunno why i feel like i'm one of the Cullens when i said that heh. Next sunday is ok with me. to have aida join us would be great!


here's the link! scroll down a bit. he's the one standing behind Nut. phew.. searching for that thread was really something. the memories! :(:(


Definitely! please do join us. i would love to berbuka posa with u too! :D can bring some moon cakes as well ar? haha..






what are the chances of 'em coming to KL as well? Liz, am so gonna follow u to Singapore for this. i'm willing to ponteng work for Lifehouse! my sister just bought me Who We Are for my birthday and i've been listening to it non-stop! Somebody bring 'em to KL!!



Wahhh..... Subang Parade. :erm: Kinda near my place. Yay.... Hope that this time works :D Keep me updated


Haha.... Thanks. Will go if I'm not working and see whether is there any mooncakes left :rolleyes::p



:eek: Hope they do come to KL!!!! :eek: Then I can see them as well :D:D Weeeee....... :D

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Wah but u gals want to wait for me......so terharu lah :p

So okay next weekend then...er when's the Spore F1 race again? Don't want it to clash ya


Liz! U got so much energy ya! Wow! 5 gigs + F1 Spore...now Lifehouse! Exciting year for you ;)


OK the hostel I stayed is Fragrance Hostel at Dunlop Street, near Bugis MRT. It's also near to Queen Street bus station where the buses from JB (Larkin) stops. Convenient! Within walking distance. I stayed at 6 person female dorm. Rate was SGD22 per person per nite.

I booked it thru http://reservations.bookhostels.com/msltravel.com/

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I watched Fight Club recently. It was definitely good considering that it was released way back in the 90s! Edward Norton portrayed his character brilliantly. And how can anyone not like that little cameo of JARED LETO? lol. I'm usually a little bias because when a gorgeous male lead is in the movie, I tend to favour it more XD Shawshank Redemption remains one of my fav movies ever though heh. but anyway about a month back, I watched this movie called August Rush. I loved it. Highly recommended, especially for musicallyinclined people like everyone on the forum here


How did you like Penelope btw?


I completely agree with you on being a bit bias when there's a gorgeous male lead in the movie :happy: I didnt like the first Narnia that much because there wasnt any eye candy at all, and yet I'm freakin in love with Prince Caspian because of Ben Barnes! ^_^


I IMDB-ed August Rush, aww its Charlie from Charlie and the Choc Factory! :happy: and a show with Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a definite must-watch for me haha :p


I like Penelope! I enjoyed it a lot. I thought McAvoy's accent was a bit weird though, its like you can hear a faint scottish accent in his american one. but that doesnt change the fact that he looks SO HOT in the movie! and Christina Ricci, i actually thought she looked more gorgeous with her snout. her snout was reaaally growing on me, and when she lost it and they showed her face, its like.... meh, she looks so normal now :( and did you notice Russel Brand's role? :LOL: so odd, seeing him act like a normal bloke.

Reese Witherspoon's role was pretty redundant though, imo. She's such a huge star, and in fact according to E!, she is the most paid actress in 2007.

But all that aside, very enjoyable movie :happy: i laughed out loud at a few parts. How did you find Penelope?


And has anyone watched The Other Boelyn Girl yet? I cant believe all that happened in history :eek:


Lol and you guys will have to tell me your Bangkok stories! It's going to be a little difficult for me to get to Subang Parade, considering that I gots no car to drive on the weekends Let's meet up at a place reachable via train?


We're meeting up for dinner, right? :]


Since Aida/weresodisco won't be around this weekend... I guess it would be next weekend then?


She's absolutely gorgeous!






I don't know which is killing my brain cells more... Christian's absolutely dazzling smile, or his buttoned-down shirt! Yaaarrgh. Why does he have to torment us like that? Lol.


Can i come for the meet up too? :$ Then maybe i can FINALLY get my Muse poster from Aida haha :LOL: but i dunno how to get to Subang Parade la, and i dunno what to tell my parents. i dont think they'd be up for me meeting up with people i met online :stunned:


Aww they're both so gorgeous :happy:


Now, I'm not sure how much this is true... but Bryce from Lifehouse wrote this on their blog recently:


"We have been hanging in LA, recording some music, seeing rock shows (Coldplay and Radiohead to name a few) recovering from the madness of the Phillipines...We are heaving over to Singapore in mid-October. We love it over there and hope we can keep going back... The fans in southeast Asia are awesome."






Exactly where does that put me though? I seriously have no idea.


Why dont you know? :eek: JUST GOOO! lol we can all go together haha. thats if i dont have college on that day. :( I hope they come to Malaysia! its only a few miles awayyyy...

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Sbg parade is reachable via train u know. but i can always fetch u and miele somewhere if u guys want me to. or maybe u can suggest some place else?

Lol really? Which station? It's the one near Sunway right? Or is that USJ Summit? Haha, I don't head over to Subang much :$ If it's convenient for you guys there, and it's accessabe via train, then I'm okay with it :]


I remember last time you guys had a Muser meetup at the Bukit Bintang McDonald's right?


Can i come for the meet up too? Then maybe i can FINALLY get my Muse poster from Aida haha but i dunno how to get to Subang Parade la, and i dunno what to tell my parents. i dont think they'd be up for me meeting up with people i met online

They wouldn't like the idea of it, that's for sure.. Hmm, well you could get your circle of friends to head over to Subang Parade on the same day too - then in that case, technically you'll be out with your friends, but the only thing is that you're meeting us up for dinner? ;]




Ok Liz, u're making me even more jealous! i want to go to F1 night race too!!:'( just being somewhere around the race track, regardless if i can see the cars or the drivers or not would be awesome! and u're right, the sound of the cars is music to my ears too! oh man.. i wanna go, i wanna go, i wanna go esp after all the drama in Spa!


here's the link! scroll down a bit. he's the one standing behind Nut. phew.. searching for that thread was really something. the memories!

I could try calling you and let you listen if I do get to Singapore on Sept 28th! This Lifehouse thing is kinda messing up my plans a bit =0 I remember recording the sound of the engines though when I went to the testing session in Sepang last year. Haha. If I listen to it randomly, I can sometimes smile to myself..it's kinda creepy lol. I hope today's Monza race will be an interesting one! :]


Thanks for the link! I'll definitely have a look out for him near the front row. Heh.




Wah but u gals want to wait for me......so terharu lah

So okay next weekend then...er when's the Spore F1 race again? Don't want it to clash ya


Liz! U got so much energy ya! Wow! 5 gigs + F1 Spore...now Lifehouse! Exciting year for you


OK the hostel I stayed is Fragrance Hostel at Dunlop Street, near Bugis MRT. It's also near to Queen Street bus station where the buses from JB (Larkin) stops. Convenient! Within walking distance. I stayed at 6 person female dorm. Rate was SGD22 per person per nite.

I booked it thru http://reservations.bookhostels.com/msltravel.com/

It's been a good year, in terms of entertainment. Academically ummm... Let's not go there lol.


Thanks for the info! :D




I IMDB-ed August Rush, aww its Charlie from Charlie and the Choc Factory! :happy: and a show with Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a definite must-watch for me haha :p


I like Penelope! I enjoyed it a lot. I thought McAvoy's accent was a bit weird though, its like you can hear a faint scottish accent in his american one. but that doesnt change the fact that he looks SO HOT in the movie! and Christina Ricci, i actually thought she looked more gorgeous with her snout. her snout was reaaally growing on me, and when she lost it and they showed her face, its like.... meh, she looks so normal now :( and did you notice Russel Brand's role? :LOL: so odd, seeing him act like a normal bloke.

Reese Witherspoon's role was pretty redundant though, imo. She's such a huge star, and in fact according to E!, she is the most paid actress in 2007.

But all that aside, very enjoyable movie :happy: i laughed out loud at a few parts. How did you find Penelope?


And has anyone watched The Other Boelyn Girl yet? I cant believe all that happened in history :eek:

Yes yes, Freddie Highmore! He was also in Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. Damn lucky! Hopefully you'll get to watch it soon, and everyone on here too :happy: Then we can meet up and discuss about it lol


I watched Penelope three times now. Haha. Twice at home and once in the cinema :X it was a feel good movie, with a happy ending, that's for sure. No major complains. Heh.


Bleeehhh. The Other Boelyn Girl. ScarJo can't act if her life depended on it :stunned: Surprisingly Eric Bana fell flat too trying to be King Henry. I guess I'm just more used to having Jonathan Rhys Myers as Henry (in The Tudors). Jim Sturgress (the lead in Around the Universe) didn't exactly convince me too. Natalie Portman was the only one that could actually act, but after awhile - you kinda get tired of all the backstabbing etc. Save yourself misery and go watch Gossip Girl instead. Haha..






what are the chances of 'em coming to KL as well? Liz, am so gonna follow u to Singapore for this. i'm willing to ponteng work for Lifehouse! my sister just bought me Who We Are for my birthday and i've been listening to it non-stop! Somebody bring 'em to KL!!


Why dont you know? JUST GOOO! lol we can all go together haha. thats if i dont have college on that day. :( I hope they come to Malaysia! its only a few miles awayyyy...


I don't know to what extend if they'll really be playing in SG or not. It could be a private gig for all I knoww... Keep your fingers crossed and hope that it's an open gig! I hope more information regarding this will be posted quickly. I need to make plans! Have you seen their new video for Broken, btw? Kiefer Sutherland played a part in directing the video :] You can view it here via youtube or if you want to keep a permanent copy, right click, save as. (P/S: Hand porn alert, radio knobs!! XD )


Deb, I don't know because my pockets are getting empty and I'm not even working. Well, perhaps the main point is because.. I've always wanted to see Lifehouse live.. if I do... I have nothing to look forward to in life anymore! Haha. I'm not sure how well I can take it if I get to meet the guys in real life... I might collapse and break down. Plus, heading down to Singapore 3 times in 3 months plainly for concerts... my parents might consider sending me to army camp (again). Lol.

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Hallo ppl!


So vote on venue / date of meetup?


Mine: Subang Parade / Bukit Bintang (anywhere) on Saturday the 20th.


Random public transport info: for those train reliant, that's Subang Jaya station (komuter) / Bkt Bintang (monorel). Both of course accessible via KL Sentral.




Eh, i have this idea / craving for new music to listen, anyone wanna exchange CDs at the meetup? Faz, I bring Butterfingers- kembali u nak? I wanna hear In Rainbows if anyone has CDs...



Deb, the' bring your friend' idea is good. Or u can tell your parents you've actually met some of us before and we were harmless women, heheh.


havent bought any new ones, just a bunch of local indie acts.




Liz, there's so much to say to u bout the Spore trip :LOL: We all just meetup la easier...

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Lol really? Which station? It's the one near Sunway right? Or is that USJ Summit? Haha, I don't head over to Subang much :$ If it's convenient for you guys there, and it's accessabe via train, then I'm okay with it :]


I remember last time you guys had a Muser meetup at the Bukit Bintang McDonald's right?



They wouldn't like the idea of it, that's for sure.. Hmm, well you could get your circle of friends to head over to Subang Parade on the same day too - then in that case, technically you'll be out with your friends, but the only thing is that you're meeting us up for dinner? ;]


There was also one Muser meetup at 1Utama, but it was only between myself, patricia (coffeejunkie) and von (vspirit). Neither of em come on the board anymore :(:(


Hmm, I could try but I doubt any of them would wanna drive so far. But I could try though! Its my friend's birthday this Sat btw, so maybe i wont join you guys for dinner (if he chooses to celebrate it), but I can maybe just stop by and say hi for awhile? :D thats IF we're even going to Subang Parade at all la haha.


Yes yes, Freddie Highmore! He was also in Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. Damn lucky! Hopefully you'll get to watch it soon, and everyone on here too :happy: Then we can meet up and discuss about it lol


I watched Penelope three times now. Haha. Twice at home and once in the cinema :X it was a feel good movie, with a happy ending, that's for sure. No major complains. Heh.


Bleeehhh. The Other Boelyn Girl. ScarJo can't act if her life depended on it :stunned: Surprisingly Eric Bana fell flat too trying to be King Henry. I guess I'm just more used to having Jonathan Rhys Myers as Henry (in The Tudors). Jim Sturgress (the lead in Around the Universe) didn't exactly convince me too. Natalie Portman was the only one that could actually act, but after awhile - you kinda get tired of all the backstabbing etc. Save yourself misery and go watch Gossip Girl instead. Haha..


Haha yeah I read on IMDB that after Depp acted with Highmore in Finding Neverland, he recommended him to Tim Burton! so nice :happy:


Haha I love how whimsical and quirky Penelope is la, the movie I mean, not the character. There was some major hand porn for James McAvoy too, when he was playing the piano! but i noticed that his fingernails are like.. short and dirty. eee. me no likey :noey:


Lol too late, I watched it already, haha. yeah Scarlett Johansson's accent.. omg, fail la. I thought Eric Bana was really charming :happy: Natalie Portman was good la, did she win any awards for this? :eek: Haha I DO watch Gossip Girl! nyom nyom Chase Crawford + that Chuck Bass dude.


I don't know to what extend if they'll really be playing in SG or not. It could be a private gig for all I knoww... Keep your fingers crossed and hope that it's an open gig! I hope more information regarding this will be posted quickly. I need to make plans! Have you seen their new video for Broken, btw? Kiefer Sutherland played a part in directing the video :] You can view it here via youtube or if you want to keep a permanent copy, right click, save as. (P/S: Hand porn alert, radio knobs!! XD )


Deb, I don't know because my pockets are getting empty and I'm not even working. Well, perhaps the main point is because.. I've always wanted to see Lifehouse live.. if I do... I have nothing to look forward to in life anymore! Haha. I'm not sure how well I can take it if I get to meet the guys in real life... I might collapse and break down. Plus, heading down to Singapore 3 times in 3 months plainly for concerts... my parents might consider sending me to army camp (again). Lol.


Wow, nice video. This sounds different from the version i have though, is this just for the single or did i download a weird demo version or something? I finally listened to the lyrics while watching the video and i realised.. omg its about God! :eek::happy: They're so holy. I like them so much more now. i didnt really understand the video though, like, did he dream that he was a ghost? why didnt he drive backwards if he knew he was gonna die?


Aww, haha you could always watch them live more than once! like once their new album comes out, you have something new to look forward to, eh? Omg you went to army camp? :stunned:


Hallo ppl!


So vote on venue / date of meetup?


Mine: Subang Parade / Bukit Bintang (anywhere) on Saturday the 20th.


Random public transport info: for those train reliant, that's Subang Jaya station (komuter) / Bkt Bintang (monorel). Both of course accessible via KL Sentral.


Eh, i have this idea / craving for new music to listen, anyone wanna exchange CDs at the meetup? Faz, I bring Butterfingers- kembali u nak? I wanna hear In Rainbows if anyone has CDs...


Deb, the' bring your friend' idea is good. Or u can tell your parents you've actually met some of us before and we were harmless women, heheh.


havent bought any new ones, just a bunch of local indie acts.


Aww I dont have that many CDs... and I still listen to my CDs :$ Dont think i can bear to part with them haha.


I dunno whether I can make it this sat or not, it all depends on whether my friend is celebrating his birthday or not. i swear he is the most fickle and impromptu/last minute person ever. :LOL: I'll let you guys know later in the week?

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This week has been such a long and exhausting week. Sigh!


I guess we'll make it on the 21st then? So Shannaz can make it too :] Where do you guys wanna berbuka puasa? Bukit Bintang?




Wow, nice video. This sounds different from the version i have though, is this just for the single or did i download a weird demo version or something? I finally listened to the lyrics while watching the video and i realised.. omg its about God! :eek::happy: They're so holy. I like them so much more now. i didnt really understand the video though, like, did he dream that he was a ghost? why didnt he drive backwards if he knew he was gonna die?


Aww, haha you could always watch them live more than once! like once their new album comes out, you have something new to look forward to, eh? Omg you went to army camp? :stunned:

The version in the video is the radio edit version of Broken. I'm not sure if I like it better.. hmm. But it's still a really moving song, that's for sure. Heh. I think Jason wrote Broken for his friend who recently had liver/kidney failure or something.. It's quite sad.:( I'm not sure what the video's supposed to signify either but I think they made it that way so that it's open for a lot of different interpretations. For me, I guess at the beginning of the video where Jason and the band is walking against the current .. it shows that, well, sometimes eventhough people are moving on.. you just refuse to do so and you keep wanting to go back? Of course once you keep going back, you'll eventually find the source of realization or something and you suddenly understand why you have to get over it and move on with your life. Towards the end.. I don't really get it either but I suppose he tries to go back to wake his current self into realizing that there's no more time to be wasted... Haha. But yeah, like I said, it's open to a different interpretations :happy:


Lol by army camp, I meant my stint in an NS camp. Well, you're thrown in the jungle literally, and it's for the Ministry of Defense, so I'd rather much put it as army camp. :LOL: Sorry for the confusion..!


Aww I dont have that many CDs... and I still listen to my CDs :$ Dont think i can bear to part with them haha.


I dunno whether I can make it this sat or not, it all depends on whether my friend is celebrating his birthday or not. i swear he is the most fickle and impromptu/last minute person ever. :LOL: I'll let you guys know later in the week?

Perhaps we could make.. mix cds then. Haha.


Hope you would be able to join us! :]


P/S: This Sunday is also the Man U vs Chelsea match, right?

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I could try calling you and let you listen if I do get to Singapore on Sept 28th! This Lifehouse thing is kinda messing up my plans a bit =0 I remember recording the sound of the engines though when I went to the testing session in Sepang last year. Haha. If I listen to it randomly, I can sometimes smile to myself..it's kinda creepy lol. I hope today's Monza race will be an interesting one! :]



I don't know to what extend if they'll really be playing in SG or not. It could be a private gig for all I knoww... Keep your fingers crossed and hope that it's an open gig! I hope more information regarding this will be posted quickly. I need to make plans! Have you seen their new video for Broken, btw? Kiefer Sutherland played a part in directing the video :] You can view it here via youtube or if you want to keep a permanent copy, right click, save as. (P/S: Hand porn alert, radio knobs!! XD )


seriously? u would do that? :eek: omgosh u're such a kind person! now that kinda reminds me of the time when Von called me from Muse's gig in Singapore! i seriously flipped out when i heard PIB on the phone. i think i'll be going mental if u call me and hearing those F1 engines roar! :happy:


yeah.. perhaps it's not an open gig. it's already mid sept and they haven't announce anything about the show.:( i can't open the youtube link coz am at the school library. my com is dead. :( need to find a new laptop asap or i'll die from being internet deprived! lol

i LOVE LOVE Broken! it's my fav song in WHo We Are.


Hallo ppl!


So vote on venue / date of meetup?


Mine: Subang Parade / Bukit Bintang (anywhere) on Saturday the 20th.



Eh, i have this idea / craving for new music to listen, anyone wanna exchange CDs at the meetup? Faz, I bring Butterfingers- kembali u nak? I wanna hear In Rainbows if anyone has CDs...



Liz, there's so much to say to u bout the Spore trip :LOL: We all just meetup la easier...


i prefer Sbg Parade on Saturday but Shannaz can't make it on Sat so i suggest Sbg Parade, Sunday, 6 ish? if that's okay that is. MU vs Chelsea will only start around 9 kan?


i have a copy of In Rainbows in a cd. i'll bring it during our meet-up and yes, please! i'd love to pinjam Kembali.


I dunno whether I can make it this sat or not, it all depends on whether my friend is celebrating his birthday or not. i swear he is the most fickle and impromptu/last minute person ever. :LOL: I'll let you guys know later in the week?


Deb, please do come! i wanna see that poster as well!

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seriously? u would do that? :eek: omgosh u're such a kind person! now that kinda reminds me of the time when Von called me from Muse's gig in Singapore! i seriously flipped out when i heard PIB on the phone. i think i'll be going mental if u call me and hearing those F1 engines roar! :happy:



i prefer Sbg Parade on Saturday but Shannaz can't make it on Sat so i suggest Sbg Parade, Sunday, 6 ish? if that's okay that is. MU vs Chelsea will only start around 9 kan?


i have a copy of In Rainbows in a cd. i'll bring it during our meet-up and yes, please! i'd love to pinjam Kembali.



Deb, please do come! i wanna see that poster as well!


Wow, if can hear Ash live as well on the phone, bestnya!



Ok with Subang Parade as well. Dont mind really, majority rules. Meetup around 6pm Sunday?



Sorry, my bad, correction: Man United v Chelsea is on Sunday, 10pm. So no prob kot, after buka puasa I can still run off and watch.



Thank u, wld love to pinjam ur In Rainbows. I bring Kembali n whatever u tgk if u want to borrow k.


Deb yeah pls do come. Would love to 'make friends' with u n ur poster as well, heheh.

Edited by miele
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Wah hope you guys get to meet up and have fun! Wish i could be there lol.


Anyway I've just bought Matt's exact jacket from V fest!!



{end of Self Advertising}


Fact: the above does not count as self-advertising unless one posts pics of oneself posing / wearing the said jacket in a suitably Matt-like fashion.


The ball's in your court now young man :LOL:



Aawh that's why u sld 'drop by' KL more often. :D




That reminds me, do we have anything confirmed, ppl? I'm having a hard time fending off other people who try to crowd my social calendar this weekend :LOL:

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Joelyn, did I mention I saw this guy in college once wearing a MUSE shirt?! I think I may have scared/surprised him though when I went up to him eagerly to compliment his shirt. :LOL: We shall discuss this matter further someday when we meet up! ;] When are you heading back to college to visit? Heh. Nut, what would you do if a random person comes up to you to compliment that Muse-related jacket? Lol.


Alright, so Sunday, Subang Parade it is.:D I'll be coming from Mid Valley I think, and since I can take the ktm straight to Subang Jaya, it shouldn't be too difficult :] I'm not sure how I'll be getting back to make it in time for the football match just yet..hmm, but I'll work something out :) Any idea what's for dinner? Lol.


Hmmm. I don't have an interesting CD collection though.. at least, not as interesting as this blogger's (whom I'll be meeting up with for the Ash concert ;) ) I do have Sigur Ros' Takk and Heima DVD though ;]

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