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it seems that most u guys here prefer the English men than the Americans?or just the accent?


i prefer Mansfield Park than Pride and Prejudice but Mr Darcy has been my Mr Right since i was in high school. However, Dom is my current Mr Right la ..:LOL: Colin Firth is the perfect Mr Darcy. i love him.he's sooo English esp in Bridget Jones. Mathew Mcfayden makes Mr Darcy looks so young.. but his voice woooh... so smexy heh heh. oops my turn to be girlish pulak! i can't help to feel that Jane Eyre is a bit too ...meh... esp the part where Jane heard Edward calling out her name and the fact that only after he is poor and disabled that they can be together ..:rolleyes: but i like the way Charlotte wrote about Bertha.. that was really interesting. Wuthering Heights on the other hand, is a masterpiece. terseksa jiwa raga everytime i read that book.

I like my fair share of American guys too lol but I suppose my heart lies with the sexy English men. Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Christian Bale... But really, if any guy has beautiful, sexy hands, I tend to like them immediately. For some reason, I have this ... hand fetish. :LOL:


Aww, I thought that moment between Jane and Edward was ... romantic :p I felt so happy when she went back to him. I felt so depressed after reading Wuthering Heights! Perhaps I enjoyed Jane Eyre a lot more because I felt it was easier to read back then.


and the twilight saga is not kiddies lit! they're young adult books

Yes, I agree whole-heartedly! Lol it was under the YA section of Borders.. Unfortunately while I was looking through the books, this ... 15 year old girl came beside me to browse through the books as well. Not too sure how that made me feel -_-


sorry about the girly talk! lol i guess now that with the summer blockbusters coming up, lotsa eye candies are gonna be shown as well :LOL:. Yeah i have to agree with kak faz there. iron man is way better than Narnia. which means i've watched Narnia already! haha.


very kiddy la. its overall an okay movie but its not like PHWOAR THAT MOVIE IS AWESOME like Iron Man was for me sorry!and wtf why did Prince Caspian kiss that fugly Susan! i iz jelez. lol.


Also, i thought Narnia was the world? how come now in the second movie Narnia is like... a race. or a country :confused:


ok i have to admit that Caspian lad, Ben? is kinda cute (but looks too boyish).. reminds me of Orlando Bloom. i didn't know he is English btw. why la jeles deb? i was hoping that she would end up with Prince Caspian at the end of the movie la.. heh heh.

i really adore aslan and those cute mice..:happy: but iron man was like fuyooo kinda movie la.. narnia is kinda childish a bit. funnier and better than the first one tho..


Speaking of summer blockbusters, my mom's excited about Indiana Jones :LOL: I'm looking forward to... The Dark Knight! Christian Bale...! Sexiest version of Bruce Wayne. Ever. What more with Heath Ledger's posthumous appearance, this is definitely going to be one daaark movie.


Haha, Narnia is definitely kiddy. After all, it is based upon children's books. I myself grew up with these books though so when I watched the movie, it reminded me a lot of the time when I read those books. Having said that, the romance between Prince Caspian and Susan was definitely not in the books! But I guess they just wanna spice things up a little so they added that part in. Take comfort though Debbie, that the kiss looked like a lousy kiss XD But that hug he gave her was really ... nice though! Sigh. They also made Caspian look like a complete fool beside Peter. I would hope for Caspian to be more Aragorn-like :happy: Hmm..maybe in the next movie!


Aslan explained at the end that the Telmarines (Caspian's race) were pirates or something from our world, but they landed on this island and found a cave that brought them to Narnia.. Therefore they invaded Narnia and took it as their land... Which is why he offered to bring any Telmarine who wanted to head back to that island at the end of the movie. Or something like that. I haven't read those books in awhile!


Ah, and you gotta love Liam Neeson's voice as Aslan ;)


they still never explained why Aslan MIA for 100+ years though. I'd be mad at him if i were them.

He went missing because... no one really trully believed in him anymore after Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy vanished. When CS Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, many believed he was actually trying to preach through those books. Only Lucy saw him at first because she believed in him but not the other three kids until much later in the movie.

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I like my fair share of American guys too lol but I suppose my heart lies with the sexy English men. Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Christian Bale... But really, if any guy has beautiful, sexy hands, I tend to like them immediately. For some reason, I have this ... hand fetish. :LOL:



Yes, I agree whole-heartedly! Lol it was under the YA section of Borders.. Unfortunately while I was looking through the books, this ... 15 year old girl came beside me to browse through the books as well. Not too sure how that made me feel -_-


i felt exactly the same as you do :$ :$ but sometimes all the good books are at the YA section, so you kinda like, had to...you know...sacrifice. :LOL:


and for me, i kinda have a fetish for guys with a chiseled face, with a strong square jaw, like johnny depp! and jonathan rhys meyers, and he's Irish! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :D




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JB :stunned::happy:


I see. Cool. :happy: Johor is a nice place ;)


woah... u guys are so girlish la lately. gushing over all those hot heroes in novels and movies! :LOL: ironman is way better than Narnia.. heh..


:chuckle:.... there seems to be hardly any guys who came to this board. LOL. So I guess the girls are hijacking it now :LOL:


it seems that most u guys here prefer the English men than the Americans?or just the accent?


For me it's the English accent and also English men. I think they are cuter than Americans :p

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I like my fair share of American guys too lol but I suppose my heart lies with the sexy English men. Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Christian Bale... But really, if any guy has beautiful, sexy hands, I tend to like them immediately. For some reason, I have this ... hand fetish. :LOL:


Speaking of summer blockbusters, my mom's excited about Indiana Jones :LOL: I'm looking forward to... The Dark Knight! Christian Bale...! Sexiest version of Bruce Wayne. Ever. What more with Heath Ledger's posthumous appearance, this is definitely going to be one daaark movie.


Haha, Narnia is definitely kiddy. After all, it is based upon children's books. I myself grew up with these books though so when I watched the movie, it reminded me a lot of the time when I read those books. Having said that, the romance between Prince Caspian and Susan was definitely not in the books! But I guess they just wanna spice things up a little so they added that part in. Take comfort though Debbie, that the kiss looked like a lousy kiss XD But that hug he gave her was really ... nice though! Sigh. They also made Caspian look like a complete fool beside Peter. I would hope for Caspian to be more Aragorn-like :happy: Hmm..maybe in the next movie!


Aslan explained at the end that the Telmarines (Caspian's race) were pirates or something from our world, but they landed on this island and found a cave that brought them to Narnia.. Therefore they invaded Narnia and took it as their land... Which is why he offered to bring any Telmarine who wanted to head back to that island at the end of the movie. Or something like that. I haven't read those books in awhile!


Ah, and you gotta love Liam Neeson's voice as Aslan ;)



He went missing because... no one really trully believed in him anymore after Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy vanished. When CS Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, many believed he was actually trying to preach through those books. Only Lucy saw him at first because she believed in him but not the other three kids until much later in the movie.


Omg yeah Ewan Mcgregor, Christian Bale and the new BEN BARNESS!!! but there're hot american guys too like Brandon Boyd, Brandon Flowers, Chad Michael Murray, Chace Crawford, JAMES MARSDEN (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE), Patrick "Mcdreamy" Dempsey... blablabla. :happy:

lol i'm with you on the hands bit (except for the fetish part). I dont think guys know how much girls like nice clean smooth hands! i've met lotsa girls who went like "oh i saw this cute guy the other day and HE HAS NICE HANDS!" haha. hands are pretty important :LOL: i cant stand guys with long filthy nails, but i also cant stand guys with super short bitten or torn nails either. haha. i'm very particular :$


I cant wait for the Dark Knight! Christian Bale makes a hot hot hot Bruce Wayne and Heath Ledger did a terrific job playing The Joker. I cant wait for it, seriously!


yeah the kiss did look a bit awkward right? :LOL:i'd kiss him. :ninja: In the next movie he'll be KING Caspian! phwoar. he'll definitely be more Aragorn-like.


Ohhhh that explains it. no wonder la i was like wondering why he's bringing them to our world! I didnt really notice the whole.. 'subliminal' message until you mentioned it actually. i know that C. S. Lewis was all pro-religion and the golden compass author fella was against Lewis and his pro-religion-ness but i didnt think it would be translated into the movie as well.


and for me, i kinda have a fetish for guys with a chiseled face, with a strong square jaw, like johnny depp! and jonathan rhys meyers, and he's Irish! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :D


mmmmm JRM. I love him in that Hugo ad. daaaaaaaaamn hot :supertong


oh i finally watched the Ben Barnes @ Jay Leno vid, thanks Liz, and oh man he's so adorable! i love the way he says "enormous". its so... british. LOL. and his accent is just..... lovely to listen to. :happy: i iz happy. haha.

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Omg yeah Ewan Mcgregor, Christian Bale and the new BEN BARNESS!!! but there're hot american guys too like Brandon Boyd, Brandon Flowers, Chad Michael Murray, Chace Crawford, JAMES MARSDEN (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE), Patrick "Mcdreamy" Dempsey... blablabla.

Don't you love James Marsden in Ally McBeal?!? he's even more adorable when he starts singing! Double yumm to both of the Brandons you mentioned!



mmmmm JRM. I love him in that Hugo ad. daaaaaaaaamn hot

Yay, JRM love! Can you believe Christian Bale, JRM and Ewan McGregor all acted in a movie once? Even better - they fall for one another! Lol.



lol i'm with you on the hands bit (except for the fetish part). I dont think guys know how much girls like nice clean smooth hands! i've met lotsa girls who went like "oh i saw this cute guy the other day and HE HAS NICE HANDS!" haha. hands are pretty important. i cant stand guys with long filthy nails, but i also cant stand guys with super short bitten or torn nails either. haha. i'm very particular

Hahaha yeahh, a lot of people don't get it though when I tell them hand porn is addictive :( Lol annnd sorry for posting all these pictures here, but I'll put it in a spoiler code so that it won't annoy the other Muse Malaysian fans! Be warned - the following pictures may cause your ovaries to explode! :LOL:At least, mine did lol





Let's start off with


1. Our own Matthew Belamy - gotta love the mic grabbing




2. Ewan McGregor




3. Andrew McMahon




4. Christian Bale




5. Brandon Boyd




6. Ben Barnes




7. Nick Heidfeld




8. Jason Wade




9. James Marsden




10. Johnny Depp - OK, eventhough his fingers are not shown in this pic.. but look at those arms!




Not convinced that hand porn is addictive? Lol I could go on forever but.... Oh craaap. I should be packing for my trip to Penang because I'm leaving in a few hours! Instead I'm posting random pictures here.. What is this now, a hot guys' thread? Lol I suppose we've taken hijacking to a whole new level XD Sorry! But eye/hand candy is good once in awhile, no? ;)






Ohhhh that explains it. no wonder la i was like wondering why he's bringing them to our world! I didnt really notice the whole.. 'subliminal' message until you mentioned it actually. i know that C. S. Lewis was all pro-religion and the golden compass author fella was against Lewis and his pro-religion-ness but i didnt think it would be translated into the movie as well.

There are parts in the book/movie that were cringe-worthy. How Aslan's supposed to portray God etc.. I try not to look too deep into the religious issues surrounding the movie but yeah - I suppose it's a good way to instill a certain "faith" in your kids without them really noticing. Heh.


Did anyone stay behind til the end of credits btw? Lol, just wondering.





oh i finally watched the Ben Barnes @ Jay Leno vid, thanks Liz, and oh man he's so adorable! i love the way he says "enormous". its so... british. LOL. and his accent is just..... lovely to listen to. i iz happy. haha.

LOL exactly whaaat were you thinking when he said "enormous"? :chuckle I think he would be a great guy to hang out with. If only we could like, play pool with him or something, like Catt Sadler!



Off to pack now! Hopefully I'll get to go online once I'm in Penang. Speaking of Penang, any idea where I can find the best fried kuey teow/curry laksa mee?

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I like my fair share of American guys too lol but I suppose my heart lies with the sexy English men. Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Christian Bale... But really, if any guy has beautiful, sexy hands, I tend to like them immediately. For some reason, I have this ... hand fetish. :LOL:


Omg yeah Ewan Mcgregor, Christian Bale and the new BEN BARNESS!!! but there're hot american guys too like Brandon Boyd, Brandon Flowers, Chad Michael Murray, Chace Crawford, JAMES MARSDEN (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE), Patrick "Mcdreamy" Dempsey... blablabla. :happy:

lol i'm with you on the hands bit (except for the fetish part). I dont think guys know how much girls like nice clean smooth hands! i've met lotsa girls who went like "oh i saw this cute guy the other day and HE HAS NICE HANDS!" haha. hands are pretty important :LOL: i cant stand guys with long filthy nails, but i also cant stand guys with super short bitten or torn nails either. haha. i'm very particular :$


ZOMG :supertong

How come no one mentioned Jude Law?

and Johnny Depp? :p

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Don't you love James Marsden in Ally McBeal?!? he's even more adorable when he starts singing! Double yumm to both of the Brandons you mentioned!




Yay, JRM love! Can you believe Christian Bale, JRM and Ewan McGregor all acted in a movie once? Even better - they fall for one another! Lol.




Hahaha yeahh, a lot of people don't get it though when I tell them hand porn is addictive :( Lol annnd sorry for posting all these pictures here, but I'll put it in a spoiler code so that it won't annoy the other Muse Malaysian fans! Be warned - the following pictures may cause your ovaries to explode! :LOL:At least, mine did lol





Let's start off with


1. Our own Matthew Belamy - gotta love the mic grabbing




2. Ewan McGregor




3. Andrew McMahon




4. Christian Bale




5. Brandon Boyd




6. Ben Barnes




7. Nick Heidfeld




8. Jason Wade




9. James Marsden




10. Johnny Depp - OK, eventhough his fingers are not shown in this pic.. but look at those arms!




Not convinced that hand porn is addictive? Lol I could go on forever but.... Oh craaap. I should be packing for my trip to Penang because I'm leaving in a few hours! Instead I'm posting random pictures here.. What is this now, a hot guys' thread? Lol I suppose we've taken hijacking to a whole new level XD Sorry! But eye/hand candy is good once in awhile, no? ;)




Off to pack now! Hopefully I'll get to go online once I'm in Penang. Speaking of Penang, any idea where I can find the best fried kuey teow/curry laksa mee?


:LOL: Interesting hands :D


Uhmmm Gurney Drive? Thats where I always go for Kuay Teow and Laksa when Im at Penang.

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Don't you love James Marsden in Ally McBeal?!? he's even more adorable when he starts singing! Double yumm to both of the Brandons you mentioned!


i hate myself for this but for some reason i just cant remember him in Ally Mcbeal! i guess i was still pretty young when i watched it. i was seriously cracking my head when i read on wiki that he was on Ally Mcbeal! i remember Robert Downey Jr, but i dont remember James Marsden =( was he Ally's boyfriend or something?


Yay, JRM love! Can you believe Christian Bale, JRM and Ewan McGregor all acted in a movie once? Even better - they fall for one another! Lol.


LOL SERIOUSLY? what movie is that?!


Hahaha yeahh, a lot of people don't get it though when I tell them hand porn is addictive. Lol annnd sorry for posting all these pictures here, but I'll put it in a spoiler code so that it won't annoy the other Muse Malaysian fans! Be warned - the following pictures may cause your ovaries to explode! At least, mine did lol





Let's start off with


1. Our own Matthew Belamy - gotta love the mic grabbing




2. Ewan McGregor




3. Andrew McMahon




4. Christian Bale




5. Brandon Boyd




6. Ben Barnes




7. Nick Heidfeld




8. Jason Wade




9. James Marsden




10. Johnny Depp - OK, eventhough his fingers are not shown in this pic.. but look at those arms!




Not convinced that hand porn is addictive? Lol I could go on forever but.... Oh craaap. I should be packing for my trip to Penang because I'm leaving in a few hours! Instead I'm posting random pictures here.. What is this now, a hot guys' thread? Lol I suppose we've taken hijacking to a whole new level XD Sorry! But eye/hand candy is good once in awhile, no?



omg. *dies*

i never really noticed hands much in pictures, only in real life, if i actually have to hold someone's hand, they HAVE to be nice! or else is like damn potong stim you know? lol.



Wow that is actually a really nice picture of Matt! with the scenery and all.

Brandon Boyd... is gorgeous in that picture. even if you cant really see his face. his hands, oh my. *fans self*

Ewan Mcgregor has cute fingers! and James Marsden is soooooooo gorgeous. omg. srsly. I love his pic in the gap ad.




Ben Barnes is just beautiful. i cant believe he's actually 27 this year, he looks so much younger!



ok i'm turning off my fangirl mode now.


There are parts in the book/movie that were cringe-worthy. How Aslan's supposed to portray God etc.. I try not to look too deep into the religious issues surrounding the movie but yeah - I suppose it's a good way to instill a certain "faith" in your kids without them really noticing. Heh.


Did anyone stay behind til the end of credits btw? Lol, just wondering.


i wanted to, but i was watching the midnight movie and my friends had to go home, so once the credits started rolling we dashed =(


LOL exactly whaaat were you thinking when he said "enormous"? :chuckle I think he would be a great guy to hang out with. If only we could like, play pool with him or something, like Catt Sadler!


Off to pack now! Hopefully I'll get to go online once I'm in Penang. Speaking of Penang, any idea where I can find the best fried kuey teow/curry laksa mee?


LOL i wasnt thinking of anything perverse i swear! its just that nobody really uses that word that often and the way he says it is just so.... lovely. hahaha. i'm so weird.

yeah he sounds really funny, and you dont have to worry about any awkward silences because he talks alot! aaaaaaaaaand he's also incredibly beautiful. he should play Edward Cullen :eek: OMG DID I JUST SAY THAT?


I dunno about those 2, but for Asam Laksa i ALWAYS (i dont go anywhere else) go to the roadside one at Ayer Itam. syok.



How come no one mentioned Jude Law?

and Johnny Depp?


lol omg i forgot about Jude Law! :LOL: shame on me! i was madly fangirly over him after watching The Holiday and Alfie :p Johnny Depp got mentioned! haha.



I bet Nutcracker must be cringing and rolling his eyes at how fan-girly we are hahaha.

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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Omigod I've been so busy....


thank you guys for the birthday wishes! :D


You guys are awesome, so terharu lah.....:$



My sister had to 'suffer' through a 'pamper-self' marathon yesterday: Cake, HAARP, foot massage, movie, loadsa shopping etc. Wish all of u guys were here as well :)


Er, I've been out of the loop, so...what Matt (new born video)? how? wha???


I wish I could hug u guys / for all the bday-related photos. Luv it!

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I bet Nutcracker must be cringing and rolling his eyes at how fan-girly we are hahaha.


OHH Poor kacang. No wonder he doesn't come here that often..


Omigod I've been so busy....


thank you guys for the birthday wishes! :D


You guys are awesome, so terharu lah.....:$



My sister had to 'suffer' through a 'pamper-self' marathon yesterday: Cake, HAARP, foot massage, movie, loadsa shopping etc. Wish all of u guys were here as well :)


Er, I've been out of the loop, so...what Matt (new born video)? how? wha???


I wish I could hug u guys / for all the bday-related photos. Luv it!


Aww..oo what a nice way to celebrate hehe :happy:


Matt's Bday.



Um if you're in the Twilight mood,






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OHH Poor kacang. No wonder he doesn't come here that often..




Aww..oo what a nice way to celebrate hehe :happy:


Matt's Bday.



Um if you're in the Twilight mood,







LOL i dono what got into you "fan-girls". Deb is rite, im like dumbfounded that you guys can go on for so many pages hhahahahahaha.. Seriously, i prefer to stay out of this discussion! But if you guys talk about KT Tunstall.... :D:D

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Omigod I've been so busy....


thank you guys for the birthday wishes! :D


You guys are awesome, so terharu lah.....:$



My sister had to 'suffer' through a 'pamper-self' marathon yesterday: Cake, HAARP, foot massage, movie, loadsa shopping etc. Wish all of u guys were here as well :)


Er, I've been out of the loop, so...what Matt (new born video)? how? wha???


I wish I could hug u guys / for all the bday-related photos. Luv it!


oooh shopping! what did you get? and what movie did you watch? and how was the foot massage? haha sounds fun! :D


OHH Poor kacang. No wonder he doesn't come here that often..




Aww..oo what a nice way to celebrate hehe :happy:


Matt's Bday.



Um if you're in the Twilight mood,







omg. that last vid. HE'S GONNA WRITE THE LULLABY HIMSELF WTF? i thought they're gonna get Muse to do it.. or a proper band at least! is he really that good? lol and they look reaaaaaaaaaally cold there. wrapping themselves up with layers and layers of clothes. :LOL:


LOL i dono what got into you "fan-girls". Deb is rite, im like dumbfounded that you guys can go on for so many pages hhahahahahaha.. Seriously, i prefer to stay out of this discussion! But if you guys talk about KT Tunstall.... :D:D


haha i guess its like how guys can go on and on about action scenes and jessica alba. we can go on and on about eye candy and twilight :LOL:


Yeah KT Tunstall! new found love eh?

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LOL i dono what got into you "fan-girls". Deb is rite, im like dumbfounded that you guys can go on for so many pages hhahahahahaha.. Seriously, i prefer to stay out of this discussion! But if you guys talk about KT Tunstall.... :D:D




omg. that last vid. HE'S GONNA WRITE THE LULLABY HIMSELF WTF? i thought they're gonna get Muse to do it.. or a proper band at least! is he really that good? lol and they look reaaaaaaaaaally cold there. wrapping themselves up with layers and layers of clothes. :LOL:




haha i guess its like how guys can go on and on about action scenes and jessica alba. we can go on and on about eye candy and twilight :LOL:


Mmhmm! We'll just have to see :happy:



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lucky! lol i found a friend who read New Moon, but hasn't read Twilight yet, in my college. she's in my Physics class yay! ahah. Twilight is spreading :ohmy: i predict it'll be like the next HP or something!


oh yeh, lets beat the wizards.



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Off to pack now! Hopefully I'll get to go online once I'm in Penang. Speaking of Penang, any idea where I can find the best fried kuey teow/curry laksa mee?



I dunno about those 2, but for Asam Laksa i ALWAYS (i dont go anywhere else) go to the roadside one at Ayer Itam. syok.



I bet Nutcracker must be cringing and rolling his eyes at how fan-girly we are hahaha.


Food? Ayer Itam is good, or Burmah Road, or Pulau Tikus. Welcome to Penang! PM me if u need help, heheh,



The Matt bday thing sounds interesting, but ayo, got no time la. Any of u guys doing it?



oooh shopping! what did you get? and what movie did you watch? and how was the foot massage? haha sounds fun! :D


haha i guess its like how guys can go on and on about action scenes and jessica alba. we can go on and on about eye candy and twilight :LOL:


Yeah KT Tunstall! new found love eh?


There was a Thai fair here so I kinda rekindled the "I miss Bangkok" mode in clothes shopping and massages.


If u guys just want some brainless fun, do watch what happens in Vegas. It has to be said, Ashton is mucho hot. Never realised that he's 31, must be his juvenile attitude, heheh. But the film's hilarious in parts, you can even ignore the pesky romantic bits.


Nut, for hot rock chicks i prefer that girl group with the, er, "dont sleep tonight" song. Not that i'm into hot young girls, mind u:$ The BFF used to be so in love with Natalia Imbruglia, which I quite understand seeing that she got Daniel Johns(!).


P.S- girls, the JRM, Ewan and Cristian Bale is Velvet Goldmine, supposedly inspired by Bowie shenanigans. But dont watch it if u cant take explicit man-on-man action / garish rock star fashion, or you'll be scarred forever. heheh.



Personally I prefer sensitive, artsy men so in an ideal world I would be married to:






Ok this is rambling at its worst :LOL: Have a great day people!

Edited by miele
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The Matt bday thing sounds interesting, but ayo, got no time la. Any of u guys doing it?


There was a Thai fair here so I kinda rekindled the "I miss Bangkok" mode in clothes shopping and massages.


If u guys just want some brainless fun, do watch what happens in Vegas. It has to be said, Ashton is mucho hot. Never realised that he's 31, must be his juvenile attitude, heheh. But the film's hilarious in parts, you can even ignore the pesky romantic bits.


Nut, for hot rock chicks i prefer that girl group with the, er, "dont sleep tonight" song. Not that i'm into hot young girls, mind u:$ The BFF used to be so in love with Natalia Imbruglia, which I quite understand seeing that she got Daniel Johns(!).


P.S- girls, the JRM, Ewan and Cristian Bale is Velvet Goldmine, supposedly inspired by Bowie shenanigans. But dont watch it if u cant take explicit man-on-man action / garish rock star fashion, or you'll be scarred forever. heheh.



Personally I prefer sensitive, artsy men so in an ideal world I would be married to:






Ok this is rambling at its worst :LOL: Have a great day people!


I guess I'm not doing it..


Ahh the Thai stuff :LOL:


Yeah I wanna watch that movie..hes 31? Ooo..hmm Ashton :D:D


Don't sleep tonight - The Faders :happy:


tomorrow morning,





:D :D :D :D


oh and for american idol tomorrow,


:\mm/:DAVID COOK!!!!!!!! :\mm/:





OH YEAH DAVID COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!

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There was a Thai fair here so I kinda rekindled the "I miss Bangkok" mode in clothes shopping and massages.


If u guys just want some brainless fun, do watch what happens in Vegas. It has to be said, Ashton is mucho hot. Never realised that he's 31, must be his juvenile attitude, heheh. But the film's hilarious in parts, you can even ignore the pesky romantic bits.


Nut, for hot rock chicks i prefer that girl group with the, er, "dont sleep tonight" song. Not that i'm into hot young girls, mind u:$ The BFF used to be so in love with Natalia Imbruglia, which I quite understand seeing that she got Daniel Johns(!).


P.S- girls, the JRM, Ewan and Cristian Bale is Velvet Goldmine, supposedly inspired by Bowie shenanigans. But dont watch it if u cant take explicit man-on-man action / garish rock star fashion, or you'll be scarred forever. heheh.



Personally I prefer sensitive, artsy men so in an ideal world I would be married to:






Ok this is rambling at its worst :LOL: Have a great day people!


Nah i'm not doing anything for Matt. maybe just a wish, but that's it haha. lazy la :p Aww i wanna watch What Happens In Vegas! my friends and i were supposed to watch that last Saturday but instead we watched Narnia. i'm not complaining though, i'd choose Ben Barnes over Ashton any day :chuckle


oh you mean this chick?



There's something about red headed girls that i like. makes em very feisty. i feel like dying my hair red too :LOL::p


another hot red headed chick, Hayley Williams from Paramore!



btw i dont mean to pry but, does your BFF stand for Best Friend Forever or Boy Friend Forever? :$ its okay if you dont wanna talk about your personal life though :)


Oh Velvet Goldmine! the one where they all acted as David Bowie right? and Cate Blandchette got an award for it or something? or am i wrong?


OH YEAH DAVID COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!


LOL did you see his performance today?! SO GOOD. but then again, Archuletta was SURPRISINGLY REAAAAAAAALLY GOOD today as well! like Cowell said, it was a Knock Out :eek: but Archuletta singing Imagine again... :noey: bad move la.

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There's something about red headed girls that i like. makes em very feisty. i feel like dying my hair red too :LOL::p


another hot red headed chick, Hayley Williams from Paramore!




LOL did you see his performance today?! SO GOOD. but then again, Archuletta was SURPRISINGLY REAAAAAAAALLY GOOD today as well! like Cowell said, it was a Knock Out :eek: but Archuletta singing Imagine again... :noey: bad move la.


I love Hayleeeyy!! :D


YEAH HE WAS AWESOME!! But yeah, David kechik was also very good :stunned::p

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oh you mean this chick?



There's something about red headed girls that i like. makes em very feisty. i feel like dying my hair red too :LOL::p


another hot red headed chick, Hayley Williams from Paramore!



The girl from The Faders have this tough sexy chick image. She is hot! The girl from Paramore, starting to look prettier and prettier. After crushcrushcrush got popular, she then start to change her image bit by bit and look prettier from one single to another :happy:


Ps. and I once notice her wore yellow pants in a live show :rolleyes:

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