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lol sorry, it was pretty late at night when I wrote that, miele. Me just rambling. :LOL:


My bro? He's 16.



No prob,didnt sleep much last night so head all in cotton wool now. Perhaps you're too high-brow for me. :p


Woops :$ swear am not a paedophile, thought he's your older brother. :rolleyes: I need to get out more and not kacau other people's male siblings.....:LOL::p:D

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whoa okay i wont multiquote because thre's just too much!! lol.


okay about malaysia's whole football thing, i dont exactly follow it but i listen to hitz.fm's morning crew every morning when i'm off to school, and when they mentioned that malaysia lost 0-5 or 1-5 to another country that i'm not sure of, i actually felt quite embarrassed :$ dunno la. i could tell from rudy/jj's voice that they were feeling a bit turned off about it too. like one of you said earlier, they should concentrate on training the youth. starting when they're kids. i always write that as one of my 'langkah-langkah' for my bm karangans :p


i dont know what exactly is going on with the politics and all since i hardly read the newspaper (i just read the comics and music section :p), but i hear my friend complaining a lot about our politicians. my friend doesnt believe that we can achieve wawasan 2020 because he/she says that the politicians of malaysia arent exactly concentrating on the real issues, but are concentrating on the unnecessary ones. i cant remember what exactly they were, but yeah he did make a point.


and is it just me, or does dom look extremely tired in that photo? tired, groggy, and sick. poor boy :( i'd love to cook some chicken soup for him to get healthy but i guess jessica can already do that. hehe :D


ok i know we're not talking about Harry Potter anymore, but i used to be those people who are like "aiya read harry potter for what? watch the movie can already laaaa". but i started reading harry potter lately as i ran out of books to read, and damn it i'm hooked. its waaay more detailed and interesting when you read it. i just started 3 weeks ago and now i'm at Goblet of Fire already. lol thats considered quite fast for my slow-reading standards ok! :D



ok now to muse, they're gonna release a new album? they're gonna start recording it? wha? huh? they stopped touring already? what's happening?!

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ok i know we're not talking about Harry Potter anymore, but i used to be those people who are like "aiya read harry potter for what? watch the movie can already laaaa". but i started reading harry potter lately as i ran out of books to read, and damn it i'm hooked. its waaay more detailed and interesting when you read it. i just started 3 weeks ago and now i'm at Goblet of Fire already. lol thats considered quite fast for my slow-reading standards ok! :D



ok now to muse, they're gonna release a new album? they're gonna start recording it? wha? huh? they stopped touring already? what's happening?!


Answers here Deb: http://www.europe2.fr/musilac/index....e-en-interview


As for Harry Potter, I'm waiting till the films have all been shown before reading the books. Did it with LOTR, your movie viewings become enriched by a whole new literary world opens up without the need to be a nitpicking book-fan. ;)

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I'm not exactly extremely in touch with politics either, but I have plenty of friends who study law so their convos are always sprinkled with "menteri this menteri that" etc etc. I just like to eavesdrop and know what's going on.


We didn't do so bad against Iran, only 2-0. :LOL:

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I'm not exactly extremely in touch with politics either, but I have plenty of friends who study law so their convos are always sprinkled with "menteri this menteri that" etc etc. I just like to eavesdrop and know what's going on.


We didn't do so bad against Iran, only 2-0. :LOL:


i hate politics but my parents forced me to be a member of puteri umno. so yeah.. am now one of the AJK of puteri umno in neighbourhood. :LOL: nah.. some of the politicians are pretty inspiring for me. u noe like anwar ibrahim and even our ex-PM also. i looked up to those kinds of politicians when i was in uni simply becoz i like most of their dasar-dasar. think i like the present govt very much in terms of our welfare. when i was in uni felt very lucky to be malaysian compared to other international students that i met. but of course la no govt is perfect..


i only watched the first 12 mins of the game and by that time we had conceded 7 corners.. ayoo..:noey: ye la.. at least this time it's only 2- 0 against Iran who had some injury probs.


oh my god, harry potter!! *manic jump*


it's tomorow! cant wait, cant wait, cant wait..


lol deb, u how can u juggle between HP and SPM? tut tut..

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Oh wow everyone is into politics now? I've had enough of the gov. lol.


Order of the Phoenix was not too bad. I think the pacing of the movie was mch better than in Goblet of Fire. My guess is the book had way too much unnecessary talk, seriously. As you know, speech, or the script can always be made in a summarised form and it still feels ok. Nevertheless, i'm still gona watch it a second time later today. Cuz i've got free tix heh heh.:D


And Deb, gd luck for ye SPM! May the Harry Potterness help you to write even better stuff for your essays and stuff.

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it's tomorow! cant wait, cant wait, cant wait..


lol deb, u how can u juggle between HP and SPM? tut tut..


lol trying to juggle la :p but i do my homework first before actually reading the book. hehe. i'm still at goblet of fire btw. but i'm almost halfway through the book anyway. going to the library to study later.. SEE! I DO STUDY! LOL :p


Oh wow everyone is into politics now? I've had enough of the gov. lol.


Order of the Phoenix was not too bad. I think the pacing of the movie was mch better than in Goblet of Fire. My guess is the book had way too much unnecessary talk, seriously. As you know, speech, or the script can always be made in a summarised form and it still feels ok. Nevertheless, i'm still gona watch it a second time later today. Cuz i've got free tix heh heh.:D


And Deb, gd luck for ye SPM! May the Harry Potterness help you to write even better stuff for your essays and stuff.


yeah i watched Order of the Phoenix yesterday.. i like it ! i really really like it. much better than Goblet of Fire. what sucks is that there's no quidditch. though, the people like Helena Bohnam/Bonham Carter played quite a small role in the movie though. that Lucius Malfoy dude too. dunno why they made it to the front cover posted thing :p did anyone notice that the only thing that wasnt pink in Umbridge's office is her door? haha. i wouldnt mind watching it again too. the end bit is just too goood.


and thanks Nutcracker! :D i'll need it. my pre-trials are on a saturday. A SATURDAY :mad: damn gay la my school. unless its for everyone school also la.. :confused: that i dont know. ok i'm rambling a lot. and yeah reading Harry Potter does improve my british vocabulary. now i know what a git is :LOL:

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ur school is gay la deb. lol. i've never heard of a trial on saturday.. i mean, like there are some SPM papers on saturdays, but trials?? heh maybe they're just preparing u guys for the saturday spm papers. :rolleyes:


adyla, u've finished already ke??? shhh.. dont spoil it for me! :( was it a sad ending? no, i dont wanna noe. i havent read it yet! my sis is reading it while i'm finishing a novel for my class this friday.


omg, tho i love both bands this is just sooooo mental :LOL: check it out and new born just dont mix well.

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ur school is gay la deb. lol. i've never heard of a trial on saturday.. i mean, like there are some SPM papers on saturdays, but trials?? heh maybe they're just preparing u guys for the saturday spm papers. :rolleyes:


adyla, u've finished already ke??? shhh.. dont spoil it for me! :( was it a sad ending? no, i dont wanna noe. i havent read it yet! my sis is reading it while i'm finishing a novel for my class this friday.


omg, tho i love both bands this is just sooooo mental :LOL: check it out and new born just dont mix well.

ahaha.. thanks for the youtube.. :D


lemme give you a hint.. ending is much more gay than debbie's school. ;)

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eh please ar people, PLEASE dont go posting the spoilers of the last book PLEASE! :(:( i really dont want to know how it ends. its bad enough my friend accidentally blurted out how someone died in the 6th book, i got so mad i didnt speak to him. lol. so please please dont post anything about how the book ends please.. :):) that'll be very much appreciated. heehee.


oh and thanks a lot :D though its not really trials.. its more like pre-trials. so the papers arent exactly complete. instead of sitting for 3 papers for Chemistry/Physics, i only have to sit for one paper. and it takes up 10% off my trials, so its still quite important.


also, i checked the SPM timetable online.... wah first day got BM and Sejarah. my worst subjects. :stunned: :stunned: :stunned: damn scared la. seriously. :(

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woah somebody died? :( oohh. in HBP u mean? yeah.. bloody spoiler tol.


lol adyla, thank u very much for being very vague. shall we not talk about harry potter till everyone in this thread has read the book.. plizzz? heh.


and yeah deb, spm always start with BM paper and Sejarah, all those core papers that all students must take. when i was in school, BM is a damn difficult subject for me to score also u noe, even tho i'm a malay. that's why i only got credit for my BM :$

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woah somebody died? :( oohh. in HBP u mean? yeah.. bloody spoiler tol.


lol adyla, thank u very much for being very vague. shall we not talk about harry potter till everyone in this thread has read the book.. plizzz? heh.


and yeah deb, spm always start with BM paper and Sejarah, all those core papers that all students must take. when i was in school, BM is a damn difficult subject for me to score also u noe, even tho i'm a malay. that's why i only got credit for my BM :$


oh shit sorry! i thought you knew :stunned: but nvm. er. pretend you didnt know that. at least you dunno who or what died. and how that thing/person died. er.. yeah. lol. sorry!! :(


wah. how come? your english is better than your bm? why was bm hard to score for you? :confused:



oh er, happy muse-gig anniversary people! :D

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when i was in school, BM is a damn difficult subject for me to score also u noe, even tho i'm a malay. that's why i only got credit for my BM


wah. how come? your english is better than your bm? why was bm hard to score for you?


Oh no, you too Mary? I only got C5 as well, damn spoil my overall aggregate.

*hangs head in eternal shame*.


Deb, I think it's because we speak slang Malay only, not BM buku / formal, and we read/ watch / listen to way more English stuff rather than Malay. And some Malays use English at home as well...Or is it sebab pemalas buat karangan? Heh.


I'm proud to say that I loved Sastera Melayu though, some of it is just beeyoootifull beyond imagining. Maybe some people are better at appreciating beautiful works of art, rather than expressing such creative works, you know? Like how some of us appreciate the finer nuances of Muse but can't play music for shit.


Woah, better stop now before I go even more off-tangent. :p

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oh shit sorry! i thought you knew :stunned: but nvm. er. pretend you didnt know that. at least you dunno who or what died. and how that thing/person died. er.. yeah. lol. sorry!! :(


wah. how come? your english is better than your bm? why was bm hard to score for you? :confused:


oh er, happy muse-gig anniversary people! :D


i've been staring at the book for like days now. i still havent start reading the new book. been so bz. :( wat?!! a thing or person? gah.. no. dont asnwer that. bleh, i actually dont care anymore.. i've heard a lot of spoilers for the last couple of days.:mad:


not that my english is better, but somehow BM is more difficult la.. i aced my English and Lughatul Arabiah papers but somehow really sucked in my karangan. my tatabahasa is very bad just like my english grammar. heh. and yeah.. miele is rite. the malay we speak at home is quite different soo.. that's why la kot. and i remember being totally blank during my lisan test so i answered a lot of "erm.... tak pasti". nowadays punya lisan is not that nerve wrecking as it used to be. those days it was more like a job interview or something..


Oh no, you too Mary? I only got C5 as well, damn spoil my overall aggregate.

*hangs head in eternal shame*.


:$ glad to noe i'm not alone tho. lol


I'm proud to say that I loved Sastera Melayu though, some of it is just beeyoootifull beyond imagining. Maybe some people are better at appreciating beautiful works of art, rather than expressing such creative works, you know? Like how some of us appreciate the finer nuances of Muse but can't play music for shit.


i didnt take sastera melayu when i was in school coz i took english literature. but am reading a lot of malay novels lately.. the ones written by keris mas, a samad said, muhammad haji salleh and people like 'em.. not the modern contemporary writers :rolleyes: i must say i enjoyed 'em very much. they're great writers la..


happy anniversary people !! :musesign::musesign:

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not that my english is better, but somehow BM is more difficult la.. i aced my English and Lughatul Arabiah papers but somehow really sucked in my karangan.


am reading a lot of malay novels lately.. the ones written by keris mas, a samad said, muhammad haji salleh and people like 'em.. not the modern contemporary writers :rolleyes: i must say i enjoyed 'em very much. they're great writers la..


happy anniversary people !! :musesign::musesign:


You aced Arabic? Woah *respects*.


+1 on the great Malay lit writers...reading their works was part of what made secondary school great... that and the incredibly shallow pastime of boy-watching. Nostalgia, heh.


Oh, and this never gets tired: :musesign::musesign::musesign::musesign::musesign:

Thank you Muse for making 25th Feb the date of 2007!

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wow you took english lit? you're not like any malay i've met. how's english lit like? do you study shakespear and more poems and stories from the normal english syllabus? so interesting :D i was looking at the SPM timetable and i saw "additional Science" and i actually said "whoa". i didnt know there was additional science! there's persolekan and hair styling and stuff.. haha. didnt know there was so many subjects for SPM.

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wow you took english lit? you're not like any malay i've met. how's english lit like? do you study shakespear and more poems and stories from the normal english syllabus? so interesting :D i was looking at the SPM timetable and i saw "additional Science" and i actually said "whoa". i didnt know there was additional science! there's persolekan and hair styling and stuff.. haha. didnt know there was so many subjects for SPM.



Deb, actually English lit is pretty common in some schools. When I first entered Form 1, it was compulsory for us to take an English Proficiency test and we were then placed in English Lit classes according to how we scored. English Lit was great fun, it was great to discover Anne Frank, the Great Gatsby etc when you're 13.


It's even more of an eye-opener when you're a Malay from a "sekolah kebangsaan" where people rarely spoke English. :D


Getting back to Deb: Good Luck!! May you do exceedingly well in your exams!


P.S- Random question alert: is it just me but why does it seem like teens nowadays don't really mix interracially anymore? Most just sit in race-based groups during lunch, in buses etc. Or maybe I'm just getting old and pessimistic......:rolleyes:

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Haha, good to know I'm not the only Malay around here who speaks better English than BM. Trust me, we're a rare breed, but we do exist. :p


Yeah, people in general aren't that interracial nowadays. I don't really care though, I can mix with anyone as long as they're decent people.

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why are all these people in here so damn smart? i feel so stupid now :LOL:


Er Shannaz, joking rite? You must not include me, the "C5-for-goddamn-BM" person. U apa kurangnya, stupid konon, :D


But i can see your point, we've got lecturers, rock geeks, law students, rock chick et al in our midst, ada yang siap terer Arab lagi, respek wa cakap lu. Damn proud to be associated with u guys. :D


Heheh, mutual ego-stroking is fun! :LOL:

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