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*High 5's Shahnaz* :LOL: 1st day of 'cuti' as well. I just secretly ate at the office, hehe.


Woah *gets dizzy and damn excited imagining everything* I wanna go now!


Another fascinating thing is the similarity of some words in Tagalog to Malay. Like 'salamat' and 'ako' (correct me if i'm wrong). Me language buff yeah.


Aaaw thanks *feels proud*. Even if you ass-kiss, it's perfectly okay :LOL: Love of my country aside, I can honestly and objectively say that it's the best place you can go for the sheer variety of cultures. just awesome mish-mash of interesting things. But then this opinion is courtesy of Discovery channel: Travel and Living :p


If there's a concert here again, you are so invited dude. no problem at all :D


thanks for the puasa wishes (hehe). Selamat posa everyone!



Yes we do have some similarities in words, if my memory serves me right we have some ancestors who are malays. 'ako' means 'me', 'salamat' is 'thank you'. I have a malaysian and indonesian language books but it's been sitting on the shelves for ages, guess I need to pick it up again soon.


I want to see the Petronas Tower.


Crazy-mary, nice sig :) if I can make another batch of Dom I'll let you see it first ;)

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yep....definitely gonna raya early! haha!

ay what earthquake?!


lol... but to ganti nanti will be a pain la..

hmmm nobody felt it? it was quite scary really.felt like i was dizzy and bout to faint. i was at school and we had to evacuate the building and assemble at an open space. pity the form 5 students who were sitting for their physics trial paper. they had to stop for about half an hour and then continue their exams..


I've always wanted to go to Bali or Singapore or Thailand.. but never got around to it. heh. i dont really travel much, see. hehe. plus its pretty expensive to go to Singapore since the exchange rate there is like twice the Malaysian Ringgit, plus my dad isnt really that free and my mum hates travelling. :( so boohoo.


Ok i'm merely following orders from my headmistress when i say this

"eh ladies! cannot makan during puasa ok! must puasa! unless its that time of the month or you are pregnant. i'm not sure about the former but i'm sure none of you are pregnant, so puasa ok! respect your culture and religion and all :p"


u're still young. am sure there'll be chances for u to travel, esp in furthering ur studies overseas..


:LOL: it's not they don't want to posa, they just can't. very delicate subject.. susah nak explain.


Yes we do have some similarities in words, if my memory serves me right we have some ancestors who are malays. 'ako' means 'me', 'salamat' is 'thank you'. I have a malaysian and indonesian language books but it's been sitting on the shelves for ages, guess I need to pick it up again soon.


I want to see the Petronas Tower.


Crazy-mary, nice sig :) if I can make another batch of Dom I'll let you see it first ;)


well, i haven't been to Petronas Tower yet... but muse have been there! haha.. wait, is KLCC and petronas tower the same? :unsure:




aww.. thanks mate!!! i'm already in love with the one u made me.. but will definitely love some more!!


on an awesome news. the wembely dvd is gonna be out in Nov!! sure it'll only reach our shores by next year :rolleyes: and that's a big if..

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lol... but to ganti nanti will be a pain la..

hmmm nobody felt it? it was quite scary really.felt like i was dizzy and bout to faint. i was at school and we had to evacuate the building and assemble at an open space. pity the form 5 students who were sitting for their physics trial paper. they had to stop for about half an hour and then continue their exams..




u're still young. am sure there'll be chances for u to travel, esp in furthering ur studies overseas..


:LOL: it's not they don't want to posa, they just can't. very delicate subject.. susah nak explain.




well, i haven't been to Petronas Tower yet... but muse have been there! haha.. wait, is KLCC and petronas tower the same? :unsure:




aww.. thanks mate!!! i'm already in love with the one u made me.. but will definitely love some more!!


on an awesome news. the wembely dvd is gonna be out in Nov!! sure it'll only reach our shores by next year :rolleyes: and that's a big if..


whoa :stunned: damn cheating right stopping halfway through your exams. can ask for answers from other people and all :p


how bad was the earthquake? :stunned: i didnt feel anything... i didnt know Malaysia could feel the earthquake either. where exactly is your school? :confused:


about the puasa thing, lol its ok you dont have to explain. my headmistress was just making a big fuss about "if you see your malay friends eating, better report to teacher" and stuff like that la.



i think KLCC and the Petronas Twin Towers are the same thing! lol. they didnt sell the Absolution Tour here.. i hope they'd sell the Wembley DVD though :(

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how bad was the earthquake? :stunned: i didnt feel anything... i didnt know Malaysia could feel the earthquake either. where exactly is your school? :confused:


about the puasa thing, lol its ok you dont have to explain. my headmistress was just making a big fuss about "if you see your malay friends eating, better report to teacher" and stuff like that la.



i think KLCC and the Petronas Twin Towers are the same thing! lol. they didnt sell the Absolution Tour here.. i hope they'd sell the Wembley DVD though :(


Earthquake? We've felt occasional tremors for years Deb, usually when some part of Indonesia has full on quake. Watch the news Deb, life is not only SPM (though it may feel that way ;):D. Joking only, no angy plis! :LOL:


Puasa? Since I have no shame, the explanation is, we are, (as they put it in Clueless) "riding the crimson wave", thus free pass for puasa!.


Wembley DVD: oh thanks for the info *note to self: must haunt tower records people soon*


On other news: How cool is it that there's a Led Zep reunion show!

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I didn't feel the tremors.. Nevr felt any in my life. My friend felt it early morning he was in camp and he heard the building he was in creak! Sounded funny when he described it but i'm sure for anyone you might've think it's the end of days or something.


Great that the Wembley DVD might be out in Nov!


Anyone heard Hands Held High by Linkin Park? Sounds a little like Invincible, with the organs and snare..


Miele, where is the Led Zep show? SOunds coool.

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Earthquake? We've felt occasional tremors for years Deb, usually when some part of Indonesia has full on quake. Watch the news Deb, life is not only SPM (though it may feel that way ;):D. Joking only, no angy plis! :LOL:


Puasa? Since I have no shame, the explanation is, we are, (as they put it in Clueless) "riding the crimson wave", thus free pass for puasa!.


Wembley DVD: oh thanks for the info *note to self: must haunt tower records people soon*


On other news: How cool is it that there's a Led Zep reunion show!

what? really? i've only felt it once... it was quite scary actually, but i didnt really bother until i heard about the earthquake the next day. here's how i felt it, normally my old computer chair is a bit.. unstable. like one leg is a bit longer or shorter than the other. when the tremor happened, i couldnt find the right er.. spot, for the chair to be stable. so it just kept on wobbling and wobbling i got so annoyed but i didnt bother since i was busy playing The Sims or something. lol.


hahaha riding the crimson wave. i actually lol-ed at that :LOL:


what Led Zep show? :S no Nutcracker, i dont really listen to Linkin Park anymore. lol. not unless that song is being played on the radio la. hehe.


did anyone see Britney's performance for the VMA's? very very poor.. :noey:

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how bad was the earthquake? :stunned: i didnt feel anything... i didnt know Malaysia could feel the earthquake either. where exactly is your school? :confused:


it's kinda common here to feel the tremors if there's an earthquake in indonesia. guess klang is quite near to kepulauan sumatera ( ?? ). forgive me, my geography is very poor. we felt it a number of times in the past but i must say that particular day's tremors seemed more like an earthquake to me.. coz of the chaos and scream from the students ( yes, mengada2 tol) :rolleyes: wished i had a wand and could magnify my voice like what dumbledore did.


i didnt noe britney has a new album?? was it shown on mtv recently? i wouldnt be surprised. she always suck live unless she mimes :rolleyes:

On other news: How cool is it that there's a Led Zep reunion show!


that is cool.. but nowadays everytime i hear that immigrant song, cant help to think about shrek 3. :LOL:



Anyone heard Hands Held High by Linkin Park? Sounds a little like Invincible, with the organs and snare..


eh? no, it doesnt sound like invincible at all to me...lol. mike raps a lot there. hmmm.. but the snare and the drums could remind u of invincible i guess.in my p.o.v the only song where i can hear muse vibe is in pieces. coz the guitar solo there may sound like something matt would play..


btw, i would go for Ho chin minh. and did u check out the thread about the shirt u were asking? apparently it could a be dior or from H&M .. lol. but 'tis too fugly to be a dior.

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I did see some pics of britney at the VMAs and i think it's scary. Poor soul...


If you were to go on a holiday, would you go to Bali, Ho Chi Minh, or Macau in Dec? Just surveying...


i'd go to Bali. definately. i'm all for the beach and bumming around drinking fruity drinks with little umbrellas in it :happy:


it's kinda common here to feel the tremors if there's an earthquake in indonesia. guess klang is quite near to kepulauan sumatera ( ?? ). forgive me, my geography is very poor. we felt it a number of times in the past but i must say that particular day's tremors seemed more like an earthquake to me.. coz of the chaos and scream from the students ( yes, mengada2 tol) :rolleyes: wished i had a wand and could magnify my voice like what dumbledore did.


i didnt noe britney has a new album?? was it shown on mtv recently? i wouldnt be surprised. she always suck live unless she mimes :rolleyes:



that is cool.. but nowadays everytime i hear that immigrant song, cant help to think about shrek 3. :LOL:





eh? no, it doesnt sound like invincible at all to me...lol. mike raps a lot there. hmmm.. but the snare and the drums could remind u of invincible i guess.in my p.o.v the only song where i can hear muse vibe is in pieces. coz the guitar solo there may sound like something matt would play..


btw, i would go for Ho chin minh. and did u check out the thread about the shirt u were asking? apparently it could a be dior or from H&M .. lol. but 'tis too fugly to be a dior.


she's actually really good live when she was the reigning pop star back then. she'd dance with full on energy and she'd sing too (though she memang sings like a duck)


in the VMAs, she was already lip synching, AND her dance was well, not really dancing but more like walking around sticking out her butt and boobs and tummy. she used to be full of energy and her dances were awesome but that performance was SO bad, i ended up looking at the dancers instead of her. seriously, disastrous come-back from Britney :noey:


Britney's album is coming out er... in November i think. its still in the making, so dont worry dont worry you're not outdated. i just watch too much E! for my own good. :$

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E channel is good to watch if there's nothing else on. that's what i think. :rolleyes: but yeah la.. wat happened to britney nowadays? she's like so messed up in her life after her divorce with that dancer ~what'shisname..


sorry to digress, but one of my students passed away today. all i can remember of him now is how i used to scold him once or twice this year. god.. i used to think that i could just take teaching and students as work. but when something like this happened, i just realised that i am responsible with a person's life and how much i care about my students. to watch him lifeless... god. the class will be so empty tomorrow.

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sorry to digress, but one of my students passed away today. all i can remember of him now is how i used to scold him once or twice this year. god.. i used to think that i could just take teaching and students as work. but when something like this happened, i just realised that i am responsible with a person's life and how much i care about my students. to watch him lifeless... god. the class will be so empty tomorrow.


My condolences to you and the student's family....what happened? I know what u mean about the empty and helpless feeling....my sister passed away last year at 25 years old. There's a feeling that you should do something / the guilty feeling of seeing such a young life be taken away...


About your feelings / concern for your students, from what little I know of you, you seem like a caring, dedicated person and teacher. One doesn't become that way unless one cares i.e. has a good heart, so all credit to you in these trying times. :(

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Wow... its like the feeling when me father died... I wasn't there so I felt guilty for some reason... but I did have a dream of him smiling days after that, I guess all thing good.


May that student's soul rest in peace and paradise :(




Isn't Briney wasting more money than saving from making more albums, "gigs", appearances. :erm:


It says on E that Britney's parents went to the b-day party of their grandsons with invitations given by *thatbackupdancerguy* I guess they don't a prove of her antics now. :noey:

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E channel is good to watch if there's nothing else on. that's what i think. :rolleyes: but yeah la.. wat happened to britney nowadays? she's like so messed up in her life after her divorce with that dancer ~what'shisname..


sorry to digress, but one of my students passed away today. all i can remember of him now is how i used to scold him once or twice this year. god.. i used to think that i could just take teaching and students as work. but when something like this happened, i just realised that i am responsible with a person's life and how much i care about my students. to watch him lifeless... god. the class will be so empty tomorrow.


My condolences on your student and to the family. What happened?

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well here u go!






Woot thanks! *enjoys the view*


I have a T-shirt with the same concept, but instead of skulls it's faces of guys I've supposedly dated. Fun, huh? :D


Oh and Nutcracker, the Led Zep show is in London somewhere la, xingat. ;) But I hear the tix are like 128 pounds, damn mahal. Well, it is Led Zep....

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Hello, when would you want your goodies from UK ? Preferably weekend. Both of u come together lah. They're hanging around in my room for a few days already but of course I haven't opened them hehe...Eh Crazy Mary, could you burn the DVD for me when you get yr hands on it? Hehe..damn cheapskate lah me - didn't buy for myself, but want to burn from you :D

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Hello, when would you want your goodies from UK ? Preferably weekend. Both of u come together lah. They're hanging around in my room for a few days already but of course I haven't opened them hehe...Eh Crazy Mary, could you burn the DVD for me when you get yr hands on it? Hehe..damn cheapskate lah me - didn't buy for myself, but want to burn from you :D


Hiya, welcome back.

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thanks miele, arias and illuminatist for the condolences. the boy had a heart problem. no one actually knew he was sick, so the death was quite sudden really. and both u miele and arias had suffered greater lost than me it seems. so sorry for that.


Hello, when would you want your goodies from UK ? Preferably weekend. Both of u come together lah. They're hanging around in my room for a few days already but of course I haven't opened them hehe...Eh Crazy Mary, could you burn the DVD for me when you get yr hands on it? Hehe..damn cheapskate lah me - didn't buy for myself, but want to burn from you :D


and hey weresodisco! great to know that u're back. hmm when to meet?? quite lazy to go out time posa. we'll need to set a date then. and yeah, no worries. i can burn the dvd for u.. :) so excited to get my hands on the dvd really.. how was ur holiday?


well here u go!



hmmm.. just wondering, does matt has a fixation with skulls?? but i have to admit that shirt does look good on him. and hey, he borrowed dom' s pants..:p


that guitar is super sexy..

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I'm so sorry for your loss crazy_mary.. and everyone else too. i've never had a death in my life before, so i cant really say i know how you feel. i'm not really good with words but... really, so sorry for your loss :(


well here u go!






HOH. LEE. SHEETSH. NEW GUITAR. :supertong that's HAWT.


Hello, when would you want your goodies from UK ? Preferably weekend. Both of u come together lah. They're hanging around in my room for a few days already but of course I haven't opened them hehe...Eh Crazy Mary, could you burn the DVD for me when you get yr hands on it? Hehe..damn cheapskate lah me - didn't buy for myself, but want to burn from you :D


hello welcome back! er.. i dunno whether i'm allowed to go out or not, since i have another round of exams to go through again :noey: :'(

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HOH. LEE. SHEETSH. NEW GUITAR. :supertong that's HAWT.



hello welcome back! er.. i dunno whether i'm allowed to go out or not, since i have another round of exams to go through again :noey: :'(


That matt black after all the sparkly redness makes me drooolllzzz...


thanks miele, arias and illuminatist for the condolences. the boy had a heart problem. no one actually knew he was sick, so the death was quite sudden really. and both u miele and arias had suffered greater lost than me it seems. so sorry for that.




i can burn the dvd for u.. so excited to get my hands on the dvd really.. how was ur holiday?


Want to menyibuk here: what DVD? how nice. If only it was Wembley!


Oh and weresodisco: share la ur hols pics. You know u want to :D


P.S- woah how come it's been so cold these few days...raining all the time here in Penang.

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I'm sorry, I missed the loss of dearest persons part. Really sorry. Condolences to miele, arias and Crazy Mary's student's family and Tom Kirk & family.


Hmm.. yeah, I'm really lazy to go out during fasting also. And Deb has to study. So, I'll hold onto them goodies first yah?


Miele, it's the Absolution tour DVD at Glasto. Btw, HMV & Virgin are having sale right now (2 CDs for £10), which is cheaper than in M'sia, i.e. 1 CD = RM35. I also went to a car boot sale and got some 2nd hand CDs for £2.50 each or RM21 each.


Didn't see any famous ppl though..except when I was at HMV Oxford St, KT Tunstall was there & performed 3 songs live.


Naw..I didn't have time to go to visit Wembley stadium as well.


Pictures of holiday? No need lah, saya seorang yg *pemalu hehe...(*shy person)

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well here u go!






Wahey! That tee looks familiar! I was on a mad search for his skulls tee, and i came across something similar to that one...




and forgive me for the link



And welcome back from London weresodisco! Good to have you back. Must've been great eh!

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