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I'm sorry, I missed the loss of dearest persons part. Really sorry. Condolences to miele, arias and Crazy Mary's student's family and Tom Kirk & family.


I'm so sorry for your loss crazy_mary.. and everyone else too. i've never had a death in my life before, so i cant really say i know how you feel. i'm not really good with words but... really, so sorry for your loss



Aaaw. *Group hugs*



Miele, it's the Absolution tour DVD at Glasto. Btw, HMV & Virgin are having sale right now (2 CDs for £10), which is cheaper than in M'sia, i.e. 1 CD = RM35. I also went to a car boot sale and got some 2nd hand CDs for £2.50 each or RM21 each.


Didn't see any famous ppl though..except when I was at HMV Oxford St, KT Tunstall was there & performed 3 songs live.


Naw..I didn't have time to go to visit Wembley stadium as well.


Pictures of holiday? No need lah, saya seorang yg *pemalu hehe...(*shy person)


Wahey! Maaaary......can burn for me oso? Pretty please? :D


Hehe, why la nak malu pulak, this is the time to relive the good times eh? Deja vu holiday or sumtin.


Wahey! That tee looks familiar! I was on a mad search for his skulls tee, and i came across something similar to that one...


Dude, that tee rocks ftw! Please tell me you wear it nearly every day :D

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I'm so sorry for your loss crazy_mary.. and everyone else too. i've never had a death in my life before, so i cant really say i know how you feel. i'm not really good with words but... really, so sorry for your loss :(

I'm sorry, I missed the loss of dearest persons part. Really sorry. Condolences to miele, arias and Crazy Mary's student's family and Tom Kirk & family.


awww.. thanks u guys. * joins miele for a group hug*




Hmm.. yeah, I'm really lazy to go out during fasting also. And Deb has to study. So, I'll hold onto them goodies first yah?


Didn't see any famous ppl though..except when I was at HMV Oxford St, KT Tunstall was there & performed 3 songs live.


Naw..I didn't have time to go to visit Wembley stadium as well.


Pictures of holiday? No need lah, saya seorang yg *pemalu hehe...(*shy person)


yeah.. jaga my dvd baik-baik tau! lol..we'll keep in touch ya?


that's kinda cool to see Kt Tunstall.. and u should've visited wembley man..


Wahey! That tee looks familiar! I was on a mad search for his skulls tee, and i came across something similar to that one...




that's one hell of a shirt.. :stunned: too many skulls that it loooks so scary to me.. well, ok. i get it that most people who are into rock love skull-themed attire or silverware or something..but sometimes too much is scary man..


i kinda like avril's pink skulls, tho


Wahey! Maaaary......can burn for me oso? Pretty please? :D


Hehe, why la nak malu pulak, this is the time to relive the good times eh? Deja vu holiday or sumtin.


Dude, that tee rocks ftw! Please tell me you wear it nearly every day :D


will do. 1 cd 20sen please.. heh heh heh..no la just joking. :p


weresodisco, we want pictures! heh..

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i love your skull shirt nutcracker.



Dude, that tee rocks ftw! Please tell me you wear it nearly every day :D


that's one hell of a shirt.. :stunned: too many skulls that it loooks so scary to me.. well, ok. i get it that most people who are into rock love skull-themed attire or silverware or something..but sometimes too much is scary man..


i kinda like avril's pink skulls, tho


Woah sorry to mislead you guys, but i dont have the tee!! I WISH!!!!!!:mad::mad:


I know what you mean, crazy_mary. I don really dig skulls and fire and brimstone and blood and stuff, but i just like the tees Matt or Dom wears. Daaaamn nice!:p

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i'll put dom's pictures instead miele..:p


agreed nutcracker. anything that matt and dom wear look ace on 'em. not sure it'll look good anyone else tho :p


seriously, matt has been wearing too many new skulls shirts lately eh? perhaps it's them being in america.. those metal heads and goth rockers nyer style.






somehow he made that skull looked really sweet :happy:


but seriously, the americans are damn lucky man... they have muse contest everywhere.. first the go kart, then the pool and then making sushi with muse?? gah... i wish i could at least play congkak with 'em. am sure i'll beat matt at it!! :D k, terawih time.

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thanks miele, arias and illuminatist for the condolences. the boy had a heart problem. no one actually knew he was sick, so the death was quite sudden really. and both u miele and arias had suffered greater lost than me it seems. so sorry for that.

*hugs from the other side of the South China Sea* :happy:






Is that from Pirates of the Caribbean? It says Disney and sumthing on the top :LOL:


Where does Matt get his shirts anyway... Is it really Japan?

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LOL yeah i think that tee is related to the Pirates movie! I think now he gets them free? It could be from the london shops although he did say that he loves shopping in Japan cuz they got his size?


Aren't they famous enough in America, to have these contests that should be held in Asia instead? heh heh.


From what i see, Asians are more enthu about them than Americans. I mean you read stories about fans staying round the tour buses in America and it's like only 10 of them? If i knew where their tour bus is, or van, i would definitely stay too, and im sure i speak for the hundreds of die-hard fans here.

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OMG LOL the shirt says Disney Couture! HAHA! i didn't know there was such thing as a Disney Couture. omg seriously. hahahha. the shirt IS a bit scary though :$ i dont really like skulls. they remind me of... THE DARK MARK! :eek::eek::eek:


i'll put dom's pictures instead miele..


agreed nutcracker. anything that matt and dom wear look ace on 'em. not sure it'll look good anyone else tho


seriously, matt has been wearing too many new skulls shirts lately eh? perhaps it's them being in america.. those metal heads and goth rockers nyer style.



somehow he made that skull looked really sweet


but seriously, the americans are damn lucky man... they have muse contest everywhere.. first the go kart, then the pool and then making sushi with muse?? gah... i wish i could at least play congkak with 'em. am sure i'll beat matt at it!! :D k, terawih time.


omg! make sushi with muse?! I WANT! then i could act really sucky (or not act, and just be really sucky), and Dom could help me make the sushi and TOUCH MY HANDS. :eek: ok. fangirly mode off. sorry. lol. i'm sure his hands are smooth since he isn't constantly pressing on the guitar/bass strings. hehheh :p


yeah that shirt looks good on Matt. one skull is enough, too many skulls is a bit :noey: in my opinion anyway. hehheh. dunno why Matt seems to be able to look fine in skulled shirts :erm:


LOL yeah i think that tee is related to the Pirates movie! I think now he gets them free? It could be from the london shops although he did say that he loves shopping in Japan cuz they got his size?


Aren't they famous enough in America, to have these contests that should be held in Asia instead? heh heh.


From what i see, Asians are more enthu about them than Americans. I mean you read stories about fans staying round the tour buses in America and it's like only 10 of them? If i knew where their tour bus is, or van, i would definitely stay too, and im sure i speak for the hundreds of die-hard fans here.


yeah that's very true. at the KL gig, we all know that Muse was gonna come out in their car, and not actually walk out, but we still waited there! many many many of us. and one of the RELA dudes were hitting on me.. asking whether he could take a photo with me or not :stunned: ok that was irrelevant. haha.

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omg! make sushi with muse?! I WANT! then i could act really sucky (or not act, and just be really sucky), and Dom could help me make the sushi and TOUCH MY HANDS. :eek: ok. fangirly mode off. sorry. lol. i'm sure his hands are smooth since he isn't constantly pressing on the guitar/bass strings. hehheh :p


yeah that shirt looks good on Matt. one skull is enough, too many skulls is a bit :noey: in my opinion anyway. hehheh. dunno why Matt seems to be able to look fine in skulled shirts :erm:



yeah that's very true. at the KL gig, we all know that Muse was gonna come out in their car, and not actually walk out, but we still waited there! many many many of us. and one of the RELA dudes were hitting on me.. asking whether he could take a photo with me or not :stunned: ok that was irrelevant. haha.


Deb, u totally made me lol @ work with the 'accidental touching hands during sushi-making' quote. Good one.



*Fangirl mode on: Will there ever be a situation where Matt will allow one to run fingers through his hair :LOL::



+1 on Matt looking good in almost anything he wears; shiny glitter clothes, lab coats etc he just looks damn cool. +1 on dom and chris too. Strange really, since they're not actually the most good-looking men I've seen. Ooh controversial statement :D


If i knew where their tour bus is, or van, i would definitely stay too, and im sure i speak for the hundreds of die-hard fans here.


On the KL gig, my biggest regret is not having hung out with all of u guys....would have been awesome! Lepak for muse how many hours also can. ;)


And deb, that RELA hitting on u thing is not random at all, you're gorgeous. That'll be 5 ringgit please. :p


but seriously, the americans are damn lucky man... they have muse contest everywhere.. first the go kart, then the pool and then making sushi with muse?? gah... i wish i could at least play congkak with 'em. am sure i'll beat matt at it!! k, terawih time.


Woah what a cool idea. Or even sepak takraw with the guys eh.



Random remark alert-


This is sad, but I keep checking if the Bangkok Rock festival thing would be confirmed. The funny thing is, on the Bangkok Recorder's 'post message' columns, there's loads of other 'desperadoes' like me! A lot of Malaysians, Americans, Swedes etc constantly urging confirmation of the show for booking of flights etc, heheh. It's just nice to know that i'm not the only weirdo. :D

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OMG! I WANT I WANT I WANT!!! wow imagining that actually made me faint for a while there!


Oh no dont faint, how bout puasa? :LOL:


Read about Matt actually allowing a fan to do that (it was a guy I think :LOL:) on the "What would you say to Matt.." thread. And Matt actually remembered him for it later on. So lucky. * makes pouty jealous face*


And on that topic, i would just stutter like a right idiot if I met Matt. So tabik to u guys who have done so and kept ur composure.....

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omg! make sushi with muse?! I WANT! then i could act really sucky (or not act, and just be really sucky), and Dom could help me make the sushi and TOUCH MY HANDS. :eek: ok. fangirly mode off. sorry. lol. i'm sure his hands are smooth since he isn't constantly pressing on the guitar/bass strings. hehheh :p


yeah that's very true. at the KL gig, we all know that Muse was gonna come out in their car, and not actually walk out, but we still waited there! many many many of us. and one of the RELA dudes were hitting on me.. asking whether he could take a photo with me or not :stunned: ok that was irrelevant. haha.


lol at the fangirly mode. well sadly i have to mention it was not 'em who were making the sushi. it was a professional sushi chef.. so no chance of hands touching there... except the chef's hands :p however, if i can recall correctly, he does have a soft, smooth, baby skin right palm... heh heh heh... ok, sorry. exagerating a bit. :happy:


wow minah, with sweaty face ( and no body ordour i hope ) u still got hit on eh? ok u deserve to brag about it coz that's what i call natural beauty...


+1 on Matt looking good in almost anything he wears; shiny glitter clothes, lab coats etc he just looks damn cool. +1 on dom and chris too. Strange really, since they're not actually the most good-looking men I've seen. Ooh controversial statement :D


On the KL gig, my biggest regret is not having hung out with all of u guys....would have been awesome! Lepak for muse how many hours also can. ;)


This is sad, but I keep checking if the Bangkok Rock festival thing would be confirmed. The funny thing is, on the Bangkok Recorder's 'post message' columns, there's loads of other 'desperadoes' like me! A lot of Malaysians, Americans, Swedes etc constantly urging confirmation of the show for booking of flights etc, heheh. It's just nice to know that i'm not the only weirdo. :D


* gasps* indeed. a controversial remark. how could u say such a thing? lol. yeah la.. the first time i saw their pictures, didnt think they're good looking. but the music brings out more than just my admiration for their talent, they suddenly look damn good too. and honestly, they're more good looking in person.. hard to believe eh?? with all the photo editing technology and the cosmetics..:stunned:


aww.. yeah la.. if only we knew each other back then like we do now. am sure we'd be seeing each other and having great laughs together before and after the concert. perhaps we would've stalk 'em together too eh?


fuuhhh...i thot u're gonna say it's sad coz u finally got news that muse is not coming to bangkok. almost cried there... u're not a weirdo miele, i keep checking LP's website for the past few days. still cant believe they skip m'sia. eh, how did u check la?



OK, this just made me mental and went :eek::eek: should've paid more attention to dom at the concert and i could've seen the same expressions..


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* gasps* indeed. a controversial remark. how could u say such a thing? lol. yeah la.. the first time i saw their pictures, didnt think they're good looking. but the music brings out more than just my admiration for their talent, they suddenly look damn good too. and honestly, they're more good looking in person.. hard to believe eh?? with all the photo editing technology and the cosmetics..:stunned:



Haha. I remember the first I heard Muse (it was TIRO), I decided there and then that they were damn smexy (without knowing what they look like) :D Then first looking at their photos, thinking; "they look a lot like the rock geeks I fancied @ college' , except, you know, they're white. :p More good looking in person, eh? Takpe, there's always next time.....(to stalk 'em, heheh).


aww.. yeah la.. if only we knew each other back then like we do now. am sure we'd be seeing each other and having great laughs together before and after the concert. perhaps we would've stalk 'em together too eh?


fuuhhh...i thot u're gonna say it's sad coz u finally got news that muse is not coming to bangkok. almost cried there... u're not a weirdo miele, i keep checking LP's website for the past few days. still cant believe they skip m'sia. eh, how did u check la?


OK, this just made me mental and went :eek::eek: should've paid more attention to dom at the concert and i could've seen the same expressions..



Aaw you're so nice for saying i'm not a weirdo, thanks :LOL:. Here area the links that I obsessively check: http://www.bangkok.com/whats-on-concerts/index.html




Still think I'm not a weirdo? :p Actually on this website pun the news is already up-to-date right? Saja gatal check on stuff. The thaiticketmaster site is damn useful for planning a trip, tho.



Okay it's a date. To make up for what I missed in KL, I hereby solemnly promise that in Bangkok (god willing) I will go full-on fangirl mode and stick by Mary. :D


Oh and thanks for the clip *loves*. That is why dom is the drum god.

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Deb, u totally made me lol @ work with the 'accidental touching hands during sushi-making' quote. Good one.



*Fangirl mode on: Will there ever be a situation where Matt will allow one to run fingers through his hair



On the KL gig, my biggest regret is not having hung out with all of u guys....would have been awesome! Lepak for muse how many hours also can.


And deb, that RELA hitting on u thing is not random at all, you're gorgeous. That'll be 5 ringgit please.



Random remark alert-


This is sad, but I keep checking if the Bangkok Rock festival thing would be confirmed. The funny thing is, on the Bangkok Recorder's 'post message' columns, there's loads of other 'desperadoes' like me! A lot of Malaysians, Americans, Swedes etc constantly urging confirmation of the show for booking of flights etc, heheh. It's just nice to know that i'm not the only weirdo.


haha i dunno where that "touch my hand" bit came from, must be all this fangirlyness i've been keeping inside for so long :p hahahahaha. just kidding. MAN imagine if you can stroke dom's lovely golden hair.. then we'd be able to tell whether he really is balding or not :LOL:


yeah my biggest regret was not talking to kak faz enough when i first met her. if not then i would have been in front at the stage too!! :( lol aww thanks.. here's 5 ringgit. haha. keep em coming :p but eh how would you know how i look like?


haha its good that you're constantly checking for it. then you'd be able to inform us if anything was happening or not! =)


Oh no dont faint, how bout puasa?


Read about Matt actually allowing a fan to do that (it was a guy I think) on the "What would you say to Matt.." thread. And Matt actually remembered him for it later on. So lucky. * makes pouty jealous face*


And on that topic, i would just stutter like a right idiot if I met Matt. So tabik to u guys who have done so and kept ur composure.....


haha lucky fan... it would be odd though. what if it was like this?


"Matt, can i touch your hair? please? :eek:"

"err.. okay sure :erm:"

*touches* "... wow... eeek! omg i've touched Matt's hair! all my dreams have come true!"


haha seriously very creepy. but see, if it was accidental, then it wouldn't be weird at all! :D


lol at the fangirly mode. well sadly i have to mention it was not 'em who were making the sushi. it was a professional sushi chef.. so no chance of hands touching there... except the chef's hands however, if i can recall correctly, he does have a soft, smooth, baby skin right palm... heh heh heh... ok, sorry. exagerating a bit.


wow minah, with sweaty face ( and no body ordour i hope ) u still got hit on eh? ok u deserve to brag about it coz that's what i call natural beauty...




* gasps* indeed. a controversial remark. how could u say such a thing? lol. yeah la.. the first time i saw their pictures, didnt think they're good looking. but the music brings out more than just my admiration for their talent, they suddenly look damn good too. and honestly, they're more good looking in person.. hard to believe eh?? with all the photo editing technology and the cosmetics..


aww.. yeah la.. if only we knew each other back then like we do now. am sure we'd be seeing each other and having great laughs together before and after the concert. perhaps we would've stalk 'em together too eh?


OK, this just made me mental and went should've paid more attention to dom at the concert and i could've seen the same expressions..



aww.. oh well. one can only dream of the absence of the sushi chef :p


haha i wasn't that sweaty.. i wiped my face with tissue and stuff already. and drank lotsa water. haha. 3 whole bottles! why do i remember that, i dont know :stunned: thanks btw haha. i'd like to think i dont have BO. :| i wore deodorant that day though. hehheh


yeah i didn't think the band was that good looking when i first saw em. like miele, the first song i heard from them was TIRO. and Matt's voice in that song was really really... OOMPH. you know? haha sangat sexy la. so when i saw the video for the first time (on Hitz.tv, btw. very odd), my first thought was "eeyer he's so old. but his voice was so sexy!"


then slowly i listened to more of their music until i could recognize Matt's voice, and then i watched more interviews blablabla and they seemed a lot more... charming. appealing. VERY appealing. i was just.. drawn to them la. then i started gaining perspective on how good looking they were when they were younger and the fangirl in me was born! :p though dont get me wrong, i love them for their music and i like them for their charm. and the fact that they're british is a huge plus ;)

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hi, i'm spanish and i'm searching a muse cassette (origin of symmetry and showbizz). But in spain the shop don't sell it. Do you know how i can buy it by the internet? Thank you very much.


My email its: fido_maroto@hotmail.com


Please help me, it's for a present

try ebay... i'm not sure we sell casettes here, to be honest. try googling it or something! or try posting it on Main Muse? :)







okay guys. i didn't want to triple post so i just edited this.


I got short listed for the Taylor's Scholarship! YAY! the interview is this Sunday and i'm.. a bit scared. hehheh...


so i just wanted to ask, anyone got any tips for my upcoming interview besides being on time, smiling, and making eye contact? :D

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Oh man excessive girly obsessions lately on here... lol. If i were to meet them, i wld wana persuade matt to gimme one of his manson. Dom can gimme his snare, at least. And chris, can gimme his effects set up! Oh my obsession...


My sergeant in camp hates Muse cuz of matt's voice, as he can't hear what's he singing (i always play Muse on the computer in the office, while he prefers techno). Then yesterday he heard Starlight.


Sergeant: This song is daaaaamn nice.

Me: It's by Muse, you know.

Sergeant: You sure or not...?

Me sniggers...

Me: You heard this song on the radio, right?

Sergeant: Yep.


Moral: My sergeant is a wanker.:D


I got short listed for the Taylor's Scholarship! YAY! the interview is this Sunday and i'm.. a bit scared. hehheh...


so i just wanted to ask, anyone got any tips for my upcoming interview besides being on time, smiling, and making eye contact? :D


Congratulations!! What is the Taylor's Scholarship?

It would help if you practised in front of a mirror :LOL:. Seriously. MUST sound confident.

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can't help it nutcracker, we're all female after all... so there will always be fangirlyness in us. even in those who don't admitt it! nice of u to put up with us. lol oh, if i were to meet 'em again, i would ask for dom's umm.. dunno.. love.. perhaps? lol. ok. will try to swith off the fangirly mode now.


Haha. I remember the first I heard Muse (it was TIRO), I decided there and then that they were damn smexy (without knowing what they look like) :D Then first looking at their photos, thinking; "they look a lot like the rock geeks I fancied @ college' , except, you know, they're white. :p More good looking in person, eh? Takpe, there's always next time.....(to stalk 'em, heheh).


Okay it's a date. To make up for what I missed in KL, I hereby solemnly promise that in Bangkok (god willing) I will go full-on fangirl mode and stick by Mary. :D


Oh and thanks for the clip *loves*. That is why dom is the drum god.


yup, TIRO is smokin sexy. the first time i saw how muse look like was plug in baby vid. seriously, i thot they were weird but cool weird la.., with matt's spiky hair and girls with jelly legs(???) lol. and dom didnt stand out at alll. i was impressed with matt's guitar playing moves and that's all. none whatsoever with their looks. i wish i was paying more attention to their looks then.. lol


set! think we better switch on our stalker / groupie / willing to do anything to meet muse mode as well! :D


okay guys. i didn't want to triple post so i just edited this.


I got short listed for the Taylor's Scholarship! YAY! the interview is this Sunday and i'm.. a bit scared. hehheh...


so i just wanted to ask, anyone got any tips for my upcoming interview besides being on time, smiling, and making eye contact? :D


congrats! man.. i remember my MOE scholarship interview back in those days:

..... after some ice breaking conversation....

interview 1 : so Fazrina, why do u want to be a teacher?

me : * in my head --> i dont want to be a teacher. my parents forced me to be here*

well, i think it's a way to contribute to our country. u noe, by educating the next generation, i'm in a way, contributing something good for our country.

interview 2 : and will u be alrite if we send u to teach somewhere in s'wak or sabah or in the rural areas?

me : ummm... i dont think that's a problem. i have always wanted to go to sabah and s'wak.*lies*

Interviewer 3: what do u normally do in ur spare time?

me : oh... umm reading *lies* (didn't appreciate books then as much as i do now), listening to good songs and sports.

interviewer 3: what kinda songs do u listen to?

me : mostly rock, grunge stuffs.. u noe like pearl jam, nirvana and metallica.

interviewer 3 : :eek: u mean the singer who hanged himself?

me: oh kurt cobain? no.. he shot himself.. yeah, nirvana.some people think that it was his wife who killed him. but i dunno..

interviewer 3: *:eek: while rubs her chest...* so u like this kinda music?

me : yes..

interviewer 2: why do u like to listen to that kinda music?

me : umm.. the songs are good i guess. very comforting at times. and the lyrics don't always talk about love..so, that's why.

interviewer 2 : hmmm ok..

....goes on about other stuffs i cant remember..


i swear to god i dunno why i still got the scholarship! it's kinda funny these people trusted a person like me to be teaching kids. maybe they thot i'll grow out of the grunge phase.. but apprently, i'll never will! :LOL:


oh sorry i digress. my point is .. which i noe maybe very vague from the above quote is BE YOURSELF.

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Oh man excessive girly obsessions lately on here... lol. If i were to meet them, i wld wana persuade matt to gimme one of his manson. Dom can gimme his snare, at least. And chris, can gimme his effects set up! Oh my obsession...


My sergeant in camp hates Muse cuz of matt's voice, as he can't hear what's he singing (i always play Muse on the computer in the office, while he prefers techno). Then yesterday he heard Starlight.


Sergeant: This song is daaaaamn nice.

Me: It's by Muse, you know.

Sergeant: You sure or not...?

Me sniggers...

Me: You heard this song on the radio, right?

Sergeant: Yep.


Moral: My sergeant is a wanker.:D




Congratulations!! What is the Taylor's Scholarship?

It would help if you practised in front of a mirror :LOL:. Seriously. MUST sound confident.


hahaha yeah i dont like people like your sergeant either. seriously Muse shouldn't have made a song like starlight la :( gives people the wrong impression of them! makes people think "oh Muse is a happy band that plays happy pop rock songs about stars and love!". seriously, would a band like that produce dark songs like Futurism and Microcuts? le sigh.


lol if i ever meet them, i'll just ask for a nice picture and a BIG BIG BIG hug :happy: aaaand an autograph. aaaand maybe.. i dunno, something they're willing to give a fan that they dont need. like a guitar pick or something. hehheh.


by the way, i spent like about 45 minutes talking to myself in the mirror just now okay. i even dressed up to get more 'feeling' when i was talking to myself.. hahaha. practiced eye contact too, just by staring at myself and talking to myself.

.. was a bit odd actually :$:p


congrats! man.. i remember my MOE scholarship interview back in those days:



i swear to god i dunno why i still got the scholarship! it's kinda funny these people trusted a person like me to be teaching kids. maybe they thot i'll grow out of the grunge phase.. but apprently, i'll never will! :LOL:


oh sorry i digress. my point is .. which i noe maybe very vague from the above quote is BE YOURSELF.


hahaha i love that you mentioned Nirvana loud and proud. if i ever get the chance to, i'm DEFINATELY gonna mention Muse. :D yeah the best is to be yourself, if they dont like it then too bad! better than liking someone fake anyway :)


AAAH ITS TOMORROW I'M NERVOUS. WHAT IF I WAKE UP LATE? :( better set 2 alarm clocks.. haha.

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Hiyah Malaysians!


Butting in on the conversations you had, TIRO was the 1st songs I heard of them without seeing them on any videos, I accidentally saw Starlight video one time and said to myself "eww that's muse? too old for me to like" but I was so into TIRO that I ignored my impression until I searched for some photos.


mynameisdebbie, good luck to the interview. Just be yourself and everything will go smoothly and enjoy. :)

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eww that's muse? too old for me to like"


"eeyer he's so old. but his voice was so sexy!"


:eek:. What? They. are. NOT. old! :mad::'( :$:D


Just joking guys. Guess i don't understand this 'gross he's old thing' because as a pre-teen i fancied the pants off George Harrison. :D


On the interview:

Word to everything faz said. My tip is to really do extensive research and go crazy impressing them with your passion for the subject you're applying for. It'll really make u stand out. And it helps with nervousness, since the stuff you read will help u not go 'blank'.


tip #2: after the qns have finished, say politely: may I add something? then proceed to sincerely explain (in ur own way) why u understand what a huge opportunity this is , etc and thank them. usually this impresses interviewers (but there's a fine line btwn sincere and kiss-a**, heheh so be careful).


Faz, lmao at ur interview story! So true of a govt interview. I said almost the same thing to the Chief Justice and 2 other judges, *imagines their horror*


Okay this is not helping Deb, heheh. Good luck Deb!


Sergeant: This song is daaaaamn nice.

Me: It's by Muse, you know.

Sergeant: You sure or not...?

Me sniggers...

Me: You heard this song on the radio, right?

Sergeant: Yep.


love the sniggering bit. *imagines and continues laughing*


but eh how would you know how i look like?


Er so the black and white photo at the left is not u?

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Hiyah Malaysians!


Butting in on the conversations you had, TIRO was the 1st songs I heard of them without seeing them on any videos, I accidentally saw Starlight video one time and said to myself "eww that's muse? too old for me to like" but I was so into TIRO that I ignored my impression until I searched for some photos.


mynameisdebbie, good luck to the interview. Just be yourself and everything will go smoothly and enjoy. :)


LOL too old for you to like. haha yeah man i felt the same way too. "they're not hot enough. his voice sounded so sexy! oh the deception! i imagined him to be younger!" i bet stuff like that was going through your head eh? it was going through mine anyway :)


:eek:. What? They. are. NOT. old! :mad::'( :$:D


Just joking guys. Guess i don't understand this 'gross he's old thing' because as a pre-teen i fancied the pants off George Harrison. :D


On the interview:

Word to everything faz said. My tip is to really do extensive research and go crazy impressing them with your passion for the subject you're applying for. It'll really make u stand out. And it helps with nervousness, since the stuff you read will help u not go 'blank'.


tip #2: after the qns have finished, say politely: may I add something? then proceed to sincerely explain (in ur own way) why u understand what a huge opportunity this is , etc and thank them. usually this impresses interviewers (but there's a fine line btwn sincere and kiss-a**, heheh so be careful).


Faz, lmao at ur interview story! So true of a govt interview. I said almost the same thing to the Chief Justice and 2 other judges, *imagines their horror*


Okay this is not helping Deb, heheh. Good luck Deb!




love the sniggering bit. *imagines and continues laughing*




Er so the black and white photo at the left is not u?


oh.. oops. yeah that black and white pic IS me but that's just half my face! i thought maybe you spotted me on the "most post your hair thread" or something. hehe. :$


okay well the interview is over, and it was OKAY la.. okay only. i wasnt impressive, i was a bit quiet and shy. the lady even asked me herself whether i was an introverted person or not. she was impressed with my MENSA results though :D


however, once i entered the room, my mind went absolutely blank. seriously. it was so... nerve wrecking. so i forgot all the stuff i wanted or needed to say. she even gave me a chance to 'redeem' myself by saying that if i have anything to highlight that might give me a higher chance of getting the scholarship, what would i say? i completely forgot to mention that i have working experience. which is actually very important.. so.. meh. :(

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LOL too old for you to like. haha yeah man i felt the same way too. "they're not hot enough. his voice sounded so sexy! oh the deception! i imagined him to be younger!" i bet stuff like that was going through your head eh? it was going through mine anyway :)


Lol well he looks kinda old on Starlight video but they're singing good songs and Matt's voice is irresistable. Good thing they come in complete package.




okay well the interview is over, and it was OKAY la.. okay only. i wasnt impressive, i was a bit quiet and shy. the lady even asked me herself whether i was an introverted person or not. she was impressed with my MENSA results though :D


however, once i entered the room, my mind went absolutely blank. seriously. it was so... nerve wrecking. so i forgot all the stuff i wanted or needed to say. she even gave me a chance to 'redeem' myself by saying that if i have anything to highlight that might give me a higher chance of getting the scholarship, what would i say? i completely forgot to mention that i have working experience. which is actually very important.. so.. meh. :(


Did you or did you not pass the scholarship? Either way I hope you're feeling good. Interview are really nerve wrecking, I hate interviews myself.

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Lol well he looks kinda old on Starlight video but they're singing good songs and Matt's voice is irresistable. Good thing they come in complete package.






Did you or did you not pass the scholarship? Either way I hope you're feeling good. Interview are really nerve wrecking, I hate interviews myself.

i dont know yet. they're not done interviewing the other applicants. i think i'll know the results by the end of next month...

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